74 Complaint Records Date: I (}i)6( Time: Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: efi. Address' '%S r 9f Tel: , pNATURE OF COMPLAINT: 6a c[,u t t/ -)2.4,-, Location: Owner: Address: I Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: 7I z il ITime: 1/foot k INSPECTOR'S REPORT: +Af 0 40 ibt i- v Qin 94 4...2 1,..e v, /4 x Action TakenNo 6 arti:^, Ake-41-0y' Inspector Signature P.O.Box 323 Northampton MA 01061-0323 e 1" bethfu_ ryi�h^ matl April21, 2004 Better Business Bureau 293 Bridge St. Springfield MA 01103 To the Better Business Bureau. In late March I answered a classified ad in the Daily Hampshire Gazette for a studio apartment. When I went to the College Inn at 74 Bridge Street here in Northampton to look at the studio there was only a tiny room with a microwave and a miniature fridge. The bathroom was in the hall, and the owner, Todd Marchefka, said I was to share it with another woman.the second floor.IIrent d the room because I was in hurry for housing.he six rooms on I soon found out that all of the utensils in the"kitchen"belonged to another tenant and, within a couple of days,the kitchen itself was taken out of commission as part of a major renovation of the building,which was not obvious when I first saw it after dark one evening. There still is no kitchen, and I have had to ask the owner,Mr. Marchefka,to stop letting the workmen use my bathroom They work as late as 1130p.m. and, as I write,the only exit on the second floor is blocked by roofing materials and not usable. I have spoken to Mr. Marchefka about all of the above, except the blocking of the exit, as he has not been around since it happened. He just passes off any complaints, anyhow. The other people in the house have been even more inconvenienced because they have been there longer,but their complaints have little effect. Is there anything you can do to help this situation? Sincerely, Elizabeth Caffrey Name of Complainant Address Tel Na rte of Complaint Cc / i lr _T / - /-i c. i1, r,- / / it .__ ___ /11;:(' // ! 2r--- Location of Premises 7Y e /CC/1l /[f - Ati7f r/7e:-f BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD 'fnr 32,4 fMPctc /77 Date / 7'`r Time J+ ( I1/:.:/ ) ) 17.1e J / L�:11 Owner Lf/vth Address �A,o- P Occupant /1 �/2 Taken by /ft. k._ Referred to s j/"� \--- er / Time /z.i Date of inspectidn - /= INSPECTOR'S REPORT ",../n1S1a.T_S°' 7 d.rc■7e /PO ' eY: 4fe /4 c',•. 6//c:.'F.4e,!4$ 4/. .X , -fl>" - ^e,.:a. •.. :rr m -r e-r (y. t prn I t '' F rct.- l F-✓ 'aSrrcN Gu”?cLC - Action Taken :- cf ` , '-"oil. Inspector —Printed on Recycled Paper— Name of Complainant BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD NFD /eAVARc) Date0-9-Qz Time 8.274 n — Address Tel Nature of Complaint MA4z7/&A7"En ni nies& RKP AT .ftom'�r� 74 3eloe5 3r/[E,sr oA&T Fv&NPVe -7-r-vA✓r vovvn>iAC mac Trek, FAa1r7; suers,tic • I/PF/"kW' 1oas5xn4501416" Location of Premises 7g/ /PG2T sreE'£7- Owner 1/A/0 /n//'!/Aynct'Sikl vofre y /5 70C Address Occupant EPAAla/5 Q oOteR Taken by �C6: Referred to Date of inspection /0 -/S- 9z Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT T.FJ/nror WAS a olve0 //A 9PaT8/Cvvr /'wr,e sT.f w r 00 /!.we K/ry � y£2e.?L O/70£Q 70 KL°,EF teem /N A jANI TA c/(two, ) A/ /o/,s/ tfrese% CAGCr-o 41/J'Y J/+-f,'S "REPoni<e FINPI/'Cr Action Taken /loos rNG —Printed on Recycled Paper— E J. JONES iIEF Om of jorthxnnptun, Al ssachusetts 01060 FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS OFFICE OF CHIEF 60 MASONIC STREET T,I.p6on. 584-7165 October 9, 1992 To Mr. Peter mcErlain B.O.H. From Deputy Chief Daniel Benedisuk Re: 74 Bridge St. At 0443 hrs October 9, 1992 we where call to check a fire which was put out by tenants at the above address. On arrival Captain L. Jones Jr. found a mattress outside the building. While checking the room #3 he also found the box spring smoldering. At this time he called me to the scene The unkempt condition of the room (Clothes, garbage, hundreds of cigerette butts, and urine in bottles) making it unfit for the tenant to return to. the condition of the room appears to be creating a hazard to the rest of the tenants and the building in general . Deputy Chief Daniel Benedisuk NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 60 Masonic Street, Northampton , MA 01060 (. 413 ) 584 - 7165 Data: October 9, 1992 S.x4: Told: 911 Time: 0443 On Scene: 0445 Dismissed: 0526 Street 4: 74 Street Name: Bridge St. Howoccup: Dwelling & Rooms Owners Name: Linda Michalowski Tel#: 584-3300 OwnerAda- Same Occupnts: Francis Brodeur Apt 3 Apartus: E-3 How Extinguished: Booster Officer: L Jones Jr. FMarsnal : N MFIRS: Y Cause: Smoking in bed Losss: 1nsAgent: Remarks: _Upon arrival found that the tenents had removed the smoldering matress from the building. We used the booster line to extinguish it The Box spring in the second floor was also found smoldering and removed and extinguished. There was a large amount of debris, i_e. Lrlothas, hottips. garbage. rigerptte butts) in the room making it unfit fnr the tpnpnt to return to. Will inform Board of Health. Signed: /Capt.- .0"