211 Air Analysis 2015 Charles D.Baker Governor Karyn E.Polito Lieutenant Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy &Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office•436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01103•413-784-1 1 00 August 21, 2015 Mr. Todd Barron,President Applied Mortgage Services Corporation 211 North Street Northampton,MA 01060 Re: Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 Dear Mr. Barron: MaIIhewA.Beaton Secretary Martin Suuberg Commissioner The Department of Environmental Protection conducted indoor air sampling at the Twin Building Condominium on July 30&31, 2015 to evaluate the effectiveness of the sub-slab depressurization system(SSDS). A total of five samples were collected throughout the building at locations that were similar to historical sampling locations. Samples were collected with the air purifying units (APUs)deactivated in the Windhorse condominium. The APUs were used as a temporary measure to address indoor air quality within the building prior to SSDS startup. The SSDS was activated at the facility on June 8,2015 and was operating during the sampling event. One sample was collected from your commercial condominium unit(DEP-Applied-1.1- 7/2015) as shown on the attached figure. Sample results and risk evaluation are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The concentration of tetrachloroethylene(PCE),the principal contaminant of concern, was less than the detectable level within your unit. Detectable concentrations of other chemicals are likely building related and not the result of vapor intrusion from the historical release. Based on these sampling results, continued operation of the SSDS appears effective at eliminating the vapor intrusion pathway into your unit and your exposure to dry cleaning solvents associated with the historical release. Additional monitoring of the SSDS will be performed in the future to ensure the system's continued effectiveness. This information Is available In alternate tonnel Call Michelle Waters-Ekanem,diversity Director.at 518292.5751.TTY#MassRMay Service 1-800-439-2370 MassDEP Websila:www.mass govldep Printed on Recycled Paper Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 August 21,2015 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions pertaining to this Notice of Environmental Sampling or with the information contained within,please feel free to contact David Bachand at(413)755-2221 or me at(413)755-2228. ncerely L y ohn Zi Section ef,Audits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail #7015 0640 0005 9429 1924,Return Receipt Requested Attachments: Notice of Environmental Sampling(BWSC-123) Indoor Air Sample Location Figure Table 1 -Indoor Air Quality Data Table 2-Risk Summary Based on July 2015 Indoor Air Data Laboratory Analytical Results ec: Northampton,Chief Municipal Officer Northampton, Health Department Denise Andler,DEP WERO Data Entry: FOLOFF,FOLFLD Charles D.Baker Governor Karyn E.Polito Lieutenant Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy &Environmental Affairs. Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office•436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01103.413-784-1100 August 21, 2015 Mrs. Wendy Newton 211 North Street Unit E Northampton,MA 01060 Re: Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 Dear Mrs.Newton: Matthew A.Beaton Secretary Martin Suuberg Commissioner The Department of Environmental Protection conducted indoor air sampling at the Twin Building Condominium on July 30 & 31,2015 to evaluate the effectiveness of the sub-slab depressurization system(SSDS). A total of five samples were collected throughout the building at locations that were similar to historical sampling locations. Samples were collected with the air purifying units (APUs)deactivated in the Windhorse condominium. The APUs were used as a temporary measure to address indoor air quality within the building prior to the SSDS startup. The SSDS was activated at the facility on June 8,2015 and was operating during the sampling event. One sample was collected from your residential condominium unit(DEP-RES-1.2- 7/2015) as shown on the attached figure. Sample results and risk evaluation are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The concentration of tetrachloroethylene(PCE),the principal contaminant of concern,decreased to a non-detectable level within your unit since the startup of the SSDS. Detectable concentrations of other chemicals are likely building related and not the result of vapor intrusion from the historical release. Based on these sampling results,continued operation of the SSDS appears effective at eliminating the vapor intrusion pathway into your unit and your exposure to dry cleaning solvents associated with the historical release. Additional monitoring of the SSDS will be performed in the future to ensure the system's continued effectiveness. This Information Is available In alternate tonal.Call Michelle Waters,Ekanem,Diversify Director,at 017292.5151.TTY#MassRelay Service 1800-059-2370 MassDEP Wepsite'www.mass govldep Printed on RecyGed Paper Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 August 21,2015 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions pertaining to this Notice of Environmental Sampling or with the information contained within,please feel free to contact David Bachand at(413) 755-2221 or me at(413) 755-2228. S.ncerely, John Z Sectio %Vef,Audits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail#7015 0640 0005 9429 1900,Return Receipt Requested Attachments: Notice of Environmental Sampling(BWSC-123) Indoor Air Sample Location Figure Table 1 -Indoor Air Quality Data Table 2-Risk Summary Based on July 2015 Indoor Air Data Laboratory Analytical Results ec: Northampton,Chief Municipal Officer Northampton,Health Department Denise Andler,DEP WERO Data Entry: FOLOFF,FOLFLD Charles D.Baker Govemor Karyn E.Polito Lieutenant Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy &Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office•436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01103.413-764-1100 August 21, 2015 Ms.Victoria Yoshen, Chief Executive Officer Windhorse Integrated Mental Health, Inc. 211 North Street, Suite 1 Northampton,MA 01060 Re: Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 Dear Ms. Yoshen: Matthew A.Beaton Secretary Martin Suuberg Commissioner The Department of Environmental Protection conducted indoor air sampling at the Twin Building Condominium on July 30 &31,2015 to evaluate the effectiveness of the sub-slab depressurization system(SSDS). A total of five samples were collected throughout the building at locations that were similar to historical sampling locations. Samples were collected with the air purifying units(APUs) deactivated in your condominium. The APUs were used as a temporary measure to address indoor air quality within the building prior to SSDS startup. Continued use of the APUs should be considered optional. The SSDS was activated at the facility on June 8, 2015 and was operating during the sampling event. Three samples were collected from your commercial condominium unit(DEP-WH-7.2- 7/2015, DEP-WH-2.2-7/2015,and DEP-WH-3.2-7/2015)as shown on the attached figure. Sample results are summarized in Table 1 Tetrachloroethylene(PCE)was detected in these samples and is believed to be related to the historical site use of PCE as a dry cleaning solvent. Detectable levels of other chemicals in these samples are likely building related and not the result of vapor intrusion from the historical release. Indoor air concentrations within your condominium are below both Imminent Hazard and No Significant Risk concentrations based on evaluation of maximum indoor air concentrations detected in the July 2015 sampling (see Table 2) indicating the continued operation of the SSDS appears effective at mitigating vapor intrusion into your unit. Imminent Hazard limits are established using exposure criteria for short term exposure,and when exceeded require immediate action to reduce or eliminate exposure. No Significant Risk limits are based on lifetime exposure criteria(30 years),and when achieved means a site is clean enough,and no This Information is available In alternate formal.Call Michelle Waters Ekanem,Diversity Director,at 617-292-S751.TTY#MassRelay Service 14100-439.23T0 MassDEP Webede:www.mass.govltlep Printed on Recycled Paper Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 August 21,2015 Page 2 of 2 further action is required to protect human health. Additional monitoring of the SSDS will be performed in the future to ensure the system's continued effectiveness. If