Florence Fields 2014 annual CPA report
Florence Recreation Fields 2014 CPA Report
Parks and Recreation Commission project
Staffing jointly by: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning and Sustainability
The Florence Fields project has funded final design and construction of Florence Fields
1. Leveraging:These funds, along with a past CPA grant, leveraged $1,000,000 of state grants for
Florence Recreation Fields and its playground
2. Florence Fields: The grant has helped fund all aspects of the project (site work, field development,
parking, multiuse trail, irrigation system, etc.)
In 2014, the project funded:
1. Substantial completion of the playing fields, multiuse trails, parking lots and utilities.
2. The beginning of the Florence Fields playground.
3. The foundation for the Florence Fields Pavilion and Restrooms.
Detailed account balances and expenditures are available on the CPA expenditures spreadsheet. All of
the costs went to construction, design, and oversight.
Current Status
The recreation pavilion has broken ground and will be completed by the summer 2015. We expect
completion of all CPA funded aspects of the project.
Submitted, on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department, Parks and Recreation Commission, and
Planning and Sustainability
by Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Sustainability.