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17C-011 (6)
For ALL buildings within Fire District and for-sther buildings costing$10,000.00 or more, plans and specifications must be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings for examination and approval. If building is to be moved give details relative to proposed location as for a new building. Application for Permit to Build Northampton, Mass., .......�.Zl.»........ 19��... To the Inspector of Buildings:— The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, move, alter, or repair, according to the following specifications.— 1. Owner's name ,lr ' 2. Owner's address ......._.......» ..... '»::»... ...1..»....«.»............._..a......._..................................»................................ 3. Architect's name ....................«. ..............»....«.».... .........»....».......»......................................... .................................................... 4. Builder's name ........... '� ..a......:!.y..».. l ::4....�Z 4 ... .»,.:..( ...... ..1.�` �..........».......................................».. ».. ... ... ...... .. ....: .�C.K:...t..j... /.....�.................................................................»................................. 5. Builder's address .....»......... 6. Location of Building. Street No. ........»......... Tr . :.:�.., ..................................»....».............».»............».. 7. Is this a removal or new building ..............Z_Lo:rz.::.::rL.L :..».......».............».............»........................... . ................... 8. If removal, from where ...........».........»............. .... ...... ..... ».. ..... ................................................».................. 9. What is the purpose of building .......... f a f................................./ f .: :. . ...................................................»................. 10. Material of building ...................... L, : . ........(.w .»............................».............»............................»......................................... 11. If a dwelling, for how many families ...........».....,' ...»..........».....Number of rooms ............. ................................... 12. Is there to be a store in the building -- 13. Size of building, No. of feet front .....»....»...........;No. of feet deep ......................; No. of stories .................... 14. Size of ell, No. of feet front .....................; No. of feet deep ...........»........... No. of feet high .......................... 15. Size of Lot ........»..........».»...........................................................Feet Wide .........................»....».. Feet Deep ................................. 16. How near the-line of street .........................................................«......._.......................................».......»...............»............................... 17. How near the line adjoining lot. Right...........................».....; Left...................................; Rear................._.............. 18. Nearest building is ................................feet in a...................................................... direction ...................................................... 19. Material of the floor .....»............................»..........»..........»»....«.».............».............»....»....»..........»......._.................................»................ 20. Size of timbers, 1st ...........»....».....; 2nd .....»....»....»..... ; 3rd ........................: 4th .............................; 5th ............................ 21. No. of feet span .»........».............».....................»....»............. ; Distance on centers ....._................................................................. 22. Will the building be erected on solid or filled land .....»................»....»............................».................................................. 23. What is the material of foundation .....»....».»...................»....»....».»....»....»..................»....«.......; Footing ....................... 24. Will the roof be flat or pitched ...........».»....»...........................»..........; Covering..............»....»....»........................................ 25. Heat; steam, hot water, furnace, stoves »...............»......................; Power oil burner.....»........................................ 26. Fireplace .....»............................»..........«......................; Insulation ..............»............................................................................................... 27. How many sinks ............: Toilets ...........; Lavatories ........; Bathtubs.....»..; Showers............; Settubs ......... 28. City Service; Water .......................Sewer ...........».....»....; Road Surface ..............»..........; Sidewalk .................»..... 29. Is lot on accepted street ........»....»....».»..........».......»......»....»................................................................................................................ 30. Estimated cost (must be filled out) ........` ..... j. ..».... .».......».......»............................»....».......»............................... Applicant agrees to give the Inspector of Buildings 24 hours' notice before lathing or plastering this building. This building will conform to the requirements of the law. Signatureof applicant ...,: »j l � :� ..::. .� �.». :� &.�. .:.»....»...................................... ...........»r............. ......... �../• .�,,.1" ,f �, �r :rte, P�.-..�_._, V No.......................................... REMARKS .......... .......i...n:at'-......y��....IEiC':. ..». '...4. ." .......: l:d... ................ »r.J.. .J� ...»................. ..G............. ..: ....r:d.....5 ..::::.L: .:... ZONING PERMIT ~^ Lot APPLICATION ��x- n- u~o���� n x��u� Zoning Crdiuo/��c S'�'nti�n I0..'! / '/cu / File Vo. 1,1r-111 File Address Telephone .I his section is to he filI,d out iu oorordcuco ih Uio "11'bIp »f Dimoueioorl and Density Reg atlonc:. (Z.10. A!,'Tl ILL, V1). Zoning Ilse Lot Front Depth S 0 t 1.)n C 1-1in. Op. District Arca "I:idt)) Front_ Side__ _Cover. Space ast is Mork the apyroprinte box Lo iodicnte tbe umr oI +7�' ynroel: ' F--1 Poo-Couf"zminf; Lot ,,rid/or 3truoturo. Sl.eoify.____----'_---'------'----- -------- ' -- — ----' -- ' --'------- --- ------- F;Zq Beuidoutiol F--l5iuule F=ni]y Uuit. [--)11olti-Fon1IJ � DoI,Iaz [-l0tboi F--lBuoiueuo ^--^ [-1 Industrial [--1 �uotituti °r"] �-� P.U.D. 8ubdivjaioo � th Cz [� | Subdivision nith [--lPIuuoinQ Plonrd Approv,I: F--lZouinc Board Approval (3DccinI Perjqit 10.0: V�rinxoe� = City Council (Special Exccption S. 10.10) Yes vo Parkin,,.-) Space Requiremelito: (7'.0. ,')'cct. Required Propose(I Loading Space PequirementE�: Mo. "ect. 8.2) Requirod-Propoced ,Environmental Performance Standards: ( Z.0, Art. X1.1) =Yes IT-0 Plot Plan Yes �Vniver ED Thin n,nt1Vu for OFFICIAL use only: �Approval as yroseut«d: [--lMod1fioutj0us, ncc000nr� for ,pprov,l; F--lRetoro: (Unro iuiormnti"o ounded) [--) Denial: Boor000: A 1)117(l Signiture of Applicant Date I hereby certify that the proposed work is'-6 b� the©wtter`of record and I have been authorized by the owner to rtctte tlis"' p i coign as his authorized agent. _. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ,. .ADDRESS (NUMBER) (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19 DEPT. FILE COPY ZC, City of Northampton 1~ BUILDING Massachusetts PERMIT VALIDATION Office of the Inspector of Buildings " DATE /GY'i l� 1997(v PERMIT O. APPLICANT � t ADDRESS T ?+ (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF PERMIT TO ��) STORY DWELLING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) - s ZONING AT (LOCATION) DISTRICT (NO.) (STREET) rn BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) a LOT (L SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE m o BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION O M O Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) O LL REMARKS:. VOLUME ESTIMATED COST $ .2SbSJ1 0 FEEMIT /O.G() , l �SOUARE FEET) OWNER ~ BUIL T ADDRESS -�ift.Lo BY (Affidavit on reverse side of application to be completed by authorized agen of owner)