597 Title 5 Applications/Permits 2001, Well System Documents Dx; 9E37007 ON 153191'0088 11131/19781/31 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS.Ord I.Virginia M.Sullivan of 52 Ward Avenue, Northampton,Massachusetts In consideration of One Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Five Ilundred and 001100 (5175,500.00) Grant to Thomas E.Quinn and Ann H.Quinn of 22 Whittier Street.Northampton, Massachuscts.husband and wife,as tenants by the entirety With Quitclaim Covenants A certain tract or parcel of land situated in Northampton,Hampshire County,Massachusetts.as shown as parcel I-A on a plan entitled"PLAN OF LAND IN NORTHAMPTON. MASSACHUSETTS PREPARED FOR VIRGINIA M.SULLIVAN"prepared by Abner lluntley.Jr.&Assoc..Inc.dated April 6. 1992 and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 174 Page 235.and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning being at the Southwesterly cornernof parcel 1.8ntnrthe above-mentioned ned plan;thence said N.75" b'54" W. a distance of43.58 feet to an iron pin at the end of a stone wall:thence N.49'OS 23"W. Lang:the lasttwo courses being along North Farms nRoad;thence Rebecca feet to an iron pin at land of N.200 01'33"E. a distance of 163.63 feet along land of Lang to an iron pin:(hence N. 12' 19'00"E. along a stone wall and land of fang 405.09 feet to an iron pin;thence S.R7` 12'4Y F.. along land of I ring a distance of 153.75 feet to an iron pin;thence N.20`0 33"E. along land of Lang a distance of 500.09 feet to an iron pin M land of Charles W.and loda K.DeROse,said pin being at the Northwesterly corner of parcel I-A as shown on the aforementioned plan;thence S.87' IT 45" F. along land of DeRose and land formerly of David and Deborah B.Morse now of Jonathan R.and Suzanne S.Kurds 264.64 feet to an imn pin at land now of the aforementioned Kurds,said iron pin being the Northeasterly corner of the parcel hereby conveyed;thence S.09"31'21" W, a distance of 152.29 feet to a stump:thence S l4.35'or W. a distance of 230.15 feet to a twelve-inch black birch:thence DX: 980037007 ei /5519!0069 12/31/199811:32 S. 16'21'36" W. a distance of 373.96 feet to an iron pin,said iron pin being at the Nonheast corner of parcel 1-B as shown on the aforementioned plan,said last three emirate being along land of said Kurds;thence N.ST 12'45" W. a distance of 380.98 feel along the northern bound of said petrel 1-B to an iron pin;thence S. 12' 19'00"W. 150.67 feet along the Westerly bound of said parcel I-B loan iron pin; thence S.20°52'36"W. a distance of 177.68 feet along the Westerly line of parcel I-B aforementioned to the concrete bound at the point of beginning. Containing 6.612 acres more or less. TOGETHER WITH the right reserved to Lawrence E.Corbett and Rita D.Corbett in their deed to Patrick J.long and Rebecca f ang,Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 2376,Page 03.which right is the right"to pass and repass with or without vehicles over the existing roadway which leads from North Farms Road to Parcel 1 at a point approximately 300 feet northerly of North Fauns Road." '1'OGLl I IER W ITI1 a sanitary sewer easement granting the right to come upon the land of Iawremx E.Codtett and Rita D.Corbett fir the purposes of laying,repairing and maintaining a sanitary sewer pipe and leach field a more particularly shown on the above mentioned plan. The pipe is to be laid along the line of the sanitary easement. The leach field is to be of customary size and conventional underground design and located at the southerly end of the sanitary easement on the land of the lawtence E.Corbett and Rita D.C rrbett. The parcel burdened at said locations is parcel 1-B as shown on the aforementioned plan. In connection with said easement,Grantees,their heirs.successors and assigns,shall have the responsibility,without expense