555 (Police Barracks) Environmental Audit Records 2013 NORTHAMPTON,RTN 1-00973 2 NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDINGS LIMITATIONS The audit inspection did not include a compliance review of all response actions undertaken at this site to date. This audit was focused primarily on evaluating compliance with the MCP's requirements for operation,monitoring, and maintenance of the response action being conducted, as detailed in the most recent 1&M report and as observed on October 26,2012. The Department's findings were based upon the certainty of the information reviewed during the audit, These findings do not: (1)apply to actions or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed M the audit; (2)preclude future audits of past,current,or future actions at the site;(3)in any way constitute a release from any liability,obligation,action or penalty under M.G.L. c. 21E,310 CMR 40.0000,or any other law,regulation,or requirement;or(4)limit the Department's authority to take or arrange,or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Responsible Party to perform, any response action authorized by M.G.L. c.21E which the Department deems necessary to protect health,safety, public welfare,or the environment. If you have any questions regarding this Notice,please contact Rebecca Woolley at 413-755- 2263. Please reference Release Tracking Number 1-00973 in any future correspondence to the Department regarding the site. Sincerely, Rebecca Wooll Environmental dut ohm Lie Section RSA Audits/Site Management Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Attachments: A. Audit Pre-Inspection Screening Checklist 13. MNA Information Sheet ec: Charles Klingler, LSP-of-Record,ECS Northampton Chief Municipal Officer Northampton Health Department Derrick Bruce,DEP WERO Data Entry: PHV/SNAUDI; AUDCOM/NAFNVD; FLDRUN 10/26/2012 DEVAL L PATRICK Governor 1MGTHY P.MURRAY Lieutenant Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy &Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office•436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01103.413-784-1100 November 1,2012 Massachusetts Department of State Police Mr. Gerald Densmore 470 Worcester Road Framingham,MA 01702 RICHARD K SULLIVAN JR Secretary KENNETH L.KIMMELL Commissioner Re: Northampton,RTN 1-00973 Mass. State Police Barracks 555 North King Street Remedial Action Inspection NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDINGS AUDIT INSPECTION Dear Mr. Densmore: On October 26,2012,the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(the Deportment)conducted an audit inspection at the location identified above. In particular,the audit inspection focused on the Comprehensive Response Action being implemented at this site. The remedial action currently consists of enhanced fluid recovery,in-site chemical oxidation,and monitored natural attenuation. The audit also included a review of the inspection and monitoring (I&M)reports on file at the Department,the most recent of which was received on May 12,2012. This Notice informs you of the results of the Departments audit inspection. DETERMINATION The Department did not identify any violations of the requirements applicable to the remedial action at the site. Copies of the Audit Pre-Inspection Screening Checklist and Monitored Natural Attenuation(MNA) Information Sheet are enclosed. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL (LSP) A copy of this Notice has been sent to Charles Klingler, the LSP-of-Record for the disposal site. This Information Is available In alternate format.Call Michelle Waters-Ekanem,Diversity Director,at 517-292-5751.TCDM 1.866.539-7622 or 1-617-574 6868 MassLEP Website:Gym mass govldep Printed on Recycled Paper RSI AUDIT—PRE-INSPECTION SCREENING CHECKLIST Lead RTN: 1-00973 II Town: NORTHAMPTON Action Inspected: • Phase V ❑Class C f•4 ROS PRP/OP: Massachusetts State Police Site Name: Mass. State Police, Northampton Barracks Owner Commonwealth of Massachusetts LSP/Consultant: