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40 Stormwater Quality Management Plan Page 2 ON Site Redevelopment Project 171-187 King Street,Northampton,MA m, POST CONSTRUCTION Stormwater Management System Owner: in Berkshire-Noho, LLC 41 Taylor Street no Springfield, MA 01103 shall own the stormwater management system. Party Responsible for Operation and Maintenance: �. Berkshire-Noho, LLC 41 Taylor Street Springfield, MA 01103 shall be responsible for the Stormwater management system. INSPECTIONAND MAINTENANCE 1. Catch Basins: A. Visually inspect catch basin sumps on a quarterly basis. Ensure at least 50% of sump capacity is available. !" B. Remove accumulated sediment from catch basin sumps using a vacuum truck two times per year or as needed. Dispose of sediments at an approved off-site location. 2. Stormwater Treatment Chambers: A. Routine inspection of the Stormwater Treatment System and the Oil Water Separator shall occur biannually with cleaning to occur as needed. Accumulated sediment to be removed and disposed of at an approved off-site location. Inspections and cleanings to be performed according to manufacturer recommendations. B. The Stormwater Treatment Chambers shall be according to the Vortechs specifications or equivalent. Page 2 of 2 so STORMWATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN AND PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED FOR THE KING STREET REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT 171-187 KING STREET (RT 5&10) IN NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 BACKGROUND Maintenance of the onsite stormwater management system is vital to the successful treatment of �. stormwater ultimately leaving this site. This plan is intended to assist in maintaining stormwater controls to reduce stormwater pollution generated in the parking area of the property. DURING CONSTRUCTION *� Sediment &Erosion Control Plans have been prepared and included in the permit drawing set to outline measures designed to address all facets of sediment and erosion control during construction. Some of the measures included in these plans are as follows: Silt fencing Deep sump catch basins Construction entrances Dust control Temporary seeding for stabilization of exposed soils Excavated sediment traps Inlet protection at catch basins In addition, as required under the provisions of the Clean Water Act, the applicant will be seeking coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit. As such, a detailed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be developed and permit coverage attained prior to construction. The SWPPP will further address all short and long term Stormwater Management measures to be employed at this site. November 14, 2006 APPENDIX F: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN �.. APPENDIX S through E: PRE & POST CONDITIONS 1, 2, 10, & 100-YEAR STORM EVENTS HydroCAD Calculations NOTE: Seven Stormwater Management Reports have been issued to the City of Northampton that include all computer based calculations,but for the sake of brevity the computer print-outs (over 60 pages) have not been included in this report. A summary of all peak flow data is provided in Table 1 of this report. ME OF CONSENTRATION: LEGEND _ _L PROPOSED CONDITIONS $x RUNOFF FLOW JBCATHMENT AREAS ARE MODELED p� DIRECTION ARROW TH THE MINIMUM 5 MINUTE TIME OF PROPERTY LINE --DNCENTRATION. _ _ DRAINAGE u SUBCATCHMENT AREA cl FLOW PATH FOR TIME ; OF CONCENTRATION w x s i N - " 1 LANDSCAPED Z .__ 609.47 S.F. O PAVEMENT I Ui .F PAVEMENT i-15636.1 17831.62 S . U mm LANDSCAPE S.F. L-1035 m 0 Q LANDSCAPE SUBCATCHMENT-P-6" I Z Z 895.15 S.F. E 25,248 S.F. (.58 AC) O 22916 S.F. IMPERVIOUS 2.633 S.F. LANDSCAPING m IJ ' PAVEMENT �-22915.72 = Q Q 213.88 S.F. LANDSCAPED L-2638.73 PAVEMENT 933.53 S.F. X 531.87 S.F. LANDSCA°ED W (n W 138.85 S.F. I O N LANDSCAPED O LANDSCAPE (/ 698.1.8 OFF-SITE 682.73 S.F. TION L PAVEMENT PAVEMENT �OOJ I 4714 S.F. PAVEMENT 1051.66 S.F. J 8149.60 S.F. 1-8681.47 PAVEMENT L-575.7175.7 2 PAVEMENT 370.10 S.F. I 979.94 S.F. LANDSCAPED I-81o8.38 6.14 S.F. BANK .,C., L-ee2.91 D LANDSCA ED V 1 4480.40 S.F LANDSCAPED 19141 F O MR 39.35 S.F. J I PAVEMENT 1 SUWATCIfENT'P-Y 6076.56 S.F. III 2%OM S.F.(.80 AC) 'AVEMENT O 24,63e SF.EPERNOUS 05.76 S.F. I 1,363 SF.IANDSCAPIN LANDSCAP I L 200.16 s1cAPEO ANK � PAVEMENT SI-5236.5 2}0.90 S.F. L-780.65 'D" O CL PA 042.0 Z O 1 LANDSCAPED PAVEMENT 4.MENT W W # LANDSCAPE 15.79 S.F. 2907.84 S.F. LA81 S.F. F. 175.72 S.F. 1-3174.71 3t L-30476 PAVEMENT PSCAPED 116.45 S.F. 1572 S.F. •L LLJ LANDSCAPED LAI V� 160.92 S.F. 91. ;L LANDSCAPED 545.83 S.F. LANDSCAP D Ln LANDSCAPED 763.66 S E W � U 1MPERVIOUS� _ Y LANDSCAPED 446.78 S.F. 361.66 S.F. LANDSCAPED LANDSCAPED 143.14 S.F. 333.08 S.F. e.rr e. we ..rref *N SHEET 2 2 of 2 751-M ow ow 4w w owl aw .w ow ■w aw .a o aw o m no LEGEND )F CONSENTRATION: 'ISTING CONDITIONS $� RUNOFF FLOW THMENT AREAS ARE MODELED p�M DIRECTION ARROW 0 HE MINIMUM 5 MINUTE TIME OF PROPERTY LINE --N TRATI ON. s 1 ° DRAINAGE " — V SUBCATCHMENT AREA 'o�g FLOW PATH FOR TIME OF CONCENTRATION i i SAII _ a 1 _ +ew - r l/9 Z l O ' W V Q _ ZZ ~ Q mO T V 2 x U LLJ W Z f--C/1 l/9 X W g� m s I� V "" JW O J . CL � O H Z in O CL LLJ {y ui ui ce LLJ T i y .M W U . _. co Z ew _ 00 SHEET 2 e E 1 OF 2 w C P.)