25C-030 (9) NORTHAMPTON WATER DEPARTMENT 237 PROSPECT STREET FEB 7 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 587-1098 Subject: Municipal Water Availability Location• 48-50 Northern Avenue Inquiry Made By• David McCutcheon 529-9973 Date of Inquiry: January 26, 2000 Municipal Water Main in Front of Location: YES % NO Size/Material/Age of Water Main: 8" A.C. pipe 1961 Approximate Street Pressure: 110 PSI Size of Service Connection: The Water Department cannot guarantee adequate water pressure Comments: during peak demand times at elevations above 320 feet. A corresponding"water entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Water Department specifications. arles Borowski Superintendent of Water Enclosure: Letter to Frank Sienkiewicz from Sam Brindis, dated June 14, 1991. cc: Samuel B. Brindis,Director, DPW Guilford Mooring, Assistant Director, DPW George Andrikidis,Assistant City En ineer Anthony Patillo,Building Inspector A:\WATER\Availabl.50S