48 Soil Suitability Assessment 2005 o ., tllitimsrai -_- y ?C ._. EVALUATOR FORM ?age 7 alsill Date: I I .7 !0 S ?1assarhu at'ta= X es. :'aeTi tor On-site Sewa'e E. tosat F \ 2 b'Vtwk ke-ll No rtkuwtl>iz J construCion U Reaair I$' :dive .Trre.. P oh sd Soil e: -;e.ilabie: No I I `;=as -..tat a b ished Publication Scale 19riatinme Class Soil Limitation= cation= �aficL-:1 Gralogic ?sport Av I bf=.: No L I Y^s I - P!:biish..d '::blimtion Scalia Gaologic tiintanel (Map Liindfrman flood Imummoi Rate "Mao: 7;7 F{ i "rr y°v flood boundary No I-_i';..aa CI Co ser day -0 t° - - vc G‘1( -" 15.-1c1 Mc() -fur I,t,'at,) N. Leo Ve ras SUrvadq SQC I X913- 3zc:-5/ 7 ✓let. . molt dap Unit ms's 913 333- 388Z (cell) old# — 9(66— 7oeS cLt')1 "ra""' I /ro'o5 lu3' bQc(ycoM Fb is aurki- % (t lcv't LjeOn,e_ Address or Lot No FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FOR p(1ryL .- J Ncl-' C,4JnttifQ On-site Review Jeep HOle Number (1 Date: I -7 10,5 Time Location (identify on site plan) Land Use V\✓td:� Slope (%1 !sgetation 01'a(-2S _ iandform CAttrwl.)A1 WAIN Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Ooen Water Body )(CC feet Drainage ,way .7IOC Possible Wet Area 7 ebb feet Property Line jO Drinking Water Well ourV feet Otner JO W4r rW1 Weather Surface Stones '.10 *' feet feet C1 ?„`14C. r(_ DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Depth ham Surface nnanesi Son Honzon Sail Tenure IUSDAI Soil Color (Mum•(() Soil Morthno Over (Structure. Stones. Boulders. Conant rc.. `, Gravel) G 5(- tt t 120 ) i KILL L f 5 r7a ) nc , `nc'1v CGS ( u; Lk (jrCk( '\t! ' O " yr(u� \ vq Close to I/ fie I S4 id : Ak 5, 17 w MINIM OF 2 HOLES AkQUINkLI At EVerlY PROPOSED OISPOlALMtA Plaint Wool Ipdopict d ClUtt s T\ orweer Demist Greundwetic ST ..s.g wars in We How e1Cf WS,from Fit her 71CIIC Esarwa Sewed Ny) Grnard W.lar. % I C LD p fie , 1 uk �^ kick q,la il, "CFC( �AlYWVW POW-gym FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 Aft; Locanion Address or Lot No. b WI Hu W t-1 �C!✓v����Z/" Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: J Depth observed standing in observation hole inches E Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches J Depth to soil mottles -7120 inches J Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? y.c4 If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification Zt certify that on (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature J , Ube DO Aerfovm row-an Date • ti ; y Vn)J U ;»74,7 wQ / _ == -9iiE 2 Y bcr bc ; b ji Q20 217 � � '�. . ?l is ON n NMb 7 N 01A1/2 ° 'C. -iF 'I^-jj dlr,(r I L 'a- rm y ' 1 � � I ooi [ CyWTh � Jti , 1 H oCt 7.ee 869[ , OS l9L ', 86 883l � fiB f 'OOL A Ise\ SLL 00z ? 002 OOL OS E6 9 oOSOLI 1 \ I - rzs4 91 am / • • 1 9. P Cl 09-49L oO 91'891�09 �BZ94ZL C94 18/S L is td, f4 I ��S9 GLL S Z JZG04 J ZfZ9l 94[94 9Gf9L l S[8 j ' O9 EL'64 - ES 081. 16 CIL PO IOI L6-H8 60E01 86 ?- _ 004601 pl i SC SIZ 60 E017 4 Z0O 6b C9O-EP II ! 190 .:0 f6'00L \SL'94Z OOl LSO/ t 001 _ 004 /Zf 00\ OO16G� I Z'B. l� �� 9[64 6ZLS8 f60B1 l LO 001 990 �Z4991 C004 om oso-r9 aGO it szl if 99Z 60L fV 9'69k 99101 L 0W OOL OOL T99944 1104��OO4 004/ L9L fC� a ( MqO �7 8L 71 SSl 1 aL0-ry I jI/ s44 �I b60'S£ ' C9OOW �' GLL 9., .av se 9L4O� IT" 4 cam� 00001 co OOL E546 T 004 00� L � �OSL / / / � L (-)8/1n0 b fi \, Important: When filling out forms on the computer,use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not use the return key. Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of NogiThkAaMsTaN Certificate of Compliance Form 3 DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. This is to Certify that the following work on an On-Site Sewage Disposal System ❑ Construction of a new system ❑ Repair or replacement of an existing system ® Repair or replacement of an existing system component Has been done in accordance with Title 5 and the Disposal System Construction Permit(DSCP): DSCP Number Vicki Joyce Facility Owner 48 Dunphy Drive Street Address or Lot# Northampton City/Town DSCP Date Designer Information: Timothy E. Maginnis R.S Name Name of Company j� l �. w — R.' February 28, 2005 Signature • Date Installer Information: Mark Lavalley Mark Lavalley MA. State 01060 Zip Code Name Z Name of Company February 28, 2005 .1t 12 gnaure en / Date Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: The existing septic tank has remained in place. A new SAS and distribution box have been installed. The SAS is 4 Trenches @ (401 x 3'W x 7D) each The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. Approving Authority Signature Date t5form3.doc•06103 Certificate of Compliance•Page 1 of 1 Pere Test Witness Payment Record Date: �/?/Q S Amount S S2 Property Owner (/„f.{ Property Address /1 • New Consrruction Repair te Pay to the Order of 1 VICKI E.JOYCE 48 Dl1NPHY DRIVE FLORENCE,MA 01082 For 193 Date 7—C3 53-71692118 kb CkCAtiyhnn $ Cat—C2 FLORENC N• BANK. N toad men. L 1: 2i187i-688f: Di 23 09728 ii" Dollars 8 c, 0 0 193 Septic System Permit Payment Receipt 03 Permit#700.7 Date: OS—Const Repair Amount:'47SDV Cash Address:"Lt Q Owner: U Check-PL./5d SIMMIIMMINSSI 152 VICKI E.JOYCE 92-05 4519 MONITOR WAY NORTH LAS VEGAS,NV 99931-4339 N-ttr1U4 w 6314 Dated C5 75 t5 C to it 'der of N�° SCL_t i12c_ r — _— n far el a Bank ofAmer ��� Alamo LS 122400721 OL„:2 ' v_ C Memo Wit:y'�4 ` C- � 17. L22400 ? 241: 004970 2 29 an 0 52