—Na rnam w E-1 -2 E-3 AP-1-E' AP-2-E E-OFF5ITE ,. P-2 R-4 P-5 P-6 ''A P-3 P-7 P-8 AP-1-P AP-2-P v P-OFFSITE Drainage Diagram for 751-00--3 Su6Cat Reach Pon LfC)k Prepared by Doucet&Associates, Inc. 11/14/2006 'es HydroCAD®6.00 s/n 002019 ©1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems OR APPENDIX A: HydroCAD Diagram Pre-Redevelopment Exhibit Post-Redevelopment Exhibit wM MW Stormwater Management Report Page 5 Site Redevelopment Project 171-187 King Street,Northampton,MA STORMWATER QUALITY In order to enhance the quality of Stormwater leaving this site, the following improvements are proposed: • All proposed catch basins shall be specified as deep sump catch basins with hoods in order to trap sediments and floatables from proposed parking lot areas. • Stormwater treatment chambers are proposed to treat all stormwater that is routed via closed storm sewer piping to the City's drainage system along King Street. The ** Stormwater Treatment Chambers are sized to treat the first flush(0.5") and to provide greater than an average annual 80% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal rate. These improvements in combination with enhanced landscaped areas are expected to improve the level of Stormwater Management for both peak flows and water quality when compared to this existing commercial site. In addition, as required under the provisions of the Clean Water Act, the applicant will be seeking coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit. As such, a detailed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)will be developed and permit coverage attained prior to construction. The SWPPP will further address all short- and long-term Stormwater Management measures to be employed at this site. Stormwater Management Report Page 4 4% Site Redevelopment Project 171-187 King Street,Northampton,MA TABLE 1: EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDITIONS PEAK ANALYSES RESULTS: EXISTING PROPOSED NET CHANGE ANALYSIS STORM EVENT RAINFALL CONDITIONS CONDITIONS IN PEAK POINT (YR.) (INCHES) PEAK FLOW PEAK FLOW FLOWRATES RATE(CFS) RATE(CFS) (CFS) 1 2.5 9.8 13.0 +3.2 l: 2 3.0 11.5 16.0 +4.5 on King Street 10 4.5 18.0 24.6 +6.7 100 6.4 25.6 35.5 +9.9 1 2.5 5.0 0.3 -4.7 N. 2: 2 3.0 5.9 0.4 -5.5 Rear of Site 10 4.5 9.2 1.0 -8.2 100 6.4 13.1 1.8 -11.3 1 2.5 14.9 13.3 -1.6 Overall 2 3.0 17.9 16.4 -1.5 Offsite 10 4.5 27.1 25.6 -1.5 100 6.4 38.7 37.3 -1.4 The Stormwater system infrastructure and site layout have been designed to mitigate the 1-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year storms according to Standard 2 of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Stormwater Management Standards. As is indicated above, model results predict"Proposed Conditions"peak flow rates to be less than"Existing Conditions"peak flow rates leaving this site for all storm events listed. D&A has had discussions with the Department of Public Works regarding the slight increase in flows to the King Street drainage system. Based on our preliminary discussions with the DPW, it is believed that the King Street system likely has enough capacity to handle the proposed increase in flows to the drainage system; that the decrease in flows to the rear of the site is a desirable result, since the King Street system is in better condition than the one at the rear of the site; and that the overall balance/mitigation of peak flows leaving the site is appropriate for this development. SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN The site drainage system for the proposed redeveloped areas has been designed from calculations based upon the 10-year design storm. Tributary areas, land surface characteristic coefficients, Times of Concentration, storm intensities, and storm sewer characteristics were analyzed in order to predict system performance. Subcatchments were delineated using available mapping of the area, field investigations, and the proposed site design plans. The analysis and design of the proposed storm sewer collection system was performed using the Rational Method of determining peak storm flows. Stormwater Management Report Page 3 Site Redevelopment Project 171-187 King Street,Northampton,MA During the due diligence process for the project a number of borings were advanced on site to assess underground conditions. These borings disclosed that subsurface conditions at the site are quite variable,but can be generally characterized as up to ±12 feet of miscellaneous fill materials overlying±4 to±10 feet of silty and sandy alluium and outwash deposits, which in turn overlay glacial lacustrine deposits to depths exceeding boring termination depths. Groundwater was generally encountered at depths of±8 to±16 feet below pavement and ground surfaces. PROPOSED CONDITIONS For comparison purposes, the proposed conditions analyses limits were the same as the existing conditions limits. Under proposed conditions, it is expected that there will be an increase of greater than 30,000 s.f. in landscaped/grassed areas on site. This results in an overall decrease in peak flows leaving the site for all the storm events analyzed. In order to provide a convenient and safe parking lot design, the site will be regraded. The regrading will result in some drainage being redirected to the front of the site that,under existing conditions, drains to the rear of the site. Additional proposed conditions items of note: • The runoff from rooftops will be directed to the proposed underground closed stormwater conveyance system. • The driveway entrances have been designed so that there is a high point at the crosswalks to keep stormwater on site for treatment. • At two of the proposed curb cuts it is necessary to demolish existing curb inlet catch basins and replace them with new catch basins located along the proposed „ curb line at their respective entrances. