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709 Septic Application Permit Compliance & Plans
©1--17 ORIGINAL COMMONWLALTII Of MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, AktIMIAND rJ MA. APPLICATION FOP DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lication fora Permit to Construct( ) Repair( Upgrade Abandon( ) - 9'Complete System ❑Individual Components oat ion 709 ce Q- Owners Name 6 (a/frMil/k FLM &Zs Nfap/Parcel# Ike^ 7 9 Address 707 Y'I-DRehze Rb Lot# A lelephoue# S i� Imtallet's Name a ,— D 1 Hers Name es g ��CLs . A- .Address p //^'���� p �/� Address 39' &I& enC'Jci IiAAedoU+V Telephone# �Ws Telephone# 4(3 `325-rSTS? : Type of Building Lot Size n';q q sq ft rider Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms J Carhage. 411 Showers ( ),Cafeteria ( ) Other-Type of Building No of person. Other Fixtures r� Design Flow (min.required) 33U gpd Calculated design flow 3 s Design flow prosided S33 Plan: Date 2 2101 Number of sheets ,7( Title SarnC. sysrer' Q—PAt& •LAiJ Description of Soil(s) CL h95 jl t 4e2In TOWN Soil Evaluator Rem No. Name of Soil Evaluator 4j1' S5 Date of Esaluation 43/Zeta Revision Date gpd DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR-ALTERATIONS 41 S 1.1)54`NC-1' ti-LM Jr.&ccl`.U.1 Utnw- 4S ctu • ra... • ant.. . C c The undersigned-agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in op y'.on until a Cer L mate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. 77/01 Signed Incite(dous - Na_ COMMONWDITTF1 OF A1ASSACAUSFTTS Board of Health, 4/17 ;ill« MA. CF12TIFICAT1: OF COMPLIANCE: Description of Work: ❑Individual Componen IJ'Complete System The undersighrd hereby -.rtifv that the Se by: at C9 CtF +. r ` hi � has been installed a accordance with the proyisions of 310 CMR 1500 (Title ) an4.1 the appicA ed design pit's/as bu li plans relating to application No. j dated--)ki.7 Approved D How »k' (gpd) Installer {�f Pfst 'it Inspector:41> r j j! / l Designer: f / '� • !C--+):ue. 11 function as designed. / or- / 7 //1 f 77,/(.. { FEF COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, kilih,iet S'f 1'%' MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTifillUION PERMIT FEE d O.Opgraded ( ),Abandoned ( I The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system No. Peratissi hereby granted to; Construct(( ,) Repair(jgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system at 707 / ��67/�2 /�<.1 as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. C/-1 7 y dated Tarr a. Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of thin-an:Ant. %AM local cosy // / Form:ass Rev.s�nu.scum Co.Boston MA Date ��yef Board of Health {�/ ��y �* IA tIofis must be met. llGt�.ty,t—. ▪ 21E Site investigations • Subsurface Investigations • Pollution Remediation • LSP on Staff July 2 , 2001 COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Mr. Peter McErlain, Administrator Northampton Board of Health City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 RE : Septic System Repair & Local Upgrade Approval Flanders Residence, 709 Florence Road Dear Sir or Madam: • Percolation Tests and Septic Designs • Regulatory Compliance • Rccyclingand Solid Waste With the intent of full compliance with 310 CMR 15 . 