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31B-193 (6)
i i I i i I I I i 2 3 4 5 Pr©Terra (E)coPPER GUTTER� DESIGN GROUP, LLC r( `(4) GORED HOLES TYYP.R. (E)FACIA----� /._. � (E)2nd FLOOR (P)DRIP EDGE v- CE:L�NC Snm��so-ee� ' (P)(a)a"EMT CONDUIT 3"xz°TRIM� � � --( w/NONL N C ompton.MA 01060 sr°R�KING (E)TRIM DETAIL- GROUT Po-.(413)320-4918 (P)UNISTRUT P1000 /,,/ mv_(413)320-4917 D (E)CHURCH ROOF CHANNEL TYP, CF 5'O.C. (P)5/4 PT DECKING LAMINATED TO J 1 6 BACK OF PLYWOOD SHEATHING.TYP. OF (P)INTERIOR SCTLII D HORIZONTALLY EVERY 2'O.C. ALONG (P)()5"m CORED ENTIRE LENGTH.TYP (E�SCFFIT TRIM CErALS L HOLE TYP. CLI�N T. /.\ 4 CFEMCVABLE PANEL K (E 2 c FLGCR __C.CN AS EC'D ' VY�2J K- CELNG �� (P)(4.4 EMT LBs (E)BLOC'(WALL 83 PRESSILRE REATE1,` (E;.PLASTER WALL V.I.F. FLYWCCD VP � I -- ---- ---- REMCVABLE PANEL 1 -- = SECTION,AS REO'D 1 / - 1 1 1 (P)SIDING TO MATCH(E, (P;LNISTRLT P]JCC T CHANNEL TY (P)SIDING To MATC (E) _ - 1 - _ 1 Bl.LDIN'G FA INTEL TO MATCH i L CF 5 O.C. BUILDING,PAINTED 10 MATC _ � (P)(4`.4' EMT SWEEPS • PLYVYGOD. TYP lY� K{ (P)(4,q°EMT LBs BERING M^AND RECD Crth W25t°ff` Drive 1 1 27 n' PRESSL'P.E TREATED 1 1 * ST— NL C30:9 / 4 VERTICAL CONDUIT DETAIL A ,/--' (P1 INTERIOR SOFFIT ABOVE V (P)ACCESS PORT TYP SCALE_ '. ' (22.34; SK-2 (P)(4) ID EMT MAT H -- _ (P)cLAP eonao SIDING w (E;DocR �` 1--2'(11x17% BEHIND(P)SID TO MATCH - 4}"REVEAL TO MATCH(E) (P)(4)4"FMT LBs (E)CHURCH ,PAINTED TO MATCH 3 (P)(4)4"EMT CONDUIT J 111 O (E) Ty DOWNS"POUT CHANNEL rYP OF 5 O.C. � z c r (E)cr+uecH ELEVATOR - (E)CHURCH w a ADDITION I�fl D _ Z G (P)TRIM DETAILS TO MATCH -- - ^ .r 4ELOACTA(E) (E)BUILDING - o DOWNS OUT�. ' (P)5/4 PT DECKING LAMINATED p TO BACK OF PLYWOOD (P)f'FMFNT ROARD PAVFIS 1 I Y (� w PAINTED/TEXTUREE TO MATCH - -- - 1 1 HORIZON TALLY EVERY 20.V. �j ►�"��� (E)FOUNDATION _ F _ ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH TYP. 1 P)(4)d"EMT CONDUIT (P)5/4 PT DECKING LAMINATED TO BACK OF PLYWOOD tp GRADE - - GRADE 1 t I (E)CONCRETE BLOCK WALL SHEATHING,TYP OF BOTH 12 O t y 4 m DES VERTICALLY ALONG q RELOACTE(E) 1 (E)FGUNDA iION WALL (P)TRIM DETAIL TO ENTIRE LENGTH y C~..l lYb�D DOWN SPOUr DRAIN -�'�I MATCH(E) It ll PIPE AS RED D ` (P)(2)LAYERS OF ,..y (P)(4)4"SCH40 CEMENT BOARD SECURED o.y DEC U/G CONDUIT RELOACTE(E) _ TO(P)PT LEDGER i DOWNSPOUT DRAIN EX TEND CEMENT BOARD VERTICAL CONDUIT CHASE ELEVATION�� PIPE AS RECD BELOW GRADE SCALE 1'=2'(22r34) SK-2 CEMENT BOARDPTO MATTCH U(E) w /fit FOUNDATION Fy w ►V 1.._0.'b1.17) I e ryyZ B (P)(4)D-EMT (P)(4)4"SCH40 conlDLrt PVC u/c CONDUIT SHIM AND SEAL F, U BEHIND CHANNEL AS W (, REO'D'D (P)UNI$TRGT P3300 r CHANNEL TYP. VERTICAL CONDUIT CHASE VERTICAL SECTION 3 VERTICAL CONDUIT DETAIL B -- OF 5'O.C. SCA 2'(22.34) SK_2 SCALE: 1' 1 (22+34) 1 SK-2 C (')r A CA VANIZ D B. (P)'JNISTPUT P1121 PIPE--AMP TYP_ LA R-N TYP. OF - �.��.1� P-- STAMP. 