you have any questions pertaining to this Notice of Environmental Sampling or with the information contained within,please feel free to contact David Bachand at(413)755-2221 or me at(413)755-2228. Sincerely, John Zi Section Bureau o f,Audits aste Site Cleanup Certified Mail#7015 0640 0005 9529 1917,Return Receipt Requested Attachments: Notice of Environmental Sampling(BWSC-123) Indoor Air Sample Location Figure Table 1 -Indoor Air Quality Data Table 2—Risk Summary Based on July 2015 Indoor Air Data Laboratory Analytical Results ec: Northampton, Chief Municipal Officer Northampton, Health Department Denise Andler,DEP WERO Data Entry: FOLOFF, FOLFLD Revised: 5/30/2014 Page 1 of 2 LI; Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC123 This Notice is Related to: NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING Release Tracking Number As 1 - 13628 required by 310 CMR 40.1403(10)of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan A. The address of the disposal site related to this Notice and Release Tracking Number(provided above): 1. Street Address: 211 North Street city/Town: Northampton Zip Code. 01060 B. This notice Is being provided to the following party: 1. Name: Wendy Newton 2. Street Address: 211 North Street, Unit E City/Town: Northampton Zip Code: 01060 C. This / notice Is being given to inform its recipient(the party listed In Section B): 1.That environmental sampling will be/has been conducted at property owned by the recipient of this notice- 2. Of the results of environmental sampling conducted at property owned by the recipient of this notice. 3. Check to indicate if the analytical results are attached. (If item 2. above is checked, the analytical results from the environmental sampling must be attached to this notice.) D. Location of the property where the environmental sampling will be/has been conducted: 1. Street Address: 211 North Street City/Town: Northampton Zip Code: 01060 2. MCP phase of work during which the sampling will o Immediate Response Action ❑Release Abatement Measure • Utility-related Abatement Measure • Phase 1 Initial Site Investigation ❑ Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment • • • • ❑ be/has been conducted: Phase 111 Feasibility Evaluation Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Phase V/Remedy Operation Status Post-Temporary Solution Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring Other 3. Description of property where sampling will be/has been conducted: 17 residential BI commercial ■industrial (specify) ■school/playground ■Other (specify) 4. Description of the sampling locations and types(e.g., soil, groundwater, indoor air, soil gas)to the extent known at the time of this notice. The DEP conducted indoor air sampling at the Twin Building Condominium on July 30 & 31, 2015 to evaluate the effectiveness of the Sub-slab Depressurization System. One air sample was collected within your condo. E.Contact information related to the party providing this notice: Contact Name: Department of Environmental Protection Street Address: 436 Dwight Street City/Town: Springfield, MA Zip Code: 01060 Telephone: (413) 755-2221 Email: david.bachand.jr @state.ma.us Revised: 5/30/2014 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING As required by 310 CMR 40.1403(10)of the Massachusetts Conlingenc Plan BWSC123 This Notice is Related to: Release Tracking Number 1 13628 MASSACHUSETTS REGULATIONS THAT REQUIRE THIS NOTICE This notice is being provided pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan and the notification requirement at 310 CMR 40.1403(10). The Massachusetts Contingency Plan is a state regulation that specifies requirements for parties who are taking actions to address releases of chemicals (oil or hazardous material) to the environment. THE PERSON(S) PROVIDING THIS NOTICE This notice has been sent to you by the party who is addressing a release of oil or hazardous material to the environment at the location listed in Section A on the reverse side of this form. (The regulations refer to the area where the oil or hazardous material is present as the "disposal site".) PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE When environmental samples are taken as part of an investigation of a release for which a notification to MassDEP has been made under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0300) on behalf of someone other than the owner of the property, the regulations require that the property owner (listed in Section B on the reverse side of this form) be given notice of the environmental sampling. The regulations also require that the property owner subsequently receive the analytical results following the analysis of the environmental samples. Section C on the reverse side of this form indicates the circumstance under which you are receiving this notice at this time. If you are receiving this notice to inform you of the analytical results following the analysis of the environmental samples, you should also have received, as an attachment, a copy of analytical results. These results should indicate the number and type(s) of samples (e.g., soil, groundwater) analyzed, any chemicals identified, and the measured concentrations of those chemicals. Section D on the reverse side of this form identifies the property where the environmental sampling will be/has been conducted, provides a description of the sampling locations within the property, and indicates the phase of work under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan regulatory process during which the samples will be/were collected. FOR MORE INFORMATION Information about the general process for addressing releases of oil or hazardous material under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan and related public involvement opportunities may be found at http://www.mass.qov/eea/agencies/massdep/cleanup. For more information regarding this notice, you may contact the party listed in Section E on the reverse side of this form. Information about the disposal site identified in Section A is also available in files at the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. See http://public.dep.state.ma.us/ SearchableSites2/Search.aspx to view site-specific files on-line or http://mass.gov/eea/agencies/ massdep/about/contacts/conduct-a-file-review.html if you would like to make an appointment to see these files in person. Please reference the Release Tracking Number listed in the upper right hand corner on the reverse side of this form when making file review appointments. Revised: 5/30/2014 Page 2 of 2 . • T • I • 1 , uvuc S li Q NORTH STREET - - co °� / �id.,�Ioor A,r a,F 1II 5a, L �CtV1 ro d I O y ol. i y -W7I2o1$ O SJIy 2o 15 2.,door J I Air Sos`fiinct flit... • • vaN�m -T I 2 • ■ l � I to DtP-uN L.2471zY5 •__,_. __ 1 e �. _ 'so Rove"Lod 0 I .tea.. vs rrIA SU SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION AND MDNR WRING D LAYOUT T ii o �µw N.,M, uw ,.E i 1 TABLE 1 INDOOR AIR QUALITY DATA TWIN BUILDING CONDOMINIUM 211 NORTH STREET, NORTHAMPTON NEWTON RESIDENCE RTN 1-13628 SAMPLE ID DEP-RES-1-2/2015 DEP-RES-1.1-6/2015 DEP-RES-1.2-7/2015 DATE SAMPLED 2/26/15 6/4/15 7/30/15 Units .xg/ms pg/ms Rims Analyte Carbon Tetrachloride 0.56 <3.0 <3.0 Chloroform 0.24 <2.4 <2.4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.21 <3.0 <3.0 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.14 <2.0 <2.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.14 <2.0 <2.0 Tetrachloroethylene 42 39 <3.4 Trichloroethylene 0.52 <2.7 <2.7 Notes: Indoor samples collected over 24 hr duration and analyzed by EPA TO-15. Only chemicals associated with historical dry cleaning operations reported <0.14=less than Method Detection Limit(ND) TABLE 1 INDOOR AIR QUALITY DATA TWIN BUILDING CONDOMINIUM • 211 NORTH STREET,NORTHAMPTON WINDHORSE INTEGRATED MENTAL HEALTH,INC. - RTN 1-13628 Location 10 DEP-WH-1 DEP-WH-2 D3.1WHd SAMPLE ID DEP-W 2/26/15015 OEP-WW/1fi/2015 OEF7/30/3-052013 pE0.W2/2 6/1113 5 OE0.W 6/4/15 015 OEP WNQ0/15201$ DER 2/2 3-2/2015 DEP-WX6/415 DRAWN-3.14/2015 7 DATE SAMPLED 2/26/15 6/4/2015 7/30/2015 3/26/]5 6/4/15 ]/30/]5 2/2fi/]5 6/4/15 7/30/15 Units RE/m' ye/ma y8/m' Wm' yen' AIM? liMm' yg/m' y8/ma Amine Carbon Tetrachloride 054 <3.0 <3.0 0.63 <3.0 <3.0 0.68 <3.0 <3.0 Chloroform O.16 <2.4 <1.4 0.24 24 <2.4 0.27 <2.4 QA 1,4-Dltltlorobenzene <0.21. 