Lot 9 Title 5 documents 1975 PROPOSED DOMESTIC SUB-SURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN PREPARED FOR F/5ZER LOCATION ,04vW PARM5 An), V iro j 4t127 Number of Bedrooms: 4 Garbage Disposal: YE G LEACH AREA DESIGN 4- Bedrooms x 2 persons/bedroom = 8 persons E, Persons x 50 gallons of waste water/person per day = 400 total gallons waste water per day Percolation Rate: 0.407 min/inch. Square Feet of Leach Area required/gallon of waste water for a Percolation Rate of 047 min/inch = 0. 5 S.F./gallon *If a leach bed is to be installed, one S .F./gallon is the minimum area that can be used for a Perc. rate of 10 min/inch or less. 4W Total gallons of waste water per day x 0.5 S.F./gallon 20Q S.F. of Leach Area (required) *If garbage disposal is installed , leach area will be increased by 25% ZOO S.F. of Leach Area x 125% = t50 S .F. of Leach Area RECOMMENDED LEACH AREA: 360 (3 �57110E ARouA/0 PIT) ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., B ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS LEACH BED TYPE OF SYSTEM Recommended Leach Area L = W = S.F. *The minimum lines per field is 2 . **The maximum length per line is 100 ' . (75' when daily flow is greater than 2000 gal. ) LEACH TRENCH Recommended Leach Area S.F. 3 ' Wide = feet of trench. trench lines, feet long *The minimum lines per field is 2 . **The maximum length per line is 100 ' . (75 ' when daily flow is greater than 2000 gal. ) LEACH PIT Recommended Leach Area _S .F. Check attached sheets for type of Pit and amount of stone. ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS • ENGINEERS - PLANNERS SEPTIC TANK * without Garbage Disposal Gallons of waste water per day X 150% = Required effective liquid capacity of septic tank RECOMMENDED: Septic Tank * In no case will the septic tank be less than 750 gallons (effective liquid capacity) . 400 Soo * with Garbage Disposal Gallons of waste water per day X 200% = Required effective liquid capacity of septic tank RECOMMENDED: 1ae) Septic Tank ** In no case will the septic tank be less than 1000 gallons (effective liquid capacity) . ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS SEPTIC TANK * without Garbage Disposal Gallons of waste water per day X 150% = Required effective liquid capacity of septic tank RECOMMENDED: Septic Tank * In no case will the septic tank be less than 750 gallons (effective liquid capacity) . with Garbage Disposal 400 Gallons of waste water per day X 200% _ 6 6 Q Required effective liquid capacity of septic tank RECOMMENDED: VW Septic Tank ** In no case will the' septic tank be less than 1000 gallons (effective liquid capacity) . ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., E3 ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS REOUE:TEO BY: A/9/ dL )t 551 ('4‘3..) K49 //0.V r /) ,?,ci A�` �iJ,ll/'dui Y/ / J 7-71 ,1-2- O TS 5 , It 5017,1 co,;rSL: / n 3 ,7 i FOono / /€.4Te = 0 &7 /�/� 1 3_ G,e ou.va . 4TG,? .2-9T.? = 6 R0UN0 NATc,2 ice/?C ,e47— = 1 G-4 Y=' T/<j / 6 2o 4./n/ v.'A Tr..4 ,•%�2C R417 = ti - LEY, ,;SS ^Ci -T.= ..:.)