to Lawrence E.Corbett and Rita D.Corbett.their heirs,summon'and assigns,to restore the land to its conformity prior to the installation of said septic system and to restore the land in such mariner after each repair or maintenance of same. TOGETHER WITH AND SI IBIECT TO the terms of a Special Permit issued by the Nonlrarnpton Planning Board dated May 28.1992,and recorded in Book 4122 Page 152 in said Regis0y of Deeds. SUBJECT TO AND 1'OGETHBR WITH access to the parcel pursuant to a Shared Driveway Agreement over the above conveyed tight of way as mote particularly bounded and described in the Shared Driveway Agreement recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 4122 Page 155 and the aforementioned plan,and not over the front lot line on North Farms Road. • &c: 99137007 DR 529/0070 12/31/1998 1132 SUBIECT TO an agreement not to cut certain trees as fully described and contained in a deed to the grantor herein recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds In Book 4122 Page 150. Being the same premises conveyed by deed of Lawrence E.Corbett and Rita D.Corbett dated December 31, 1992 to Virginia Ni.Sullivan and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 4122 Page 155. EXECUTED as a sealed instrument this 30th day of December, 1998. HAMPSHIRE,SS. • ti. .�w°- VirginiwM.Sullivan COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DECEMBER 30,1998 Then personally appeared before me the said Virginia M.Sullivan and declared the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed,before me DEEDS RED 13 XAMPasIRE 12/31/98 CANCELLED TAX 800.29 DIRK 801.29 8474A306 12;26 EXCISE TAX ja L. 7GC r�A Di L.Fernald,Notary Public commission expires! 11/99 , I�pf.4(015CISf11 AT1211i LffiSHIAE.y yoaomsr Sample#7106 HOWARD LABORATORIES of NEW ENGLAND, INC 750 North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Phone: (413) 549-8260 Fax: (413) 549-1850 MA Lab Lic# M-00851 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Location: 597 N. Farms Rd Northampton, MA tnalyzed For: Tom Quinn kddress: 85 Mountain Street Haydenville, MA 01039 Celephone: 268-7099 Parameter Sampled By: HWD Date Sampled: 4/25/00 Date Received: 4/27/00 Results Limits Comments Recommendations: See enclosed MA DEP interpretations sheet for pH and turbidity. This sample meets acceptable standards of potability for the parameters tested, except for those parameters marked with an asterisk (*) . -. j/_ Analyst: JK Date: 5/3/00. Checked By:Jonathan S. Begg Laboratory Supervi=•r Total Coliform Bacteria 0 colonies/100m: 0 =aloe;es/t00mt OK pH * 6. 37 pH units 6.5-8.5 pH Units Manganese 0.012 mg/l 0.05 mg/l OK Hardness 40 mg/1 No Standard P50 soft, >100 hard Conductivity 0. 12 mS/cm No Standard No Standard Chloride 3 . 6 an/l 25Op /t OK Iron 0. 00 mg/l 0.3mg/l OK Sodium 5 mil Zang/l OK Nitrate 0.3 mil 10171/1 OK Nitrite 0. 002 mg/t 8 PtCo Color Units 1 an/l 15 Pt Co Color Units OK OK Color Turbidity * 8 . 5 NTU 5 STU Recommendations: See enclosed MA DEP interpretations sheet for pH and turbidity. This sample meets acceptable standards of potability for the parameters tested, except for those parameters marked with an asterisk (*) . -. j/_ Analyst: JK Date: 5/3/00. Checked By:Jonathan S. Begg Laboratory Supervi=•r partment of Environmental Man4genfebUDivisloo of Water WELL COMPL$TfON REPORT WELL LOCATION ,3dr::S ad 597 i�ort-_ City/Town Jv Well Owner Address GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION 250 S E W of oeeo wrdel _Z l�-'no Board o Health permit obtained: yes WELL DATA 33 WELL stir Industrial 0 Total well depth Domestic LE Public❑ Depth to bedrock 25 tt. aionitoring� Other roclJunconsoFdated material: Description Ero`wn yellow Water-bearing zones }�� 1) From 365 To 2)From To 3)From�� dia. Gravel pack well dia. Green: length from—to (roam N S E W of (Into In tenths) ede) intersect w) sO— ter Air 4ot3ry Method drilled _ Date drilled 9 CASING !Type]1 iLength ft. Dla(lD.)