78 Nuisance Documents 1994 North Farms Road,(Florence)Northampton, 8K4339PG0228 0284G0 MASSACHUSETTS QUITCLAIM DEED INDIVIDUAL (LONG FORM) 882 K N O W A L L M E N B Y T H E S E P R E S E N T S That I, AGNES N. SMITH, of Hadley, Hampshire County,Massachusetts, Neiq cc. Weer.4Ffor consideration paid, and in full consideration of $1. 0 0, grant to WILLIAM E. SMITH of 81 Conz Street, County, Massachusetts, x& Northampton, Hampshire with quiktatm capenauts, thsjaatt that certain tract or parcel of land situated on the Westerly side of North Farms Road in that part of Northampton known as Florence bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point marked by an iron pin on the Westerly side of said North Farms Road, which point marks the Northeasterly corner of the premises herein conveyed and the Southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Donald J. Woodward et ux; thence running S. 17° 25' E. along the Westerly side of said North Farms Road a distance of 120. 00 feet to a point marked by an an iron pin at land now or formerly of Robert A. LaFlamme et ux; thence turning and running S. 89° 00 ' 30" W. along said land now or formerly of said LaFlamme a distance of 213. 23 feet to a point marked by an iron pin at land now or formerly of Land Trends, Inc. ; thence turning and running N. 17° 25 ' W. along said land now or formerly of said Land Trends, Inc. a distance of 100. 00 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence turning and running N. 83° 43 ' 45" E. along said land now or formerly of said Woodward a distance of 208. 84 feet to the iron pin at the place of beginning. ° less. Property address: The above described premises contain 22,450 square feet, more or For a more particular description, see plan entitled "Plan Showing Amended Subdivision of Land in Florence, Mass. Begloning to William E. and Agnes N. Smith" , dated August 14, 1967 and recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 70, Page 120, wherein the above described premises is Lot #4. For grantor' s title see administrator' s deed from Susie M. Grover, administratrix of the estate of Nathan P. Abbott, to Joseph A. Novacek, dated November 21 , 1933, recorded in said Registry in Book 894, Page 5. See also estate of Joseph A. Novacek, Box 701 - 25, in Hampshire County Registry of Probate. Consideration less than $100. 00 and, therefore, no Massachusetts deed excise stamps are required. (*Individual—Joint Tenants—Tenants in Common.) BK 4 33 9 PG 0228 / MASSACHUSETTS 9 tdireni nf OPitittlaint Bub (INDIVIDUAL.) Agnes N. Smith To William E. Smith x47:i N rn • ;; .12. C •19 Lt v, at gclod2andj. minutes .m. Received and espreaAth • fri- — Deeds Book Page g Attest: 0 Regista 16. 0 PROMTHEOPPICEOF Kenneth B. Bowen, Esquire 0 JOWEN & SIEGEL R. Attorneys at Law 40 Center Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel. : (413) 584-3384 RETURN TO÷ HOBBS & WARREN, INC. Plau•sms Ir•umARD LERAL Pons. _J •OSTON • RAM FORM 862 REVISED CHAPTER 407-1616S-717•111•0 and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to /�her h a dal deecl,before me enneth B. Bowen( Nomy Public—telcettenac My Commission Expires._ AR>;i1f...29..,19 99 �pshire as. A �-/ L/A o- 1993 at it) o'c'ocic ards.L6winuresg.M.,Rec'dent'darti ' (MONTH) WAY) exam'd with Hampshire Reg. ut Deeds,Book CHAPTER 183 SEC 6 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OP 1969 Every deed presented for record hall thin have endorsed upon it the full name, residence and post office address of the grantee and a recital of the amount of the full consideration thereof in dollars or the nature of the other consideration therdor,If not delivered for a specific monetary sum. The full consideration shall mean the total price for the conveyance without deduction for any liens or ew cumbrances assumed by the grantee or remaining thereon. All such endorsements and recitals shall be recorded as part of the deed. Failure to comply with this section shall not affect the validity of any deed.No register of deeds shall accept•deed for recording unless it is in compliance with the requirements of this section. Witness hand and seal this BK4339PG0229 Hampshire, (Agn s N. Smith) 199 3 WIle 4tommnnmenitq at 9lnssntgasttts ss November / , 1993 Then personally appeared the above named AGNES N. SMITH 30AAJ OF HEALTH TOHtN r.;ores.0 atraa MICiA=:.t ?A.4SONS ?Ern 1.Mc't AM Health A4•et A 007(=SS: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 181,55AC6USET S 01060 OFFICE OE THE BOARD OF H.