4.0 <3.0 <0.21 <;0 <3.0 <0.21 <3.0 <3.0 1,2-0Ichlomtthane <0.14 - <2.0 <2.0 0.16 <2.0 <2.0 0.17 <2.0 <2.0 ds-1,2-DINloroethylene 0.23 <2.0 <2.0 0.16 <2.0 <2.0 <0.14 <20 <2.0 Tetn[hlwoethylene 68 188 10.4 80 371 17 75 235 16.1 Tdchloroetyllene 07 QS <2.7 0.84 3.8 <2,7 0.86 _ 3 <2,7 Notes: Indoor samples collected over 24 hr duration and analysed by EPA 10-15. only chemicals assotlated with historical dry cleaning operations reported <0.14=less than Method DoteNOn Whit NO) • • • TABLE 1 INDOOR AIR QUALITY DATA TWIN BUILDING CONDOMINIUM 211 NORTH STREET, NORTHAMPTON APPLIED MORTGAGE/BASEMENT RTN 1-13628 SAMPLE ID DEP-Applied-1-2/2015 DEP-Applied-1.1-7/2015 DEP-BSMT-1-2/2015 DATE SAMPLED 2/26/15 7/30/15 2/26/15 Units pg/ms ma 3 pg/m Analyte Carbon Tetrachloride 0.53 <3.0 0.55 Chloroform <017 <2.4 <0.17 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.21 <3.0 4.5 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.14 <2.0 <0.14 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.14 <2.0 <0.14 Tetrachloroethylene 1.8 <3.4 10 Trichloroethylene <0.19 <2.7 <0.19 Notes: Indoor samples collected over 24 hr duration and analyzed by EPA TO-15. Only chemicals associated with historical dry cleaning operations reported <0.14=less than Method Detection Limit(ND) TABLE 2 Risk Summary Based on July 2015 Indoor Air Data Twin Building Condominium 211 North Street, Northampton RTN 1-13628 Condominium Unit MCP IH Standards Calculated IH Exposes MCP NSR Standard Calculated Exposure ELCR HI ELCR HI ELCR HI ELCR HI Newton Residential >1.0E-05 10 NA NA >1.0E-05 1 NA NA Applied Mortgage >1.0-05 10 NA NA >1.0E-05 1 NA NA Windhorse >1.0E-05 10 8.30E-07 0.10 >1.0E-05 1 4.50E-06 0.10 II-1-Imminent Hazard NSR-No Significant Risk ELCR-Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk HI-Hazard Index(noncancer risk) MassDEP Shortforms for Human health used to calculate risk Risk Assessment 3/2015 Up-date is d.n figIeu3 riskda d exceeded NA-not applicable,contaminants of concern were not detected above Method Detection Limits PHOENIX Environmental laboratories, hie. Tuesday,August 11, 2015 Attn: Mr. Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor, CT 06074 Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Sample ID#s: BJ66928- BJ66932 This laboratory is in compliance with the NELAC requirements of procedures used except where indicated. This report contains results for the parameters tested, under the sampling conditions described on the Chain Of Custody, as received by the laboratory. A scanned version of the COC form accompanies the analytical report and is an exact duplicate of the original. If you have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext. 200. Sincerely yours, Phyllis hiller Laboratory Director NELAC -#NY11301 CT Lab Registration #PH-0618 MA Lab Registration#MA-CT-007 ME Lab Registration#CT-007 NH Lab Registration#213693-A,B NJ Lab Registration #CT-003 NY Lab Registration #11301 PA Lab Registration #68-03530 RI Lab Registration #63 VT Lab Registration #VT11301 687 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06040 Telephone(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 Analysis Report August 11, 2015 Sample Information Matrix: Location Code. Rush Request: P.O.#: Canister Id: Project ID: Client ID: Parameter AIR ESI Standard 13651 PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box Tel.(850)645-1102 FOR 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Fax(880)645-0823 Attn: Mr. Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor,CT 06074 Custody Information Collected by: Received by: Analyzed by: DB LPB see"By" below Laboratory Data FORMER TWIN CLEANERS DEP-WH2.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv Result RL Date 07/30/15 07/31/15 Time 10:28 17:50 SDG ID: GBJ66928 Phoenix ID: BJ66928 big/m3' ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Volatiles (TO151 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,12-Tdchloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1v 2=Dichloroethane 1,2-dichloropropane 1,2-Dichlorotetraouoroethane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 114-Dichlorohenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2-Rexanone(MBK) 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene 4-Methy1-2-pentanone(MI BK) Acetone Acrylanitrile Benzene Benzyl chloride ND 0500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 NO 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND a500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 24.1 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 57.2 ND ND ND 3.43 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.73 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.43 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.73 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.02 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.98 08/01/15 KCA 1 371 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.46 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.84 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.00 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.02 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.31 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.49 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.46 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.11 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.00 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.00 08/01)15 KCA 1 120 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.05 08/01/15 KCA 1 246 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 205 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.19 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.08 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.60 - 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.59 08/01/15 KCA 1 Pagel of 15 Vert Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BJ66928 Client ID: DEP-WH2.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3, ug/m3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Bromodichloromethane ND 0.500 ND 3.35 08/01/15 KCA 1 Bromoform ND 0.500 NO 5.17 08/01/15 KCA 1 Bromomethane ND 0.500 ND 1.94 08/01/15 KCA 1 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.500 NO 1.56 08/01/15 KCA .Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.500 ND 3.14 08/01/15 KCA 1 Chlorobenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.30 08/31/15 KCA 1 Chloroethane ND 0.500 ND 1.32 08/01/15 KCA 1 ,Chloroform ND 0500 ND 2.44 08/01/15 KCA 1 Chloromethane 0.716 0.500 1.48 1.03 08/01/15 KCA 1 Cis_12-Dichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/01/15 KCA 1 cis-1,3-Dlchloropropene ND 0.500 ND 227 08/01/15 KCA 1 Cyclohexane ND 0.500 ND 1.72 08/01/15 KCA 1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0500 ND 4.26 08/01/15 KCA 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.500 ND 2.47 08/01/15 KCA 1 Ethanol 143 E 0.500 269 0.94 08/01/15 KCA 1 Ethyl acetate 1.57 0.500 5.65 1.80 08/01/15 KCA 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.17 08/01/15 KCA 1 Heptane 0.911 0500 3.73 2.05 05/01/15 KCA 1 Hexachlorobutadiene NO 0.500 NO 5.33 08/01/15 KCA 1 Hexane ND 0.500 ND 176 08/01/15 KCA 1 Isopropylalcohol 20.0 0.500 49.1 1.23 08/01/15 KGA 1 isopropylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.46 08811/15 KCA 1 m,p-Xylene ND 1.00 ND 4.34 08/01/15 KCA 1 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2.01 0500 5.92 1.47 05/01/15 KCA 1 Methyl teKbutyl ether(MTBE) ND 0.500 NO 1.80 08/01/15 KCA 1 Methylene Chloride ND• 0.500 NO 1.74 08/01115 KCA 1 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 o-Xylene ND 0.500 ND 217 08)01/15 KCA 1 Propylene NO 0500 NO 086 08/01/15 KCA 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 NO 2.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 Styrene ND 0.500 ND 2.13 08/01/15 KCA 1 tTetrachloroethene 2.50 0.500 16.9 3.39 08/01/15 KCA 1 Tetrahydrofuran 2.21 0.500 6.51 1.47 08/01/15 KCA 1 Toluene 188 0.500 7.08 1.88 08/01/15 KCA 1 Trans.l2-Dichloreethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/01/15 KCA 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0500 ND 2.27 08/01/15 KCA 1 S+ictlioroethene ND 0.500 ND 2.69 08/01/15 KCA 1 Trichloroil=methane ND 0500 ND 2.81 08/01/15- KCA 1 Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 0.500 ND 3.83 08/01/15 KCA 1 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.500 ND 1.28 08/01/15 KCA 1 QA/QC Surrogates %Bromofluorobenzene. 110 % 110 % 08/01/15 KCA 1 Page 2 of 15 Ver Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BJ66928 Client ID: DEP-WH2.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv • ug/m3 ug/m3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution RUPQL=Reportinglpractical Quanittatlon Level ND=Not Detected BRL Oetow Reporting Level Comments: E=Estimated value quantitated above calibration range for this compound. It there are any questions regarding this dala,please call Phoenk Client Services at extension 200. This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody. Phyllis hiller, Laboratory Director August 11,2015 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 3 of 15 Vert Analysis Report August 11, 2015 Sample Information Matrix: Location Code: Rush Request: P.O.