Sunnyside Learning Gardens ApplicationCOMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMBINED SMALL GRANT ELIGIBILITY AND APPLICATION FORM SMALL GRANTS COMBINED ELIGIBILITY AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please familiarize yourself with the relevant portions of the CPC Plan 2012-2014 (at a minimum: eligibility (Appendix A, Allowable Use Table), general evaluation Criteria (Overview - Page 6), and applicable program criteria (Historic Preservation – Page 14, Community Housing, Page 22, Open Space, Page 24, Recreation, Page 31) Please consult with the CPC staff prior to submitting any application materials. Coordinating early will help ensure that your proposal is eligible for CPA funds, and increase the chances of a favorable decision. CPC staff can be reached at 413-587-1263. Complete the Combined Eligibility and Application Form. We would prefer that you keep to the space provided. But if you need additional space, please continue on separate pieces of paper; number all the pages submitted. Attach any letters of support, funding commitments or landowner permission Attach any of the following if relevant: photographs, renderings or design plans of the site, building, structure or other subject for which the application is made USGS topographical map, assessors map, or other map as appropriate, showing location of the project Information regarding Natural resource limitations (wetlands, flood plain) or zoning (district, dimensional and use regulations as applies to the land) Mass. Historic Commission Historic inventory sheet Historic structure report or existing condition reports Names and addresses of project contractors, and consultants Evidence that appropriate professional standards will be followed if construction, restoration or rehabilitation is proposed. Project Title: SunnySide Learning Gardens  Project location, including address and parcel number: 557 Easthampton Road Northampton, MA 01060 / 44-032-001  Project Sponsor/Organization: SunnySide Child Care Center  Contact Name: Emma Lee / Maria Piepergerdes  Property Owner, if applicable: SunnySide Child Care Center  Mailing Address: 557 Easthampton Road Northampton, MA 01060  Daytime phone #: 413.727.3665 Fax #:  E-mail address: araliaberry@gmail.com / maria@sunnysidekids.org   For the following, please refer to the Small Grant Eligibility Chart: http://northamptonma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/4185 CPA Program Area (check those that apply): � Open Space � Historic Preservation � Community Housing x Recreation   Project Purpose (check those that apply) : � Preservation x Rehabilitation/Restoration   Applicant’s Signature: ____________________________ Date Submitted: ____ 2/8/2016 _____________ For CPC Use Eligible: _____ Not Eligible: _____ Date: __________ Reviewer: ____________________ Appropriate for Small Grant Process_____ Referred to Traditional Funding Round______ Total Project Budget (not to exceed $6,000.00): $ 1,194 CPA Funding Request (not to exceed $3,000.00): $ 1,194 Funding from other sources: $ 0 List any in-kind donations of labor or materials: Parents and friends of Sunnyside Childcare Center will be providing all labor in-kind, as fulfillment of our agreed upon requirement for work hours, and as determined by the parent cooperative guidelines set forth by Sunnyside. CPA Request as % of Total Budget: 100% Budget Summary: Please specify how CPA funds will be spent. Itemize all projected expenditures. If budget is based on a quote, please attach it. List any additional funding sources or donations of in-kind service. These funds must be secured at the time of application, as evidenced by a signed commitment letter referencing the content of the application, and including any restriction on the use of funds. + Lumber and hardware for building 4 raised beds 8’ by 4’: $169 + Fencing materials: $280 + Topsoil and Compost mix, delivered, for initial fill and topping off next year: $545 + Seeds for flowers, vegetables and herbs: $100 + Vegetable and herb starts: $100 1) Please provide a brief description of the project. We propose to construct four raised beds in the front play yard of Sunnyside Childcare Center and enclosing them with a small fence. The beds are for both educational and play purposes. Through classroom lessons and projects, we plan to engage all our children, from ages 1.5 to 6 years old, in planting vegetables and flowers from seeds and starts and in caring for the plants. 2) What Community Preservation criteria – both general and program-area specific – does this project meet? Please refer to the Overview CPA Plan Section, Page 6), and applicable program criteria. (Historic Preservation – Page 14, Community Housing, Page 22, Open Space, Page 24, Recreation, Page 31) Rehab/Restore/Recreation. This project is consistent with Sustainable Northampton 2008-2028, as it proposes to increase Community Garden Space as articulated in Goal LU-2. 3) What community need(s) does this project serve? If the project serves multiple needs and populations, please describe them. If the project serves a population that is currently underserved, please describe. Sunnyside Childcare Center is a not-for-profit parent cooperative with a focus on social and emotional development for children ages 1.5-6 years old. Community amongst parents and children is built through Sunnyside’s commitment to collaboration between all levels of this community. We believe that the addition of a gardening space will provide a needed link to the natural world and rhythms of the seasons for the children and will further increase community cooperation by providing an enjoyable project for parents and children. 4) What specific guarantees will assure the long-term preservation of the project? Sunnyside Childcare is a year round operational facility with many staff overseeing the daily care of the building and grounds. Specifically, there is a grounds committee made up of eight parents (rotating yearly) who are responsible for maintaining the grounds, into which these beds will be included. We have planned to put the beds close to our water sources (including rain collection barrels) to ensure watering is an easy task. We will be including the gardens as a part of the curriculum for the children, and each classroom will take responsibility for their own portion of the beds. We believe the size of the project is small and thus, manageable. 5) What community support does the project have? Explain the nature and level of the support. The project has support inside of the Sunnyside community, that of the interim director, the assistant director, the teachers, and the parents on the grounds committee. We anticipate the children will be delighted to have the opportunity to play with and in the gardens and learn about plants, edible plants in particular, and become more aware of the growing cycles of plants. 6) How will the success of this project be measured? Success will come from growing flowers, herbs and vegetables and weaving that work into important, memorable lessons for the children. If we get to eat some tasty, fresh vegetables that would be an extra benefit for us all. 7) Is ongoing maintenance and upkeep required? If yes, please explain how this will be accomplished. The beds will need to be watered and weeded, and this will be a collaboration between the grounds committee and the teachers with their classrooms. Each classroom has two (weather permitting) outside periods each day, and these times can readily be used in rotation for the classrooms to tend the gardens. Additionally, the beds will need to be topped off with the extra topsoil and compost mixture at the beginning of each growing season. This will be done by the grounds committee members or other parents in the cooperative that need to fulfill their work hour requirements. 8) Explain the various steps of the project and when they will be completed Arranging the delivery of soil: mid-April Obtaining materials for building the beds: mid-April Constructing the fence and the beds: last 2 weeks of April Planting seeds: First 2 weeks of May Buying and planting starts: First 2 weeks of June 9) Provide any additional information you think would be useful in considering your project. From an earlier study completed by a parent, SunnySide has a plan for developing our eight acres into a learning environment for the children. We have carefully chosen the current site for the beds through studying this Conway School of Landscape Design plan and believe the site proposed in the front play yard to be the most promising in terms of receiving optimal sunlight, easy access to water sources, and accessibility for teachers and students. Placement in the front of the school will also improve the view from the street by adding a new dynamic to the landscape. B. Design Alternatives