-ALTS 110 MAmN Star 01060 4101 5664550 Ea 0l: A707-2-C'S TO ABATE A /VCJSSAACS Agnes Smith c/o Attorney Kenneth Bowen 40 Center Street Northampton, MA 01060 June 6, 1994 ,NAP: 12C o4,F.cEr 73 As owner of the vacant lot at 78 North Farms Road, Northampton you are ,heresy r o: if■__ to remedy :he card; : ions named de Tow ^ :.- „h three (3) days �r of _ T :c ng : MassacrLse::s =en_, _ _bests, l v Chab_ hO _-_car= 'on Large accumulation of assorted junk and refuse (some burnt in a recent fire) , scattered about the vacant lot (parcel 73, map 12c Assessors Records) at 78 North Farms Road. Clean up and properly dispose of all of the above-mentioned materials. =: :^a exsi _:ion of time a / iowed :hese onCi: fcr.s have not been remedied, such '_,^:her act 'on wi i i 3 :aka,n Taw - :ha i_w r be _ .,..fires and a fine of 520. 00 oer� dav may .._ charged. By order c` r a Scarf rf Heaith Cc- t-__D MA_! * P 149 251 770 This Ala-=men: order is signed and c_. tif aC under . er the airs and pera ivies or pe r;ury. ' deter J. Mc=ria in Heaith Agent Ncrt.hamp:on Board of Health BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Dat /9-$ Time i Name of Complainant /77-/iu/,ei:2 Address >> Tel �- Nature of Complaint 7iL/i✓_! CL - �uLa/i■--/ I h J/! Ge_e� /..o% /e-," e , -ri -,/J • /�w�, �0?�iG_ Locauo of Prehhhhh111lltse"s [� Owne(/5-11 i)1' the( ij ) :bJ-cu�lctLr: fy Address -C°Ce. <`)--- d/ilri Ca/ / �'t� CeePiy"`zi+% 6eAt c fOccupant CIIVIACI µ�I Taken by U S-- Referred to Date of inspection 07/ /_ Time a :41 INS E O / Q CTOR'S REPO Votresl Action Taken Inspector —Printed on Recycled Paper— BOWEN & SIEGEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 40 CENTER STREET NORTHAMPTON.MASSACHUSETTS 01060 JESSE A. G. ANDRE 1921-1960 KENNETH B. BOWEN ANDREW J. SIEGEL June 7 , 1994 Board of Health City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Gentlemen: TELEPHONE (413) 584 3384 TELECOPOP(413)5044433 I am in receipt of the Notice To Abate A Nuisance, a copy of which I enclose. Please be by Agnes Smith 1993, recorded 4339, Page 228. advised that this real estate was conveyed to William E. Smith by deed dated November 1 , in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, Book A copy of that deed is enclosed. I have sent a copy of your Notice to William E. Smith, whose address is 81 Conz Street, Northampton, Massachusetts. Yours very truly Ken B. Bowen KBB:HSC Enclosures BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chairman Dr. Anne Sures MICHAEL R PARSONS PLtLA I.MCERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 113)586-8950 Lt.213 AC7-2- TO ABATE A P/C/SSA/VCS ' ADDRESS: William E. Smith CA 81 Conz Street Northampton, MA 01060 June 14, 1994 MAP: PARCEL: 12C 73 AS owner of the vacant lot at 78 North Farms Road, Northamton you are hereby notified to remedy the conditions named below within three (3) days of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 711 , Section 122: p Large accumulation of assorted junk and refuse (some burnt in a recent fire), scattered about the vacant lot (parcel 73, map 12C Assessors Records) at 78 North Farms Road. Clean up and properly dispose of all of the above-mentioned materials. If at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, such further action wi77 be taken as the law re- quires and a fine of $20. 00 per day may be charged. CERTIFIED MAIL # P 149 251 026 By order of the Board of Health This abatement order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Pet=i' J. McEr7a7n Health Agent Northampton Board of Health