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Lot 5 Septic Soil & Perc Test
No.: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Northampton, Massachusetts Date: Lune 26,1997 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Performed By: Matthew Sokop - Certified Soil Evaluator Certification Number: Witnessed By: Peter McErlain - Board of Health Location Address or Lot No.: Lot#5 Florence Road Northampton,MA 01060 IOwners Name, Address and Tel.#: Helen Hallett 126 Franklin Street Noihampton,MA 01060 (413) 584-4584 New Construction ® Repair ❑ Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes Year Published 1981 Publication Scale 1:15840 Soil Map Unit Charlton(cncl Drainage Class B Soil Limitation Slope: Moderate Surficial Geologic Report Available: No ® Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑ Within 500 year flood boundary No Within 100 year flood boundary No ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month March Range: Above Normal ❑ Normal ® Below Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: Yes 0 Yes ❑ Yes ❑ projudcAprciectsV97-144\ssal-8.doc Location Address or Lot No. Lot#5 - Florence Road. Northampton. MA On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 1 Date June 26 1997 Time 3:25 PM Weather Cloudy 85° Location (identify on site plan) Land Use Woodlands Slope(%) 5% Surface stones Some Vegetation Hard/Soft Woods Landform Drumlin Distances from: Open Water Body >100 feet Drainage way ± 50 feet Possible Wet Area >100 feet Property Line +50 feet Drinking Water Well >100 feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones, Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) 26"-86" 86"-120" Bw C1 Cu Sandy Loam Sandy Loam Loamy Sand Sandy Loam 10 YR 2/2 10 YR 4/8 10 YR 7/1 10 YR 5/3 5%Distinct 2.5 YR 3/3 a 86" Massive,Friable,Clear Wavy Boundary Massive,Friable,Clear Wavy Boundary Lenses of Very Fine Sand and Medium Sand Firm Dense,5%Gravel Parent Material (geologic): Glacial Till Depth to Bedrock None Observed Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: 115" Weeping from Pit Face: 115' Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 66" projvifuA projects A97-144\ssal-B.doc Location Address or Lot No. Lot#5 - Florence Road Northampton. MA On-Site Review Deep Hole Number 2 Date Tune 26,1997 Time 331 PM Weather Cloudy 85° Location (identify on site plan) Land Use Woodlands Slope (% 5% Surface stones Some Vegetation Hard/Soft Woods Landform Drumlin Position on landscape(sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body >100 feet Drainage way ± 50 feet Possible Wet Area >100 feet Property Line +50 feet Drinking Water Well >100 feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Sod Mottling Other (Structure,Stones, Boulders, Consistency, %Gravel) 0-1T 26"-76" 76"-110" A Bw C, Co Sandy Loam Sandy Loam Loamy Sand Sandy Loam 10 YR 2/2 10 YR 4/8 10 YR 7/1 ID YR 5/3 5 YR 3/4 L 4 Distinct @ 76" Massive, Friable,Clear Wavy Boundary Massive,Friable,Clear Wavy Boundary Lenses of Very Fine- Medium Sand Firm,Dense 5%Gravel Parent Material (geologic): Glacial Till Depth to Bedrock None Observed Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: N/O Weeping from Pit Face: N/O Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 76" projtrJo\projects\97-144\ssal-8.doc Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches ® Depth to soil mottles 76 inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level Adjustment Factor Adjusted Ground Water Level Percolation Test Date: September 10, 1997 Time:11-00 AM Lot#5 Observation Hole # 1 2 Depth of Perc 37" 52" Start Pre-Soak 11:12 11:07 End Pre-Soak 11:27 11:22 Time at 12" 11:27 11:22 Time at 9" 11:38 11:26 Time at 6" 11:45 11:31 Time (9"—6") 7.0 5.0 Rate Min./Inch 2.3 1.7 Site Suitability Assessment: Site Passed ® Site Failed ❑ Additional Testing Needed: Performed By: Matthew Sokoo Certified Soil Evaluator Certification Number: Witnessed By: Peter McErlain Board of Health Comments: prof W o\projects\97-144\ssal-B.doc FORM 11 —SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No.: Lot#5- Florence Road. Northampton MA Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches • Depth to soil mottles 76 inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level Adjustment Factor Adjusted Ground Water Level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? Yes See soil logs and location map. If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification: I certify that on November 1995 I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature: projinf \Projects\97-144\ssal-8.doc Date: HOW Jai E Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Central Part 63 Ap-0 to 10 inches; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silt loam, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry; weak fine and medium granular structure; friable; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. 