10D-027 162 main st board of appeals�Cit� of �tTart�jarrr� ton fl�a��acfju,�ett� BOARD OF APPEALS Room 15 City Hall Notice: —This petition must be filled out in ink or typewritten, filed in triplicate and accompanied by 3 sets of plans of the affected premises showing location, dimensions and area of the lot, and the locations, dimen- sions and the distance from the boundary lines of all structures erected and to be erected. It shall be filed at the office of the Board of Appeals and shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $10.00. PETITION TO BOARD OF APPEALS Petitioner(s) .Russell J. M.yett.e......_.. _ _ Address 162 Main St. Leeds ._.............._... .................. „......_. ............_..___•__.w..._w_�. _....._. a._..„..... ..___ „„„..._..„.._„..„.__..__.„ The petitioner is th owne lessee, tenant in possession, has a written contract to purchase or lease the premises affected by this petition. (Cross out inapp icable words, not applicable to petitions for review). Petition is hereby made for a { n�ati f n } r c uirements of __ Section „.. „__1�1...w..... paragraph „. „ „. „....„ ._... „ of C. f the City Ordinances of the City of Northampton. The Premises affected are situate on the North..._._.._......_ South....._._.._ East....._._.... West_..g side of Main St s _ L2 e d s Street; ..__..�'P2........._„ feet distant from the corner of . „...„ATCh ______ _ Street and are known as No. 162 Main ..........street, Leeds Description of Pro Building 1. Size of building: "... _...._ „24. foot _front 24 „„. feet deep. Height one stories : 17 eet. 2. Occupancy or use (of each floor) This ,garage._ "will be used to house one cr,.__on e......_.... station and a venetian blind washing machine. 3. Zone District Re S id eT1C a 4. Date of erection (only if already existing) _.._.._......._. 5. Has there been a previous petition concerning the affected premises? _..._._._NO 6. Description of proposed work and use: This garage will be used to house one car. one station wagon. Also to_ ........ .... conduct a Venetian Blind Laundry business. The equipment in this ........................„_......._.........._......._...„....."„„_.._.........._.........._...._.... ...... „......_._...__........_. business consists of . a .venetian blind . washing .machine. Thi „s machine_ uses soap and water, is odorless and makes no more noise then ........................._.............................................._............................ _..._.._.........._. „........._ ....___ _......_..� .._.._„...„.„ ._.._. „_„.._..._............... a household automatic washer. There would be little. if any. W adddd ........................ ......_......_........ „. „...... _._......_. „._... „__.. traffic connected with this business. 7. The reasons upon which I base my petition are as follows: ..A .k arda hlp.. ....exis .ts....in.....cnnf.ox�ni n$...� t. t2....th- e- -... p pct.V..�...5..'�..t1 1Z...„f2.�.....t.�l. a__...” „.„...... Residence 11011 Zone because of conditions especially effecting this .........................._.........._......._.......__.......„...._......„.._.......„..._..„.........._ .... „......._.__ „..__..„......_ parcel of land. Desirable "re” lief ” would "be granted to_ if this petition ..... is ap�� roved, without a* detriment to the public good, a.nd without „......._......._......._.........._.......„.........._.......„_„..„.. �.__._....__ ..._._...___..._........_....__ „__ _. „. substantially chaning "e . intent „of_" the _ zoning _ordinanc "e ___ _ "„ �^ January 29, 1962 �- _.....__ __...._..__..._„ .._..._......_ .............. „.. _ ...._...„ 77 Date y _ Szgnatu f Darner or aga ” �„ r O ti.. ..00/ I (we) hereby certify that the persons named below are all the owners of the property adjoining the premises affected, and are all the owners of all the property within a distance of 200 feet of any boundary of the premises affected as they appear on the most recent tax list. .� .. _Signatur gfoum __ ._ ........... Names ~! Warren..& Dorothy Clark '.?.a».d..._.._.. are.... a. s� ............................... J_o:seph.. &_Marie_ G.11.espie KRuthven & Gertrude Packard `4. .Eve.re..tt.....& ..... Ruth..... Es. t. e. s..' ........