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38A-119 45 Olander Dr-Stormwater Annual Report-2015Stormwater Facility Annual Report LL� of Inspection & Maintenance Morningside Village Hill Northampton Owners Name: Martha & Peter Halperin Map: 38A Address: 45 Olander Drive Lot; 119 Northampton, Ma 01060 Property Address: 45 Olander Drive Northampton, Ma 01060 Routine Maintenance S' The Surfaces of the individual infiltration swales and stone trenches were mowed to control herbaceous growth. (1 -2 times per year, or more often as needed) - -� Any accumulated sediments were removed (at least annually) The down - gradient edge (east edge) of the swales have been Maintained so that excess stormwater will discharge from the swale in an even and level manner. Emergengy Maintenance Repairs, Replacement or Reconstruction of the infiltration swales done in this ear: if necessa (This is to be done if it fails to operate as designed. A system fails to operate as designed when water is standing 48 hours or longer following a storm event greater than 1 inch over 24 hours.) - Z' �Z/_ 1� Signature of Owner Date Annual Reports documenting the inspection and Maintenance of the Stormwater management system shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works and the Northampton Office of Planning and Development no later than October Ist of each year. Northampton Department of Public Works Northampton Office of Planning and Development 125 Locust Street 210 Main St., Rm. 11, City Hall Northampton, Ma 01060 Northampton, Ma 01060