3 R CIANN-'_ r✓ 1 2xo FRAMING 'P)5/4 T DEC'KIV -AMINAT=D TO 3- P YONJ,V. BACK O ?'WOO] AT WG,TIP.Or -IORZON-ACY EVERY 20.V.ALONG ATTIC SPACE -NTIR2 =NGTH, TYP. 5 MIL YE_'_DN'NARNING TAP- I J^C 2x5'T TN COUPS">1{ BIT.PA J_M_NT OR.MATCH (")CEI'INC JJIGTS "RURIEC- ^_TRIG Y FIB.R" \ f %ISTINO -D_R TO FRAVIINC BEYOND = c"FOAM OR �>V'NC]CEO�TRAI,,,1T - 'P) /4 T JEGRIN AMINA 7- TO P 4 4" MT""N-PS \ )STASTPIN�TEAT- )�) 3anv JP)2x i _DC_R > BACZ C P WOOD -1.ATHINO TYP. O AST-,R LN TY' Or 2 TP) PT P'LIJIODD 30?4 'D VERTI�A Y A,CNG NTIR- (-)P_A� _ - -- _ V RiT/R MOV BITING f -NG 1 ^ OR=S-AL AL P-N-TRATIONS Y' D °)CAP BOAR) D P.R DO'NN 'OJT TO '" ^T_A TRIM MA DEiAIL SI]IN3 W 42 REVJA' 3)R OCAiEJ AS REOD }a'_A„S-R-'WS INTO d ,RA V-'BASE TO MATCH 2 N " 1 TO MATCH(E) - I +RAM`NG ..a)4 MT CONDUIT 2" ( (E)GONCPETE BLOCK WALL (P)UNISTRU. P1000 f (P)l4)4' EMT Les E DA Tom' 4/1/14 'E)ELEVATOR CHANNEL TYP. OF 5'O_C. 30"COMPACTED BACKFILL AUDI P,ON WALL (E)TRIM , THREADED ROD TYP OF 2 �'� .. �. i,i,, i i i TRAVELED- _ - (P)UNISTRUT PI 121 F'.PE CLTy- SANCTUARY T WAY)CONDJ'T TYP_SGH40(SCH80 WHERE HACK' JMM/RM (P)UNISTRUT PT DOD CHANNEL TYP () mT CONDUIT D 0 UNDER � A f OF 5'L3.C. 4' 4 i (P)j'SHEETROCK TAPED (P)ACCESS PORT TYP A � I N ( z'-B' - AND PAINTED TO MATCH(E) n 4" MIN_ 9B NO.: 73-COS COUNT 2nd FLOOR HALL , (z)PARTITION WALL CI FAN SAND 5N TABL=FOR MIN. --� f coNDUlr BEDDING SH+--T FITLE: (P) 2x4 SOFFIT FRAMING TYR _(E)PLASTER'hA_L ®16"0 j�1 (P)INTERIOR SOFFIT ABOvE DETAILS VERTICAL CONDUIT CHASE HORIZONTAL SECTION 2 DGGP SOFFIT DETAIL C BURIED CONDUIT SECTION �� SCALE. t"=1'(22x34) SF-� 1"=2'L11 r'7) SCALE. t=1'(22.30.) SK 2 SCALE: NONE �SK-2 SK-2 2 3 4 5 i i i I 2 3 4 5 o o Pr©Terra DESIGN GROUP, LLC L (�)(4) 4"ENT VERTICAL CONDUHL RUN - - 1 sno�L S1"3 aP TO(P)ANTENNAS AND cODIPMENr _-r - WITHIN STEEPLE -k 5010 3 f m ton,NA 0105u No th p " (E)CHURCH \ {- _ T \\ P',(413)320-4919 D (a)(n) LN EM.cTHIN A nC SP(E _ __ _ _ D WALK NAY WITHIN ATTIC SPACE _ -x _ _. CL_It_p�T: (P)CC ON DUI"TO PEN'ETRA'E(E=2TC _ - -- - - - — FICR CEIL.NG AND TRAN'SITICN INTO - ATTC SPACE - -t - ? (E;ELEVATOR AOCI TICK' (P)FRAMES FORI ZON iAL ROFFi PLONC- k 2nc FLOOR HALLAAV CEILING - I VERTICAL CCNDL'IT CHASE ALCNG ; 27 wster- Dr ive Ex TERICR CF 6LILCI\G\5 T Sd—, NN 03079 AL C.VE �RAM_D VERTICAL_-ASE\VITH CICM1G ANC TRIM DETAILS(E TCLMCING r w iI I Ll >z o III ` I VT oo ww� I I]o 1 SEE DETAILS ON SK-2 Z O p U 0 C ------ -------------------� (P)VERTICAL CHASE TO EXTEND TO GRADE W/PAN AiNTED/TExTCREO TO C n M /\ MATCH(E)FO uDA'.ON scHao PVC u/c coNOUlrs 1 w n a�M�To � N o U, S, �T o ¢o n a PARTIAL WEST ELEVATION IF'- SCALE: I"-10'(22.34) SK-1 "=20 (Ian) p� t; (E)(4)4'm PVC CONDUIT i� tr PENETRATION TO BE CUT /� _._ --- ---------- y V IVp O AND CAPPED Li T P)(4)4'SCH40 PVC D/ I Z coNDUITS(450'To 4so' I \ a0 w . EST LFNGRH7 I W g (E)cHDRCH I z 2�0 FLOOR PLAN o I W (P)VERTICAL CONDUIT RuN UP 10(P)- a ANTENNAS AND-0 I?M-NT WIT O - Q Ii -- ----------- ---- ---II �--7--•� _ STAMP. I D, x e NA \ IIIII , A N ATTIC SPA III l `J\ ) R JILL r7 b.RARE( INTO ATTIC lA-- A ANSlrlo INTO ATTIC SancE � ( 1 !-)a`=vArGR A»IrIoN \ I I (E)Io'a PVC DRA.N PIPE \ _ DATE: 5177113 () AM D HOP 20V-AL SOFFIT ALONG DPAWN: CND/JRM I 2,d oR HA LNAV DD—r tI CHECK: �A/M/TL0 (-)MANHOLE rrP V ()v R..ca_c ILONT CHASE ALONG � T� TER OP of eJ LD N.,An,N(E) SCACL: Sic PLAN A , I A covL q (P) RAMED VERTICAL CHASE WITH � � 31 D, G ]TRIM Oc'A LS TO MACH JOB NO.: iJ-GOS (E)8-A wC DRAIN PIPE �� F (E)3UIlDIlG _ SEE DETAILS ON SK-2 SH -7 iI TLt: (R)SAE-PS S<- DETAILS z© CHURCH PLAN SGAL S K-1 '=40 (11x17) A\ 2 3 4 0 a } . : . a. . m2RFEquipment in Steeple 2-19-14 R& Antenna k Frame in Steeple 2-19-14 �m ; ^\~ � Pw: Equipment Room