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Peak stormwater runoff rates for both the pre-redevelopment conditions and proposed post- redevelopment conditions have been analyzed for the 1-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year storm events using HydroCAD Stormwater modeling, a computer program based on the Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 20 (TR-20). Subcatchments have been modeled using Soil Conservation Service methods. Curve Numbers based upon the type of development and soil 40 classifications were used to estimate the runoff volumes. The Time of Concentration for each of the subcatchments coupled with the runoff characteristics were used to estimate the peak storm flowrate for each area. An analysis of Time of Concentrations for the various subcatchments revealed that the Time of Concentration was consistently less than 5 minutes. Therefore, the conservative approach of using a minimum 5 minute Time of Concentration was used for all drainage subcatchments. Rainfall data was taken from the MADEP •• Hydrology Handbook for Conservation Commissioners and input into the program. The detailed information and results are provided in the attached HydroCAD output provided in the appendices of this report. Aw Stormwater Management Report Page 2 Site Redevelopment Project 171-187 King Street,Northampton,MA INTRODUCTION Berkshire-Noho, LLC has proposed a retail development at the existing Lia Honda property located along the east side of King Street with an address of 171-187 King Street in Northampton, Massachusetts. The proposed redevelopment site consists of approximately 5.5 acres. As part of the site redevelopment project, the existing utilities, parking, landscaping and pedestrian access routes are proposed to be improved. In addition, storm sewer components will be installed to capture storm flows and to treat stormwater runoff. This report describes the proposed improvements to the stormwater management system and details the methodology used to design the system components. COMPARISON OF PRE AND POST REDEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS In order to evaluate the impact of the proposed site redevelopment, existing conditions were first considered. Existing conditions survey information dated 8/17/2005 showing existing conditions site features and topography was used. The attached exhibits "Exhibit A- Existing Conditions Site Drainage" and "Exhibit B - Proposed Conditions Site Drainage" give the total impervious, landscaped,rooftop and overall site areas for the existing and proposed conditions. The HydroCAD Drainage Diagram displays the set-up/routing of the existing and proposed conditions HydroCAD models. Based on comparison of the two exhibits, it is estimated that there will be a net increase in impervious area on-site of approximately 30,000 s.f. between the pre-redevelopment conditions and the post-redevelopment conditions. The "analysis points" are the furthest downstream points from any proposed drainage area .� modifications. The two Analysis Points include: King Street along the frontage of the site and the area along the rear property line of the site. These Analysis Points are shown in both the HydroCAD diagram as well as in exhibits A & B. The two analysis points are also combined into a single analysis point titled "Offsite" for analysis of combined peak flows leaving the site. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing site consists of an abandoned building, smaller accessory structures, an abandoned auto sales parking lot, and other associated infrastructure. The site is bisected by a high point/ridge that is the result of abandoned railroad tracks. This ridge causes the stormwater from approximately 1/3 of the site to drain to the rear property line and the remaining stormwater to drain towards the front of the site. Along the front of the site there are some existing drainage structures that range in condition from servicable to nonfunctional. The existing building has roof leaders that are tied into this drainage system. The existing underground drainage system provides little to no treatment of stormwater and is routed to the drainage system in King Street. In order to simplify the delineation of drainage subcatchments and the modeling scheme for this site, the eastern half of King Street was included as a subcatchment for both existing and proposed conditions. Stormwater Management Report Site Redevelopment Project 171-187 King Street Northampton, Massachusetts Prepared for: Berkshire-Noho, LLC 41 Taylor Street Springfield, MA 01103 Prepared by: a Doucet &Associates,Inc. 136 West Street, Suite 103 Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 517-0133 Submitted on: November 14, 2006 1191HX3 090LO VW GNO1dWVHINON — 9CI&I (sul�awas( '1S JNI� 9LL-lLL n d--u solo vu+ naaa[OIV9PK'M�vK_Mt11 N '.aul saneposs� vw3nud NAM )IDn211 1N3WdOl3A34321 311S va ill OHON-1MHSM19 W r_•.. --------------- N 8T0 era 0 Z O w Q� 1 1 0ZL w I Z� v 1 �- U) Fo W { w u d01 d018 d018 o - - - - _- - - - - - - - 6W z rI • � aafrRe'1`-c'� Of p 6 < .—( � Vtn .I I I Z N J J O'• � NNE I W _ ►•- I O O °°° — _ cn Q -H -H q YELD ° . a0 J a w a J H2Q I 9 N F I F,• — mZml I � QUa' ` l7 I W�� flr J I Z O �..I tWvn F. TM 7 u W o J 1l Z ! 