17C-146 (5) I would also like to address the other items contained in the
letter of Chip Kaye dated November 30, 1999 to you as building
1 . A timer has been installed on the parking lot lighting system
and is now in operation.
2 . The open space deed restriction will be recorded by December
23, 1999 .
3 . The bank was not aware that a permit was required to move the
storage shed from its former location behind the building that
was recently razed on Main Street . Michael Brown will be in
contact with you to resolve any issues regarding the storage
I want to assure you and the City of Northampton that the failure
to complete the work in accordance with the conditions contained in
the Planning Board Decision was not intentional, but resulted from the
delays in obtaining the necessary license and the subsequent delays in
completing construction. The Florence Savings Bank is committed to
meeting its legal and civic obligations and the community it serves.
Very truly yours,
Thomas M. Growhoski
CC: Mayor Mary Ford
Mayor-Elect Claire Higgins
Mark NeJame, Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals
Daniel Yacuzzo, Chair, Planning Board
Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning
Christopher Morris, Esq.
John F. Heaps, Jr.
JOHN M.CALLAHAN (413)584-1500
THOMAS M.GROWHOSKI December 13 , 1999 FAX(413)584-1670
Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner
Department of Building Inspections
City of Northampton
212 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mr. Patillo:
I thank you for taking the time on December 9, 1999, to visit the
site of the new parking lot of the Florence Savings Bank on Keyes
Street. The bank experienced considerable difficulty in obtaining a
license from Massachusetts Electric Company to construct the storm
drain under the bike path, which delayed the commencement and
completion of the project. The delays resulted in some work not being
completed in accordance with the conditions contained in the decisions
of the Planning Board.
After our site visit, I met with John F. Heaps, Jr. and A. Edwin
Putnam, President and Treasurer of the Florence Savings Bank to
discuss the items that are not in compliance. Please accept this
letter as the agreement of the bank to complete the work listed in
your letter of December 9, 1999, as follows :
a. The gate at the entrance of the lot will be installed by
December 31, 1999 .
b. The plantings and the layout of the plantings in the buffer
along the northerly border and a portion of the easterly
border will be completed in accordance with the plans by May
31, 2000 .
c. The "Caution Bike Path" sign will be installed by December 31,
1999 .
The bank regrets its failure to have completed the above work in
accordance with the conditions of the Planning Board Decision and will
take all reasonable steps to comply as quickly as possible.