421 Asbestos Documents Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 100237616 Asbestos Project# Project Revision Project Cancellation 111.”01wW,.i purssixa C.Asbestos Transportation&Disposal:(coot) 3.Name and address of temporary storage location/transfer nation for the asbestos containing waste matenab NA NA Tenpraay Save tocabon Name NA Address MA 00000 City/Town 0000000000 Stele Zjf Gale Tekphare 4.Name and location of final disposal site(asbestos landfill): MMEIWABBER'RBE esrser AENTE PRff Final Disposal this Slams Final Deposal Silo Owner Name 9000 MNERVA RD Address NNVNESBURG Qi 44eae CMy/rawn D. Certification "I cetity that I have personalty examined the foregoing and am familiar with the information contained in this document and all afactmerS and that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for dbtainmg the information,I believe that the infmmation is true,accurate,and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and Imprisonment. The undersigned hereby states that 1 have read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations governing asbestos abatement (453 CMR 6.00 promulgated by the Department of labor Standards and 310 CMR 7.15 promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection), and that I am aware that this permit application or notification shag not be deemed meld unless payment of the applicable fee is made." ]3096&4435 Sate Decode Telephae GREGORY FpPDING GREGORY FORDING fbn Autitoazed Signature OMER 211902016 Poseow a Dete(MttDOtYYY) G7t3759634 PERO TEC Telephone Representing tea FtCE A\£ NCRT BOROUGH Address GtyRwm me 01632 SOO al Code Revised: 11/13/2013 4 abed Page 4 of 4 49£££6£8114 laWewuasnu3 xl 4'47V 4d40:9 9 LOE CO JEN CilCommonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 1037616 Asbestos Project# e Project Revision e Project Cancellation Rote:Temporary storage or Aebeaba containing waste material Is only allowed at the place of business of a OLS licensed Aebats contractor or transfer steam that is pen-Trifled by MaMOEP and operated in compliance wih$ollp Waste Regulations 31 0 m1R 19000 B. Facility Description 1.Current or prior use of facility: NDILOMG 2.Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? 3.VAMC 421 N MAN ST Fumy Owner Naha NOR716pR0 e Yes b No Address 148 01502 4136844040 CiylTown A.NA Slate Zlp Code Telephone NA Name of Fairy Owens On-611e Manager Address NA MA 00000 0000000000 City/Town Stale by Code Telephone 5,AERO MC 1E3 RICE AVE Name of General Cataeter NORTneORCtel Address IAA 01532 9783759534 Clty/Town State cep Code Telephone ACE LAMBdors Workers Compensation insurer 668206 5/1712016 Polo/a EWbation Dom(MMV (IYYYY) 6. What is the six of this facility? 35000 3 6quamFeel C. Asbestos Transportation & Disposal *of Flows I. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site of generation: c Directly to Landfill or b To Temporary Storage Location/Transfer Station AF3m1EC@NRONMENTAL 163 RICE AVE Name or Transporter Address NCRSBOIma1 MA 01532 9783759534 CByacren State Zip Code Telephone 2. If a temporary storage location/trmufer station is used,list name of transporter of asbestos containing waste material from temporary storage location/transfer station to final disposal site: RTL 173 FiCKERNG ST None of Transporter Address PCR11M4D CT 06490 8603420648 City/Term Stale Al Code Telephone No Cofactor n son cola soon Tor OtS Revised: 11/13,2013 Page 3 of t abed 69£££6£805 1e111881048d3 Sal oJaV Wdr0:9 9 LOZ £0 Jest C31Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 