_ ...................... '..I,e.onar .....&.,., Doris.....Bergerq_n_.,..._ ... .. ' Meadow Trust Co. .............................. . . . .. . Addresses:..159.. &_161 MainSt.. teweds_ 16 Main St Leeds ......... ...�...._........___.........__ ., �..,.._._..._._......__ ............... _.................... .167....Main..._St.!..f.'._.Le a d.s_ .............. ....................... R- -- .- - -- F-.D. Williamsburg - - - - - - -- - 10...A_.10 -6.. Wa x_... t..�a.... Leeds...... .88 ..�1...Water St.. heeds in . Kd . St., _Northampt_on The properties as listed above and hereby certified as being all of the properties within a 200 -foot locus of the boundary of the premises affected. Owners names should be verified against the latest tax list. Francis P. Ryan City Engineer 2 - - f 41 *4 '� i � 'NS3�, +, r�': � ..,,� ��� +4 :kiJf� ry��" §. .� xi `` � �p `y31 Af�Fi�,, . Kai OF WIN. � r'�ii 9 � � .. 3, ,� k „ .gyp^,, 71 I " A 52 ........... n �.+ $ art ..4 .. CITY OF NORT"VMTON 1001"WNWEALTA OF MASSAWMETTS BOARD OF APrXALS It the matter of the petition of Russel.1 J. blyette of J.62 Main Stroot, 1 blaasw for -a Variation from the reqUirements Of 800tion 1 3 of Chapter 44 Of the CitW Ordinances of the Cit o f Vorthampton for the PurbOso of conducting U VSnattan Blind, Laundry buain Mass, oss in a proposed garage at A2 Main Street, ..heeds,, The Petitioner filed his pot I Ition with the Board of Appeals dated. Jantlary 29,1962, The Board determined that the persons -named on the baok of said Petitioh were all the owners of ail the PrOPOrty within a distance Of 200 feet of any9boandary of the promises atfootedo as their names appeared on the most r000nt 100al t i The Board "Ot the time and PlOce for a public hearing on this matter a s WO"O in the notice attached hereto and eaasea a copy thereof to be published in the Doily Rampshire Gazette on Pebruary 1 q,# February 26 and arah 5, 1962, The Board mailed ' on February 28, 1961 postage prepa a id., COPY of said notice to each of the above mentioned effected property owners,, to the potitioner to the City Planning Board, ohd to the Building Irspeotor, A.Publio heartrg was held on said matter at the ti an d Place indicated in, the above mentio-nod notice, Board members Serino and Trowbridge and Associate Romber Slawson being prevent, M a &PPeared in sapport of the petition. n O ap peared in opposition, A letter was reeeived from the Qlit� Planning Board stating that the Planning Board felt th th Petitioner's proposed use Would be the beat rule of the land involved. Alter discussion, the Board took the matter under adviae- m8nt and, the meeting was adjourned& -All the members of the Board personally viewed the promises in qaeation and subsequently on Maroh 22$ 1962, the Board voted unanimou!,lXto grant the petition subject to the rollowiu:fie j! 4 strMli5ne I* The oatward appearance of the proposed bvilding will be that of a typical garage and the bullding will be constructed i n a000rdunoe with all the requiromouto of the building ordinanae, 2* The sign used in 00ni with the business permitted by this variance shall not exceed a total area of two (2) square feet Membeve serino 3lawson, and Trowbridge 80 Voting and no One else voting. * The Board assignee the following as reaeons for the fore. going deoieionl. City of Forthampton '-.0101 - 2. Board of Appeals 1. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would Involve stibetantial hardship to the petitioner because a dike was built through the southerly Portion of the parcel in question thereby rendering it unsuitable for strictly residential use 2* Desirable relief may be granted without sub - stantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating the intent or purpose of the ordin.anoe beeau the proposed building will :Gave the Outivard appearanoe of a typical garage except that it may be slightly larger, the business will be nOtselese and. odorless, no grout inoreass In traffla will result and the baild.ing,will be partially hidden from the ptiblia view, This is not a Building Permit, Building per. mit must be obtairod from the Building Jnspeetor. f rom Gordon 2. Trowbridge Jr Chairmen - Member RO 9 Slawoon Asooelate Member Filed, (I "I clkl k I -) I I 1 6. 1 ' .' 