259 Sewer Tie In B. Hatch
Consulting Engineer
unn Road, Monson, Massachusetts 01057 (413-267-36961
November 30, 1998
Mr. Samuel Brandis
Public Works Department
City of Northampton
125 Locus Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Re: Sanitary Waste Disposal
259 Bridge Street.Northampton
Dear Mr. Brandis:
On behalf of Elaine Foley,owner of property at 259 Bridge Street,we request approval
to connect the 259 Bridge Street and adjoining properties on Old Ferry Road to the sanitary
sewer located in Bridge Street. Currently at this site there is a failing septic tank, soil
absorption system. On October 2, 1998, two tests pits were completed as part of the work
for a locating a new septic tank and soil absorption system for the site.
The first test pit was located near the property line at the southerly side of the site.
During excavation an eighteen inch diameter open joint clay pipe drain was uncovered. The
clay drain pipe is located as shown on the attached site plan. The location for this first test
pit was the only location at the site which would allow for the gravity flow of sanitary waste
from the house to the septic tank and then to the soil absorption system. However,the code
(310 CMR 15.211)which lists minimum setback distances specifies that the soil absorption
system be located no closer than fifty feet from the drain pipe. There is not sufficient area
available for the required setback for the drain pipe to the soil absorption system.
The location of the second test pit was not located in an area that could meet the set
back codes listed at 310 CMR 15.211, however location of the second test pit was adjacent
to an area that would meet setback limits. Construction of a test pit in the area west of the
second test pit which would meet setback limits was deemed inappropriate and cause undo
disturbance to the site. At the second test pit location, the required separation from the
bottom of the soil absorption system to the annual high ground water elevation is four feet.
If the Northampton Board of Health were willing,a waiver of the four feet separation to three
feet separation,then,the top of the soil absorption system would be at elevation 103 or three
feet above the first floor elevation of the house. To construct the mound soil absorption
system west of the second test pit, a reinforced concrete retaining wall would need to be
constructed along the west, south and east sides of the system. While the septic tank could
be located south of the house,the effluent from the tank would need to be pumped from the
septic tank to the soil absorption system. We believe the construction of a system that would
meet with waivers the requirements of 310 CMR 15.000, would cost in excess of$20,000.
The cost is excessive. Connection to the City sanitary sewer is the preferred remedy for the
P. B. Hatch Consulting Engineers
elimination of the failing sanitary waste disposal system.
We have prepared a Massachusetts Highway Department request for state highway
access for submittal by the Public Works Department. We have also prepared a site plan
showing the location of the sanitary sewer service location proposed.
We are also enclosing Ms.Foley's check in the amount of twenty five dollars($25.00)
payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the permit fee. Please let us know if
there is any additional information required.
Very truly yours,
Paul B. Hatch, PE
cc: Mr. McErlain
Ms. Foley
Instructions for Completing
Application for Permit to Access State Highway
The MHD is granted authority to issue State Highway
Access Permits by M.G.L., Chapter 81, Section 21.
Access is defined as:
I. Any physical work performed within the State Highway
Layout; and/or,
0. Provisions for motor vehicles to enter or exit a State
Highway facility from abutting properties.
A. Application for residential developments of 5 units or less
shall include a sketch which indicates lot size, frontage along the
State Highway,building locations(s), and proposed driveway
location(s)with respect to State Highway baseline.
B. Application for all non-residential developments and
residential developments greater than 5 units must include
engineered access plans(minimum of 2 copies)at an
appropriate scale(1 inch=20 or40 feet)which clearly show all
proposed work and:
1. State Highway Layout line and baseline
(information available at District offices),
2. Property corners and dimension and bearing of lot lines,
3. Location and dimensions of proposed drive(s),
4. Location of existing drive(s),
5. Complete details of existing and proposed drainage.
Line 1.
List name of municipality in which access is sought.
Line 2
List name or number of State Highway Route(s)to which
access is sought.
Line 3.
If access is sought under Definition II above, briefly describe
facility for which access is sought.
Example 1:
Private single family residence at 100 State Road.
Approximate size of proposed building 2500 s.f
Approximate lot size 0.75 acres.
Example 2:
500,000 s.f enclosed shopping mall adjacent to State Route 1-
290 and Route 20. Approximate lot is size 67 acres.
Line 4.
Briefly describe the proposed work to be performed within the
State Highway Layout.
Example 1:
Remove 50 feet of existing granite curb on south side of highway
in order to construct driveway access and modify the roadway
geometry to accommodate left-turn lane.
Example 2.
Excavate 10 foot x 10 foot section of roadway at Station 100+00
in westbound lane in order to install water services to residence
at 100 State Street
Line 5.
A Dig Safe number must be obtained by calling 1-800-
344-7233. If construction within the State Highway Layout
does not commence within the period allowed by Dig Safe, a
new number must be obtained prior to beginning construction
Specific instructio
A check payable to the Commonwealth of Massa
the appropriate permit application fee must accon
permit application.
Fee Schedule for Access and Utility Permits
Residential Access Permits
5 or less units
From 6 to 49 units
Greater than 49 units
Non-Residential Access Permits
Less than 25,000 square feet
From 25,000 to 300,000 square feet
From 300,000 to 750,000 square feet
Greater than 750,000 square feet
Non-Municipal Utility Permits Not In Conjunction with
Access Permits
Annual blanket utility permit
Capital improvements to a uti
ns (print or type)
Line 6.
Individual or business making application must court
required information, including date of application an
Line 7.
Complete this section only if the individual or businee
application is other than the property owner of the tar
which access is sought
Return completed application and fee to appropriate
Office listed below. Please contact the Permit Engii
this address If additional information is required.
District 1
270 Pittsfield Road
Lenox, MA 01201
District 2
811 North King Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 584-1611
District 3
403 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA 01604
District 4
519 Appleton S(reE
Arlington, MA 021
District 5
1000 County Street
Taunton, MA. 027E
(508) 824-6633
Highway Department
Application for Permit to Access State Highway
'o be completed by the applicant. See reverse for instructions.
Town/City Northampton
State Highway route number and/or name
Route 9
. Description of property and/or facility for which access is sought(attach additional sheets if necessary).
not a motor vehicle access application
,. Description of work to be performed within State Highway Layout(attach additional sheets if necessary).
Excavate 10 foot x 30 foot section of roadway at Station 3+30 in order to install
sanitary sewer connection to residences (4) on Old Ferry Road
5. Dig Safe Number. 984 SO1 592
6. Applicant Information
7. Property Owner
Name Elaine Foley
City of Northampton
Public Works Department
Mailing Address 125 Locus Street Mailing Address 132 Pine Grove Drive
Northampton, MA 01060 South Hadley, MA 01075
Telephone Number 413-586-6950 Telephone Number 413-533-2281
Signature Signature 4ii'x4_ f�
Print Name
Print Name aZBIPJG POLE)/
Date Date /DO Li Cl/9, 19 9
Return completed application to the District Highway Director for your TownCity. Refer to reverse side for appropriate address.
5. Section 61 finding
1. Date Received number 6. Mass historic action
2. Fee Amount 7. Plans returned
3. Fee AmRegt
4. MEPA Required Revisions submitted
ENF-EOEA Cert. 8. Application complete
Cert. 9. Permit issued
EtheEOEAC 10. Permit denied
Other-EOEA Cert.
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`\ 132 Pane Grove Drive
South Hadley. MA 01075