182 Septic Application Permit & Perc Test CHECK OR FILL IN WHERE APPLICABLE No q l THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH Cat y OF rill !iptii .Appliratinn fur 3ainpusttl 'Narks Cllnnntrnrtiun e . Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X) or Repair ( ) an Individual$ Sys t: .. d Du&pkv ,Pri 'e Let LL L' Lo at�sn .4Ctlr s Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot..i24O4V t..Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms if Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (X) yes Other—Type of Building No of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow ,S''S' gallons per person per day Total daily flow 660 Ions. Septic T. k—Liquid. capacity LSL>Ogallons Length.L0..61 Width `$'" Diameter Depth '`9i tee rexeriet o. Width I.Rf Total Length 38� Total leaching area 68..t sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box (K) YQS Dosing tank ( ) gat Percolation Test Results Performed by Reber t 77at Date ft't 1S' c':ss Test Pit No. I 1....minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit If Depth to ground water 8 f 3" / Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 7'2v Depth to ground water 8.6 1 (9•o) Description of Soil._.14 Chtd Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescrihed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code — The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance s b iss ed by,the board of health. p� Signer...ms_� _ I /1 ..d..n1.._. Application Approved By � ' 5 k 5— Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No `7..! —Q C Issued r/C Date by THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF P�j�OF���H''E'EA'L��`T�H`��`�' li— V kiertifirate of tanmplittnrr THIS IS TO RT Y, T Vtl thc�Ipdiy'dual .Sewage Disposal System constructed (ti<oiCRepaired has been installed in accordance with the provis ns of yµTL' 5 of T State Sanitary Code a des ribed in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No yf-7) dated /. €2- tr THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONS UEJ AS AAG GUARANTEE/AT THE SYSTEM WILL FU CTI SATISFACTORY. �� (� DATE y �. /LC Inspecto THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF_J` r1 i- 1 ii 244 7"-) FEE fl4npn at !Harlin Qlunntrnrtinn throat Permission is heleby granted = to Construct ( o1Rep it ( , ) atr Indi idual Se*a$ Disposal System at No i^' 1 'll 1 as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Pelt N�' ' Dateda_/ 1 YIL�, DATE FORM 1255 N0665 & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Board of Health ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS ENGINEERS- LANDSCAPE ARC IIITIiCTS P.O. IMn 980 IIS Pt'ASSN', ST.!NORTH 4MPION, MASS Mat, 14131 5844440 SOT Robe cY11a1 Lett Harlingen, Texas 78550 ALMER HUNTLEY,JR. PE., RIS DOUGLAS W. TIIOM)PSO\ LIES WILL IA II R. CAR RITZ. LA JOHN G. RAYMOND, PE V, C ( /2e,--064 Re: 2 lots If Dunphy Drive, Northourytnn On, 5-15-85 a representative of our office performed deephole and per- colation tests on the aforementioned property in conformance with Title V of the State Sanitary Code. We have attached a copy of those tests. FINAL APPROVAL OF TEST RESULTS AND ISSUANCE OF PERMITS RESTS WITH THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. X . The percolation test and the deephole, in our opinion, meet the requirements set forth in Title V. _ One or more of the tests were marginal. A. _ Percolation rate was minutes per inch. B. _ Groundwater was at a high level. C. _ Impervious formations were encountered. D. _ Slope and other site restrictions may preclude a subsurface sewage disposal permit from being issued. E. Other: _ The tests did not pass. A. _ Percolation rate over acceptable limits. B. High groundwater and/or impervious formations. C. Site restrictions; i.e. distance to slopes, wells, water courses or wetlands. If the tests passed, please contact this office when you wish to proceed with your application and plot plan. If the tests were marginal, please contact this office to discuss the problem and possible solutions. Certain communities haye a time limit on the validity of the tests. Please contact the Board of health for further information. Thank you for your confid,.nce in this firm for allowing us to perform these services. If you have any questions , please call this office. Very truly yours, ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. , & ASSOCIATES, INC. Richard P. Brazeau REQUESTED BY: LOCATION: OBSERVATION PITS Roh( ri 11.111 P.it Dunphy Road, Northal•1RLou MAILING ADDRESS: DATE: 5-15-85 OBSERVER: #1 9 l 51� C-M sand & gravel Li I I oxide 5 0" Groundwater 8'3" 3'0" 1 '3" RPR 9'3 ' #2 OTS silt Mrd sand silt oxide @ 4 '6" Groundwater R'0" Perc Rate Perc Rate 2.0 min/in 9'0" Lot #2-I OTS silt C-M sand L wt '.i II 1 '0" 9" 5'3" 11 '0" Lot 2-2 OTS silt C-M sand sill Groundwater 7 '0" Groundwater 101(1" Perc Rate Perc Rate 2 0 I '0" • I '9" 1 '0" I '0" • Overnight Test ALMFR HUNTLEY, JR , & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 'll"