615 System Pumping Record 2016 0?U/P-sovp-s, Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of System .Pulrrrping Record - Forth 4 DEP has provided this form for use by kcal Boards of Health.Olheriohns mfr be used but the Information must be substantially the sane as that provided here.Before using thlsdoml,check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use.The System Pumping Record must be submitted to the local Board of Health or other approving authority within 14 days from the pumping date In accordance with 310 OAR 15.351. A. Facility Information rtant eur 1. System Location: -on the tear,tea re tat ley Adams w-your If-dome • •- 'own be reborn - 6i5 giazis PM- Op ydSBetR dlae,w*tom nmmn) Zip Cade crgrrewn • state B. Pumping Record ! A. Date ofPumping t6 it! : ,2. Quantity pumped; ti e 3 Type:ofsyatem: D Cesspool(;) ❑ Septic Tank ❑ Tight Tank ❑ Grease Trap ❑ Other(describe). Oil die1f))( _Co NN Et-T&P lb FP-W 81e-uj 4. Effluent Tee Fitter present? ❑ Yes,[f] No II yes,was It cleaned? ❑ Yes 5. Gory:Non.of System: ' \ -� C'“300- Telephone Hunter' 6. nem P}traped By: t. binik.9744 yeNtle Ucerae tenter 7. Lads on Wre con6ania were tHsposed: s,oteaedrt ntier. Stgn m ofRecSsWg Facilj Worm4.dac 03108 Stearn swiping Hamra•Pena t of t