75 Application & Permit 2004 I NO}. (/[4- j( , THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEW ,Ci - c BOARD OF HEALTH /✓�aii% - City OF Northampton %J APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ion for a Permit to Construct ( ) Repair Or) Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) - ❑Complete System ®Individual Components 75 D by Road Linda Wheeler 1. Location Owners Name 75 Dunphy Road, Northampton Address 413-586-3853 Nap/Parcel P - .. Lot R Loven Exec. & Const. , David Leven Telephone Paul B.-batch, PE Installer--s Name 230 Reservoir Road, Westhampton oes;gne(a Name 57 Munn Rdedd Monson, MA 01037 Address 113-527-5184 ; Address 413-267-3696 rdephone ft Idtephoncr fype of Building: single family home Dwelling—No.of Bedrooms -3- - Other=Type of Bwldtng No.of persons Other fixtures Lot Size15,037 Sq.feet Garbage Grinder ( ) Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Design Flow(min. required) 330 gpd Calculated design flow gpd Design flow provided S5e gpd Plan: Date June 7, 2008 Number of sheets -3- Revision Date Title Repair, On Site Sewage Disposal System Description of Soil(s) 0-11"=A=LS, 11"-22"B=LS, 22"-60"+=C=LS Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator Pau,. Hatch Date of Evaluation June 7, '^9 DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS Relocate or replace existing septic tank, new dosing chamber, install new soil absroption system in fill with impervious barrier, waiver for depth from four feet to three feet to groundwater The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TIRE 5 and further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compl an e ha been ued by the Board of Health. Signed Date Inspections FORM I - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 No. -!r*-. ',)/ Description of Work: The undersigned hereby ce by: THECOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Northampton BOARD OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ❑ Individual Component(s) 12't.omplete System ,/ y that the Sewage Disposal System'Constr4cted( ),Repaired(q.Upgraded(Abandoned( ) FEE L,Y at 75 Dunphy Road has been installed in accordance with the provisions of il0 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. '/ ( . dated / �, - Approved Design Flow 397 (gpd) • Installer 0".( n / VrAl � .. •- _ _ i Designer:Paul Patch, PE Inspector ./,hr /1 /� Date ,'� 1 � ,` >{ t The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Northampton BOARD OF HEALTH FEE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) Repair (IiJ Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) an individual sewage disposal system at 75 Dunphy Road as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. mr/ 477 -3/ dated "J /%/ c.'LGI I. Provided: Copstruction shall be completed within three years of the date of this per iti All local conditions must be met. Date (/'t -O, .-CiTh c) Board of Health 7-kil-e e1 Let G' FORM 2 - DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 FORM 1255 (REV 5/961 e� Hoses a WARREN TM PUBLISHERS-BOSTON Ile