Charles Klingler, ECS, 508-756-0151 Occupant: Massachusetts State Police Site Contact/Phone k: Gerald Densmore 508-820-2300 Condition Yes/No Comments Puhlic Health Concerns >0.5°NAPL within 15 feet of ground surface No >5 mg/I total VOCs<15 ft bgs&wTin 30 fl of schooWresidence No OHM in surfidal soil in S-1 area(schoovresidence/park) No Private wells located<500 feel,or site in Zone II or IWPA No Other potential impacts to nearby receptors Yes An unnamed stream is located—50 feel south/ downgradient of the site. Environment and Release Characteristics Within 500 feet of surface water,ACEC,and/or wetlands Yes See above Confirmed contamination of surface water and/or wetlands No Historical contamination of stream. Currency,VPH concentrations in surface wafer are below NSDS surface water quality guidelines. Multiple sources of contamination Yes Gasoline in soil and groundwater. Media other than soil or groundwater are affected Yes See above. Unnamed stream impacted historically. Remediation Waste(310 CMR 40.0030) Remediation Waste removed within 120 days N/A Remediation Waste has been properly managed N/A Operation,Monitoring and Maintenance - - Phase V/Class C OMM Requirements(310 CMR 40.0890) OMM Plan is an-file,with Ph.IV RIP,per 40.0874(3)(d) Yes OMM Plan identifies the type and frequency of monitoring Yes OMM activities done in accordance with RIP goals&criteria Yes OMM Plan updated in response to changes In site conditions No Could be updated to reduce sampling frequency. Current I&M report received on time(due every 6 mos.) Yes OMM results are adequately documented,per40.0892 Yes Additional ROS Requirements(310 CMR 40.0893) Complete ROS submittal was received,per 40.0893(3) Yes CRA is designed to achieve a Permanent Solution Yes However,MNA effectiveness has not been demonstrated CRA is properly operated,monitored,and/or maintained Yes Each source of OHM has been eliminated or controlled Yes All Substantial Hazards have been eliminated Yes CRA modified or ROS terminated when required Yes Remedial Action Summary: Enhanced Fluid Recovery(EFR), in-situ natural attenuation (MNA)were selected as the Comprehensive Response soil, groundwater,and surface water. The remedial program consists (as necessary), periodic ISCO injection events,and on-going MNA. VPH and natural attenuation indicators(pH, DO, ORP, nitrate, and quarterly monitoring of surface water for VPH. chemical oxidation(ISCO)and monitored Action to address a release of gasoline to of EFR events to address LNAPL on groundwater I &M activities include quarterly monitoring of sulfate)in groundwater at select well Iocations, and 11. MNA monitoring points and monitoring frequency identified in OMM Plan: Quarterly sampling of groundwater al select monitoring well locations for laboratory analysis of VPII,nitrate,sulfate,and dissolved iron,and for field screening of DO,redox,specific conductivity, pH,and temperature. 12. Analytical tests performed to evaluate progress of MNA: VPH ❑EPH ❑VOCs ❑ SVOCs ❑CVOCs ❑PAHs ❑PCBs ®Metals(Fe,Mn) ®pH ®DO ®Temp ®ORP ❑CO, ❑TOC ®NO3 ® SO4 ❑Plate count 13. Monitoring data shows that the plume is ❑expanding ® shrinking ❑static ❑unclear Primary contaminant concentrations are: ❑ increasing ®decreasing ®static ❑unclear Secondary contaminant concentrations are: ❑ increasing ❑decreasing ❑static ❑ unclear ® N/A Comments: VPH concentrations are decreasing at the fringes of the plume, including in surface water adjacent and immediately downstream from the site,where all analytes are now non-detect. However,VPH concentration trends in groundwater are still static/variable at the source area,where they currently remain above OW-3 standards at five well locations(MW-3, MW-9d,MW-13s,MW-12,and MW-14s). Sheens still occur intermittently at monitoring wells MW-3,MW-14s,and MW-19. Field Inspection(indicate all that apply) 1. Are the MNA monitoring points present and in useable condition? ®Yes ❑No Comments: All monitoring points located in the paved and grassy areas were