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O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � � ❑ ❑ ❑� o ❑ o ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ o ❑ o ❑ o ❑ oo ❑ ❑ ❑ o ❑ o ❑ v v v r v r v v v t v v t v t v v v v v v v c v N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N WY w r N M v LCD (D f� 00 O O r N M v CD t• W M 0 r N M V' LCD CD I- M M F- w w r T r r T r r r r T N N N N N N N N N N m (n (n 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES — _ NO X (old signage was removed) IF YES, describe size, type and location:Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES X NO — IF YES, describe size, type and location: Signage details TBQ. Wall and p qn signaae will beprop sed. — 11. Wilt the construction activity disturb (clearing,,grading, excavation, or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES X NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building Department EXISTING PROPOSED REQUIRED BY ZONING Lot Size 5.35 acres 5.35 acres Frontage Frontage 756 feet 756 feet 0 in Setbacks Front 10 feet* 6 feet(bldgs over l OK SF) i Varies(bidgs under I Dl.' SF) Side L: N/A R: 25 feet* L: 20 feet R:20 feet L: lo R: Rear 97 feet* i;b feet y� Building Height Unknown* TBD(will not exceed 35 feet) - Building Square Footage Footprint 49,273 SF 20,575 SF* Gross Rldgs=+1-90,760 SF Leasable=+l-85.318 SF %Open Space:(lot area -J minus building Et paved 0%n 21% parking #of Parking Spaces 136 striped spaces on survey 291 #of Loading Docks Unknown* 2 dedicated loading areas Fill: NIA Will be a"cut"site (volume Ft location) *Note. The existing building 1vill be demolished as part of this redevelopment project. 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. "iiiL�� t�t�E �O t Date!_��j1 G,—_Applicant's Signature ,mot rv� t�9-�?----._.- ( © �Cc�C NOTE:Issuance ofa zoning permit does not relic r e to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permiealth, Conservation Commission, Historic and Arch itectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. W:1 Documents\FORMS\onginal\Buitding Inspector,Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4,12004 File No. _. 1 Please type or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the $15filing fee (check or money order)payable to the City of Northampton I 1. Name of Applicant: Berkshire-Noho,LLC Address: 41 Taylor Street,Springfield,MA 01 103 Telephone: (413)781-2800 2. Owner of Property: Don Lia Address: 1055 Jericho Turnpike,Huntington,NY 11743 Telephone: (917)826-2000 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain (Ground Lessee) 4. Job Location: 171-187 King Street,Northampton,MA Parcel ld: Zoning Map# Parcel# Districts): In Elm Street District In Central Business District, (TO BE FILLED IN BYTHE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 5. Existing Use of Structure/proper ty:_The structure/ roperty are currently vacant. The site is the former Lia Honda automobile dealership,which has since relocated to a new facility to the north on King Street _ b. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): The proposal is to construct five retail buildines with a total gross building area of 90-7 s fL.C±QA A total of 29f 1 parking spaces are proposed, 8 of which are handicap accessible. The primary access to the site would beat the intersection of King and Finn Streets,which is proposed to become a 4-way signalized intersection. The existing building on site(former Honda dealership)will be demolished. Landscaping will be provided; as will sidewalks,pedestrian crossings and future bike path access. 7, Attached Plans: Sketch Plan T___ Site Plan _ X Engineered/Surveyed Plans X alp 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO_ _ DON'T KNOW— YES— IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO _ DON'T KNOW _ X —_ YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document##--__ 9,Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO _ X DON'T KNOW __ YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? aw Needs to be obtained__—` Obtained—�— date issued:__._ _ (Form Continues On Other Side) 40 W:\Documents\FORms\ongn at\B uil ding-Inspectoe,zonine-Permit-Application-pass ve.doc 81412QQ4 i i File#MP-2007-0054 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON BERKSHIRE-NOHO LLC ADDRESS/PHONE 41 TAYLOR ST (413)781-2800 O PROPERTY LOCATION 171 KING ST MAP 24D PARCEL 081 001 ZONE HB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FIL ED OUT Fee ai Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ZPA-DEMO EXISTING&CONSTRUCT 5 RETAIL BLDGS 90,760 SOFT New Construction 'R Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Buildinp-Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TARN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESS ED: _Approved dditional permits required(see below) �s PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: osz Intermediate Project:_Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan pa Major Project:__je'=Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan !� J ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut.from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Comrission Signature of Building Official Date ++ Nate:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contaot the Office of Plarming&DeveIopment for more information. I November 6,2006 City of Northampton,Massachusetts Re: 171-187 King Street(Rt. 5)Northampton,MA former Da Honda site (the"Property") To Whom.It May Concern: This correspondence is to advise you that the and LLe$erkshirer)of the and its referenced property,hereby consents to Berksbtre�-Nobo, agents and consultants to represent owner an and submit municipal pageuC estt and application forms required by the City of Northampton or allow Berkshire to develop a proposed retail or office/.retail project at the Property. Sincerely, Z}on ia,Owner on Berkshire Development, LLC NOHOCITYOF City of Northampton DATE INVOICE NO DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT INVOICEAMOUNT 11109106 11109106 Noho-Planning Board DIDO-00 5038 . 00 �t DATE K 11/09/06 NUMBER 12767 TOTAL, 5038 . 