621-10 to 15 inches; dive brown (2.5Y 4/4) very fine sandy loam; weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few medium distinct dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) stains; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. 622-15 to 22 inches; olive (5Y 5/3) and olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) very fine sandy loam; common medium faint pale olive (5Y 6/3) mottles and few fine distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) mottles; weak coarse and medium subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. B23-22 to 30 inches; olive gray (5Y 5/2) very fine sandy loam grading to light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) loamy very fine sand; many medium and coarse faint dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) mottles; weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. C1-30 to 35 inches; stratified olive gray (5Y 5/2) and light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) very fine sandy loam; many fine faint olive gray (5Y 4/2) and dark gray (5Y 4/1) mottles and common fine and medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) mottles; massive; friable; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2-35 to 51 inches; stratified olive (5Y 4/3), olive brown (2.5Y 4/4), and light olive gray (5Y 6/2) very fine sandy loam and lenses of silt loam; common fine distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) mottles; massive- friable; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundan IIC-51 to 60 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) stratified loamy fine sand and fine sand; single grain; loose; many black (10YR 2/t mica flakes; neutral. The solum is 20 to 34 inches thick. Reaction ranges from strongly acid to neutral in the solum and from medium acid to neutral in the substratum. The Ap horizon has hue of 10YR, value of 3 or 4, and chroma of 2 or 3. It is silt loam or very fine sandy loam. The 621 horizon has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 4 to 6. The B22 and B23 horizons have hue of 10YR to 5Y, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 2 to 4. The lower part of the B horizon is mottled. The B horizon is silt loam or very fine sandy loam with some thin strata of loamy very fine sand. The C horizon mainly is stratified very fine sandy loam, loamy fine sand, fine sand, and silt loam. Some pedons have thin layers of silty clay loam. Boxford series The Boxford series consists of deep, moderately well drained soils on old lakebeds. The soils formed in glaciolacustrine deposits. Slopes range from 0 to 15 percent. Boxford soils are similar to Scitico soils and are mainly near Belgrade and Raynham soils. Boxford soils have mottles lower.in the profile than Scitice and Raynham soils and have more clay than Belgrade soils. Typical pedon of Boxford silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, in a cultivated field 100 feet west of North Maple Street, 1,000 feet north of its junction with Russell Street, in the town of Hadley: Ap-0 to 8 inches; very dark g ayish brown (10YR 3/2) sill loam; moderate fine granular structure; friable; many fine roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. B1-8 to 14 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) silt loam; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. 