48 Septic Application & Permit 2005 00 eCi-61E7 CONMoN'wIKA14)f �i \SS;\i 11L'SFIfS Boardvim/Ii •osTnpneTotU LION 1:011 DISPOSAL SYSII_I\1 IIONS1P,11C1101N p-,,al Are. DtNpwy PRtvE 40vnersN. ne vICC.k )°yGC Addres. 45l C /v)o CI-CP U1/4„)1 . L 1eIeplone# (4l-J) 3{yrt--.98t C CGL tit j i},ue 'N nntelr„r yl E. v\ACs1NN,5 Y ci Map/Pant-l# LoI Ar e Installers Name Ma52C L.A.� VA L/.'G e11 �4 Adh � aVCS�,L RVAD- .Cuok_,Ct- Alhe• 70 NAON-T• v/ r..- �1 k a .4 • Telepltne# 4 3) C _ 3�� 9 t ref �' J /Trlr piton ur (4-v 52.7=Si 9 J Type of Building Dwelling-No of Bedrooms Other-Type of Building other Frain es I Lot Size e, a o G — sq-ft. No. of penmis El Shower s (L):Cafeteria ( Design Flow (not it quiied) 4 40 Plan: Dare 01 — I t- O S Tide PRtIIpOaD Des(riptiou of Soil(s) Y'I CAL Soil Et alumni Form No. gpd Cal( la Number of sherd c Rrtoot Dare 5, D5✓2-EAC% S2WPs6 015Po5AL 1.-/f% I desigf now (0fcs0 Design How provided74-Cs gpd NIP( Name of Soil Evaluator lOhl r M-1<( • DESCRIPTION OF R P IRS ORALIERAI IONS BLC Al NU New Pl ■RtIovt R-D aNin) 4 Et CHES Dale of Et-aluation OI-Of1 -05- X 3`w x 2' p LC. ck The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in .with the provisions of TITLE 5 and Further a• ees to not to place the,system in operation until a Certificate of Cxrnpli e has been issue y the Board of Health. Signet I 1C1C. �.S'-'-� 1�.. _ Date /� g o a Inspections No. 17[(15 -G CO I IO '1\'E \LTIT OI N \SSAI:11L`SEIIS Board 4 Health //1/./lit J mit /Pro/ 5,A,5 OF C(Th1PLIANCE Description of Work 0 Individual Component(s) 7 Complete System The undersigned hen thy cernf that the Sewage ge Disposa l S I u n; Clunntrin ted ( ).Rep cd O.Upgraded ( ).Abandoned ( ) h}, ��},ZL L4VALLEy rim-7 ..... FFF ' *z- rine-222 at has been installed in accordance with the' p 'abs of 310 CA1R 15.00 (Title and the 11 oced dg plans/as-hii It plans relating to application No.:,o -Cn dated a /5— Apptor d Design Flow 7e (gpol Installer k e. a Designer: a . 'Ya. / Inspects 7 .„17/t /..2%[ A a:rate) Date: The issuance of this perrhit.shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system Will function as designed. 3 COMMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health. �a,.a M7lL �%l'7J V.L ii DISPOSAL SYSTEM ONSIiUC_FIDN PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( ) RepairO Upgrade( ) Abandon( et Lit { if/ i1) 6au — (.Lbrpa 7 LA s l i?a'.F Disposal System Comp Itejtion Permit No. 2ATr”— . dated a a 7i " 1/-5 an individual sewage disposal system as described in the application for Provided: Construction shall be completed within three rears of the date of this permit. AIJ local conditions must be met. Form 1255 Rev 5re6 A.M.SWAM aP Boson.MA Date 1 —"n Tho a rd of Health • <:)-2 (i/ _01_