360 Title 5 Violation Letter, 1988 SOAP OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chairman PETER C.KENNY.M.D. MICHAEL R.PARSONS PETER L McERLAIN.Health Agent Ms Regan Eddy 360 North Farms Road Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Ms. Regan Eddy: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH June 9, 1988 Re: Septic System 360 N. Farms Road 210 MAIN STREET 01060 M1215866950 Ext.213 At your request, on June 9, 1988 an inspection was made of your sewage disposal system at 360 North Farms Road, Northampton. The inspection revealed the following: The septic system consisted of an undersized septic tank, an illegal leaching facility located just over the rear property and an outlet which discharges sewage directly into the adjacent brook, flowing west and south of the property. The undersized septic tank and the lack of an approved leaching facility consti- tutes violations of Section 15.02 of 310 CMR 15.00 Title 5 of the State Environ- mental Code and the discharge of sewage to a water course violates Section 15.02 (11) of 310 CMR 15.00. This condition, also, constitutes a Public Health Nuisance. Under authority of Chapter 21A, Section 13 and Chapter 111, Section 123, you are hereby ordered to correct the above-mentioned conditions within 14 days of the receipt of this notice, by: 1. Abating the nuisance. 2. Installing an approved sewage disposal system.* 3. Ceasing the use of the existing illegal septic system. 3. And when the installation of the new septic system is complete, you must have your old tank pumped out and removed or filled with sand, and the pipe should be removed from the brook. *'In order to install a new septic system, you must have a subsurface sewage disposal system plan prepared by a registered professional engineer or a registered sanitarian. LETTER TO MS. REGAN EDDY, 360 NORTH FARMS ROAD RE: SEPTIC SYSTEM JUNE 9, 1988 That plan and a sewage disposal works construction permit application must be sub- mitted to the Board of Health. Once you have been granted a sewage disposal works construction permit you must have the system installed by a licensed installer. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Board of Health Office. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMe/mr Certified Nail II P 694 762 975 UNITEO.STATES POSTAL SERVICE IIIIII OFFICIAL BUSINESS Shea SlINSTRUCTIONS � � Print your name,addmac,•nd ZIP Code •GmppIIete Its ,2,D,and 4 on •Attook to lr.M of ankle If wan k �, Permits,utherwb•affix to back of •Entl ie ankh"Return Receipt PENALTY FOR PRIVATE Requnetsd'adleacnt to number. USE 5000 RETURN * Print Sender's name,address,and ZIP Code in they TO pace below. Board of Health ; 210 Main St - I'M ty Hall Mnrthampton, NA 01060 I •SENDERi Complete items t end 2 when additional esMoa ate desired,and complete Naps 3 and 4. Put your address la the"RETURN TO specs on the reverse side.Failure to do this will prevent this cord from being rammed to you _ �,�a•f _ dYwerwmerm mdl as vre '= i e')r i`ere irk ;` N" ppsanesesr m es)for addition,'wMOelsl rpuaswd, 1. C7 Show to whom delivered,date,and eddhaww'e addres.. 2. C7 Restricted Delivery. .4 3.Article Addresdd to: 4.Article Number Ms. Regan Eddy __At P. 694 762 975 Tips of Service: 360 North Farms Road ` ❑ InwrM Northampton, MA 01060 e Certified B rno 1 Eapnse NYl Always obtain signature of addressee or n sawn and DATE Dme(ONLY. B.Signs -Add B. a mew_.(ONLYif: X Ps/J�'i ea w� 6.si X i. of D11elhpry 1 g,_' PS F ft,Feb:1986 ^/ DOMESTIC RETURN RECSSr