located during my inspection 2. Were the receptors observed at and in the vicinity of the site during the inspection consistent with those identified during the file review? ® Yes ❑No Comment: 3. Have impermeable surfaces been added over or moved from over the plume area? ❑ Yes ®No Comments: 4. Other Comments: On October 26,2012,1 conducted an unaccompanied site inspection with the permission of Gerald Densmore of the Massachusetts State Police(MSP)and Lt.Andrew Bzdel(MSP Station Commander). Site conditions were consistent with those described in the site file. I observed that the concrete surrounds of the roadboxes for monitoring wells MW-9s, MW-9i,and MW-9d were cracked and may require future maintenance to maintain monitoring well integrity and security. On October 31, 2012, 1 conducted a follow-up telephone conversation with the Matt Lyne(Sr.Project Manager)of ECS and explained that MNA effectiveness must be demonstrated to support ROS,if MNA is to he solely relied upon to achieve a Permanent Solution. While MNA data are being collected,the current level of MNA data evaluation is not enough to support ROS,if additional active remcdiation is not conducted. 1 also recommended to Mr. Lyne that the OMM Plan be updated to reflect current conditions and monitoring. Mr. Lyne indicated that the forecasted path to site closure will include a Method 3 Risk Characterization to support a Response Action Outcome. Completed by.- :%lcacecca G'/L<cv, Date: 10/31/2012 Monitored Natural Attenuation (NINA) Information Sheet Site Name&Location: Massachusetts State Police,Northampton Barracks RTN: 1-973 Inspector Name: Rebecca Woolley Date: 10/26/2012 Fd letitew 1. Primary disposal site OHM: 0 Petroleum Hydrocarbons • Solvents • PCBs • Metals ❑Other: 2. Source of the release: OUST • AST • Septic • Surface Spill • Dry Well • Source Unknown ❑Other: 3. Environmental media impacted at the disposal site: unnamed stream located- 50 feet south/downgradient of site ® Soil a Groundwater ❑Soil Gas ®Other: 4. Environmental media targeted for MNA: • Soil ®Groundwater ❑ Soil Gas ❑Other: 5. OHM targeted for MNA: Petroleum Hydrocarbons ❑ Solvents • PCBs • Metals ❑Other: 6. Has the source of the primary contaminant(s)targeted for MNA been removed,capped,or otherwise controlled? Remedial activities have included UST removal,excavation of • Yes • No ❑Not Determined Explain: impacted soil,EFR,and ISCO. 7. Other ongoing Remedial Action Alternatives: ❑None • Excavation • P&T ❑AS • SVE 0 Remedial Additives ❑Other: The last ISCO injection event was conducted in June 2010. 8. Indicate the lines of evidence used as the basis for selecting ® Analytical data demonstrates a clear and meaningful over time at appropriate monitoring points. MNA as a Remedial Action Alternative: trend of decreasing contaminant mass and/or concentration demonstrate that natural attenuation processes are active at the site, MCP endpoints(within 5 years). demonstrates the occurrence of natural attenuation. information reviewed. • Hydrogeologic and geochemical data indirectly and the rate of the attenuation processes will achieve ❑ A site-specific study of microorganisms directly • No line-of-evidence basis was presented in the 9. Identification of nearby receptors: Receptor (e.g., residence,water supply well,etc.) residential properties Location in relation to contaminants (e.g., on-site, 500 ft. downgradient,etc.) located>100 feet upgradient(west),across North King Street un-named stream located-50 south and downgradient of site NHESP habitat located- 750 feet to the southeast 10. Are sentinel monitoring points located between the contamination and nearby receptors? 