Contemporary Northampton in 2030Northampton in TimeContemporary Northampton in 2030
Carolyn Misch, AICP
Senior Land Use Planner
City of Northampton
What we do stays with us for a long timeThe secret life of a tripping hazard
Trip on the King St. courthouse curb
Steps on Main St
Historic photos from Historic Northampton
Changing Demographics
Older, fewer youth, more singles
Demand for walkable living
What we do stays with us for a long timewide pavement= bicycle & pedestrian crashes
Multiuse Trail &Bicycle LanesNEXT Cycle TracksALL Streets serve ALL modes
But, we can fix it
New South/Main
Main and Crafts
Walking design speed 2.5 to 4 feet per second
Less exposed crossing & less waiting for all
Take Control of our Streets
Complete Streets
, green infrastructure, open space, and urban design
Conservation Acquisitions: Nature
Lead: Conservation Commission and Office of Planning and Development
TODAY: 19% ecologically “pristine”
PLUS neighborhoods, parks, working landscapes
Conservation Acquisitions: People
Walk to conservation, parks, recreation, gardens
With environmental justice focus
Agriculture: Farmland/Working Lands
State AND Local APRs: 3.2%
Community Gardens: City wide
need to serve environmental justice
Green Infrastructure
Conz Street curb break swale
Musante Drive curbless swale
Senior Center rain garden
Green Infrastructure Retrofits and New Projects
Land Use and Urban Form
Urban Form
Walk Rings
Place making
Expand/Create Livable, walkable neighborhoods
Resiliency and Durability
1st LEED Gold Taco Bell
BUT more durable
Snowmen Protesting Global Warming
Pleasant Futures
Art and uniqueness