2015 Annual Report Florence Recreation Fields 2015 CPA Report Parks & Recreation project Staffing jointly by: Parks & Recreation and Planning and Sustainability The Florence Fields project has funded final design and construction of Florence Fields 1.Leveraging:These funds, along with a past CPA grant, leveraged over $1,300,000 of state grants for Florence Recreation Fields and its playground 2.Florence Fields: The grant has helped fund all aspects of the project (site work, field development, parking, multiuse trail, irrigation system, restroom and pavilion, etc.) In 2015, the project funded: 1.Punchlist items for the playing fields, multiuse trails, parking lots and utilities. 2.Substantial completion of the Florence Fields Pavilion and Restrooms. Detailed account balances and expenditures are available on the CPA expenditures spreadsheet. All of the costs went to construction, design, and oversight. Current Status The recreation pavilion is substantially complete. Final work will be completed in Spring 2016, which will complete the project. The funds remaining in CPA are for punch list items and for items already incurred but for which we withhold payment until the project is complete as a contractual holdback to endure the project is correctly completed. All CPA funds have been encumbered for the completion of the recreation pavilion. Because the funds have been encumbered, we assume that we don’t need to extend the MOA, but if this is not accurate please let us know.