621-14 to 21 inches; olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) silty clay loam; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable; gray (5Y 5/1) silt films; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. B22-21 to 33 inches; olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) silty clay; common medium prominent yellowish red (5YR 4/6) mottles and few fine distinct strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; common gray (10YR 5/1) silt films; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C1-33 to 37 inches: olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) silty clay; few fine distinct strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; weak coarse and very coarse platy structure; firm; gray (10YR 5/I) films; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2-37 to 60 inches; varved olive (5Y 4/3) silt and clay; weak coarse and very coarse platy structure; firm; medium acid. The solum is 24 to 36 inches thick. Reaction ranges from strongly acid to slightly acid throughout the soil. The A horizon has hue of 10YR and value and chroma of 2 or 3. The B2 horizon has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 3 to 6. The depth to mottling ranges from 15 to 24 inches. The B2 horizon is silty clay loam or silty clay. The C horizon has hue of 2.5Y or 5Y, value of 4 or 5, and chroma of 3 or 4. It consists of varved silt and clay with an overall texture of silty clay loam or silty clay. Charlton series The Charlton series consists of deep, well drained soils on glaciated uplands. The soils formed in glacial till. Slopes range from 3 to 45 percent. Charlton soils are similar to Narragansett soils and in many places are near Paxton, Woodbridge, and Hollis soils. Charlton soils do not have the very fine sandy loam typical in the upper part of the solum of Narragansett soils and do not have the fragipan typical of Paxton and Woodbridge soils. Charlton soils are 64 deeper to bedrock than Hollis soils and do not have mottles typical of Woodbridge soils. Typical pedon of Charlton fine sandy loam, in a wooded area of Charlton stony fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, 2,500 feet northwest of the intersection of Kennedy Road and Chesterfield Road, in the city of Northampton: Ap-0 to 7 inches; dark brown (10YR 3/3) fine sandy loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many roots; 10 percent coarse fragments; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. B21-7 to 13 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) fine sandy loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; many roots;.10 percent coarse fragments; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. B22-13 to 22 inches; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) gravelly fine sandy loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; many roots; 30 percent coarse fragments; strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. C-22 to 60 inches: olive (5Y 4/3) gravelly sandy loam; massive; firm; 30 percent coarse fragments; medium acid. The solum is 20 to 34 inches thick. The content of rock fragments ranges from 5 to 35 percent. Reaction ranges from very strongly acid to medium acid in unlimed areas The Ap horizon has hue of 10YR, value of 3 or 4, and chroma of 2 to 4. It is fine sandy loam or sandy loam. The B21 horizon has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR and value and chroma of 4 to 6. The B22 horizon has hue of 10YR to 5Y and value and chroma of 4 to 6. The B horizon is fine sandy loam, loam, or sandy loam and their gravelly analogs. It has weak granular or subangular blocky structure. The C horizon has hue of 2.5Y or 5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 4. It is fine sandy loam or sandy loam and their gravelly analogs. Thin, horizontally discontinuous layers or pockets of loamy sand 1 to 6 inches thick are in some pedons. Deerfield series The Deerfield series consists of deep, moderately well drained soils on glacial outwash plains and terraces. The soils formed in sandy glacial outwash. Slopes range from 0 to 8 percent. Deerfield soils are similar to Windsor soils and in many places are near Ninigret and Agawam soils. Deerfield soils have mottles, but Windsor and Agawam soils are not mottled. Deerfield soils have more sand in the solum than Ninigret or Agawam soils. Typical pedon of Deerfield loamy fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes, in a cultivated field 600 feet west of Route 116 and 2,200 feet north of its intersection with Sunderland Road, in the town of Amherst: Soil sure Ap-0 to 9.inches; dark brown (10YR 