0 Yes • No /28/99 07:56 /Y94135871264 NORTRAMPTON. MA 141001 sas*sSACTIVITYsssassas*sast *sass ACTIVITY REPORT ***** saassSSasassiss3sissssasas3 TRANSMISSION OK TX/RA NO. 6878 CONNECTION TEL 915087711886 CONNECTION ID ENGINEERED CONST START TIME 06/28 07:54 USAGE TIME 01 ' 12 PAGES 2 RESULT OK FAX Date: June 28, 1999 Number of pages including cover sheet 2 To: Robin Stevens ECCI Phone Fax Phone CC: 508-771-1886 From: Northampton Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Peter J.McErlain,Health Agent Phone Fax Phone (413) 587-1213 (413) 587-1264 HEM AIt1:S: Urgent ® For your review Reply ASAP Attached is an application for a permit to Abandon a sewage disposal system. Please return to the Board of Health office. Please contact me with any questions. Please comment "24/99 14:40 FAX 1 508 771 1886 ENGINEERED CONST Engineered Construction Company Inc. FAX COVER SHEET TOTAL it OF PAGES ( 2 ) COMPANY:NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE: 6(24/99 ATTN: PETER MCERLAIN FROM: ROBIN STEVENS FAX#: (413)587-1264 FAX#: (508) 771-1886 Reply ASAP X Please Review X For Your Info. X Thank you for responding to our request for permit information for the Northampton State Police Project. Please fax a permit application to abandon a septic tank in Northampton since we will be totally removing the tank. Again, thank you for your assistance 270 Communication Way,Suite 1B,Hyannis,Massachusetts 02601 Established 1983 (508)771-1174 Fax(508)771-1886 Incorporated 1990 /44/99 14:40 FAX 1 508 771 1888 23/99 13:01 T194135471224 FAX Pate: - 30, 1999 timber apneas iaehadioa cover sheer 2 ENGINEERED CONST NOICIHASYION, AA L49wseYl Nortlampts Howe ofR•adth 21111 Male tmeer rfortheseproo,MA Ilafia RECEIVED u "L 3 1999 E. C. C. L o: Franc Robin Stereo Peter.1.Marble,Haan ECCI AVM Phone Fax Plume CC_ SO11-771.1886 ❑ uegat Plume (413)587-1 213 Fax Phew (413)587-1264 ® Far year review ❑ Reply ASAP ❑ Please commas In response to your inquiry,please be that the only permit required by dm Board of Health for a sanitary sewer line would be for the abandonment of a septic system.. If the State Police Barracks is currently served by a septic system.the following actions will be (r)• obtain a permit from the Bond of Health to abandon a septic tank(No charge for the shore) • Pump the tank • Punch a bole in the bottom of the tank to preen filling with surface water • Fill the tank with sand sad bury it • An inspection by the Board of Health confirms the lank has been properly abandoned Please contact me with any gueations. Thank you. is\'hTl ( (+ ?Cu et abF*,`r' 0. �.r.1! i�.M 0 .Sot/9- , wi&fox- sr reaw.ru:,..b sch� - TRANSMITTAL ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. 270 COMMUNICATION WAY HYANNIS, MA 02601 (508) 771-1174 FAX(508)771-1886 TO: Northampton Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: 6/30/99 ATTENTION: Peter McErlain RE: ECCI Job#2228—Northampton Police Barracks WE ARE SENDING YOU THE ATTACHED: ( )LETTER ( )PLANS ( )SUBMITTALS ( )CHANGE ORDER ( )SPECIFICATIONS ( )SHOP DRAWINGS COPIES DATE: DESCRIPTION ( )SAMPLES (X)OTHER 1 6/30/99 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit REMARKS: Thank you. COPY TO FILE SIGNED: Robin Stevens Office Manager This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sincerely, Peter A. Wheeler Environmental Health Ifispector,CSP, BEH cc: Suzanne K.Condon,Associate Commissioner, Director, BEH Steven Hughes, Director,CSP,BEH —Northampton Board of Health Department of Youth Services Director of Community Services, Western Region Apprehension Gang Unit Joette E. Robin, Sergeant,Massachusetts State Police Colonel Marian J. McGovern, Superintendent, Massachusetts State Police 470-12-SP-Northampton-Report 10-17-12.doc Page 2 of 3 DEVAL L.PATRICK GOVERNOR TIMOTHY P.MURRAY IEUTENANT GOVERNOR 'UDYANN BIGBY,M.D. SECRETARY JOHN AUERBACH COMMISSIONER The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Bureau of Environmental Health Community Sanitation Program 23 Service Center Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: 413-586-7525, ext. 1196 Fax: 413-784-1037 TTY: (800)-769-9991 peter.wheeler(astate.ma.us October 17,2012 ieutenant Andrew Bzdel,Station Commander Iassachusetts State Police-Northampton Barracks 55 N. King Street lorthampton, MA 01060 .e: Facility Inspection /ear Lieutenant Bzdel: Q