- 1 I ength into bedrock 17 ;Protective well seal: (10e - Grout 0 Other Dr 1 V 2S� In STATIC WATER LEVEL(all wells) tt Date Static water level below land surface_la_ - ELL TEST(production wells) G S Slot# Drasdow,(.33O_ It- after pumping tC �HCVrmeavred � — Recovery— LOG of FORMATIONS Driller Firm Address 9Tm City/Town - Supervising Driller peg.# hr min.at_15___9p'n 20_tt. atter_hr. 90 min. rug(*. well ere BOARD OF HEALTH COPY No. COMMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, NorthaMpfbh MA. APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Constmct9 Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) - %Complete System ❑Individual Components FEE Location 550 North Farms t\OClei Owner's Name If omo.5 Quinn e Ann Quinn Map/Parcel# Address 22 a'i a LLB s .r • ,ram I.ot# Telephone#41/3 58(0-9486 Installer's Name 4r�7 - Designer's Name Heri fa 2 SuryeVS Inc Address p/ ,�j f �Y .4 �� Address COOT Nynuxi� •Clark Sfree f R4 BoX I Telephone# Cs: ' 777 Telephone# . 13 527-3(0OC Type of Building 1-100.52, Dwelling-No, of Bedrooms 4 Other-Type of Building No.of persons Other Fixtures Design Flow(min.required) (a(no gpd Calculated design flow Plan: Date February 24 2000 Number of sheets I Title P �" Description of Soil(s) , ,e Ptah T ff��Dr yrl l LO9 5 Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator lino illy McInnis Date of Evaluation II -I9- 98 • • _ i5. 541 5 a l Is l of size 288410. 7(0 sq.f. Garbage grinder PO Showers( ),Cafeteria ( 720 Design flow provided 720 gpd Revision Date ,t /�������' f le J IIN•u! A n_ufnrl DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS ORAI2FERATIONS The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date Inspections No. COMMONWEALTH OF ASS IIUSETTS Board of Health, //Ucs aWl IA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ❑Individual Component(s) AQ CompletC c [ed System ( ),Upgraded( ),Abandoned ( )em The undersi n hereby certify at the -wage Disposal System; by: 1.4:51 L Z /S— tete at e. i.. has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 810 CMR 15.00 ('fide 5) and the af proved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. , dated . Approved Design Flow (gpd) - Installer / alt 71nspector: FEE Date: Designer = - The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. No. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, • MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( ) Repair( ) pg as described in the application for FEE at Disposal System Construction Permit No. dated Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit. All local conditions must be met. Fossil 1256 Rev 5/96 AMSUIMIn Co.Boston,MA Date Board of Health Description of Work: ❑Individual The undersi;ned hereby certify that G by: 17 at has been installed in accordance with th provis on of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No ffi--( dated 00 . Approved Design now 77O (gpd) Installer • i !1�Ilrit r Designe vu' COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health MA. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Component(s) $(Complete System the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ),Repaired ( ),Upgraded ( ),Abandoned ( ) The issuance of this perms all not be Inspector: Date: nstrued as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARF OF f!Irrtifirttte of Qlnmplittnrr by THIS L' CFF eTIF1', Tl at the Individual Sewage Disposal Stern constructed ( Var Repaired ( ') 3 } at 1... )e)62.4Z4 MYlA-4 leas been installed in accordance wit]] the provisions of T T bf � application for Disposal al \Works Construction Permit ,Co..