3/3) loamy fine • sand; weak fine and medium granular structure; very friable; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. B21-9 to 15 inches; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) loamy fine sand grading with depth to fine sand; weak medium granular structure; very friable; common fine roots; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. B22-15 to 25 inches; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) fine sand; ^ommon fine distinct yellowish red (5YR 4/8) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles and few medium distinct light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) mottles; single grain; loose; few fine roots; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. C1g-25 to 33 inches; stratified grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) loamy sand; common fine prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) mottles; single grain; loose; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. C2g-33 to 43 inches; stratified olive gray (5Y 5/2) and olive.(5Y 5/4) sand and fine sand; many medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) mottles; massive; friable; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. C3g-43 to 55 inches; gray (5Y 5/1) and light olive gray (5Y 6/2) loamy fine sand; thin bands of fine sandy loam; many fine to coarse prominent yellowish red (5YR 5/8) and reddish yellow (5YR 6/8) mottles; massive; very friable; common strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) streaks and bands; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. C4g-55 to 60 inches; olive gray (5Y 4/2) fine sand; massive; very friable; many olive (5Y 5/3) streaks; medium acid. The solum is 20 to 30 inches thick. The content of cease fragments is typically less than 5 percent, but some strata are 20 percent fine gravel. Reaction ranges from very strongly acid to slightly acid in unlimed areal. The Ap horizon has hue of 10YR, value of 2 to 4,and chroma of 1 to 3. The B horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3» 6, and chroma of 2 to 6. It ranges from loamy fine sand to coarse sand. The C horizon has hue of 10YR to 5Y, value of 4 to 4 and chroma of 1 to 4. It ranges from coarse sand to loamy fine sand. Enosburg series The Enosburg series consists of deep, poorly drakrld soils on glacial outwash plains and deltas. The soils formed in a thin layer of glacial outwash material over glaciolacustrine deposits. Slopes range from 0 to percent. Enosburg soils are similar to Amostown soils and„ many places are near Deerfield and Windsor soils. Enosburg soils have a grayer subsoil than any of Ureee soils, and they have more silt in the substratum than Deerfield or Windsor soils. v Vv• II VI I IVI\V IN CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND WATER RESOURCES DIVISION, U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH THE STATES OF MASSACHUSETTS; NEW HAMPSHIRE,RHODE ISLAND, AND VERMONT Surface-Water Runoff March 1997 /..'1 COMVMIONwnM MONTh&rncavia RANGE 'A aveNORMAL 14til Po NOS( 21 percent ol reccal m Mb„m,o, Alankn v.rtg l anew w Pa wmre, A IM S GAGE See S W9.1 2 awl Y. Ym.•wn Le.,d S CII49: ••• Ground-Water Levels March 1997: %H CURRENT CONDITIONS WEB-Accessing the USGS massl curt nt conditio.ns page on the World-Wide Web will get you this monthly report 7-10 days ahead of the paper copy,and will reduce our mailing casts.Other valuable USGS data are also available via the W W W.Please use the web whenever possible—Tttpl/massl.er.usgs.gov/current_cond/current_cond.hlmr—Thank you. ±r PERCOLATION ..i„ AONesswto No. 'W-� •mum ®_-= ® - -. 'A µy `` ank,Lt ms wwAume II n Sns Pause ❑ SL Fated ❑ - - Performed BY: Witnessed By: Comments: Der ArrsenD IOW -- n„. Deep Hole t: S- I Depth ban Solace(odes) DEEP OBSERVAT ON HOLE LOG* IWIoNM OF TWO HOLES REWIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Sol Halms Sol TeWe (USDA) Sea coke Sci Woofing Other (SVtst Stones.Bookers.Consistency,%Gawl) r ;_ L.,. Parent Mara!(gedoalc) I Depth b grautukvalett Slaadne Wales In to Hob Wanted Seasonal Kph Ground Warr Depth b Bedrock I I Weepingiam Pt Fa® I / ( Deep Hole t: .y t DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 4IW1OIUY OF IWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth t) SW Wilson fi. (USDA) Sol Celan . Set Mare Other ($t re.Stones.Bongos.Cul ttay.