100231618 Asbestos Project# • Project Revision • Project Cancellation A.Asbestos Abatement Description: (cont.) 12.Abatement procedures(check all that apply): • Glove Bag a Encapsulation a Enclosure b Disposal Only Cleanup a Full Containment • Other-Please Specify: 13.Job is being conducted: b Indoors a Outdoors 14.Total amount of each type of asbestos Containing materials(ACM)le be removed,enclosed,or encapsulated: Linear Feel flu FL) Spare Feet(Sq FL) Boiler,Breathing,Duct. Tramite Pipe Tank Surface Coatings urr.Ft. Sq.Ft. Lin.FL Sq.Ft. Pipe Insulation Transite Shingles tit Ft Sq.Ft U:.FL Sq,FL Splay-On Fireproorwg 7`ansite Panels Lln.Ft Sq.Ft In Ft Sq.Ft. Cloths,Woven Fabrics Other-Please Specify: un.Ft. 64 FL Insulating Cement GASKET 1 in.Ft Sq.Ft 15.Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: 2 fAWABER WASH BUCKET Lit Ft Sq.Ft 16.Describe the containerisation/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): e MILL DOUBLE BAG 17.For Emergency Asbestos Operations,the MnsaDEP and DLS officials who evaluated the emergency: Name of MeasDEP Oleos Tate of MaeDEP Office Data of A W auvaice(MPIRJDIVnm Waiver* Name at DLS Oaan TIIIe mots OItCid Date ot?of Authatzalion(aee/DD1fYYY) Waiver* 18.Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L c. 149,§26,27 or 27A—F apply to this b Yea project? No Revised: 11/13/2013 £ e6ed Page 2 of 4 99EE£6£809 lecuawuovw3 Dal o.uay F4d40:9 9102 £0 JPk pc., Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 500237616 Asbestos Project M c Project Revision o Project Cancellation Instructions 1.AA ceaons of the faro mutt to cantplemdn *Marto comply Mir MssaCCP naafabon reauteMents of 310 COR7.15 and Department M Labor mandarb(DLS7 rouirene requirements of 453 W612 MesSDEP Use Only Date Revived 2.Fan To: Original Form To: Cemmonvaamr or 6. Asbestos Contractor. Massachusetts AEROTEC ENJRCNN4EWAL P.O.Box 4062 Bohn,MA 82211 A. Asbestos Abatement Description L Facility Location: VANIC 421 N MAN Sr Name MFad➢y StreeIMdress M.]RTIYYMIW4 MA 01602 4135644040 CityfTown San ZIp Code Telephone MIMALMP1321EZ FACt1IY EN(MVD2E Fealty Carded Person Name Fe:My Dana Perot Tice Worksite Location: SARONG 09 2. Is the facility occupied? b Yes a Nc fading Name,Wit Floor.Room,et. 3. Is this a fee exempt notification (city, town, district,municipal housing authority, stale facility, or owner-occupied residential property of four units or less)? b Yes e Yo 4.Blanket Permit Project Approval,if applicabk: Approval IDB 5.Non-Traditional Asbestos Abatement Work Practice Approval, if applicable: Approval C* Name ND21}60ROUGH Cdyfrown AC000558 l®PoCEAVEN.E Ad a ms MA 01532 arm-aw34 Stets Z4 Cade Telephone Contract Type: b Written c Verbal OLS Lingo ?.-GREGORY W.HMDNO AS000278 Name af Contactors On-Site 9 ,erMorlroremen 2. JAMES SLCNEI.L Name of Project Monitor 9, ATC GROUP 9FFACE8 INC Nan*of Antenna Mayteal Lab 10. 33.20016 P?n$d Start Date(MMrDDrtVYY) SAM TPM wok 4idee-MdMay mraurn Ftidry 11.What type of project is ibis? b Demolition e Renovation CLS cemmcatbn s AMOT3784 DLSCegt rnn8 Aad000M DLSCerakabon8 31712016 Ertl Data(AN11DO frrN BAMiPM York Han-smarmy&Sunday Repair c Other-Please Specify: Revised 11/13/2013 Z a5rd Page 1 of 4 99EE£6£BOS leyuawuwnt2 )al oaay t-dv0:9 9W? £0 JEN FAX Ae nvramnwn.� PO BOX 929 NORTHBORO,MA 01532 greg®aerotecasbestosremoval.com PHONE: 978-375-9534 FAX: 508-393-3365 ATT : BOH Fax : 413-587-1221 FROM: Greg Harding DATE: 3/3/2016 PAGES: a e6ed 99£EE6£809 Irquewuoyu3 Jay 0J3p kkroas 9 FOZ £0 ueW