#: Canister Id: Project ID: Client ID: Parameter AIR ESI Standard 220 PHOENIX Environmental Labo 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box Tel.(860)645-1102 FOR ratories, Inc. 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Fax(860)645-0823 Attn: Mr. Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor,CT 06074 Custody Information Collected by: Received by: Anayzed by: DB LPB see"By"below Laboratory Data FORMER TWIN CLEANERS DEP-WH 3.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv Result RL Date 07/30/15 07/31/15 Time 10:34 17:50 SDG ID: GBJ66928 Phoenix ID: BJ66929 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Volatiles (T0151 1,11,2-Tefrachioroethane 1,1,1-Tdchloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Tdch0000ethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 12,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,24-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 412-Dichloroethane 12-dichloropropane 1,2-Dichlorotetrafuoraethane 1,3,5-Trimefhylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 104-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2-Hexanone(MBK) 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene 4-Methyl-2-pentanone(MIBK) Acetone Acrylonitdle Benzene Benzyl chloride ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND a500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 24.5 0.500 NO 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND 58.2 ND ND ND 3.43 08101115 KCA 1 2.73 08/01/15 KCA 1 _3.43 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.73 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.02 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.88 0801/15 KCA 1 171 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.46 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.84 05/01/15 KCA 1 3.00 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.02 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.31 08/01/15 KCA 1 149 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.46 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.11 08/0105 KCA 1 3.00 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.00 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.80 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.05 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.46 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 205 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.19 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.08 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.60 08101/15 KCA 1 2.59 08/01/15 KCA 1 Page 4 of 16 Vert Project ID Client ID Parameter FORMER TWIN CLEANERS DEP-WH 3.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv Result RL Phoenix I.D.: BJ66929 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Ch lorobenzene Chloroethane en10rOform Ctlaromethane Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene cis-1,3-Dichtoropropene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Ethanol Ethyl acetate Ethylbenzene Heptane Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane - Isopropyialcohol Isopmpylbenzene m,p-Xylene Methyl Ethyl Ketone Methyl ten-butyl ether(MTBE) Methylene Chloride n-Butylbenzene o-Xylene Propylene secButylbenzene Styrene Setrachloroelhene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,3-Dichtoropropene Tnchloroethene Triohlorofluoromethane TnchloroNfluoroethane Vinyl Chloride OA/QC Surrogates 36 Bromelluorobenzene ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 NO 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 0.761 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.5W ND 0.500 155 E 0.500 1.49 0.500 ND 0.500 0.896 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 19.0 0.500 No 0.500 ND 1.00 2.08 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 2.38 0.500 2.31 0.500 2.04 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 109 NO ND NO NO ND ND ND NO 1.57 ND 140 ND ND 100 292 5.37 ND 3.67 NO ND 48.7 ND ND 6.13 ND 14D ND ND ND NO ND 16.1 6.81 7.68 ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.35 08/01/15 KCA 1 517 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.94 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.56 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.14 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.30 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.32 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.44 08)01/15 KCA 1 1.03 06/01/15 KCA 1 1.98 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.27 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.72 08/01/15 KCA 426 08/01/15 KCA 1 247 08/01/15 KCA 1 094 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.80 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.17 08/01/15 KCA 1 205 08/01/15 KCA 1 533 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.76 08)01/15 KCA 1 1.23 08/01/15 KCA 1 246 08/01/15 KCA 1 4.34 08/01/15 KCA 1 1.47 08/005 KCA 1 1.80 08/01/15 KCA - 1 1.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.17 08/01/15 KCA 1 0.86 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.74 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.13 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.39 08/01/15 KCA - 1 1.47 08101/15 KCA 1 1.88 08/01/15 KCA 1 7.98 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.27 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.69 08/01/15 KCA 1 2.81 08/01/15 KCA 1 3.83 08/01/15 KCA 1 128 08/01/15 KCA 1 109 % 08/01/15 KCA 1 Page 5 of 15 Ver 1 Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS - - Phoenix I.D.: BJ66929 Client ID: DEP-WH 3.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 uglm3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution RUPQL=Reporting1Practical Quanitatlon Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level Comments: E=Estimated value quantitated above calibration range for this compound. If there are any questions regarding this data,please call Phcenix Client Services at extension 200. This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of Phyllis hiller,Laboratory Director August 11,2015 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 5 of 15 Ver1 Analysis Report August 11, 2015 Sample information Matrix: Location Code, Rush Request: Canister Id: Project ID: Client ID: Parameter AIR ESI Standard 11257 PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 FOR: Attn: Mr. Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor, CT 06074 Custody Information Collected by: Received by: Analyzed by: DB LPB see"By" below Laboratory Data FORMER TWIN CLEANERS DEP-RES-1.2 7/2015 ppbv ppbv Result RL Date 07/30/15 07/31/15 Time 10:42 17:50 SDG ID: GBJ66928 Phoenix ID: BJ66930 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Volatiles (TO151 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,12,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorohenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 13-Dichlorobenzene (;$Dichloroethane 1,2-dichbropropane 1,2-Dichlorotetrafuoroethane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 174-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2-Hexanone(MBK) 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene 4-Methy1-2-pentanone(MIBK) Acetone Acrylonilrile Benzene Benzyl chloride ND 0.500 ND 0.500 NO 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND a500 NO 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND a500 ND a500 ND 0.500 8.91 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 21.2 ND NO ND 3.43 08/03/15 DD 1 2.73 08/03/15 DD 1 3.43 08/03/15 OD 1 1.73 08/03/15 00 1 2.02 08/03/15 DD 1 1.98 08/03/15 DD 1 3.71 08/03/15 DD 1 2.46 08/03/15 DD 1 3.84 08/03/15 DD 1 300 08/03/15 DD 1 2.02 08/03/15 OD 1 2.31 08/03/15 DD 1 3.49 08/03/15 DD 1 2.46 08/03/15 DD 1 1.11 08/03/15 DO 1 3.00 08/03/15 DD 1 3.00 08/03/15 DD 1 1.130 08/03/15 OD 1 2.05 08/03/15 DD 1 2.46 08/03/15 DO 1 2.74 08/03/15 DO 1 2.05 08/03/15 - 00 1 1.19 08/03/15 DO 1 1.08 08/03/15 DO 1 t60 08/03/15 DD 1 2.59 08/03/15 130 1 Page 7of15 Ver1 Project ID; FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BJ66930 Client ID: DEP-RES-1.2 7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Bromodichloromethane ND 0500 ND 335 08/03/15 DD Bromoform ND 0.500 ND 5.17 08/03/15 DD BromoMethane ND 0.500 ND 1.94 08/03/15 OD Carbon Disulfide ND 0.500 ND 1.56 08/03/15 DD . Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.500 ND 3.14 08/03/15 DO Chlorobenzene ND .0500 ND 2.30 08/03/15 DD •Chloroethane ND 0.500 ND 1.32 08/03/15 DD •Chloroform ND 0.500 ND 2.44 08/03/15 DD Chloromethane 0.631 0.500. 130 1.03 08/03/15 DD •Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/03/15 DD ds-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 ND 2.27 08/03/15 DD Cydohexane ND 0.500 ND ill 08/03/15 DD Dibromcchloromethane ND 0.500 ND 4.26 08/03/15 DD Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.500 ND 2.47 08/03/15 DD Ethanol . 214 E 0.500 403 0.99 08/03/15 DD Ethyl acetate ND 0.500 ND 1.80 08/03/15 DD Ethylbenzene ND 0.500 NO 2.17 08103/15 DD Neptune 0.630 0.500 2.56 2.05 08/03/15 DD Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.500 ND 5.33 08/03/15 DD Hexane ND 0.500 ND 1.76 08/03/15 DD Isopropylalcohol 1.89 0.500 4.15 1.23 08/03/15 DO Isapropylbenzene ND 0.500 NO 2.46 08/03/15 DD m,p-Xylene ND 1.00 ND 4.34 08/03/15 DD Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.920 0.500 2,71 1.47 08/03/15 Do Methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE) ND 0.500 ND 1.80 06/03/15 DD Methylene Chloride ND 0.500 ND 1.74 08/03/15 DD n-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 NO 2.74 08/03/15 DD o-Xylene ND 0.500 N0 217 08/03/15 DD Propylene ND 0.500 ND ' 0.86 08/03/15 DD sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 274 08/03/15 DD Styrene ND 0.500 ND 2.13 08/03/15 DD • Tetrachloroethene ND 0.500 ND 3.39 08/03/15 OD Tetrahydrofuran ND 0.500 ND 1.47 08/03/15 00 Toluene ND 0.500 ND 1.88 08/03/15 DD Trans-l2-Dichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/03/15 DD trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 ND 2.27 08/03/15 130 •Trichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 2.69 08/03/15 DO Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.500 ND 2.81 08/03/15 DD Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 0.500 ND 3.63 08/03/15 DD Vinyl Chloride ND 0.500 ND 1.28 08/03/15 OD QA/QC Surrogates % Bromofluorobenzene 107 % 107 % 08/03/15 DD Page 8 o116 Vert Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BJ66930 Client ID: DEP-RES-1.2 7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Datefiime By Dilution RUPQL=Reporeng/Practical Quantitate Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level Comments: If there are any questions regarding this data,please call Phoene Client Services at extension 200. This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody. Phyllis hiller, Laboratory Director August 11,2015 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 9 of 15 Vert Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Client ID: DEP-WH-1.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv Parameter Result RL Phoenix I.D.: BJ66931 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Bromodichlaromethane ND 0.500 NO 3.35 08/03/15 DD BrOmofarm ND 0.500 ND 5.17 08/03/15 DD Bromomethane ND 0.500 ND 1.94 08/03/15 DD Carbon Disulfide ND 0.500 NO 1.56 08/03/15 DO Sarbon Tetrachloride NO 0.500 ND 3.14 08/03/15 DD Chlorobenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.30 08/03/15 DD Chloroethane ND 0.500 ND 1.32 08/03/15 DD Chloroform ND 0.500 NO 2.44 08/03/15 DO 6hloromethane 0699 0.500 1.44 1.03 08/03/15 DD Gis4,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08103/15 DD cis-1.3-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 ND Z27 08/03/15 DD Cyclohexane ND 0.500 ND 1.72 08/03/15 DD Dibromcchloromethane ND 0.500 ND 4.26 08/03/15 DO Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.506 ND 2.47 08/03/15 DD Ethanol 130 E 0.500 245 0.94 08/03/15 DD Ethyl acetate 1.49 0.500 5.37 1.80 08/03/15 DD Ethylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 217 08/03/15 DD Heptane 0972 0.500 3.98 2.05 08/03/15 DD Hexadllorobutadlene NO 0.500 ND 833 08/03/15 OD Hexane ND 0.500 ND 176 08/03/15 DD Isopropylalcohol 28.0 0.500 68.8 1.23 08/03/15 DD Isopropylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.46 08/03/15 DD m,p-Xylene ND 1.00 ND 4.34 08103/15 DD Methyl Ethyl Ketone 1.77 0.500 5.22 1.47 08/03/15 DO Methyl lert-butyl ether(MTBE) ND 0.500 NO 1.80 08/03/15 DD Methylene Chloride NO 0.500 NO 1.74 08/03/15 DD n-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2,74 08/03/15 DD o-Xylene - NO 0.500 ND 2.17 08/03/15 DD Propylene ND 0.500 ND 0.85 08/03/15 DD sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.74 08/03/15 010 Styrene ND 0.500 ND 2.13 08/03/15 DD Tetrachloroethene 1.54 0500 10.4 139 08/03/15 DD Tetrahydroturan 1.54 0.500 4.54 1.47 08/03/15 DO Toluene 9.750 0.500 2.82 1.88 08/03/15 DD Trans-12-Dichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/03/15 DD trans-12-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 ND Z27 08/03/15 DO Tflchloraethene ND 0.500 NO 2.59 08/03/15 DD Trichloroflunromethane ND 0.500 ND 2.81 08/03/15 DD Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 0.500 ND 383 08/03/15 DD Vinyl Chloride ND 0.500 ND 1.28 08/03/15 01) QA/QC Surrogates % Bromofluorobenzene 110 % 110 % 08/03/15 DD Page 11 WS Vert Analysis Report August 11, 2015 Sample Information Matrix: AIR Location Code: ESI Rush Request: Standard P.O.#: Canister Id: 369 PHOENIX Environmental Labo 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box Tel.(860)645-1102 FOR: ratories, Inc. 370,Manchester,CT 08045 Fax(860)645-0823 Attn: Mr. Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor, CT 06074 Custody Information Collected by: Received by: Analyzed by: DB LPB see"By" below Laboratory Data Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Client ID: DE P-WH-1.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv Parameter Result RL Date 07/30/15 07/31/15 Time 13:10 17:50 SDG ID: GBJ66928 Phoenix ID: BJ66931 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Volatiles (T0151 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroothane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethan e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimelhylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 12-Dichlorobenzene ,2-Dlchloroethane 12-dichloropropane 1,2-Dichlorotetrafuoroethane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1;4Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2-Hexanone(MBIQ 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene 4-Methy1-2-pentanone(MIBIQ Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Benzyl chloride ND 0.500 NO 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 NO 0.500 21.8 0.500 ND 0.500 NO 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 3.43 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 273 0803/15 DD 1 ND 143 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 273 08/03/15 DO 1 NO 102 0803/15 DO 1 ND 1.98 08/03/15 DO 1 ND 3.71 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.48 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.84 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 100 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.02 08/03/15 DO 1 ND 2.31 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.49 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 248 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 1.11 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 100 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.00 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 780 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.05 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.46 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 274 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.05 08/03/15 DD 1 51.8 1.19 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 1.08 08,03/15 DD 1 ND 1.60 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 159 08/03/15 DD 1 Page lo of 15 Vert Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BJ66931 Client ID: DEP-WH-1.2-7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution RL/PQL=Reponing/Pracdcal Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level Comments: If there am any question regarding this data,please call Phoenix Client services at extension 200. This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody. Phyllis hiller, Laboratory Director August 11,2015 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 11 of 15 Ver 1 Analysis Report August 11, 2015 Sample Information Matrix: AIR Collected by: Location Code: ESI Received by: Rush Request: Standard Analyzed by: PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.0 Box Tel.(860)645-1102 370,Manchester,CT 00045 Fax(860)645-0823 FOR: Attn:Mr. Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor,CT 06074 Custody Information DB LPB see'By'below Laboratory Data P.O.