00 PLEASE DETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS WARNING-THIS CHECK IS PROTECTED BY SPECIAL WCURITY FEATURES Berkshire Development,LLC TD eanknorth"N A 4*7 Ta?lor Street-4fl Floor 1441 Main sheet Springfie(d,:MA'01103 "pringfielcl; U4.01103-1205 53-7054 -41 3-781-2300 2113 DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT November 9, 2006 12767 $******5,'038:00 Pay. Five thousand thirty-eight dollars and no cents` PAY City of_ Northampton TO THE 210 Main Street ORDER OF Northampton, MA 01060 VOID?tF NOT OAS D )THIN 9D DAYS J 11'0000 L 276711' 1: 2 l 13205451:4986956311' ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Application Fee Payment Authorization Letter from Don Lia dated November 6, 2006 Original Building Department Response to the Zoning Permit Application Truck Turn Exhibits for the King Street Redevelopment Project List of abutters within 300 Feet of the King Street Redevelopment Project '"" Abutters List Key Sheet and Map ��<i/.il.+ 5 }ewt'}�sl�i�i'il[,i � u f ^7 Q f t" �It f. IRE 9. Does the project incorporate 4 toot sumps into the storm water control system. YES 40 NO(explain why) 10. Will the project discharge stormwater into the City's storm drainage system? MR FX YES ''. NO (answer the following) qft Do the drainage calculations submitted demonstrate that the project has been designed so that there is no increase in peak flows from pre-to post-development conditions during the: 1,2,or 10 year Soil Conservation Service design storm? YES 4M (`1. NO(if"no",explain why) 11. Will all the runoff from a 0.4 inch rainstorm(first flush)be detained on-site for an average of 6 hours? I'ES NO(if"no",explain why) Stormwater treatment chambers have been provided to treat the first flush and to attain greater than an average annual 80%TSS removal. 12. Is the applicant requesting a reduction in the parking requirements? YES .If"yes",what steps have been taken to reduce the need for parking,and number of trips per day? 2-Story buildings;mixed use/internal capture;pedestrian access; bike racks;areas for future connections to rail trail F]_ NO 13.Traffic Study: " Estimated daily and peak hour vehicles trips generated by the proposed use, traffic patterns for vehicles and pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site and surrounding intersections, and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site. A traffic study has been provided as a part of this application that addresses these items. What mitigation is proposed for incremental impacts? Adjustments to intersections as follows: North Street&Kiniz Street Intersection: Adjust signal timing to allow for improved coordination with the Finn Street intersection. Finn Street&King Street Intersection: Rework the intersection and light to include the main drive aisle of the proposed project as a fourth leg on the signal phase. The signal timing will be adjusted for better coordination with the North Street intersection. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 7 003.pdf ii. Does the project require more than one driveway cut? nw NO YES(if"yes",explain why) Three curb cuts are proposed,two of which provide for right-turn movements only. The existing curb cut shared with the southerly abutter is expected to remain. The additional curb cuts will assist with traffic movements within and entering/exiting the site. Multiple businesses&uses will share the multiple access points. The right turn in/out driveways will be graded up to a high point to assist with control of vehicle speeds. in. Are pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular traffic separated on-site? YES F7 NO(if"no", explain why) m °o Applicants for Intermediate Site Plan Approval ONLY,stop here. ,. pp tca.1.6 san _. ..._app prat on3.._ a so onta�n a p...o�v1ng G. Explain why the requested use will: �w L Not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones: The proposed uses are the same as those commonly found along King Street in the HB Zone. The buildings and site work will be in harmony with development in the area and conform with the City's Zoning ±w- Ordinance and future vision for the HB zone King St corridor. ii. not be detrimental to the health,morals or general welfare: The redevelopment project will benefit the community by providing valuable services which are also appropriate for the area,including retail shops and banking. Also,the site design includes provisions specifically for the purpose of promoting pedestrian and bicycle access. The proposed site layout and architectural elements have been carefully designed to provide a streetscape appearance and to promote patrons using the site to fulfill business and recreational needs. iii. be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance: The proposed uses are the same as those commonly found along King Street in the HB Zone. The redevelopment project addresses the City's long range planning goals and will improve a highly visible site that is presently vacant and deteriorating in appearance. H. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely affect those objectives, defined in City master study plans (Open Space and Recreation Plan; Northampton State Hospital Rezoning Plan;and Downtown Northampton:Today,Tomorrow and the 40 Future). The proposed buildings and site modifications are designed to compliment and improve the King Street corridor and conform to the City's streetscape vision for this corridor. The buildings elevations have been designed with a "streetscape"character as a primary consideration. The site design includes features to promote pedestrian access 4 and for patrons to enjoy the outdoor common areas. The applicant has had multiple meetings with the Planning Department to obtain preliminary feedback on design concepts and the design incorporates this constructive feedback. Applicants for Intermediate Special PermitApproval ONLY,stop here. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 6 003.pdf on C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: i. the natural landscape: Currently,the site is entirely paved and contains almost no vegetation. Our proposal includes a considerable amount of new landscaping. The proposed open space for the redevelopment project is 21%,which exceeds the City's 15%minimum requirement. I to existing buildings: The existing building on the property will be demolished. The proposed buildings will be designed to be in harmony with other buildings in the area and promote an overall "streetscape"appearance along King Street. Building elevations have been provided. iii. other community assets in the area: The proposed mixed use redevelopment of the currently abandoned site will bring the site into harmony with the surrounding area and the City's future plans for the King St corridor. Also,the redevelopment project will promote pedestrian accessibility in the area. Areas are set aside for connection to the proposed bike path behind the subject site. D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources,including: go i. water supply and distribution system: The project was reviewed with DPW representatives at the Technical Review Meeting and subsequent comments were incorporated into the design. The primary uses(retail,bank,office) An do not create high demand for water. ii. sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: There is one coffee shop use, aside from that all uses create a low demand on water/sewer. The 40 coffee shop shall have a small "portable"under-counter grease trap. The peak drainage flows have been mitigated and the drainage is being treated for greater than 80%TSS removal. iii, fire protection,streets and schools: The uses(retail and office)are common in the site vicinity. City schools are not expected to be 40 impacted,and potential impacts to streets and fire protection have been addressed with the pertinent City officials via the Technical Review Meeting&subsequent conversations. How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources, as listed above? The project has been carefully designed with consideration to tie-ins to the City infrastructure. Due to careful design,it is not expected that this project will place any adverse impacts on the above listed City resources. Also;The proj ect went through the Technical Review process to allow for the City's input during the initial design phase. E.List the section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project(flag lot,common drive,lot size averaging,etc.) Section 5.2,Page 5-11 —Misc.professional/business offices(i.e.banks,finance, etc.); Special Permit-HB Zone. Section 6.2,Page 6-8—Parking in rear/side of principal building= 15%minimum open space, etc. Section 8.6.1,Page 8-4—Reduction in Parking Requirement How does the project meet the special requirements? (Use additional sheets if necessary) Section 5.2,Page 5-11 —The regulations provide for professional/business offices with a Special Permit. These uses are common in the site vicinity. Section 6.2,Page 6-8—This section of the regulations allows for flexibility of dimensional and open space requirements if all parking is located in the rear/side of the principal building-21%open space is provided. Section 8.6.1,Page 8-4—The project provides 2-story buildings within the HB Zone—a situation specifically called out-as a condition that would justify a parking reduction. F.State how the project meets the following technical performance standards: i. Curb cuts are minimized: Three new curb cuts are proposed,two of which provide for right-turn movements only. It is expected that the additional curb cuts will reduce trips going through the Finn St Intersection while also providing additional vehicular egress points that will allowing for better site circulation. Check off all that apply to the project: (X use of a common driveway for access to more than one business F. use of an existing side street use of a looped service road 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 5 003.pdf !.w rw 7. Describe proposed project/work below: The proposal is to construct six mixed use buildings(office,retail,bank,coffee)with a total gross building area of 90,760 sq.ft.(+/-)A total of 291 parking spaces are proposed, 8 of which are handicap accessible. The primary access to the site would be at the intersection of King and Finn Streets,which is proposed to become a 4-way signalized intersection. The existing building on site (former Honda dealership)will be demolished. Landscaping,pedestrian crossings and future bike path access will be provided. 8. Site Plan and Special Permit Approval Criteria.(If any permit criteria does not apply,explain why.) Section 11.6 (Condition 6A),Page 11-5—Three entrance/exits are proposed and one existing curb cut(shared with southerly abutter)will remain. The site has 756 feet of frontage and numerous retail/office uses. The additional curb cuts will assist with traffic movements within and accessing the site. Because two of the proposed curb cuts only provide for right-turn movements,it is expected that there will be no associated risks. Feedback from meetings with the City indicated that additional curb cuts as proposed would most likely be acceptable due to site layout constraints and other conditions. VO A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? How will the project provide for: i, surface water drainage: "" The project is designed to collect runoff in catchbasins and pipe it to treatment chambers prior to draining to the City drainage system. Peak flows are mitigated and greater than 80%average annual TSS removal is achieved. ii. sound and sight buffers: King Street is a busy commercial roadway and the proposed redevelopment should