000 , (Sanitary Septic Code, Title V) , and the understanding that maximum feasible upgrade should be achieved to maximize protection of public health and safety and the environment, a Local Upgrade Approval is requested for the repair of the system at the above mentioned property. It has been opined by the writer that strict enforcement of the code would be manifestly unjust (310 CMR 15 . 410) . The following Local Uprgrade Approval Request is noted: -lack of 10 foot setback from S. Tank to house foundation (5 feet provided to house) . It is my opinion that, given all the possible scenarios for a new disposal system, this best meets the intent of the Sanitary Code (310 CMR 15 . 03 s . 7) and the Wetlands Protection Regulations (310 CMR 10 . 00) . It is our opinion that strict enforcement of the town code would do manifest injustice, and that the same degree of environmental protection is achieved herein. Based on the amount of on-site available space compared with the space needs of a conventional SAS approach, it is our opinion that a typical setback is not feasible (under existing regulations) at this time. Please see the proposed plan (attached, multiple copies) . we have attached the site plan, locus and appropriate DEP forms . It is understood that upon your approval, a copy of the Local Upgrade Approval letter from you must be sent to the Mass . DEP, @ 436 Dwight St . , Springfield, 01103 , prior to the start of construction. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions . Sincerely, Col Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. E . Weiss, M. S . President Principal Hydrogeologist Registered Sanitarian Lic . #933 Cc : Ms . Georgianna Flanders, Owner 350 Old Enfield Road•Belchertown,MA 01007•(413)323-5957 Fax:323-4916 c N N { N 8 IN— — —92—ET`nSTI 4 4�Y 4 i'R� 7 i TP-1 FEE,EI.. cn U[' URV4S { d —u—'De.wsej con,Tnee, f,._9 p l O n Ud' A F in 11 F , 8-2r O F y N c _ p q^q \-- 4 1 1 � b Z a 2 i P r S 2810fi' cl N ? i •w:_,V , 1 1 1 y { 1 { 4 J. OXIDES MSS' Z ESNNn: m•22 Z • T 1 $ n1 I' t '- I I I 1 TI STANDING __ 4V-41 1 1 Y!'WEEPING' 0 11 1 1 1 (IOr+) EEDRC 'I p 11 ; 1 Z U El 1 0 \ (n o ni o°QR, - C r os i«�T E typ jk IfI9N ^¢ INLE -1 *vS� N A 5 (A ryP N N TYPICAL D NO TREES WIN W OF STONE 'd c al S�pS and b tat a MM 10. (NTS) b�new Fm ox to SI v sank tanksipe end pear b N -IN - to p1 csnnnl, IN — FROM S.TAN( I' P.40 ' - - - - CM1lbeclu/mIRI�" T 4 ` ` I (SON 35 MINI conflnn.0ENEE pitch tch .n altnc ink Jl _ _)_ f B• DESIGN NOTES: 1.3 BR X 110 GAL/PERSONS/DAY 30GAUDAY r. -Use ONE LeadlflsM 16'wide x 35'LONG W/b o1,5'of DDL washed store bebw invert. Bot Area:16'wide x 351 @1 lab �TX):!. 4. Side Area: NA. rn v Tot Area: 560 al x 0.60 gala._436 GAL/day. v J. CARNAGE DISPOSAL NOT Al LOWED(TO BE REMOVED) [L■ d..ALL D.BOX OUTLET PIPES LEVEL FOR 7, 5.NO PRIVATE WELLS WITHIN 100 FEET (Town Water)(Move wafer One f0 horn SAS as needed.) o ILL 6 NO WETLAND WITHIN 100 FEET OF FIELD, 7.PRE S POST CONTOURS NOTED AS NECESSARY. m • I 8.RESERVE AREA NOT req kod.(REMOVE/REPLACE OLD SEPTIC TANK,-PUMPS FILL) O1 MASS4 x DD. I 9.SLOPE CALLS(SEE CONTOURS).SUHGRADE INSP.RE _ 'G ID.Z%MIN.SLOPE OVER B vat CLEAR TO PS•CLEAR oTOPAND (36 !-36•DIN.AS EDEEDED. BASE BY B :W base R,RS. (36`11-)UNDER BED.Suhgretle Insp.required RI ® 3 1 11. 01L EVALUATION BY*LWEISS;RS.6/13,U1. nr e ` 12.DEPTH OFPERC.46'SJBYA-Webs O6/13/,001 / 1, 0f 13.PERC RATE a 10 MINAN ,CLASS II SOIL RATING(sandy barn r p; �'� 1 tI WSTALVINSPFCT5CF1, 0 1500 GAL.S.Tpi� appro / tier a .i .a r,a I„ 15.PUMP,CRUSh1ANp F I TANK L�A.