*: Canister Id: 218 Project ID: Client ID: Parameter FORMER TWIN CLEANERS DEP-APP LI E D-1.1-7/2015 ppbv ppbv Result RL Date 07/30/15 07/31/15 Time 13:15 17:50 SDG ID: GBJ66928 Phoenix ID: BJ66932 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution Volatiles (T0151 1,1.1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,12,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-dichloropropane 1.2-Dichlorotetrafluoraethane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2-Hexanone(MBK) 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyitoluene 4-Methy1-2-pentanone(MIBIQ Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Benzyl chloride ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0500 ND 0.500 11.3 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 ND 0.500 .ND 3.43 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 273 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 143 08/03/15 DD 1 NO 2.73 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.02 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 1.98 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.71 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.46 08/03/15 1110 1 ND- a84 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.00 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 202 08/03/15 OD 1 ND 2.31 08213/15 DD 1 NO 3.49 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.46 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 1.11 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.00 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 3.00 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 1.80 08/03/15 00 1 ND 205 08/03/15 00 1 ND 2.46 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.74 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 2.05 08/03/15 DD 1 26.8 1.19 08/03/15 DD 1 ND 1.08 08/03/15 DO 1 NO 1.60 08/03/15 DO 1 ND 2.59 08103/15 DD 1 Page 13 of 15 Vert Project lD: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D,: BJ66932 Client ID: DEP-APPLIED-1.1-7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Tine By Dilution Bromodichloromethane ND 0.500 NO 3.35 08/03/15 DD BromefOrm ND 0.500 ND 5.17 08/03/15 DD Bromamethane ND 0.500 NO 1.94 08/03/15 DD Carbon Disulfide ND 0.500 ND 1.56 08/03/15 DD Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.500 ND 114 08/03/15 DD Chlorobenzene ND 0500 ND 2.30 08/03/15 DD Chioroethane NO 0.500 ND 1.32 08/03/15 DD Chloroform ND 0.500 - ND 2.44 08/03/15 DD Chloromethane 0.620 0.500 1,28 1.03 08/03/15 DO Cis-12-Dichlnroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/03/15 DD cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0,500 ND 2.27 - 08/03/15 DD Cyclohexane ND 0500 ND 1.72 08/03/15 DD Dibromochloromethane ND 0,500 ND 4.26 08103/15 DD Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.500 NO 2.47 08/03/15 OD Ethanol 64.5 E 0.500 122 0.94 08/03/15 DD Ethyl acetate 0.728 0.500 2.62 1.80 06/03/15 DO Ethylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.17 08/03/15 DD Heptane 1.69 0.500 6,92 2.05 08/03/15 DD Hexachlorobutadiene . ND 0.500 ND 5.33 08/03/15 DO Hexane ND 0.500 ND 176 08/03/15 DD Isopropylalcohol 105 0.500 25.8 123 08/03/15 DD Isopropylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 246 08/03/15 DD m.0-Xylene ND 1.00 ND 434 08/03/15 DD Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.672 0.500 1.98 1.47 08/03/15 . DD Methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE) ND 0.500 ND 1.80 08/03/15 DD Methylene Chloride ND 0.500 ND 1.74 08/03/15 DD n-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.74 08/03/15 DD o-Xylene ND 0.500 ND 2.17 08/03/15 DD Propylene ND 0.500 ND 0.86 08/03/15 DO sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.74 08/03/15 DD Styrene ND 0500 ND 2.13 08/03/15 DD Tetrachloroethene ND 0.500 ND 139 08/03/15 00 Tetrahydrofuran ND 0.500 ND 1.47 08/03/15 DO Toluene 0.565 0.500 2.13 1.88 08/03/15 DD Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 1.98 08/03/15 OD trans-1,3-Dichlornpropene ND 0.600 ND 2.27 08/03/15 OD Trichloroethene ND 0.500 ND 2.69 08/03/15 DD Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.500 ND 2.81 08/03/15 DO Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 0.500 . ND 3.83 08/03/15 DD Vinyl Chloride ND 0.500 i ND 1.26 08/03/15 00 DA/QC Surrogates %Bromofluorobenzene 105 % 105 % 08/03/15 DD Page 14 of 15 Ver 1 Project ID: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BJ66932 Client ID: DEP-APPLIED-1.1-7/2015 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 uglm3 Parameter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution RL/POL=Reponing/Practiml Quantitatfon Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level Comments: If there are any questions regarding this data,please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200. This report must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached than of custody. Phyllis hiller,Laboratory Director August 11,2015 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 15 of 15 Ver 1 QA/QC Report August 11, 2015 Parameter PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Boz 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)845-0823 QA/QC Data SDG I.D.: GBJ66926 BIk Blk Sample Sample Sample Sample % % BIk RL BIk RL • LCS Result Dip Result ap DUP Rec RPD ppbv ppbv ug/m3 up/m3 % up/m3 up/m3 ppbv ppbv RPD Limits Limits QA/QC Batch 315718(ppbv).QC Sample No:BJ66928(BJ669213,BJ66929) Volatiles 1,1,12-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.146 ND 1.00 116 ND ND ND ND NC 70-13o 20 1,1,1-Trlchloroethane - ND 0.183 ND 1.00 113 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1.1,22-Tetrachloraethane ND 0.146 ND 1.00 101 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1.12-Tdchloroethane ND 0.183 ND 1.00 109 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1-Dichbrcethane ND 0.247 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1-Dtchloroethene ND 0.252 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1.2,4-Tdchlorobenzene ND 0.135 ND 1.00 116 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 1,2-Dibromaethano(EDB) ND 0.130 ND 1.00 104 ND ND ND ND 140 70-130 20 1.2-Dichlorabenzene ND 0.166 ND 1.00 107 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 1,2-Didiloroathane NO 0.247 ND 1.00 109 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2-dichloroprapene NO 0.216 ND 1.00 105 ND ND -ND NO NC 70-130 20 1.2-Dlchloroterafuoroethene ND 0.143 NO 1.00 98 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 1.3,5-Tdmelhylbenzene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 104 ND ND NO ND NC 70-130 20 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.452 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1.3-Dichlcrobenzene ND 0.188 ND 1.00 107 ND 140 ND NO NC 70-130 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.166 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 1,4-Dloxane ND 0.278 ND 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 2-Hexanona(MBK) ND 0.244 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 4-Ethyltoluene NO 0.204 ND 1.00 107 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 4-Isoprapytoluene ND 0.182 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 4-Methy1-2-pentanane(MIBIQ ND 0.244 ND 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Acetone ND 0.421 ND 1.00 89 57.2 567 24.1 23.9 0.8 70-130 20 Acrytonitrlle ND 0.461 ND 1.00 97 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Benzene ND 0.313 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 Benzyl chloride ND 0.193 ND 1.00 135 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 i Bromodichloromethane ND 0.149 ND 1.00 119 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Bromoform ND 0.097 ND 1.00 123 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Bromomethane ND 0.257 ND 1.00 101 ND ND ND NO NC 70.130 20 Carbon Disulfde NO 0.321 NO 1.00 112 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Carbon Tetrachbride ND 0.040 ND 0.25 114 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Chlorobenzene ND 0217 NO 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Chloroethene ND 0.379 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND ND 140 70-130 20 Chloroform ND 0205 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Chloromethane ND 0.484 ND 1.00 104 1.48 1.55 0.716 0.750 4.6 70-130 20 Cls42-Dichloroethene ND 0.256 ND 1.01 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 ds-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.220 ND 1.00 117 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Cyclohexane ND 0.291 ND 1.00 104 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Dibramochloromethxne ND 0.117 ND 1.00 116 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Dlchlorodlfuoromethane ND 0.202 ND 1.00 '108 ND ND ND ND 140 70.