104 Septic Application & Permit 2005 ( �I IOi�1\\ . -TiIi 1MASSACI�JSETTS Board rf/I€< , "7v'�21////1%%J�/,(/h A. r TION TOR DISPOSAL S fSTEN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT d 73 Constant ')) Repaii1 Upgrade( ) Abandon( -�IComplete System 1 Individual Components L,. Location j4 C//F4 A" St ( n Ownefs Name C//T2SKL - // Map 'Para/ /09 /2(/�,//(/ /'//L Address f"OC o4 vHa /Aide Lot# /4/0/gy///9 2g/ -,A/ i/i Tclephotit# 0�L 9/9,2'Sj/7?0 2 Install Name �/ « W :> � Designer's Name O/CL //)/J7 5/F-12-O %i Address ^��: - -� 4 � � f7 '2/•�j //rf. � %% Sid //C ss </& U/7A/ -7 ,-/ ✓ //OG '/610 ✓✓//'>' Telephone# a472—"/'7 /C1 n:YL —C 'F hone# y/3 5-3_8sa ] fape of Building X245/D.F,u7//96 NO/77E Lot Size FY/ST sq. I. Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms 171/3 t/7y00/v/ C'O o/S/ q Garbage grinder tkiL/ Other-Type or Building /—S//VI G4 �1,/17/(1� No. of persons 5__Showers2).Cafeteria 1tsl Other Fixtures /'(%tt /3/.2-2 7y� Lf//r/ fU// %/) /%Uiiiii) Design Flow ((min.required) //C2 k /j/X/.,�pW Calculated design fl flow(Odzi/ Design flow provided 4,' S gpd Plan Dat 444/ ? CC) ) Number of sheets Revision Date Title Sr/T/( 51„Tri/1/ /)/=S/G/v 7)62 /4 C//F2/=S e-- /6V /J� /Y Description of Soil(s) SQe AT///c-/-/Is /J Name of Soil Evaluator/i(/T Date of EaLianon Soil Evaluator Form No. - // $/F/I UT/7 fie- DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS ORAIIFERAT IONS CO.v///(r //U0/v//) 7) J uJ. COT1OA-1 3—u -o5T 511- evr r7`I7 94,08 /097-F//- Lo )14/9ss The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agree y Jo n91 to pia e e system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance o�Seen issued by the Board of Health. Signed kk ,h// �/ Date Inspections No LC.}'ij' COMMONWEALTH OF MASStACITLSFTIS Board of Health '1/(7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FEF �s t/i (� liA 641/14 72 Description of Work: 7 Individual Component(s) ❑Complete System Abandoned ( ) The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System', Constructed ( I.Repaired ( ),Upgraded ( ),e at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 3 application No dated Installer Designer: The issuance of this permit shall no s.,.i_'/ be cons nspecU ued as a guarantee that the system will function CMIt 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to Approved Design Flow (gpd) will Ultr %! Date.. designed. COMMONWEALTH Of N�(1ASS;ACHUSEITS Boma]of Health, 21/l/t.'LW'/`j1l!/ /%/a MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Co struct( ) Repair( Upgrade(v7) Abandon( )an individual sewage disposal system Permission is hereby granted to; J ,ys . /f/ /('(---(2‘ L j (711196 2 {.-.""7 described in the application for at / � i0d51/ dated r.t / 2` AJJC Disposal System Constnteti n Permit A o Provided Construction shall be completed within Mee}ears of the date of tlys-permit. All local conditions must be met. Form 1255 ReJ 5,06 AM SNkm La.BOnaA.MA "Pile (.t ' %t Board of Health % FEE 6Dfc)b -0132/73