� POEM- p, W,CURRENT e TAN USE NEWS.TAM(W/SCH 40 TEES of the NOL`Ld..r.yC■ ^d Of'wealth ,1 16.USE APPROVED(1 1/7[DBL.WASHED STONE UNDER BED&D.BOX FOR 6•. RI�l CONFIRM STONE PROPER[Y WASHED(WITH BUCKET 4120 TES I)PRIOR TO PIACEMERf�eCt to the f0 LI lag conditions: w 17.NO TREES WITHIN 10 ET 'NEW LEACH FIELD. u 18 ENGINEER TO INSPECT SUBGRADE. %s LI 19.T.B.M.100.00 AS NOTED AT SILL,RAISE PIPING AT SILL IF Possible(S AS NEEDED) design)E1gineet must inspect m COVER SAS WITH 17 TOPSOIL MUCH AND SEED TO STABILIZE. and verify in writing that - the sewage disposal system waa installed iS accordance Is- with then approved plane. il SEPTIC SYSTEM REPA/AALAN NGRGEORGIANNA FLANDERS 703 FLORBNCg ROAD NORTMAMPYONMA SCALE: NOTED Arraov¢D w: DRAWNw AW N DATE: 7/2/2001 REVISED ' to I0 0 lu rj RI DRAWING NUMB R I COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 1 101-1338-0525 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS CYNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair ROSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH RICHARD P.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH PETER J.McERLAIN,R.S.,MPH Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 July 24,2001 To Whom It May Concern: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET,Room 8 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060-3167 This letter will confirm that on July 23, 2001,the Northampton Board of Health voted to issue a local upgrade approval and approved repair plans and issue a septic system repair permit,which will allow the replacement of the failed sewage disposal system at 709 Florence Rd.,Northampton. This upgrade of the failed septic system must be completed within two(2)years of the issuance of this approval. Prior to the repair of this septic system the dwelling at 709 Florence maybe lived in provided that no further degradation of the existing sewage disposal system occurs(e.g sewage flowing to the surface of the ground), Upon such occurrence of further degradation the septic system repairs will be required to be completed within 30 days. Please feel free to contact the Board of Health office with any questions concerning this notice. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Massachusetts LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL ISSUED PURSUANT TO 310 CMR 15.404 & 15 405/ Facility/system owner: Name: Se&tsyr.pALYQ Address: 7429 riotenze £-c Nar2p�c�y/]te++ Address of facially •7C l7oteAt4' a., l� Type of facility: System designer: residential institutional commercial _ school design flow per 310 CMR 15.203 gPd Name �LA„) Weiss is Address,%V o4 £.Chef/ '1X Phone No.gfi- -djj'7 Local Upgrade Approval granted for: redo Lion in sctb ck(syyuupecify) i-iae (s') 4, 4 perc rate of 30-60 min./inch (specify rate) reduction in SAS area of up to 25% (specify % reduction & size of SAS) _ reduction in separation between SAS &high groundwater (specify reduction &perc rate) relocation of a well (explain) List local variances granted (no DEP approval required per 310 CMR 15.412(4)) List variances granted requiring DEP approval Board oCi i Approval of nrp�gsad upgrade 1Q Q✓ niter"^"` ) (�k V Name&'htic '� e le !!r/rgnaturc Citylrown U A!(� SYSTEM AO PROVIDE FVIL TO THE APPROPRIATE OR REGIONL OFFICE OF 7HEDEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL UPON ISSUANCE BY THE LOCAL APPROVING AUTHORITY & BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. DEP APPROVED FORM-MOMS