340 Violation Letter n_ ...e_e I of sit--y Code. This letter all sa.rtify nhat _ -o lb.� ._07- 'ens, 715 YQn ra r health, s fcty, and vst1 __ :=ats and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are h__ -__ d to rake a good faith effort to correct the following violations within T:enty-four (24) hours from to date of receipt of this order. Repalation Violation Rem=_ 15.4 Garbage ti on on top landir-g. Plate garbage in dur: ster rrov-:std by c.,ner - on Fence If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. Very trul /_ Fich.ard J. Homsir„ In