31C-017 (21) Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2004-0099 Date: July 28, 2004 APPLICATION TYPE: SUBMISSION DATE: PB Major Site Plan 6/14/2004 Applicant's Name: Owner's Name: Surveyor's Name: NAME: NAME: COMPANY NAME: Berkshire Design Group The Community Builders,Inc. ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 4 Allen Place 322 Main Street TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 SPRINGFFIELD MA 01105-2408 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: (413)582-7000 (413) 737-0207 0 (413) 731-9790 EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Site Information: r STREET NO.: SITE ZONING: Village Hill Road PV TOWN: SECTION OF BYLAW: _ 2��4 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Section 11:Site Plan Approval i AUG MAP: BLOCK: I LOT: MAP DATE: ACTION TAKEN: 31C 017 001 Approved With Conditions ! __ Book: Page: DEPT OF BI IILDING INSPECTIONS 6925 17 NCRT'rilas97i0N,MA 01060 NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: Renovation and conversion of two existing buildings 33 affordable apartment units.Also,roadway,parking, utilities,landscaping. Project affects Maps 31c-17 and 38A-86. HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1.Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain sign-off from the Office of Planning&Development indicating that the following conditions have been satisfied: a. New plans should be submitted showing raised crosswalks for the two internal crosswalks through the site driveway. b. a performance guarantee shall be posted based upon construction quantities for the hammerhead driveway&utilities submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. The performance guarantee shall include a contingency and inspections fee amount. c.{Applies to Building Permit for Nurses Home:) Approval is for layout of the entire site except for utility connections to "Nurses Home"(southeast building). Demolition permits may be issued for the "Nurses Home",but no building permits may be issued until final utility connections are approved by Office of Planning&Development staff. 2.Access is approved from the temporary driveway/hammerhead from Village Hill Road. 3.If sprinklers are utilized on site, the applicant shall install backflow prevention devices upon consultation with the Department of Public Works. 4.Hydrant spacing shall be in accordance with National Fire Protection Association. 5.A temporary,gravel driveway shall be constructed to the east side of the "Nurses Home"to allow emergency vehicle access. 6.A minimum of 9 bike rack"loops"shall be located on site. 7. Prior to issuance of a temporary or permanent Certificate of Occupancy,regardless of whether construction of Village Hill Road is completed, the stormwater detention basin serving this site shall be constructed according to the design approved through the Phase I subdivision process and shall obtain final sign off from the Department of Public Works. 8. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, Village Hill Road shall be constructed with at least the base layer of asphalt to the hammerhead driveway.. The Planning Board granted Site Plan Approval based on the following plans and information submitted on the plans,as amened by GeoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2004-0099 Date: July 28, 2004 conditions herein: 1)."Village at Hospital Hill Phase One Site Plan",Prepared for The Community Builders,prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc., June 8,2004.Plan sheets L1-L8(sheets L-5,6, 10 dated 7/14/04), Sheet E-1 Lighting Plan. 2) "The Village at Hospital Hill Road'A'Plan and Profile Definitive Plan",prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc.,July 13,2004. Plan sheet P-1. 3). "The Village at Hospital Hill Site Details Definitive Plan",prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc.,June 29,2004,Plan Sheet D-1. 4). "Village at Hospital Hill Phase One Site Plan Building Elevations and Tree Protection",prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc., July 2,2004.Plan sheets A-201-B1,B2 and A-202-B1,B2 prepared by Dietz&Co.Architects,Inc. 5). "Responses to Department of Public Works Comments Email dated July 9,2004, Village at Hospital Hill Phase One Site Plan", Prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc.,July 14, 2004. 6). "Proposed Stormwater Management System Operation&Maintenance Plan, Village at Hospital Hill Phase One Site Plan",by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc.,July 13,2004,Pages 1-2. In granting approval of the Site Plan the Planning Board found: 1. The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses,including mitigating stormwater runoff,sound and sight buffers and preservation of views, light and air. The site and parking lot for the reuse of existing buildings at the Village at Hospital Hill has been designed around mature landscaping. Stormwater will be treated and connected to the subdivision detention ponds;and 2. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets,minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area including the arrangement of parking and loading spaces,and provisions for persons with disabilities.Internal parking lot crosswalks will be elevated for traffic calming. The project,including any concurrent road improvements,will not decrease the level of service(LOS)of all area roads or intersections effected by the project below the existing conditions.As part of the overall redevelopment of the state hospital, traffic mitigation will be performed in phased implementation.The reuse of these buildings does not reach the threshold for the initial mitigation as required by the special permit. 3. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape,existing buildings and other community assets in the area. The facades will remain unchanged and represent the foundation for the context of future development within the Village. Overall open space and lot orientation toward the public open space will remain. 4. The requested use will not overload,and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system,sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection,streets and schools. The applicant will connect to the designed stormwater system. 5. The requested use does not trigger compliance with special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Compliance with the following technical performance standards have been met: A. Curb cuts have been minimized as two residential buildings will be served by one access with shared parking. B.Pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular traffic movement on site have been separated, to the extent possible,and sidewalks within the site have been provided to the street. Nine bike loops have been provided to serve both buildings. C. The applicant has shown that there is no increase in peak flows from the two(2)and ten(10)year Soil Conservation Service design storm from pre-development conditions(the condition at the time a site plan approval is requested)and the runoff from a 4/10 inch rain storm(first flush)is detained on site for an average of six hours. COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: FILING DEADLINE: MAILING DATE: HEARING CONTINUED DATE: DECISION DRAFT BY: APPEAL DATE: 711/2004 7115/2004 8/512004 REFERRALS IN DATE: HEARING DEADLINE DATE: HEARING CLOSE DATE: FINAL SIGNING BY: APPEAL DEADLINE: 718/2004 8/18/2004 712212004 81512004 811712004 FIRST ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING DATE: VOTING DATE: DECISION DATE: 7/8/2004 7/22/2004 712212004 7128/2004 SECOND ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING TIME: VOTING DEADLINE: DECISION DEADLINE: 7115/2004 9:35 PM 1012012004 1012012004 MEMBERS PRESENT: VOTE: Francis Johnson votes to Grant George Kohout votes to Grant Keith Wilson votes to Grant Paul Diemand votes to Grant GeoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. , If Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2004-0099 Date: July 28, 2004 Kenneth Jodrie votes to Grant David Wilensky votes to Grant MOTION MADE BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE COUNT: DECISION: Francis Johnson Kenneth Jodrie 6 Approved with Conditions MINUTES OF MEETING: Available in the Office of Planning&Development. 1, Carolyn Misch,as agent to the Planning Board, certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been riled with the Board and the City Clerk on July 28, 2004 l certify that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner and Applicant GeoTMS®2004 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. -..NNW' eel