48 Soil Suitaility Assessment 2005 4 ?w3Q_j vvoal,?n"I road 02.1 uoLc;ii.:, :Lill alp /-ep:moy poop So/aii (y 'Mkt aP birL � uun W pca,_ OPIC1 d9 e n1t .. 006_= pilot' rngElq`Lc 3L 9 0L. S 4ric, 7 s::), p ai :.. gamer amyanc ()' /s O —L S $� 5o0162L" o I, unid(. :tun doff ? os rid 0 o.SOoC. Uo i o; c T ° iI ,. Lc/-C-02E - € 17 7 07 :a1ge1 o iond (C'QbS �� pa'nety SbtlA CI 'IN �IZaa ❑ uoranuSuZ) roe' r' (1trY) V9II1 {hl S�7 rig 2{<,1�ry^»'ry1}.;9rrN tvrn,`rvA 5o�� N �b��4 InJ� 7VSO6SWJ a2v(KaS S-(T 0 2aaazatsa 'pi gYr M,E , {asriquessoh 11.4aSnu3;Sse r VW I aa¢J FORK. 11 - SOUL EVALUATOR FOR.% z _ __ on Address or La No. �J � n1��� �u /�C{��4dwAt !� On-site Review Jeep Hole Number �I Date. I �” to J Time. I I�/V�, weather Locator (identify on site plan( Lend Use \.)\ ',kith Slope (%) ' Surface Stones vlU Vegetation CIkSS Landform Oct W:tVS4 �?\A1N Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: °can Water Body -)ICC leer Drainage way 7f0C !set ?oasible Wet Area 2 let feet Property Lute 30 feat Drinking Water Wall ,7-001N feet Other w4. z� DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' C.otn from Surface nncnts{ Sod Monzoa Soil tenure IUSGAI Sod Color (Mumstil Sod Mottling ORsr {Structure. Stones, Boulders. Cans.;arc,. H Grant{ SEH It ZD I L r I LL L 5 n d (� /Z no-t r1v /G65( Cd{Uin€ci jl'n»e (-C1 \--`, © -„ T`uz, \ VIP) close to 77i/e n- Send : Ak s, hi- • YIMYIIti OF t kOlkh MlUl1INkJ AT NY PRnPnSkO omens:1L LAEA Nara Masi 1pclWid 41*- ofltL,.9` \ pampa.Brow/Inter standee,.WUarntl.Hal.: u1� fl I 2 C o.reos.apetic ) 12 () Strand S.a.onr HO Grunt Water: .4_L.rmmrxra: ✓1cnK OeY1, 1-fuk kl q,{c,I m antOV W 10114-1.7117Ma = - FORM 11 - SOIL. EVALUATOR FORM \ y Page 3 frii(3 loo hen Address or tot No. �O bun pH 07 ��(-I k✓1/40 N Deternrirration for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: J Depth observed standing in observation hole inches Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches 'L' Depth to soil mottles7120 inches J Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? y</r If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious. material? Certification 7 Zcc4 certify that on (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the requiredtraining, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature! ) I /W(/ Date ( '7 GS oQ e!lIOVm IWM-untn AvVFU1J� �Rl ;v(, (4' - -_-- _- a __ __ - -. N ic Z 7 caJnai b � (0 ; b -, a `cc --- )1 L � Ovp 'i Y ry c?-‘- o CMS c , � I I I Oo! c\joAs\APM0 ))1N ■ 0 ' VS LBZ \ "'°' I 96'681 I. e69z 68'EEZ - ___.. _ .. f89 oak SE 9ZL OOZ I OOZ I i YO9Xi E 001 O9 9 k91 1 95U$t 930 L 1 9l ZB! E"094 1 OOl 49 , �9LLL LLO .€V9 1544 Z ZLO1 L ZE'Z91 91:891. s E L BV'G9t , qqq 4CEBL ISLE I OS I1 � SO4 99 ) EL 6 E54L1 1 L6 EL l i 90101 I\ 9dfi� 60 LOL 9486 -ti ?BM. - / OOL Sbl' ��! \� SZIL�SL_9LZ f005LK/I, 6Z L91.1 006081 L9O0 £q�00f80a4�4904G4 ZI 4.9500454Z f00L ts �__. HO AXdNOU j 004 SOP£C 5 691 _,_ _ 004 ;E 99Z BSS f91 00y OOL T.GSLL 99941 110413—*ow 004 __I ZL/ 0 O 6b 400' ED I' 9Z0 9£C l� 911 10 9,.. LG f000�. CO 001 9SI. O01 � f000L C / POf 00! / 004----- nvoo 6L'lbl� as —L fSIB � /091 Q 1h/ ry J ■ or Delault>-0 Markers,Length=0 feet Name: EASTHAMPTON Date: 1/12/105 Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet orihampton-1 Markers.Length=0 feel Location: 042° 18'07.7" N 072°40'34.1" W Caption: Septic system repair 48 Dunphy Drive Florence, MA. 01062 CopyrlghI(C)100],Maplech.Inc. Commonwealth of Massachusetts IL9 City/Town of Number '- ' Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Fee Form 1A Important: When filling out forms on the computer.use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not use the return key DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health if they choose to do so. Before using the form, check with your local Board of Health to make sure that they will accept it. A. Facility Information Application is hereby made for a permit to:❑ Construct a new on-site sewage disposal system ❑ Repair or replace an existing on-site sewage disposal system ❑ Repair or replace an existing system component 1. Location of Facility: 48 Dunphy Drive Address or Lot# Florence MA. City/Town State 2. Owner Information Vicki Joyce Name 4519 Monitor Way 01062 Zip Code Address(if different from above) North Las Vegas City/Town 3. Installer Information Mark Lavalley Name Sylvester Road Address Florence City/Town Nevada State £413) 387—7882 (cell) 89031 Zip Code Telephone Number Same Name of Company 4. Designer Information Timothy E. Maginnis R.S. Name 70 Montague Road Address Westhampton City/Town MA. State j413) 586-3779 01062 Zip Code Telephone Number Dba-Timothy E Maginnis and Associates Name of Company MA. State j413) 527 -5291 01027 Telephone Number Zip Code t5form1a.doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 1 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form 1A Number Fee A. Facility Information (continued) 5. Type of Building: X❑ 4 bedroom Dwelling Other: Type of Building X❑ Showers Specify other fixtures: 6. Design Flow: Calculated Daily Flow: 7. Plan: 2 Number of showers Garbage Grinder(check if present) 8 Number of Persons Served ❑ Other fixtures ❑ Cafeteria 440 qpd Gallons per Day 660 qpd Gallons January 11 2005 Date of Original Number of Sheets Pro•osed re•a Title of Plan Revision Date Subsurface sewa•e dis.osal s stem desi n-4 trenches 401 x 3'W x 2'D 8. Description of Soil: Fill Sand 9. Nature of Repairs or Alterations(if applicable): Re lace failin SAS onl . Install new distribution box and 4 trenches 40'L x 3W x 2'D each 10. Date last inspected: Unknown Date t5formia.doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 2 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form 'IA Number Fee B. Agreement The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of HealttL!` , Cn ---- Timoth E. Ma. ••' or icki oyce January 13, 2005 Signature Date Application Approved By: Name Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons: t5formia.doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 3 of 3 AS-BUILT DIMENSIONS "A" to 'C' = 27' - 0' 'A' to '0' = 34' - 6' 'B' to 'C' = 30' - 6' WMECo M 3 Property line Plan view Scale: 1" = 30' Area =1,050 sq. ft. + istribution box 40 Trench w a Shed 40ft / 4" pvc solid pipe 4 C} Septic t m C 7// Exis ing 4 bedroom CUT house w C a Dunphy Drive — Northampton, Massachusetts February 28, 2005 As-kwtl plan 4 Trenches ( 40'L x 3'W x 2'D )each 48 Dunphy Drive Florence, Massachusetts 01062