v°41■2, accordance with M.G.L.c. 111, §§ 3,20,21, and 22,and 105 CMR 470.000: Maintenance and Construction of ockup Facilities; 105 CMR 480.000: Storage and Disposal of Infectious or Physically Dangerous Medical or liological Waste(State Sanitary Code,Chapter VIII); 1 conducted an inspection of the Northampton State Police larracks on October 16,2012 at 10:35 a.m. accompanied by you. Violations noted are listed below indicates conditions documented on previous inspection reports).No violations were noted. is part of the inspection I also looked for the presence of"potential" suicide hazards beyond the provisions outlined t 105 CMR 470.000. Attached is a list of conditions 1 observed that could possibly contribute to the commission of a uicide. While these conditions are not a violation of any law or regulation,you should be aware of their existence. 'o review the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at www.mass.gov/dph/dcs and click on Community Sanitation Regulations"(available in both PDF and RTF formats). 70-12-SP-Northampton-Report 10-17-12.doc Page 1 of 3 Conditions Which Could Be Used by a Detainee in the Commission of a Suicide Massachusetts State Police- Northampton Barracks luring the course of the inspection on October 16,2012, the following conditions which may serve as an anchor point the commission of a suicide were noted: ➢ Broken lexan in cell# 1 ✓hile this is not a violation,you should be aware of its existence. Sincerely, Environmental Health Inspector, CSP,BEH Peter A.W heeler 170-12-SP-Northampton-Report 10-17-12.doc Page 3 of 3 To review the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at www.mass.gov/dph/dcs and click on "Regulations"then "Lock Up Facilities"(available in both PDF and RTF formats). This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sincerely, Peter A. Wheeler Environmental Health Inspector, CSP, BEH cc: Suzanne K.Condon, Associate Commissioner, Director, BEH Steven Hughes, Director,CSP, BEH Merridith A.O'Leary, RS,Director, Northampton Board of Health Tracy Longvall-Rivera,Director of ALPS, Department of Youth Services Director of Community Services, Western Region Apprehension Gang Unit Joette E. Robin, Sergeant, Massachusetts State Police Lieutenant Colonel Timothy P. Alben, Superintendent. Massachusetts State Police 470-13-SP-Northampton-Report 124-13 Page 2 of 3 DEVAL L.PATRICK GOVERNOR )1-IN W.POLANOWICZ SECRETARY IERYL BARTLETT,RN COMMISSIONER The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health of Bureau of Environmental l H Health �v Community Sanitation Program 23 Service Center Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: 413-586-7525, ext. 5863196 Facsimile: 413-784-1037 / TTY: 800-769-9991 Peter.Wheeler@state.ma.us December 4, 2013 Aeutenant James Dalton, Station Commander vlassachusetts State Police—Northampton Barracks ■55 N. King Street Vorthmnpton,MA 01060 2e: Facility Inspection- Massachusetts State Police—Northampton Barracks >ear Lieutenant Dalton: n accordance with M.G.L.c. 111, §§ 3,20,21, and 22,as well as Massachusetts Department of Public Health Department)Regulations 105 CMR 470.000: Maintenance and Construction of Lockup Facilities; 105 CMR 480.000: Storage and Disposal of Infectious or Physically Dangerous Medical or Biological Waste(State Sanitary Code, :hapter VIII); I conducted an inspection of the Massachusetts State Police—Northampton Barracks on November 13, 1013 at 10:40 A.M. accompanied by Trooper Adam Hakkarainen. Violations noted during the inspection are listed relow: HEALTH AND SAFETY VIOLATIONS '* indicates conditions documented on previous inspection reports) 105 CMR 470.409 Security Devices: Incorrect time on electronic security device Dbservations and Recommendations 1. This facility does not have a separate detention area for juveniles as required by 470.401. Please provide a copy of your facility's policy for holding juveniles. 