!,' _ .' _ 'CRS 3 . _ £`!;v_= 125 PLEASANT STREET ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., 1 ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS ENGINEERS - PLANNERS AL hg ER 4 - //- 75 PO. Box 568 125 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA5s. 01060 (413) 584.7444 5 'Toi (Date) On 4 - 9 7 5 we completed percolation tests and obser- vation pits for a proposed Individual Sewage Disposal System to be located at $D12o[JS.C/ LOT /hear ! rnaMS 804.0 Nrot/ LO / RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS �1, /S�e attached sheets for results of tests V Soil should be suitable if system is properly installed )200 gallon septic tank for a daily flow of 800 gallons 360 square feet of leach area for a daily flow of 400 gallons More percolation tests should be taken More observation pits should be dug __ Soils are not suitable for a leaching area y/ Contact your local Board of Health for additional information y Application attached '_ Plot Plan attached / V System detail sheets attached ,,� �FPJ! ' \ 3L: _ 1 ALL .,\ :S.�2T' C. Remarks: vi %rt- Very truly yours, ALMER HUNTLEY//J/✓R). & ASSOCIATES, INC.SCIfjet - THE ABOVE RECOMMENDATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WEST SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 380 UNION STREET GREENEIELD OPPICE 158 MAIN STREET i • �, .. et.-1010.. ��� Ir ] ✓h •J 10214BLEi1' it ;b OGn1..37/40 STOVE PAD .Nit/ 2'TN/ete LE4CN/VC AREA (s4,17- NE/GNT WQSNEO STOVE (/7) 4=3' 7,1=4' 5'-5' /75 250 325 425 4/OTC' •4LL WOQk' COodd. SED 9 O TO 2:cTLU EX/STGU6 SO/L W/L[E 6E DONE 7/1 ACCOEO4.UC$E� W/7" ART/CLE r OP THE STATE 5A.U/.TCF/ im6E' HPEEOP,.(AE$ rfthv SETAE FECTfg Ou>S/OE O/ENS/ T ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. 81 ASSOCIATES , INC. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS 8 CIVIL ENGINEERS 125 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON , MASS . JOB N 0 'SCALE NONE 1 SHEET OF CCPREC4S7 DOPY WELL Xs"TD; """WASHED Sr0//E 2"rare cola /AQCfR STONES LAP /=0-M/.t/.o.(/Tp P/TC0✓E.P. /2"fr1/4L TOP 60/c /d C4ST COAKWITEL7PiMF/1 SAS STONE COMM LOU W. 121 U214 A'TDtW4SF/ED 1/4,7-ave. Pop 2'7N//CK dZd7 4T/DX/ LE4CH 4U6-- AREA 00 FT) ";y" NEiG//T ,Uo, SCCTf9NS WASHED STOA/E (A7) i!"_/' A•2' :4=3' !!'=4' 6=5"/ 2 200 275 350 425 845" 3 250 325 425 500 /01-5" 4- 300 400 .500 600 PAR/ABLE A" .UOTE. •4 2 WORK W/LL 86 DONE /,0' 4CC0R0-44./CE W/TN ART/CLE r01-7-1/6 ST4TE 64.0/TARP OOD6. •824Ci.UG W/-/E.V MOPE T/J4y ONE 56eP4GE P/T OR DRY WE/1 126 85/A/0 Lac /3' TO BE TNREE T/.WES THE LONQEST EXPECT/!/E 0013-/Da O/MEA/S/ON. ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. a ASSOCIATES , INC. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS 8 CIVIL ENGINEERS 125 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON , MASS . JOB N 0 . 'SCALE. .10.1E I SHEET OF • "• TO/'4' W481/EO STOVE 2"THICK" COVEP LARGER STOVE/LAP/=0" ON TO PIT COVER. TOP SO/L /2"41/44 A" 1/42/ABLE 44"70/4" 1474.514C0 STOVE PPECAST CONCRETE ORYWELL /e"IDx, "W4SNED STONE 2"T/J/CK WASILD STONE mi n FT CO DfC D _11 i • :d • s PRECAST CaWeETE 4PYWELL A.Tor WASHEO EXIST/.U6 SD/L STOVE.490 2"7-MCK ELEV4T/ON to-Airy/vs 4REA 45'4PLJ •y"" HEIGHT i1/4 eECT/aus WASHED STC4/E C FT) i7• /' ;e1--.2' -4;st ;414 77` 2 200 275 350 425 /13" 3 275 375 475 675 NOTE:•ALL WO"PK W/LC SC LYXIE /.V 4CCO"PO4NCE W/TH 4KT/CLE 27 OP 77/E STATE "SAN/TARY CODE. •SP4YVG WHEN MOPE T.U44/ ONE SEE°.4a- PIT OR COPY WELL ARE BE/NO USED /S 70 BE THREE 77nies THE EFiECT,VE Oc/TS/OE" O/A •ETE"P. ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES , INC. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL ENGINEERS 125 PLEASANT STREET NORTHAMPTON , MASS . JOB NO 'SCALE NONE j SHEET OF