-130 20 Ethanol ND 0.531 ND 1.00 98 269 273 143 145 1.4 70-130 20 Page 1 of 3 Parameter QA/QC Data SDG I.D.: G13J66928 Blk Bik Sample Sample Sample Sample % % BIk RL BIk RL LCS Result Dup Rank Oup WP Rec RPD ppbv ppbv uglm3 u9/m3 % up/m3 up/m3 ppbv ppbv RPD Limits Limits Ethyl acetate ND 0.278 ND 1.00 112 5.65 6.19 1.57 1.72 9.1 70-130 20 Ethylbenzene_ ND 0.230 ND 1.00 108 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Heptane ND 0.244 ND 1.00 104 3.73 3.74 0.911 0.914 03 70-130 20 Hexachlorobdadlene NO 0.094 NO 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Hexane NO 0284 NO 1.00 107 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Isopropylalcohol ND 0.407 ND 1.00 103 49.1 49.6 20.0 20.2 1.0 70-130 20 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.204 NO 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 m,p-Xylene ND 0.230 ND 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Methyl Ethyl Ketone ND 0.339 ND 1.00 100 5.92 6.10 2.01 2.07 2.9 70-130 20 Methyl ten-butyl emer(MTBE) ND 0.277 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Methylene Chloride ND 0.288 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND NO NC 70-130 20 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.182 NO 1.00 104 ND ND ND . ND NC 70-130 20 o-Xylene ND 0.230 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Propylene ND 0.581 ND 1.00 115 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 sec-Butybenzene ND 0.182 ND 1.00 101 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Styrene ND 0.235 ND 1.00 110 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Tetrachlorcelhene ND 0.037 ND 0.25 104 18.9 16.6 2.50 2.45 2.0 70-130 20 Telrahydrofuren ND 0.339 ND 1.00 102 8.51 8.57 2.21 223 0.9 70-130 20 Tduene ND 0.268 ND 1.00 104 7.08 7.34 1.88 1.95 3.7 70-130 20 Trans-1,2-DicNaoethene ND 0.252 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 trans-1,3-Dlchloropropene ND 0.220 NO 1.00 107 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Trichloroelhene ND 0.047 ND 0.25 109 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Tdchlorofluoromethane ND 0.178 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Tdchloroinfluoroethane ND 0.131 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND NO NC 70-130 20 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.098 ND 0.25 103 ND NO ND ND NC 70-130 20 %Bromofluorabenzene 100 % 100 % 101 110 113 110 113 2.7 70-130 20 QA/QC Batch 316167(ppbv),QC Sample No:BJ66932(BJ66930,BJ56931,BJ66932) Volatiles 1,1,1,2-Tetrachlomethane ND 0.146 ND 1.00 118 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1,1-Trirhlaroemene ND 0.183 ND 1.00 110 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1,2,2.Tetrachloroethane ND 0.146 ND 1.00 99 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane ND 0.183 ND 1.00 108 ND NO ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1-D1rhlwcethane ND 0.247 ND 1.00 98 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,1-Dichlorcethene ND 0.252 ND 1.00 100 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2,4-Trichbrobenzene ND 0.135 ND 1.00 115 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2,4-Tdmehylbenzene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 1,2-Dibromoehane(EDB) ND 0.130 ND 1.00 98 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2-DIchlorobenzene ND 0.186 ND 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2-Dichlwaethane ND 0.247 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,2-dichlompropane ND 0.216 ND 1.00 109 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 12-Dichlorotelrafluarcethane ND 0.143 ND 1.00 73 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,3.Buradlene ND 0.452 ND 1.00 97 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 1,3-Dichbrobenzene ND 0.166 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,4-Dlchlorobenzene ND 0.166 ND 1.00 107 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 1,4-Dioxane ND 0178 ND 1.00 104 ND NO ND ND NC 70-130 20 2-Hexarrone(MBK) ND 0.244 ND 1.00 95 ND ND NO ND NC 70.130 20 4-Emyfduene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 105 ND NO ND ND NC 70-130 20 4-Isopropylloluene ND 0.182 ND 1.00 101 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 4-Methyl-2-pentenone(MIBK) ND 0.244 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Acetone ND 0.421 ND 1.00 89 26.8 27.8. 11.3 11.7 3.5 70-130 20 AcrylanWle ND 0.461 ND 1.00 94 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 Page 2013 Parameter QA/QC Data SDG I.D.: GBJ66928 Blk Blk Sample Sample Sample Sample % % Blk RL Blk RL LCS Resut Dup Result Dup DUP Rec RPD ppbv ppbv ualm3 ughn3 % uym3 uyna ppbv ppbv RPD Limits Um9s Benzene 140 0.313 ND 1.00 98 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Be041chloride ND 0.193 ND 1.00 126 ND NO ND NO NC 70-130 20 Bromodichlommethane ND 0.149 140 1.00 116 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Bromofomr NO 0.097 ND 1.00 125 ND ND NO ND NC 70-130 20 Bromomelhane NO 0.257 ND 1.00 97 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Carbon Disulfde ND 0.321 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Carbon Tetmchlodde ND 0.040 140 025 114 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Chlorabenzene ND 0.217 ND 1.00 104 ND ND 14D ND NC 70-130 20 Chbroethane ND 0.379 ND 1.00 98 ND ND 140 ND 140 70-130 20 Chloroform ND 0.205 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Chbromelhano ND 0.484 ND 1.00 98 1.2E 1.22 0.820 0.591 4.8 70-130 20 Cls-1,2-Dlchloroetene ND 0.256 ND 1.01 101 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 do-1.3-Dkhlaropropene ND 0.220 NO 1.00 115 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Cyclohexane ND 0.291 NO 1,00 97 ND ND ND NO NC 70-130 20 DibromoohloromeIhane ND 0.117 ND 1.00 111 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 DichiorodNuoromethane ND 0.202 ND 1.00 97 ND ND NO ND NC 70-130 20 Ethanol ND 0531 ND 1.00 95 122 127 64.6 67.2 3.9 70-130 20 Ethyl acetate ND 0.278 ND 1.00 107 2.62 2.62 0.728 0.728 0.0 70-130 20 Ethyibenzene ND 0230 ND 1.00 106 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Heaton ND 0.244 NO 1.00 99 6.92 7.04 1.69 1.72 1.8 70-130 20 Hexachlorobutadlene ND 0.094 140 1.00 107 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Hexane ND 0.284 ND -1.00 100 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Isopropylalcohol ND 0.407 NO 1.00 97 25.8 26.5 10.5 10.8 2.8 70.130 20 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.204 14D 1.00 107 ND ND ND NO NC 70-130. 20 m,p-Xylene ND 0.230 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 140 0.339 ND 1.00 95 1.98 2.07 0.672 0.701 4.2 70-130 20 Methyl ted-butyl ether(MTBE) ND 0.277 ND 1.00 96 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Methylene Chloride ND 0.288 ND 1.00 97 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 n-Bulylbenzene ND 0.182 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 o-Xyiene ND 0.230 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Propylene ND 0.681 ND 1.00 105 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.182 ND 1.00 101 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Styrene ND 0.235 ND 1.00 109 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 Tetradlloroethene ND 0.037 ND 0.25 100 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Tetrahydrofuran ND 0.339 ND 1.00 97 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 20 Toluene ND 0266 ND 1.00 36 2.13 2.19 0.565 0.581 2.8 70-130 20 l Trans-1,2-Dichbroethene ND 0.252 ND 1.00 101 ND ND ND. ND NC 70-130 20 Irars-1,3-DIchloropropene ND 0.220 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND NO NC 70.130 20 Tdchioroelhene ND 0.047 ND 0.25 109 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Tdchlaofluoromethane ND 0.178 ND 1.00 104 ND ND ND ND NC- 70-130 20 Tdchlorotrifluoroethans ND 0.131 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.098 ND 0.25 97 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 20 %Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 102 % 102 105 105 105 105 0.0 70-130 20 =This parameter is outside laboratory IceOCSd specified recovery limits. If there are any questons regarding this data,please call Phoenix Client SeMces at extension 200. RPD-Relative Percent Difference LCS-Laboratory Control Sample LCSD-Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate MS-Matra Spike •MS Dup-Matrix Spike Duplicate NC-No Criteria Intl-Interference Page 3 of 3 Phylll hiller, Laboratory Director