2. This facility has one cell block,making compliance with 470.402. Location of Female Cells,difficult. Please provide a copy of your facility's policy addressing the simultaneous detention of males and females. This facility does not comply with the Department's Regulations cited above. In accordance with 105 CMR 470.000, please indicate next to each entry on the inspection report a plan of correction. Said plan of correction must be submitted within 21 days of receipt of this letter and should detail the specific steps that will be taken and the date of expected compliance. The plan of correction should be submitted to my attention,at the address listed above. As part of the inspection, I also looked for the presence of"potential"suicide hazards beyond the provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000. Attached is a list of conditions I observed that could possibly contribute to the commission of a suicide. While these conditions are not a violation of any law or regulation,you should be aware of their existence. 470-13-SP-Northampton-Report 12-4-13 Page 1 of 3 Conditions Which Could Be Used by a Detainee in the Commission Ma Suicide Massachusetts State Police—Northampton Barracks ,s part of the inspection 1 conducted on November 13,2013 1 also looked for the presence of"potential"suicide azards beyond the provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000. Below is a list of conditions which may serve as an nchor point in the commission of a suicide: 1. Grille cover missing on vent in cell# 1 Vhile this is not a violation,you should be aware of its existence. Sincerely, Peter A. Wheeler Environmental Health Inspector,CSP, BEH 470-13-SP-Northampton-Report 12-4-13 Page 3 of 3 To review the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at www.mass.gov/dph/dcs and click on "Regulations"then"Lock Up Facilities"(available in both PDF and RTF formats). This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sincerely, Peter A. Wheeler Environmental Health inspector,CSP, BEM cc: Suzanne K. Condon,Associate Commissioner, Director, BEH Steven Hughes, Director, CSP, BEH Merridith A. O'Leary, RS, Director,Northampton Board of Health / Tracy Longvall-Rivera,Director of ALPS, Department of Youth Services Director of Community Services, Western Region Apprehension Gang Unit 470-13-Northampton-Report 12-0-13 Page 2 of 2 DEVAL L.PATRICK GOVERNOR ]FIN W.POLANOWICZ SECRETARY BERYL BARTLETT,RN COMMISSIONER The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Bureau of Environmental Health Community Sanitation Program 23 Service Center Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: 413-586-7525, ext. 5863196 Facsimile: 413-784-1037 / TTY: 800-769-9991 Peter.Wheeler@state.ma.us December 4,2013 tussell Sienkiewycz,Chief of Police Northampton Police Department ?9 Center Street Northampton,MA 01060 2e: Facility inspection -Northampton Police Department Dear Chief Sienkiewycz: In accordance with M.G.L. c. 111, §§ 3, 20,21, and 22, as well as Massachusetts Department of Public Health "Department)Regulations 105 CMR 470.000: Maintenance and Construction of Lockup Facilities; 105 CMR 480.000: Storage and Disposal of Infectious or Physically Dangerous Medical or Biological Waste(State Sanitary Code, :hapter VIII); I conducted an inspection of the Northampton Police Department on November 12,2013 at 1:20 p.m. accompanied by Staff Sargent Caputo,Northampton Police Department.No violations were noted. As part of the inspection,I also looked for the presence of-potential" suicide hazards beyond the provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000. Attached is a list of conditions 1 observed that could possibly contribute to the commission of a suicide.While these conditions are not a violation of any law or regulation, you should be aware of their existence. As part of the inspection,I also looked for the presence of"potential" suicide hazards beyond the provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000.There were none noted during the inspection. 470-13-Northampton-Report 12-4-13 Page 1 oft