• 5 t The S t Sanitary Code//x%) +fd/%F ibcd in the THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE C CONSTRUED ASeA GUARANTEE AT THE SYSTEM WILL F NCTION SATISFACTORY. ///��� ���777 ___ DATE k //f't Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Disposal n Its QTps tuition rrmit Permission is hereby granted to Co �} (!� or Rep.' an Indisidua 'e age Disposal System atv ! /V e.t , 8//P3 as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit o ..y P3 Dated 2-4 ?3 Owrd of Health DATE / FORM 1295 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Nn. CM 6e) FEE 76 COMMONWEALTII OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, I /44/ I/ %O DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRU 'TION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; ConstructpC Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( an individual sewage disposal system as described in the application for at Disposal System Construction Permit No. /0 7 dated Provided: Construction shall he completed within t -ee years of the date of thi er it. to al cond. ' 1 Host be met_ Form 1255 Rev 5/96 AM.6Nxin Co.Boston MA Date ,j 0e Board of Health I Ito/ at t C NO. /o FEE I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board„/f/vnith, Northampton MA. APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct Repaid ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) - %Complete System U Individual Components -2 y 1 Ioration —550 Nor+h Farms Road Owner' Name Thomas Guinn r Ann Quinn Address 22 Whitler 5I-reef Norlhamptoli Map/Parcel# I.ot# Telephone#4/3 586, 948p4 Designer's Name Hen fa e Surveys Inc Installer's Name __illy X k gyp/(€F ///life_ 6ct Address 14/frets Fl 6p q if Js'k .0 Sr, ,Irnf„f,oAddress Colle921119hu.n Clark 51ree% PO oOX I Telephone# 625-4/77/ ( a e_5 -7651 ) Telephone# 413 52 7_ $6,00 Type of Building Pious Q. Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms 4 Other-Type of Building No.of persons Other Fixtures Design Flow(min. required) (a(eo gpd Calculated design flow Plan: Date GGbfu4ry 24 2000 Number of sheets Title I • Se 1 ((��15 �1Li 5 Description of Soil(s) See. Rain TOr SniI Logs Soil Evaluator Form No. lot Size 288410- 7(o sq.ft. Garbage grinder P0 Showers ( ).Cafeteria ( ) 720 Design flow provided 720 gpd Revision Date a. • rf 1• ' ra r In A • t Name of Soil Evaluator TmoN,y Mar/11S Date of Evaluation I I -II' 98 DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS The undersigne ! r J the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further :p — Art ' XSigner. fe/stem in operation until a Certificate of C p'tace has been issued by the Board of Health. L"r."✓ !n/.f Date S Inspections No. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health A / '4 hi . MA' CERTIFICATE Of COMPLIANCE FEE Description of Work: U Intlivitlum eomponengs, �...."r..°°,'°"' Renal'ed ( ).G Upgraded ( ).Abandoned ( ) The undersigned hereby certifs.'that the Sewage Disposal System: Consvucted ( ), Pg h �¢u i c ,1- c„,: , _ ( —11 IC ) has been installed in accordance with the provigons of 310 CMR 15 00 (Title ) and the approved design plans,gas-h lating to application No. 7(— /V dated ! ei 1; . Approved Design Flow —7; '- (gpd) Ho- l 1 <.._1 c7 �, I /?rte Installer 7>' " /L / ” (2/r/ Designer: {�e +! �t' ✓`- � Inspector: /At L -i-- Date: �'� The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. ,p 6 ckb' rr r COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACI-IUSLTTS 1/4-c-- Board ofHealth, //ii /1/l/ l»vMA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct ()� Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( )an inditidual sewage disposal sy stem i as described in the application for No. i at c SO N42-4 tri V It I C - Disposal System Construction Permit No. /C—/.L .dated S Provided: Construction shall be completed within t ee years of the date of this c1�h. .jJ1��cond' lust form 1255 Rev.5/%AM.Sulkin Co Boston.MA Date C/9 I' Board of Health (/jam\\JJ�I