1 11 1 ► W, in the Offlos at th Oit k'*.* Gler op eta edislon M8 110d 16 110 Petitioner, to the , City 'Planning Board, and to the BUIlding ioes of lnspeotor,, Not deoisiOn mailed to tho above mentioned a property owners, 01TY OF VORT-ah'UrTOR 4L: .__2L _ 10 the u tt er Of the Petition ":Of Rumsell .1. UYOtto 01 1b2 main atroet, LG*441, Mase. o riation fro nx the requiremento Of Soation 13 of dh&pter 44 of the 01ty Ordinances oil t,4e 01t of Vorthumpton for the purpoee of oonduuting & y9notl ' Bli n d Laundry bu-81r088 in a prdpooed garuge at The h St a 3,9 Leeds The petitioner filed his pot1t, with the Board of Appehle 66ted Jan"Ory 29 10 The DoaV4 determinod that tho,pers nUW#4 on than back pf sold petitida w 8,11 the owners of aii 410 Of 2 00 feet Of 61 I.V boUnd I the Property wituln t UrY Of tho promises afg",ot us thoir nuutes 6ppsarod on the jaost* r000nt 100ij,.1 tux li The Board, got thO time und lE08 1 a public herAring on this matter a$ 41�pouro ip the nOtiO* 4ttaOhed hereto and oaq$04 6 Copy thorsof to be aabi a . s in the Dail Sampshire Gesetto On Pebraery lo, Pebratiry 26 a0d Maroh 5, 1962. T-h Mailed. On Po 26, 1962 PO.stago prepaI4,, a 00py of S 00 tO 04Qh Of the above �Ontionoo, affooted propert- ow ners, tO thO 1"Otitioner, to the City rlannir4e 'Jioard,, �n4 to' he fti'AlPg XnOpedtor. it Public hearing was hold on saia ma ,tt or at the tiMe and PIS00 indlo&tod In the above�mentionas r.,otl Board msmbers Serino aN Trowbridge and AS00014te livvmbor 31a.%Ison being present. ► -RuG"S do )KYOtto appeared in sapport of the petition. no &P.Petirod In Qppooitjo4 PISUPI", Board BL'' , . & letter woo .rS*OiV$4 Irow the 0it th " 0 6 thut the Plun.Oing Acurd felt that than P*tition.orls propooea uce w b t,18 bath uAle of the 1&nd involved. tar di can gia r, the Board took the matter under adviss- U the M04ting Was adjourned'. All the members Of the Botird porsonally viewed the promises in quOSUO'n and. sabsoq1jent).y on li g2 0 1962 tho 3 Votod li ion 8 1­ 1 to the ro 10 1JUF ED" 16 The outrurd appoarapoe of the proposed bul will be thet Of typioul Surage tn4 the boildi I n4a will be aonstruutsd In a000rd4nae with 411 th requirements of t.ho balldi" ordinanoo, 2. The slgAl used 1p con . 10A with the business Pormitt0h b,? this r&riarao *11111 t oxoee r , * total &rob or two (2) Qqtxure -feet. Kembars Serino. JldWOon, and Trowbridge so voting &n d no one aloe voting. The Board ksal,gnee, the 4 as reasons 'air the lore. going 600110ion; Oit$ of porth#t�pto.n rM �2-0 3oard or Appeals Uter4l enforeemant of the provisione of the ordinarice woula Involve oubgtapti h ur d gillp t o tUO POtitlOnOr b60UUS0 a dike was btj.jjt three t moutbarlX POrtI Of theparoal U% 006tlOV thereby tial re'adering it unsul%&b1 for Dtrlatly rooldon U00. 2. Doolrable roji0f m& b gran without sub stan detriment to the Pubila good and w1thoilt ;mullifying Or subotantlall derogating the "Ont Or P Of the 0—dinanco beahuso the p builoing Will Aeve the outward 6ppearonee of 4 typicol gur goat tluit it MUY be Slightly larger, the tuginese w ill b 4,04 ' gq,jeeg and odorlegg, no gra#At Inoreavo in traffle will result and tho buildins will be partially hidden from the publla view. This In not a Buildi , :Permit. S0,11din per" mit must be obtalnea from the SnIlding Inspoctor. F rom 0 halman Member • 4 0601 wiFo Filed. J'W } ( 1A 1q - � In ths 0frie o o til Uity "Orve-0- 4 ro 11101 m — The Petitioner, ds*isi mai ed to the abov jzjQ..k to th e 1 ( T' 21ty ''14nflitlf Do rd, and to O tbe B0414ing .1ri o j ownerm, tionod affeated propert g t i nev of y `"W THE PLANNING BOARD NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS ../ 237 Prospect Street March 13, 1962 Board of Appeals, % Gordon P. Trowbridge, Jr., 40 Alamo Court, Northampton, Mass. Dear Sir: The Planning Board at its meeting held on March 12, 1962, voted to send a favorable report to the Board of Appeals regarding the petition of Russell J. Myette, Main Street, Leeds, for a variance for which a public hearing is to be held on March 14, , 1962, The Board feels that his proposed use would be the best use of the land involved. Very truly yours, THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, I • Francis P. Ryan, Secretary. FPR /k