Eit Sign/ Emergenc Lighting 8-18-14 MA-5106 Page 4 of Field Inspection Report 12!01$ 0117/1% 0251 &021914 4v P-1: Conduit run in Church Attic 12-20-13 P-2: RF Transparent louvers s P-3: Removed wood louvers in steeple P-4: Louvers from exterior 1-17-14 P-5: Conduit in Steeple Level 2-19-14 P-6: Conduit in Attic hung from roof trusses 2-19-14 MA-5106 Page 3 of 4 Field Inspection Report 12/20/13, 01/17/14, 02/5/14&02/19/14 The following items require corrective action: (Italics denotes acceptable contractor resolution) 1) Contractor installed EMT conduits in Church attic supported by catwalk handrail, ProTerra directed contractor to hang conduit run from steel roof trusses for additional support. (Contractor hung conduit run from steel roof trusses as directed, this is acceptable.) 2) A design change to the equipment room closet was needed to accommodate existing and proposed conduits along the closet ceiling interfering with the installation of the (2) — 5/8" Sheetrock ceiling for fire rating. The proposed included the closet door changed to a type b rated metal door and interior walls constructed with mineral wool in stud cavities with a layer of 5/8" type x fire rated sheetrock. (Contractor installed as per directed.) 3) Contractor directed to install exit sign in equipment room. (Contractor installed exit sign.) The comments in this field report are a record of observations made on site. If there are any errors or omissions please notify ProTerra Design Group, LLC in writing or all comments and all parties shall consider this report factual and acceptable. COPIES TO: File SUBMITTED: JarAs Gruber, E.I.T. Pr ject Engineer REVIEWED: V Mreno, P.E. Managing Partner MA-5106 Page 2 of 4 Field Inspection Report 12/20/13, 01/17/14,02/5/14 &02/19/14 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PraTerra DATE JOB# DESIGN GROUP, LLC 12/20/13,01/17/14, 13-005 02/5/14 &02/19/14 PROJECT AT&T Site Name: NORTHAMPTON PREPARED ProTerra Design Group, LLC Site Number: MA-5106 BY: 1 Short Street, Suite 3 115 & 123 Elm Street, Rt. 9 Northampton, MA Northampton, MA 01060 Ph:413-320-4918 CONTRACTOR PROJECT OWNER East Coast Communications New Cingular SUBMITTED Mr. Louis Hasbrouck PO Box 571 Wireless PCS, LLC TO: Building Commissioner 29 Cyr Drive dba AT&T Puchalski Municipal Building Gorham, ME 04038 550 Cochituate Road 212 Main Street Framingham, MA 01701 Northampton, MA 01060 WEATHER TIME Variable Varies PRESENT AT SITE ORGANIZATION Jesse Moreno, P.E. ProTerra Design Group, LLC Victor Moreno ProTerra Design Group,LLC Pursuant to the Massachusetts Amendments to the IBC 2009 §1701.1.1 Construction Control of the 8th edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR), the following is a progress report documenting the construction which has been completed to date at the above-mentioned site. The following items were completed: 1) Original plans called for telecom conduits to be routed in northeast corner of church basement and up an existing chase-way to attic level. During construction it was discovered the coring through the existing floor that was required would not be feasible in this location (12-20-13 site visit). The client requested a deviation from the original plan of (2)-4" conduits & (1)-2" conduits to (4)-4" conduits to allow for future expansion as needed. This change required reworking of original conduit layout. 