Road Side Complaint izn A r wyr-or/ nun n cif- d (r 24.4-+0 ysV e, d2 6o SQ 213 --Z nrx5/O - A-CO 'f1V✓... d-s) „ 57 gad rfr ssa_e e-ar'rn?p t Gnj . R. • • 1 hampton Public Works ess Search Print LS issnents ml les(p icn W 4 roads 4 Parcels y J hydregraphY O i1 northampton ''.elevation Si II demography y zomng S aemal .n.. buildings to J a sis 1'.10.673 l Go Page 1 of 1 Webslte Disclaimer Tips Help 0 o da as se y0 18-0 (pq 1 sr) -I OB]ECrb I C ]EC ID) P40.0E4_10 014-001 Lot ID " 1244 2014 Unit ID i 001 GIS Acres 0.127219 PROP_ADDR NORTH KING ST PRDP_NUM' PROP_STRes4,24ORTF KING ST _ PROP—APT( t MEDEIRO%RTHUR OWNR_1 D 1&LINDA OWMR-_2 952 5Y m p>�5. 4/3/2013 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne Smith, MD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary, RS.Director—Daniel Wasiuk Inspector Edmund Smith,Inspector—Jennifer Brown,RN,A'urse te:4/3/2013 c Arthur D.and Linda L. Medeiros Jr., owners [dress: North King Street, Parcel I.D. #18-014-001 Discarded mattress set )TICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITH ONE OR MORE LAWS 'is is an important legal document that might affect your rights. to e urn document legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. ear Property Owner(s): ccording to the records at the Assessor's Office,you are the owner of the property of the above ddress. .n inspection conducted by this department on 4/3/2013 has revealed violations with one or lore of the following laws. The Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 111, Sections 122, 123, 24 and 125, Abatement of Nuisances; Northampton Code of Ordinances, Chapter 74, Solid Vaste; or Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. ,isted below is a description of the violation(s): Mattress set discarded between the fences (chain link&board). t'ou are hereby ordered to correct the violations no later than 4/19/2013 . A re-inspection for compliance with this order will be conducted at that time. IF THE VIOLATIONS ARE NOT CORRECTED BY THIS DEADLINE DATE,YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO RECEIVING A VIOLATION TICKET WITH A FINE. The fine will not be less than $25.00 and not more than $300.00 per violation, per day. Each day's failure not to comply with this ordinance or any other order shall constitute a separate violation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Health Department at (413) 587-1214. Sincerely, Pt Cr r fie-['it l' �Fa o g e•»NrY flit rJNnNbYwd t MA SXI.. 0toSt Edmund Smith, Health Inspector Call 413.587.1339 or email esmith(ai,northamptonmasov with any questions 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 r BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD CT- 2C - Date: y/6/j3 Time: /:O0 GEO: Type: Name of Complainant: �Etp Address: WOaru /.C.N6 S;. Tel: (lid St- Cdr Zlt— •'F J-HaLLI> NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Location: `Frva,_ IIS-Ot`. ' cc 1 Owner: AerH wt •• tarot mos. JR. 7, h9R G— Address: Cot QOVNTY ,te:+° Tel: Nu"rn1.rW-ea) , k$1 cr` Taken by: Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: h?arreers SFr 040;42-0E4 1/rJOEe rria-Pe*D, ,3ETWFre4 FEriCES . phu(t'9.•rce isrra_ SST V/s/=o^ 3 e/3 —pltexe Cath9 Te}s4 r1-h- MrGoEtacs - zel- E c,-/E0 (EL Fy'S 7-t rua.0 i T ()IS e CT7f l v/s/i3 DR'`irdi ( te)A citeAWChnJR.&lEO eiaan viweo-i*.w. i Cn - es Total#of Inspections: (3:5 Orders Issued?: �t��C, Date of Final Inspection: f ' Notice of Compliance?: .10 , _ g/a5S(I Inspector Signature