25C-068 (7)• Lc.1LAj-- � �� � REMARKS NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT . For Incident_- 251-Exposure: 00 DATE: 02/09/96 TIME: 00:02 -------------------------------------� CALL FOR A PROBLEM WITH THE FURNACE AT 26 DAY AVE. FOUND ' THAT THE BOILER HAD EXPELLED SOME WATER OUT A PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. FURNACE WOULD BUILD UP PRESSURE THEN THE ' RELIEF VALVE WOULD OPERATE. ALSO I SPIT FIRE BALLS WHEN IT WAS RUNNING. HE TENANTS SAID THE UNIT ' [ THEER IS EVIDENCE THAT THEIR HAS BEEN PROBLEMS WITH , BLACK SOOT. TENANTS CALLED OWNER AND ALL THEY GOT IS ANSWERING MACHINE, FD CALLED ALSO AND GOT THE SAME, MESSAGE WAS LEFT. SHUT OFF BR R AND 4A:r FtJgN,�CE INFORMED T .. i JO US .,. r b up y b �'ENAN'rS 'THAT' 'CdE WOULD INFORM CITLACED ON ` BUILDING DEPARTMENT. ----------------------Page-I--------------------------- * USER DEFINED CODES NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT . FDID ------------------------------------ 1 5 2 1 4 "INCIDENT NO.5 1 ,EXP.no. ;MO ;DAY YEAR TIME --------------------------------- 0 :0 2 10 9-:96-:0 0 : 02 _-___--__ --_ -- __ :1. FIRE/ERPLSION - ----------------------------------------------- 2. OVERPRES/R[rPT x - ------------------ 3. - ---------------------- - RESCUE/EMS -----------+---------------------- 4. HAZARD. CONDT --------------------- GAS APPLIANCE MALFUNCT 92 5. SERVICE CALL ------+--------------------------------------------- 6. GOOD INTENT ------- -----' 7. FALSE ALM/CAL ------------------------------------------ 8. NAT DIS/MISC ----- -------------------------------------------------------- ,9. HAZMAT LEVEL - -----------------------------------------------' 10. MATER USED x--------------- ----- -------- --------------------------------------------------------- Z z� N 0 CA ►-CE J) H, a (1i 01- 95 �qrv� SAID Stl (-000kb HAuE --ti,C Bo(LEQ 2F��197RE�. DI Y�VA�-O P ��l-A/,��V'�„y� i�i��" 1. „�" `�.� / �. �?� �� cc��/� �' �� � � � i-� � � c REMARKS NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT . For Incident : ----251-Exposure : 00 DATE: 02/09/96 TIME: 00: 02 CALL FOR A PROBLEM WITH THE FURNACE AT 26 DAY AVE. FOUND ; S THAT THE BOILER HAD EXPELLED SOME WATER OUT A PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. FURNACE WOULD BUILD UP PRESSURE THEN THE IRELIEF VALVE WOULD OPERATE. O TENANTS SAID THE NIT SPIT FIREBALLSWHENITWAS RUNNING. ONSIDE OF S THIER IS EVIDENCE THAT THEIR HAS BEEN PROBLEMS WITH BURNER, BLACK SOOT. TENANTS CALLED OWNER AND ALL THEY GOT IS , ANSWERING MACHINE FD CALLED ALSO AND GOT THE SAME, MESSAGE ; WAS LEFT. SHUT OPF BREAKER AND GAS TO FURNACE, INFORMED TENANTS NOT TO USE. WHILE IN CELLAR TENANTS BROUGHT TO OUR ; ATTENTION A LOAD CARRYING BEAM THAT IS IN POOR SHAPE. THEY ; SAID THEY AND DOWN. HTHIERAISTAESUPPORTOUNDER BEAM TBUT O MOVING IT IS PLACED ON AN ANGLE. INFORMED TENANTS THAT WE WOULD INFORM CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. , -------------- ------------* Page 1 USER DEFINED CODES NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT . x----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ,FDID ;INCIDENT NO. ,E%P.NO. ,MO ;DAY ,YEAR ,TIME ;15214 251 ;00 ;02 ;09 ;96 ;00 : 02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. FIRE/E%PLSION ;2. OVERPRES/RUPT ' --------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------- 3. RESCUE/EMS ;4. HAZARD. CONDT ;GAS APPLIANCE MALFUNCT 9 2 --------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------' 5. SERVICE CALL ;6. GOOD INTENT T. FALSE ALM/CAL ;8. NAT DIS/MISC ! '--- ------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 9. HAZMAT LEVEL :10. WATER USED x------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C' ry S Hlo .Stic- MASSACHUSETTS FIRE INCIDENT REPORT Department of Public Safety Office of the State Fire Marshal 1010 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02215 FDID4 DEPARTMENT Revised 1 Delete FORM 15214 NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT . Report 2 Change FP - 32 .'identf If Exposure Date Day of Alarm Time Arrival Time Back in Serv. 251 Fire Only: 00 02/09/96 week: Friday 6 0 0 : 0 2 0 0 : 0 5 0 0 : 4 7 1,e of Situation Found Type of Action Taken Mutual Aid zardous cond. uncl '` 4 9 Investigation only 3 1 Rec'd t' Y 2 Given sed Property Use (Occupancy) - g Ignition Factor N1A fam dwell year rnd 411 Undeterm/not reported 0 ,,rect Address Zip Cade Census Tract ' 6 DAY AVE . 