2) Church slabs and walls were non-destructively tested to determine presence of rebar and deck thickness (2-5-14) to determine feasibility/placement of conduit coring for (4) —4" Conduits in alternate location along elevator shaft. From testing information it was determined coring through floors and walls was not feasible and alternative conduit route needed to be determined. 3) Panel antenna, RF equipment, conduit runs in church attic, and pipe mounted frames in the steeple are under construction. 4) RF transparent louvers have been installed and the existing wood louvers have been stockpiled inside the steeple. Louvers were constructed of PVC wood product in lieu of fiberglass shown on plans. Installation was completed with screws and dowels into the existing wood frame. MA-5106 Page 1 of 4 Field Inspection Report 12/20/13, 01/17/14,02/5/14 &02/19/14 P-1: Alcove on Church P-2: Electric Meters R P-3:AT&T Powerplant P-4: Equipment Rack MA-5106 Page 3 of 3 Field Inspection Report 03/26/2014 The comments in this field report are a record of observations made on site. If there are any errors or omissions please notify ProTerra Design Group, LLC in writing or all comments and all parties shall consider this report factual and acceptable. COPIES TO: File SUBMITTED: Jam Gruber, E.I.T. Pr6ct Engineer REVIEWED• Jess MA-5106 Page 2 of 3 Field Inspection Report 03/26/2014 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT reaPTerra DATE JOB# DESIGN GROUP, LLC 03/26/2014 13-005 PROJECT AT&T Site Name: NORTHAMPTON PREPARED ProTerra Design Group, LLC Site Number: MA-5106 BY: 1 Short Street, Suite 3 115 & 123 Elm Street, Rt. 9 Northampton, MA Northampton, MA 01060 Ph:413-320-4918 CONTRACTOR PROJECT OWNER East Coast Communications New Cingular SUBMITTED Mr. Louis Hasbrouck PO Box 571 Wireless PCS, LLC TO: Building Commissioner 29 Cyr Drive dba AT&T Puchalski Municipal Building Gorham, ME 04038 550 Cochituate Road 212 Main Street Framingham, MA 01701 Northampton, MA 01060 WEATHER TIME 30°F—Cloudy 9:00 AM PRESENT AT SITE ORGANIZATION Jesse Moreno, P.E. ProTerra Design Group, LLC Kelly Baughan East Coast Communications Ken Kozyra Mark Bienvenue Sharon Moore Smith College Pursuant to the Massachusetts Amendments to the IBC 2009 §1701.1.1 Construction Control of the 81h edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR), the following is a progress report documenting the construction which has been completed to date at the above-mentioned site. The following items were completed: 1) Design visit to discuss alternate conduit run from equipment room to steeple level for(4) -4" O conduits. Discussed new plan to reroute the conduit around exterior rear of the church and up the existing alcove on the west side of the building up into the attic space. SK plans prepared by ProTerra Design Group, LLC dated 4/1/2014 are attached and show new route for telecommunications conduit. 2) Electric meter and disconnect have been installed on exterior of 115 Elm St. 3) Powerplant with battery rack has been installed in basement equipment room. MA-5106 Page 1 of 3 Field Inspection Report 03/26/2014 From: Sweeney, Kevin [mai Ito:ksweeney(d)simplexgrinnell.