not present a significant increase in noise. The redevelopment will result in an overall"streetscape"appearance that is an improvement over existing conditions. the preservation of views,light and air: The proposed redevelopment will not diminish air quality. The buildings meet setback and height requirements for the HB Zone. Landscaping has been designed by a registered Landscape Architect to comply with the intent of the Highway Business Zone regulations. B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets? i. How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? A traffic study has been submitted for the project that outlines the expected impacts and associated mitigation related to the proposed project. It is proposed to improve the King/Finn St intersection to include a four way signal with a tactile pedestrian cycle. The two right in/out curb cuts to the north of Finn St are also expected to alleviate some of the stress placed on the Finn St intersection. Finn&North traffic lights to be coordinated. ii. Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? The main driveway will be located at the intersection of King St. and Finn St.Two additional entrance/exits to the site are proposed to the north. However,the additional entrance/exits will be right turn only. The existing curb cut shared with the southerly abutter is expected to remain open. iii. What features have been incorporated into the design to allow for: a. access by emergency vehicles: The site design has been coordinated with the Fire Department to insure sufficient access. Also,truck turn exhibits have been submitted showing the adequacy of the site layout for the largest expected emergency vehicles(fire truck)to access the site(see attached truck turn exhibits). b. the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces: The parking lot has been designed with 9 foot wide spaces and 24 foot wide drive aisles according to zoning. Loading areas are provided in the rear/side of Buildings A and B (shown on plans)_ c. provisions for persons with disabilities: ! ADA parking spaces are provided and designed to meet all Federal ADA requirements. 411/2005 1:21 PM 4 003.pdf Existing and proposed topography(for intermediate projects the permit granting authority may accept t F generalized topography instead of requiring contour lines)showing: a. two foot contour intervals b. wetlands,streams,surface water bodies c. drainage swales and floodplains d. unique natural land features Location of: a. parking and loading areas b. public and private ways c, driveways and walkways d. access and egress points " e.proposed surfacing Location and description of: _ w a. all stormwater drainage/detention facilities b. water quality structure c. public and private utilities/easements d. sewage disposal facilities e.water supply facilities Existing and proposed: a. landscaping,trees and plantings(size and type of plantings) b.stone walls c.buffers and/or fencing Signs:existing and proposed: proposed ground sign location is shown on plans at the Finn St entrance. Ground sign details are not yet available. Generic wall mounted signs are a.Location shown on the architectural building elevations. b.dimensions/height c. color and illumination ae ,: rj Provisions for refuse removal,with facilities for screening of refuse when appropriate Lighting: a.Location b.Details c. Photometric Plan showing no more than 0.5 foot candle at property line An erosion control plan and other measures taken to protect natural resources&water supplies Ell (major projects only) Estimated daily and peak hour vehicles trips generated by the proposed use,traffic patterns for vehicles and pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site,and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site(major prof ects only) I understand that it is required that I take this application to get date stamped at the City Clerk's Office ® first,prior to filing it with the Northampton Planning and Development Office. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 3 003.pdf .a 40 6. Check boxes below indicating that you have provided the following documentation: ® Site Vicinity Map/Plan ® Site or Plot Plan at 1"=40'or greater Filing Fee made Payable to the City of Northampton($200 gr for Maj5103o�ects and Flag Lots$500.00 plus ® $0.05/per sq.foot of proposed new building sq.footage.Amount Enclosed:$ ISS ® Stamped,Self Addressed Envelope(s)to Owner and Applicant. 16 complete packages(original and IS copies).Each packet must include all application material and be ® collated,stapled and banded together. Two separate rubberbanded sets of stamped envelopes addressed to each of the abutters within 300'and planning boards in adjacent towns.The abutters list can be found at www.northamptonma-goviD-od/. If within 300'of a neighboring town,the j ® envelopes must include the abutters within said town. The return address of all the envelopes should be labeled as:Planning and Development,City of Northampton,City Hall,210 Main Street,Room 11,Northampton,MA 01060-3198. ® A printed list of all abutters(from above section).Number of Abutters on the list is: ® Zoning Permit Review Form with Building Inspector's endorsement and application, Site Plans for major projects prepared and stamped by a Registered Architect,Landscape Architect,or Professional ® Engineer(At least 1 plan must have an original stamp;remaining plans must either have an original stamp or copy of original stamp.) Folded Plans-all plans 11'x 17'or larger must be folded and collated with each appplication(If 24"x 36"plan ® sheets are included,they may contain 7 full sets with the remaining 9 at 11"x 17'size.) ® Traffic Study(Applicable to major