August 11,2015 Tuesday,August 11,2015 Sample Criteria Exceedences Report Criteria: MA:CAM Stale: MA GB.166928-ESI SampNa Acode Phoenix Analyte Criteria Result RI "'"No Data to Display^" Phoenk Laboratories does not assume responsibility for the data contained in this report. It is provided as an additional fool to identify requested criteria execs ensure the accuracy of the dale(obtained from appropriate agencies). A lack of exceedence information does not necessarily suggest conformance lo the crib professbnars responsibility to determine appropriate compliance. MassDEP Analytical Protocol Certification Form Laboratory Name: Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Project#: Project Location: FORMER TWIN CLEANERS RTN: This Form provides certifications for the following data set: (list Laboratory Sample ID Number(sl] 8J66926,BJ66929,BJ66930,BJ56931,BJ66932 Matrices ❑Groundwater/Surface Water ❑Soil/Sediment ❑ Drinking Water ®Air ❑ Other CAM Protocol(check all that app y below) 8280 VOG CAM II ❑ 7470/7471 Hg CAM III ❑ MassDEP VPH CAM IV ❑ 8081 Pesticides CAMVB ❑ 7196 HexCr CAM VI ❑ MassDEP APH CAM IX ❑ 8270 SVOC CAM II ❑ 7010 Metals CAM IIIC• ❑ MassDEP EPH CAM IV ❑ 8151 Herbicides CAM VC ❑ 8330 Explosives CAM VIII ❑ TO-15 VOC CAM IX R 6010 Metals CAM III A ❑ 6020 Metals CAM III D ❑ 8082 PCB CAM V A ❑ 9012 Total CyanIdo/PAC ❑ CAM V1 A 6860 Perchlorate CAM VIII B ❑ Affirmative responses to questions Athrough F are required for 'Presumptive Certainty"status A Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain-of-Custody, properly preserved(including temperature`)in the field or laboratory,and prepared/analyzed with method holding times?C see narrative) ©Yes ❑ No B Were the analytical method(s)and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)followed? R Yes • No C Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)implemented for all identified performance standard non- conformances? CA Yes ❑ No D Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting CAM VII A,"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines and Reporting of Analytical Data"? requirements speified in for the Acquisition ©Yes ❑ No E a.VPH,EPH,and APH Methods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s)? (refer to the individual method(s)for a list of significant modifications). b. APH and TO-15 methods only:Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? ❑Yes ❑ No [J]Yes ❑ No F Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non-conformances identified and evaluated in a laboratory narrative(including all"No°responses to Questions A through E)? W Yes ❑ No Responses to questions G, H and I below is required for"Presumptive Certainty"status G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? ®Yes ❑No Data User Note' Data that achieve"Presumptive Certainty'status may not necessarily meet the data usability and representativeness requirements described In 310 MR 40. 1056(2)(k)and WSC-07.350 H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s)achieved? See Section:AIRSIM Narration. ❑Yes RI No I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? ®Yes ❑ No All negative responses must be addressed In an attached laboratory nanetive. I,the undersigned,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that,based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the Information,the material contained In this analytical report is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,accurate and complete. � Date: Tuesday,August 11,2015 Authorized Printed Name: Greg Lawrence Signature: Position: Assistant Lab Director PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories,Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 MCP Certification Report August 11,2015 SDG I.D.: GBJ66928 AIRSIM Were all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the MADEP document CAM achieved? No. QC Batch 315718(Samples: BJ66928,BJ66929):-- The LCS recovery is above the upper range for one analyte that was not reported in the sample(s),therefore no significant hies is suspected.(Benzyl chloride) QC Batch 316167(Samples: BJ66930,13366931,BJ66932):— The ICS recovery for one analyte is below the method criteria. A slight low bias is likely.(Toluene) Instrument: Chem24 07/31/15-1(B766928.B7669293 Initial Calibration Verification(CHEM24/AIR 0731): 100%of target compounds net criteria The following compounds had%RSDs>30%:None. The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factor of 0.01:None. Continuing Calibration Venfication#1(CHEM24/0731_07-A1R0731)(MCP Compliance): 100%of target compounds met criteria Internal standards were within the 50%-200%deviation from the in1 compounds did not meet%deviation criteria:None. The following compounds did not mat maximum%deviations:None. The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors:None. The fallowing compounds did not mat minimum response factors:Nonc. Continuing Calibration Verification#2(CHEM24/0731 30-AIR_0731)(MCP Compliance): 100%of target compounds met criteria Internal standards were within the 50%-200%deviation from the ini compounds did not meet%deviation criteria:None. The following compounds did not meet maximum%deviations:None. The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors:None. The following compounds did not mat minimum response factors:None. Printed Name Keith Aloisa Position: Chemist Date: 7/31/2015 Instrument: Chem24 08/03/15-1 (13766930 B166931,B366932) Initial Calibration Verification(CI1EM24/AIR0731): 100%of target compounds met criteria The following compounds had%aRSDs>30%:None. The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors:None. continuing.The following continuing.The following Page 1 of2 PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories,Inc. 5S7 Fast Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645.0823 MCP Certification Report August 11,2015 SDG LD.: GBJ66928 The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors:None. Continuing Calibration VenScation (CHEM24/0803 02-AIR 0731)(MC?Compliance): 100%of target compounds met criteria Internal standards were within the 50%-200%deviation from the initial continuing.The following compounds did not meet%deviation criteria.None. The following compounds did not meet maximum%deviations:None. The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors:None. The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors:None. Printed Name Damien Drobiaski Position: Chemist Date: 8)3/2015 QC(Batch Specific) --------Sample No:8166928, QA/QC Batch:315718-------- All LCS recoveries were within 70- 130 with the following exceptions:Benzyl chloride(135%) --------Sample No:13166932, QA/QC Batch:316167------ All LCS recoveries were within 70- 130 with the following exceptions:Toluene(36%) I attest under the pains and penalties ofperjmy that,based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,accurate and complete. Page2 of2 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PHOENIX AUt ANALYSES P'O'P page of Data Delierv- Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 800-827-5426 ❑fax r: mtm cexigemctee•rrceentreuyeten. p10 email:greg®phueltiRlabxeom ❑Fat ❑none t I�l /d�� Invoice to: Prefect Name Report to: 12:1w(. 1N / £Sr Front,'Tts Glenne-4?-5. Customer: Cs-L CIO el glaN Requested Deliverable: ASP GTB ❑ Addles.: cfrb���keTlo1 ,�k 4`a.�' 11u MCP t4' m eeulvenwes ❑ sic w\nd,O¢L c 06039 Smpledby: �" '' .g ,eo - 5LU - (�b0 eckaom.1 4%4DEP State where samples collected: MA i e Ocv..hym g Inomb c..e.m aa cmNeuw e //30 71 3 / 0 CaaIM. helium Nang Renderer Setting Sampling Sampling Semple Femme at Pnuoa al 5 n - b Phoenix ID Client Sample ID Canhtm on 0. SinN rU& raag) ma Imumey SYatTime and Time Mart Doe star mg) end rxn ` 1j 1? t, TNIS SECTION FOR LAB USE ONLY • MATRIX ANALYSES PCP—well e2 -4- 105 LIVO f.D -� 530 3- a/ bad cc, 1 n� vac_ (c(09 1)EP-wHZ,2 - 9-/2015 13051 (0.0 -80 —Co 449'1 ro; .110 Rs 3o+ 6 x f ( Blot 1 DEP- WN 3et - 4 Izeis 000 ,10-0 33'b 5/0 1o4 ins 3if 29eS S5 a' x R30 tiE2 -R£5 -1e2 - 7-ho,s1%1' con --a) -3yq j ioarro,Y7 le+ 4 "A -< (Ofo931 vitP-uHt.z - 740 is 369 1 -;3a -b 4493 .0 1 A IS10r 30 �- 74 x (� L3a Dt - Apphca-1 .1 - 7-2.0)6 t13 1 -30 —S .4q 1 I:l� t 145 iys*- r )o -A' R T f�� /� Accepted by. n Dam Tor Data Format �a/A �fA�V —/oe.)0 ' 7-3i -fs- //Rao Excel Egois ❑ GISKey ❑ �-+ �� ,Il� /3I\IS 1 JsJ PDF ❑ Other: ❑ PTt'rtAa eeAel OfDONS Oe RaOITRim tlT eNNRON' Requ tea Criteria JAVL • Lo'al Laae..e 5r an per CAM 1 sutra that all ndio released by Phoenix Environmental Ldoraleries,Inc.have deem naiad Si grad tanking condition and ague to the terms and conditions as Ihtd an the back of this document Ouote Number. swmm. ram