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:10 AM To: Mark Bienvenue; kelly baughan; Kraft, Jeremy Cc: bill jackson S T&T MA5106 Alarm Status Yes, Panel is programmed and tested. Monitoring is being handled by Smith College. Kevin From: Mark Bienvenue [mailto:Mark.Bienvenue @SAI-Comm.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 1:20 PM To: Sweeney, Kevin; kelly baughan; Kraft, Jeremy Cc: bill jackson; Mark Bienvenue Subject: RE: AT&T MA5106 Alarm Status Hi Jeremy/Kevin, Can you please let us know if the alarm system at 115 Elm St. Northampton, MA., is operational? Thank you Mark Bienvenue, Construction Manager SAI Communications mark.bienvenue2sai-comm.com Cell 508-627-0826 From: Sweeney, Kevin [mailto:ksweeney @simplexgrinnell.coml Sent:Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:42 AM To: kelly baughan; Mark Bienvenue; Kraft, Jeremy Cc: bill jackson Subject: RE: AT&T MA5106 Alarm phone lines Jeremy, Please contact Mark and Kelly about a monitoring agreement. Thank you, Kevin Sweeney / Electronic System Sales / SimplexGrinnell Tel: +1 413 231 1132 / Mobile: +1 413 519 0406 66 Myron Street / West Springfield, Ma 01089 / USA ksweeney(a)-simplexgrinnell.com / www.simplexglinnell.com This email(including any attachments)may contain information that is private or business confidential.If you received this email in error,please delete it from your system without copying it and notify sender by reply email so that our records can be corrected. Tyco's vision is Zero Harm to people and the environment.Please consider the environment before printing this message. P-31: HVAC Line penetration fire sealed P-32: Sealed Conduit in Steeple (contractor photo) (contractor photo) P-33: Bolts Installed through extra holes P-34: Siding Caulked (contractor photo) in steel member(contractor photo) w,. t �y I s P-35: Hydrogen Sensor Installed in equipment room P-36: Ladder Guard (contractor photo) (Contractor photo) MA-5106 Page 9 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014 &8/19/2014 P-25: Fire Protection System in Equipment Room P-26: Fire Protection System 115 Elm St. P-27: Equipment Room Door ground lead installed P-28: Fire Protection System Conduit Painted (contractor photo) (contractor photo) 4 P-29: Ground EMT in equipment room P-30: EMT grounded in steeple (contractor photo) (contractor photo) MA-5106 Page 8 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014&8/19/2014 lk \\ P-19: 115 Elm S—Basement/Conduits m20: 115 Elm 9.—Equipment Room Door y . . ( § . \ \') R2£ Electrical n AT&T eguipmemrom P-22HVa( h Equipment Room . � m2» Power plant& Battery Rack m2 4: LE & UMT Racks in equipment Room MA-5106 Page 7 of Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014&8/19/2014 } P-13: Antenna Ground Bar P-14: RF transparent Louvers d f t P-15: Steeple Access Hatch P-16: HVAC Condensers&GPS Antennas � o P-17: Electric Meter Bank P-18:Genset Plug MA-5106 Page 6 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014 &8/19/2014 I t P-7: Conduit in Church attic P-8: Conduit run along attic catwalk P-9: EMT up interior of Steeple P-10: RUUs& RF equipment in Steeple P-11: RRUs& Mounts P-12: Antennas& Mounts MA-5106 Page 5 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014& 8/19/2014 II .Tar.. n e s { k' ill P-1: Conduit run & pull box P-2: Pull box&vertical chase 9 qil�ll nq� P-3: Vertical Chase P-4: Steeple wil P-6: Conduit up alcove P-5: Underground Conduit (contractor supplied photo) (Contractor supplied photo) MA-5106 Page 4 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014 &8/19/2014 The following items require corrective action: (Acceptable contractor resolution denoted in italics and verified with photographs/correspondence provided by the contractor.) 