projects) Stormwater Management Plan,including soils information and depth to groundwater(Applicable to major ® projects) i ® Building Elevations ®Lighting,if applicable WAIVER REQUEST. All items below are required unless a waiver is requested.To request a waiver for an ®item,check the item and provide your reason for requesting a waiver. [" Site plan(s)at a scale of 1"=40'or larger C Name and address of the owner and the developer,name of project,date and scale plans: Plan showing Location and boundaries of a. the lot,with adjacent streets or ways b. all properties and owners within 300 feet c.all zoning districts within 300 feet Existing and proposed: a.buildings b. setbacks from property lines c.building elevations d. all exterior entrances and exits(elevation plans for all exterior facades structures are encouraged) Present and proposed use of: a. the land b.building 411/2005 1:21 PM 2 003.pdf Ftlnt �p ?r ox►yNp CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD APPLICATION All of the following information is required. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If you wish to review application materials with the Senior Planner prior to submission,please call 413-587-1287, 1 rWe�t yper e� a Infnrh'lation is pqa_ r ulldl�rglnspecxczres Re �evuTarrrt,whac{j !3 a rerequlstteto Jlrig thl appJicat�t�n Intermediate Projects($200.00) or Major Projects($500.00)plus$0.05/persquare foot of N proposed new building square footage-New construction or additions of 2,000-4,999 -New construction or additions of 5,000+gross sq.ft. gross square footage (excluding single family -Commercial Parking lots and parking garages homes and agricultural uses) -Take-out restaurants and convenience stores(Except - Projects requiring 6-9 additional parking spaces in the Central Business District) - Planned Village Projects that are not a Major Project -Automobile service stations Flag lots(additional fee required) -Projects that require 10+additional parking spaces -Residential Incentive and Business Park projects Site Plan (complete 1-817) r'. Site Plan (complete 1-13) Special Permit with Site Plan(complete 1-8H) [K— Special Permit with Site Plan(complete 1-13) 2 Perrn►tas Req cJmance Section(s) and -Pages) Froml 5.2 / 5-1 11 / 11 1 10�_/_10-1 Building Inspector's Review Form Section/Pagel Section/Page SectionTa e Section/Pa e I Section/Pa e Section/Page 3 Pare I �rrnatior; 4" Address: 171-187 King Street Assessor Identification:Map#,Parcel#:L4D-ow osi.33s 2nd Map#,Parcel#: Zoning District:HB (if applicable) 40 Recorded in Hampshire Registry of Deeds or Land Court Book:6196.6243,22s11,273 Page: 106,079,331 190 Applcartlnformatron 5 Owner'nformatontlfd �r�ntromAppu �, Name Berkshire-Noho, LLC Don Lia Address 41 Taylor Street, Springfield,MA 01103 1055 Jericho Turnpike, Huntington,NY Telephone (413) 781-2800 (917) 826-2000 am Email tcofske 2berlcshireusa.corn N/A Fax (413) 781-8888 N/A Status of [ Owner r-1 Contract Purchaser Applicant ["Lessee [X! O Ground Lease See attached authorization letter Applicant's Signature r�P ee' 'Date r r & o c Owner's Signature* Date I certify: the info ation contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge; the abovesigned own s) grant the Board and its agents permission to enter the property to review this application; I understand all documents will be entered into the public record and will be available on the internet; I understand that if neighboring issues have not been addressed/ resolved prior to the hearing the Board will continue the hearing. *Owner's signature or letter from owner authorizing applicant/representative to sign on behalf of owner. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 1 003.pdf FDA DFFJGEUSEl tr7buterar�7k no,PW3 Firs , Polio_ _,B01� Please revrewsend zomrtten#sig2ht filaptaer x#12 Yer3favetegfiragae i ► Ath 7�ursday of7an Tm deb 1larCh__, { HERITAGE SURVEYS, INC. Professional Surveyors and Engineers 241 College Hwy & Clark St, P O Box 1 Southampton, Massachusetts 01073-0001 Bruce A. Coombs, President Telephone(413) 527-3600 Professional Surveyor, MA, CT& VT Facsimile(413) 527-8280 E-mail: bruce@heritagesurveys.com Website: heritagesurveys.com April 6, 2007 City of Northampton Planning Board 210 Main Street- City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Revised Common Driveway Plans APR L 'Jd 'f William R. Walker ;, Westhampton Road-Route 66 �t; �8 � � Northampton, MA HSI Job #5799-061011 Dear Planning Board Members: Please find enclosed 16 sixteen full size sets and 9 nine reduced size sets of revised site plans, entitled Site Plan for Common Driveway - Sheet 1 of 2 and Detail Sheet - Sheet 2 of 2, revision dated April 3, 2007, for the proposed common driveway project reference above. A second sheet has been added for additional details. A detail of an impervious barrier to be placed within the proposed check dams and a detail of the stone lined drainage swale have been added after discussions with the Northampton DPW. Note number nine has been added to sheet 1 of 2 the site plan, stating that the individual driveways to the houses on each of the lots shall not exceed a 12% grade, as requested by the planning board. Two infiltration areas have been added along the stone lined drainage swale, as requested by the Northampton DPW. If you have any question regarding the revisions made to the plan please contact me at my office. We would appreciate your directing any correspondence regarding the above referenced project to William R. Walker, 1253 Westhampton Road, Florence MA 01062-9783, (413)-586- 1241, with copies of the same to Heritage Surveys, Inc. A Sincerely, Xark P. Reed cc: William R. Walker YAPROJECT DOCUMENTS\5799WALYtR\5799revisedplan.DOC