8 Septic Complaint Letters Inspector ture gasAwcr @D(494.9.6./y%9Fyy °`,�^q .-:;e12-it� -ry BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: ,542/46,„ (Time: I Map: l` Parcel:4p/ Name of Complainant /t J ? i%/ IY ' IfeL Address: Nature off Complaint/Nt `6 tat? tfompl �.c ` 11 . AP a yts -O14 far" 4' a' ' Location: M Owner. A 9., c..�-r Address: S ay// ITeL�-, .Q q01/ Taken by: '" ''Date of Inspection: 0'0(a 7 'Time:I%'t/S-Bw INSPECTOR'S REPORT: /' /amyl_ B'„ #A- sue Action Taken: /e/o9, _ s- t-c p"`t a tAct` C Inspector ture gasAwcr @D(494.9.6./y%9Fyy 4 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T JOYCE.Chairman ANNE BORES.M.D. CYNTHIA DOURMASHKIN.R.N. PETER 1.MCERLAIN,Health Agent Mr& Mrs. Radu Ceorgoveanu 8 Dunphy Drive Northampton, Ma 01060 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Ceorgoveanu: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH March 14, 1996 Re: Septic System Failure, 8 Dunphy Dr.,Map 43 , Lot 61 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)5866950 Ext.213 As you are aware, on March 14,1996, a representative of the Northampton Board of Health conducted an inspection of your property at 8 Dunphy Dr., in response to a complaint. That inspection revealed that your subsurface sewage disposal system has failed. Sewage is flowing to the surface of the ground at the left front of your property near the street corner. There is a distinct possibility that your sewage could flow into the adjacent stormdrain and/or the nearby brook. This condition constitutes a public health nuisance and is a violation of 310 CMR 15.000 State Environmental Code Title 5 Under authority of Mass General Laws Ch 21A Sec 13 and Ch. 111, Sec. 123 you are hereby ordered to complete the repair of your septic ystem and bring it into compliance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15 000 within forty five(45)days of the receipt of this notice You must begin this process by having a percolation test conducted by a Registered Sanitarian or Registered Professional Engineer within fourteen (141 days of the receipt of this notice Any work to repair/upgrade your septic system must be performed by a licensed septic installer in accordance with plans approved by the Northampton Board of Health. In addition, in order to limit the risk of health hazard to you and your neighbors, you must take steps to reduce the volume of sewage generated, and periodically pump your septic tank to prevent sewage from flowing to the ground surface until such time as the repair of your septic system is complete. You are entitled to a hearing on this matter provided that a written request for such a hearing is filed with the Board of Health office within seven (7)days of the receipt of this notice. Enclosed for your information, please find a list of sanitarians/engineers who routinely perform perc tests and prepare septic plans in our area. Please feel free to contact me at the Board of Health office, (413) 586-6950, Ext. 213, if you have any questions . Very tr y yours Peter J. McErlain Health Agent cc: Ken Scott, Northampton Sewer Department Certified Mail: tt P 489 932 263 70 ) /7-net 1 • u e zn� oLtj s Ate-eeu)-c eg Iatmj //_fit, T L/efilett o-x . /2-Ant . 0 add w(F,2L �umv Cc d� 0 ctan z1 /�flt- Z Gf rJ �e O�"illi . -7u'G- /� o-tea �¢1 G vim/ m), - i' e CL / grg Ua _��2G v d-zx , �i/e Kiz U�' cr 4/2.64 4422 //- a-> Sze Gt e zi e « . ZK!e ez 2i :4Lnieine _--(cize / -cam 4 cue ,e/oe. /-a 1*/. ed_e / "ee .e e( . R111/ ri APR 3 0 Ib u j f uRTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH] TIMOTHY E. MAGINNIS, RS Environmental Consultant • Registered Sanitarian 70 Montague Road Westhampton, MA 01027 (413) 527-5291 Northampton Board of Health City Hall - Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Attn: Mr. Peter McErlain Dear Mr. McErlain: NORTH PTON BOARD Of HEAL4' Re: Northampton - 8 Dunphy Drive May 13, 1996 on behalf of Mr. Radu Ceorgoveneau, I am writing this letter to inform you that I have been retained to repair a failing subsurface sewage disposal system at 8 Dunphy Drive in Northampton, MA. A percolation test and soil evaluation has been scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 1996. Following the percolation test and soil evaluation I will submit, for your approval, a properly designed subsurface sewage disposal system plan in accordance with the State Sanitary Code Title-v. If you have any questions please contact me at the above address. Very truly yours, c.c. Radu Ceorgoveneau BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BORES. M.D. CYNTHIA DOURMASHKIN.R.N. PETER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent June 19, 1996 Mrs. Genevieve Keller Northampton District Court 15 Gothic Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mrs. Keller: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6950 Ext 213 On behalf of the Northampton Board of Health, I hereby request that Show Cause Case #724-96 (Defendant - Susan and Radu Ceorgoveanu, of 8 Dunphy Drive), scheduled to be heard on or about June 27, 1996, be dismissed. The nuisance condition has been abated. The property owners have installed a new septic system. Thank you, again, for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMcE/cdh cdh/hearingl TIMOTHY E. MAGINNIS, RS Environmental Consultant • Registered Sanitarian 70 Montague Road Westhampton, MA 01027 (413) 527-5291 Northampton Board of Health City Hall Northampton, Ma 01060 Attn: Mr. Peter McErlain Health Agent Re: Northampton - Sewage Disposal System - Final Inspection 8 Dunphy Drive July 5, 1996 Dear Mr. McErlain: This letter is to inform you that I conducted the final inspection of the individual subsurface sewage disposal system at Mr. Radu Ceurgoveanu' s residence at 8 Dunphy Drive in Northampton, Ma. Based on this inspection it appears as though the sewage disposal system at this site has been installed satisfactorily and in compliance with the State Sanitary Code Title -V. With diligent maintenance and operation it should provide trouble free service in the years to come. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very tru,}y yours; Ilw. Timoth