1) Grounding of Telco EMT in equipment room and missing ground lead to EMT at RRU level in steeple. Ground lead on equipment room door to frame missing. (Contractor returned to site and installed ground leads as directed and door strap as directed.) 2) Cap/Seal conduit ends at steeple equipment area. (Contractor returned to site and installed putty seal on the conduit ends as directed.) 3) Fire seal HVAC lines penetration through equipment room wall. (Contractor returned to site and sealed HVAC line penetrations with fire caulking.) 4) Install bolts through extra bolt holes in steeple steel frame at antenna level. (Contractor returned to site and installed bolts through extra holes as directed, see photos.) 5) Clap board adjacent to alcove and exterior chase requires sealing/caulking. Gutter requires supports to match existing. (Contractor returned to site and caulked joint gaps as directed see photos.) 6) Paint fire system conduit to match walls in building. (Contractor returned to site and painted conduit as directed.) 7) Install Hydrogen sensor in basement equipment room. (Contractor installed hydrogen sensor as directed.) 8) Verify fire protection system is operational. (Construction manager forwarded email dated 10-22-2014 from the alarm monitoring company verifying functionality and stating it is monitored through Smith College, see attached email chain) The comments in this field report are a record of observations made on site. If there are any errors or omissions please notify ProTerra Design Group, LLC in writing or all comments and all parties shall consider this report factual and acceptable. COPIES TO: File SUBMITTED: Jan, s Gruber, E.I.T. Pr ect Engineer REVIEWED: C sse M eno, P.E. Managing Partner MA-5106 Page 3 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014&8/19/2014 6) (9) RRU, (3) Fiber Slack boxes and (2) surge protectors have been installed on new mounts in general conformance with plans in steeple. We recommend that any additional RF equipment to be added in the future be installed at the antenna level for cooling and air exchange purposes. Further ventilation may be warranted in the future. 7) (6) Antennas and mounting frames have been installed in the church steeple in general conformance to plans. RF transparent louver vents with screens have been installed in general conformance to plans. 8) RF Caution & Notify signs have been installed on new access hatch to steeple level RF equipment areas. 9) (2) HVAC condensers have been installed on precast condenser pads in general conformance to plans along exterior of 115 Elm Street Building. 10) (1) GPS antenna has been installed in close proximity to HVAC condenser location at building foundation level. This change is acceptable provided the antenna functions properly in this alternate location. 