%Gravel) D •i V() / Parent Mabial(gmbrk) I - Depth b 9caatlratts Standing Walsh the Hole Fsfimatd Seasonal WA Ground Water DeSti r Bedrock -bum FiFaw Location Addressor Lot N I /L brQ/-NG_-: 2/Op Lo r I S F _/i9LLFilo[w+k,9 Deep Hole Number I I Date G -z6-9 Y I Time] I Weather Location(identify on site pan) Land Use I sbpe(%) I I Surface Stones I - Vegetation tandbm Position on landscape(sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body feet Drinking Water Well feet Property Line feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way feet Other feet Deep Hole t: S- I Depth ban Solace(odes) DEEP OBSERVAT ON HOLE LOG* IWIoNM OF TWO HOLES REWIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Sol Halms Sol TeWe (USDA) Sea coke Sci Woofing Other (SVtst Stones.Bookers.Consistency,%Gawl) r ;_ L.,. Parent Mara!(gedoalc) I Depth b grautukvalett Slaadne Wales In to Hob Wanted Seasonal Kph Ground Warr Depth b Bedrock I I Weepingiam Pt Fa® I / ( Deep Hole t: .y t DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 4IW1OIUY OF IWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth t) SW Wilson fi. (USDA) Sol Celan . Set Mare Other ($t re.Stones.Bongos.Cul ttay.%Gravel) D •i V() / Parent Mabial(gmbrk) I - Depth b 9caatlratts Standing Walsh the Hole Fsfimatd Seasonal WA Ground Water DeSti r Bedrock -bum FiFaw -71- Nli /a4GfCx-cr;171; 1:7n 1 / a R66) FY a hla I o / /c PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I I Time: I I Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Pew C 3 11 Depth of Pew Start Pre=soak Start Pre-soak I (/ 3 0 End Pre-soak End Pre-soak /v.: ca ' r Time at 12" /D : s 2' Time at 12" Time at 9' '0 Time at 9' Time at 6" �� Time at 6° // ; v/ Time(9'-6') Z Time(9"-6') Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch li (' ( ,- 'minimum of 1 per • -hop test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. E . h� ■_ J; ■ -I Performed by r //11�.SGP-t-?n Performed by Witnessed by N h,..,c ,�._ I Witnessed by Comments: v On-Site Review LocationAddress or Lot Date Engineering Firm Identity on Site Plan Land Use Vegetation Landform Position on Landscape pIO I Owner Time Slope Vs Engineer or Sanitarian Address m -I- p Weather yry _ ✓ rOk e Surface Stones Distances from Open Water Body Possible Wet Area I feel feet Drinking Water Wel Drainage feet feet Property Line Other c O I feel I0-31u- Deep Hole #: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA D^nLL rrorn Sod iouzon 4 I � rexlure (USDA � 5L Sod Color 5 - rood Modela Parent Material(geotogio) D -4 W(94 Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Other 3oulders Censis K )l c,ari:._ {-- r1 �,.1 / t `A-. F Depth to Gecko& Weeping from Pit Face �4 ft Id -30 Deep Hole#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA .oil Horrzon tcp Sod Texture (USDAi i1 6 SLds Sod Colo r od Mopting Other (Structure Stones Boulders Cons 9 1`._,4, *!‘_ 4 N ( Parent Material(geologic):I Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole N^ Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water I Depth to Bedrock Weeping from Pit Face I'1 IL )u„ rr«-`g Cry%`] I i -1c I PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: I Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc Start Pressoak Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at IT Time at 9' Time at r Time at 6' Time at 6' Time(9'—6') Time(9'—6') Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Performed by Performed by Wtnessed by I Witnessed by Comments On-Site Review LocaoonAddress or Loth J — }r I D" . Owner I C•-I( ✓� I F r / i -3 U Address 2 j }- / /off«-,Jl?o Date �/ i o j3,1j97 Time Weather CwP-e-ti.-- Engineering Firm Engineer or Sanitarian Identity on Site Plan Land Use - N--- Vegetation Slope% 1 Surface Stones I --1.--;N-i Landform Position on Landscape - - - -t ,,.-..._• t Distances from. _ s i • Open Water Body feet Drinking Water Well 1 feet feet Property Line • feet Possible Wet Area 1 feet Drainage Way Other 4 reel l � Deep Hole #. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA sotn f:orn Soil Horizon 0 - - Son Texture DJ Haw 4 SL 5 L SL Soil Coro/ — Soil Mottling minima !id '' `I(s ttrart /6 I o 4 7, ) )0 -7/ ch-- Other S o es Boulders C'r'I I C^ Parent Material(geologic) Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Watter r Depth to Bedrock Weeping from Pit Face Zt 1 Deep Hole#: IU CIC DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Sod Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) od Color MunseI; 07 Y/5 0u1f1 , ( L14 it ) `ick Soil Mottling 757 Other ISlmeture Stones Boulders Parent Material(geologic) Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Depth to Bedro Weeping from Pit Face irr�u l;7t;crccc T� q ,e l PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc Start Presoak Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 12" Time at 9' Time at 9' Time at 6' Time at 6" Time(9'—6') Time(9'—6") Rate Min/Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Performed by I Performed by Wtnessed by Witnessed by Comments: On-Site Review i EocationAdtlress or Lot .Z Q'}" �. VIORp- ID /i�/% uC� I Owner 1--fn ��.1�- a Address VC' ‘721 Date Ir Time -rte ID 3 0 h- Weather Engineering Firm I�(Y_ /1 1 , , Engineer or Sanitarian Y Y IT a G -iA A a K e e j Identity on Site Plan -Y Land Use - f Slope �AsTN,.� °/ Surface Stones ! ° ?'-,i.. Vegetation Landform Posit on on Landscape - Distances from "' ."" ' Open Water Bod Drinking Drinkin Water Well feel P Y feet ree l ' feet Possible Wet Area Drainage Wa Way Other ) - S I 57 Deep p Hole #.#. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` 'MINIMUM OFTWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA .zoo tram Soo Horizon 3u ��ti ca. Soil texture SL s � Soil Color IC I ✓ h Soil Mottlirm 7,5 Sf:5Lit Other Con,i Parent Material(geologic) i Depth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Wafer Depth to Bedrock I I Weeping from Pit Face ,/c-z� .." 3N ('r) Deep Ho a#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA clod Horizon Sad tenor-- IUSDAI 5L 5Q/✓vv ou Cob IMunsell Sod Mottling Other (Structure Stones Boulders. Consisl ern n Parent Material(geologic) Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Hole I Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Depth to Bedrock Weeping from Pit Face /. C .� �ru Box 1192 Stadler Street, Belchertown, MA 01007 413-323-7134 Name:len Fulcher Addles; 3036 Morgan Horse Road Weybridge, VT 05753 Suple Location: Florence Road Northampton, MA 01060 Sample Date: 5-21-98 Report Date: 5-22-98 Collected By: Mt. Springs Type Supply: We11 Sample No.: :t QAL 5407 Matt. Lab. N 02454 TESTED FOR Total Colitorm Bacteria RESULTS f MAX. RECOMMENDED LEVELS Neg Nitrite 0 Fos or Neg Nitrate .32 pH Alkalinity iron Manganese Copper Sulfate Cldodde Hardness Conocolly Total Dissolved Solids Taub adoeioe Sodium Fecal Col iform Bacteria 8.25 64.0 •.51 .02 .01 1.0 mg/1 10.0 mg/1 6.5-8.5 No Limit .30 mg/1 .05 mg/1 ® n Me above Iron we Sodium r those Her limed above and collected date. Except If Use w Me le war fond to be MtW acceptable keels for D.E.P. Drinking Water oo Ibis tepo , pleat de sot belittle to oa Ole ofnce. 8lndards• David Ft , DirectOr I I Depanmen!of Environmental Management/Division of Water Resources -36-98 WELL COMPLETION REPORT WELL 66 take Florence Rdr0.1 on right City/Town Northampton well owner Jen Fui cher & Lisa Melendy Address 3036 Morgan Farm Road Weybridge, VT 05753 Board of Hearth permit obtained: yes® no❑ WELL USE Domestic] Public❑ Industrial ❑ Monitoring Other Method drilled Air Hammer On drilled 5/8/98 CASINO Type 17 lb. Steel Length 190 h Dia(I DI Length Into bedrock 14 6 Protective well seal: Grout ❑ Other Seal n. STATIC WATER LEVEL(all wells) Static water level below land surface__ft. Dale 1(14/9.p WELL TEST(production wells) Drawdown 440 n after semping How measured bucket Recovery GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION 640 Florence Rd N S w of 0.1 © e E W of m dam, rnmw ,ntersec, w,Rte 66 Wadi WELL DATA Total well dept 505 ft. Depth to bedro k 176 ft Water-bearing(rrofc'W unconsoJ Idated/1naterial: Description-5 T g-Of 104 t; Water-bearing zones. 1)From 42/ u YO To ! pro 2) From To 3)From To Gravel pack well: dia, Screen: dia. Slots_length from to 3 hr 10 min at B0 ft. aver 7 hr 14 1 .2 gem min, LOG of FORMATIONS Materials From Gravel & Hardpan Bedrock j To 0 76 505 176 Platte mint an, COMMENTS Well hYLAt.)t4 loci t II odder Kenneth C. Lunde Rrm Lynde Well Drilling, Inc. Address RFD 4, Box 799 Ckyrown Brattleboro. VT 05301 Supervising Driller Reg.a 480 *A am DRILLER COPY