Stream Precipitate Complaint 1986 S. RUSSELL SYLVA
Regional Environmental Engineer
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(4f9 785-5327
Ms. Kathy Pysz
95 Dunphy Drive
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Ms. Pysz:
July 14, 1986
Re: Northampton - Site Assessment
Dunphy Drive - Stream Sampling
By request of the Northampton Health Department, the Department of Environmental
Quality Engineering sampled the stream behind Dunphy Drive in Northampton,
Massachusetts. This sampling was performed on June 18, 1986, to evaluate the
stream quality up and downstream of a culvert which is approximately 20 feet
long. Recently, residents of Dunphy Drive have registered complaints with the
Northampton Health Department and the Department of Environmental Quality
Engineering pertaining to the obvious red precipitate downstream of this culvert.
The Department has received verbal verification of the analyses performed by
the Lawrence Experiment Station. The results are as follows:
Water Sampled Water Sampled Water and Sediment
Upgradient of Downgradient Sampled Downgradient
Culvert of Culvert of Culvert
Volatile ND* ND
Al 1.0ppm** G O,lOppm 17ppm
Cd < 0.02 G 0.02 <0.02
Cr < 0.02 40.02 4.,0.02
Cu 0.40 0.04 0.06
Fe 0.42 1.50 115
Mn 0.09 0.16 1.7
Ni 4 0.05 G 0.05 i-0.05
Pb 4 0.05 4 0.05 G 0.05
Zn 0.05 0.05 0.20
*ND - not detectable, detection limit is 1 part per billion
** - part per million (ppm)
OCWLI1' ''.
SM.1 61966
Dunphy Drive - Northampton July 14, 1986
Based upon an evaluation of these results, the Department does not see an
imminent hazard at this site. It is likely that the red precipitate noted
downgradient of the culvert is an iron precipitate.
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Eldridge of this office.
Very truly yours,
Stephen F. Joyce
Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer
Air, Solid & Hazardous Materials
Western Region
cc: Northampton Health Dept.
cc: Northampton Conservation Commission