11) Genset plug has been installed as per plan. 12) Electric & Telco conduit has been installed in 115 Elm St. basement in general conformance to plans, ProTerra is of the understanding that an electrical permit has been pulled inspected by the local electrical inspector. 13) Equipment room in 115 Elm Street Basement has been constructed in general conformance to plans, (1) UMTS equipment Rack, (1) Power plant with battery rack, (1) LTE equipment rack, (2) HVAC air handlers, Electrical panel & disconnect, (ProTerra is of the understanding electrical has been inspected by others, local inspector), fire protection system have been installed in general conformance to plan. 14) Installed ladder guard with lock to access steeple level as requested by Smith College. 15) Fire alarm control panel has been installed and tested located in the main entry way of 115 Elm Street. 16) Site is clean. MA-5106 Page 2 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014&8/19/2014 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT PreaTerra DATE JOB# DESIGN GROUP, LLC 08/18/2014&8/19/2014 13-005 PROJECT AT&T Site Name: NORTHAMPTON PREPARED ProTerra Design Group, LLC Site Number: MA-5106 BY: 4 Bay Road, Building A, Suite 200 115 & 123 Elm Street, Rt. 9 Hadley, MA 01035 Northampton, MA 01060 Ph:413-320-4918 CONTRACTOR PROJECT OWNER East Coast Communications New Cingular SUBMITTED Mr. Louis Hasbrouck PO Box 571 Wireless PCS, LLC TO: Building Commissioner 29 Cyr Drive dba AT&T Puchalski Municipal Building Gorham, ME 04038 550 Cochituate Road 212 Main Street Framingham, MA 01701 Northampton, MA 01060 WEATHER TIME 80°F—P. Cloudy 2:05 PM PRESENT AT SITE ORGANIZATION Jesse Moreno, P.E. ProTerra Design Group, LLC James Gruber, E.I.T. ProTerra Design Group,LLC Pursuant to the Massachusetts Amendments to the IBC 2009 §1701.1.1 Construction Control of the 8th edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR), the following is a progress report documenting the construction which has been completed to date at the above-mentioned site. The following items were completed: 1) The 400'± long underground conduits have been installed. The lawn areas have been reseeded, the driveway/ parking area crossings have been repaved, and (2) 4.5' x 4.5' Quazite pull boxes have been installed along conduit run, (1) in the vicinity of the north east corner of the church and (1) in the vicinity of the north west church corner. 2) (4) - 4"0 telecommunications conduit runs up the exterior of the church alcove located on the northwest side have been installed as per SK sheets issued 4/1/14 by ProTerra Design Group, LLC. provided in previous inspection report. The vertical chase has been constructed in general conformance to plans. 3) Soffit has been constructed along church 2nd floor hallway ceiling in general conformance to plans to conceal conduit run. 4) Flex EMT conduit has been installed in Church attic from PVC 4" conduit to EMT conduit. 