01060 821902 Occuppant Name (Last,First,Mi) Telephone Room or Apt. KANE , CHRISTIN ( 413 ) 582 -7061 - Owner Name (Last,First,Mi) Address 6� I/-'�� ' Telephone FEHRMAN , RICHARD BUCKLAND 1ALL ? HOLYOKE ( 413 ) 538 -2536 Metho of Alarm from Public i �� ,�' Co. Inspection Shift` • 584 7165/584-7166 ���/�' / 1 District E-4 D 1 No. Fire Service Personnel No. Engines No. Aerial Apparatus No. Tankers No. Other Vehicles Responded 3 Responded 1 Responded Resp. Responded Hazardous Material Yes Substance Special Equipment Used? Present? R No FIRE Number of Number of Number of Number of SERVICE Injuries Fatalities OTHER Injuries Fatalities Rescues ale Property Type Vehicle 1 Yes Estimated Total Stolen? 2 R No Dollar Loss Trance Co. Total Insurance Claim Paid Year Make Model Color License No. VIN#(Serial No.) If Equipment Involved Year Make Model Serial No. In Ignition i Alex Area Of Origin Equipment Involved in Ignition fm of Heat Ignition Form of Material Ignited Type of Material Ignited 'nod of Extinguishment Level of Fire Origin Number of Stories Construction Type ent of Flame Damage Extent of Smoke Damage Detector Performance Sprinkler Performance i SMOKE SPREAD BEYOND Form of Material Generating Most Smoke Type of Material Generating Most Smoke ,N OF ORIGIN OTHER Avenue of Smoke Travel 11NDITIONS Entries contained in this report are intended for the sole use of the State Fire Marshal. Estimations and evaluations made herein represent "most likely" and HER MAKING REPORT DATE "most probable" cause and effect. Any representation as to the validity or accuracy of reported conditions out- 1ANE NICHOLS, CAPTAIN 02/09/96 side the State Fire Marshal's office, is neither intended nor implied. FIRE MARSHAL F.M. 1 _ Yes 2 _ No con%p 411777-VN IF Z,� � � � �lassacl�usetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 February 12, 1996 � h Mr. Richard Fubhman Mt. Holyoke College-S-? Buckland Hall Box 1985 South Hadley, MA 01075 Dear Mr. Furham: On Friday, February 9, 1996, we received a Fire Incident Report from the Northampton Fire Department in regards to a problem with the furnace at 26 Day Avenue. While in the cellar it was brought to their attention a load carrying beam that is in poor shape. Would you please contact our office at 586-6950 ext 240 so we can make arrangements to inspect this further. Thank you. Sincerely, Anthony Pati o Building Commissioner AP/11 S' N� �� �� a.__..____._.______.�...______._.�...__..__ ____._._._...n__�a_.___ a ._ _..... -._____ate �; i , i __.._ _._ _v...______..__�._ _____...__ .._..._._ ..._...___._.___.___.____.___.e.._.___.__.w____...._._.______ I � t c r _____.._ _..._ ___ _.__..._ _..,___... _,_._._, _._...------_---._ _.._.._..___.... ___� _._.. f ______. __.__._. . ____ _.___--_. ______ _._.. ___,_-- ._ ___--.. --..___ _.---.____. i I �� ._....__._._. ._.____...._ ___..__ _......_.... _..._.___... _.._....._._ _._.____.�.__._____...__.._._»__....-.._._._._.__.___h (PHONE. CALL !� 2 .TFOR A : TI »I IJPFiN.M T OF PHONE M EC{J AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION MESSAGE AL. AME't{J ?SEYty{J 1JUANTS T[{ :SEE YC1iJ SIGNED TOPS FORM 4003 y i , I 1 4 r E i _---.._ pHPNE cam► FOR DATE r � �TIME,! P.M. � }�ETtI4�VI[3 PHONE r x AREA ODE NUMBER EXTENSION , . MESSAGE /L/`�`fd ATV1E To" Yt3t! SIw�YE�U 91CNEo TOPS FORM 4003