5) EMT conduit run has been installed along church attic catwalk, hung from steel roof truss and fastened to cat walk handrail to steeple area and up to RF equipment steeple level. MA-5106 Page 1 of 9 Field Inspection Report 08/18/2014&8/19/2014 i ProTerra DESIGN GROUP, LLC October 23, 2014 Mr. Louis Hasbrouck Building Commissioner Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Construction Control Document AT&T telecommunications facility construction within an existing building/church steeple AT&T Site Number: MA-5106 AT&T Site Name: NORTHAMPTON Site Address: 115 & 123 Elm Street, Rt. 9 Northampton, MA 01060 Mr. Hasbrouck; ProTerra Design Group, LLC has reviewed the completed construction for the above-mentioned AT&T site improvements in accordance with the applicable provisions of the 8th Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR) with MA Amendments to IBC 2009. Based on the observations made during construction and the information provided by the contractor, East Coast Communications, ProTerra Design Group, LLC concludes to the best of our knowledge and belief that the construction is in general conformance with the approved plans issued by ProTerra revised through October 3, 2013 REV3, with plan deviations and repairs as noted in the attached field inspection reports. If you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ProTerra Design Group, LLC OF A` M NO co Jesse Moreno, PE " N ,47 35 Man Bing Partner E osure ProTerra Design Group, LLC Ph:(413)320-4918 4 Bay Road, Building A,Suite 200 Fox:(413)320-4917 Hadley, MA 01035 E:info @proterra-design.com fy'k*,� 6 101 123 ELM ST MEN fMJ S CEiAPL1 BF-2014.0093 GIB#: COMMONWEALTH OF SACHUSETTS I,R I PERWNS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Pamir Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) C X&mC_Ahm9RLA.Q BUILDING PERMIT # 13P-20 1;!!j:Qqa3 bww# JS-201 :QQI 8116 Lit-Cost:SMOM 4a Fec:S135U.UO F.+ RWSSION M JWREBY GRANTED TO boost Class' Co ntrtux"a L sC: EAST COAST COMMUNICATIONS 081816 Lot$i?ac(sq.j.- 45302AD Oman mm CC►L mE c10—%awn Maorc Z nimg. tltlttltAC Qy A 1z� 1: KKK WIRELESS RCS LLC AR 123 9M ST-HELEN HIU,,I CHAPEL Aegftaw&ddress: Plror ert Lksar"m, 12 :tQ TAA LANE Stl t3fi8-0927 0. 1�U SUTTONI1 A0i690 ISSUED fl1V: ttl3 its:00:06 TO PERFO TUE FDIM G O)WISISTALL.ANTENNAS INSIDE STEEPLE MUST_T10SCAN§Q IT IS VISIBLE OM THE STREET Impector of Bing fospector or Whirg v . . ` ftudift inspector Vadergromad: 5erviec /�!/'� �! "' y Rurgl: Footing : d House# Foundation: I*ftwV Fitt: Final: Flag:dr, Ronglr Frame:6K r;-✓?-t,t �..� Gas: Fire Il►mi ment FirtptoceK bti : oil- fasulatim FlaW- THIS PERMIT MAY BE RE CTTI'OF NORTHAWTON LATION OF ANY OF, fS REl' S Certificate of O=mn � FeeTipe Dge Paid: Amour Building 8!2/2013 0..-0(?:OO $1350.081 212 Main SErect,Phone(413)587-1240,Far.(413)587-1272 .Louis ibsbrouck-Building Conurjiuionu PraTerra ► 3lQ -1of3 DESIGN GROUP, LLC Electric,Plumbing CV OF TRANSMITTAL 4 Bay Rd, Bldg A, Suite 200 Northampton, Hadley, MA 01035 Ph.: (413) 320-4918 Date: info @proterra-design.com 10/27/2014 Re: TO: Mr. Louis Hasbrouck Construction Control Document Building Commissioner Permit # BP-2014-0093 Puchalski Municipal Building AT&T Site Number: MA-5106 212 Main Street AT&T Site Name: NORTHAMPTON Northampton, MA 01060 Site Address: 115 & 123 Elm Street, Rt. 9 Northampton, MA 01060 ENCLOSED: COPIES PAGES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 20 10-23-2014 Final Construction Control Document & Field Inspection Reports 1 1 8-02-2013 Copy of Building Permit REMARKS: Jesse oreno, PE