36-275 (3) �o� TOy Crxt�l of Nartltttlllptoll _
B (offire of the �11'5perfor of 'Pililclings T =r
4� 212 Alain Street •Municipal Building
t� I Northampton, Mass. 01060 _
I ri^
FEB 2 0 "'02
ow rec n ,,,,,1ry U.�, 0•^6G ) Complaint No.
Personal ( ) Date.
Letter ( ) Time: _ A,M. - P.M.
Telephone No. ----- -
C:omplainant's Name: - _ - -- ---- - -- - - - -
Complainant's Address
&Drnplaint received by:
� .Chapter 44 Zoning Ordinances, City of Northampton
Chapter 802 As Ammended Mass, State Building Code
Sanitary Code, A.rt
Complaint reported against. 1
Location of complaint: _ p -___' " Lot _1
Signature of Complanants: ------
Nature of complaint:
l) �Cl /l l/✓I Zo /LZ.
- - ���°_� <,Y�s„ L �, /�v � `�'1 ✓ � nor �"t'�l 7� Gi � �J�-J/>��- �� -
Investigation: Yes ( ) No ! ) Investigated by:
G. An accessory apartment may not be occupied by more than three (3) people.
H. Three off-street parking spaces must be available for use by the owner-occupant(s)
and tenants.
I. The design and room sizes of the apartment must conform to all applicable standards
in the Health, Building, and other codes.
J. Zoning Pen-nits issued under this section shall specify that the owner must occupy
one of the dwelling units. The /zoning Permit and the notarized letters required in K
and L below must be recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds or- Land
Court, as appropriate, in the chain of title to the property, witlh documentation of the
recording provided to the Building Commissioner, prior to the occupancy of' the
accessory apartment.
K. '\Vhen a structure which has received a Permit for "rn accessory apartment is sold, tic
new owner(s), if they wish to continue to exercise tl]e Permit, must, within thirt}, (0)
days of the sale, submit a notari/,ed letter to the Building Commissioner-stating that
they will occupy one of the dwelling 1.11111s on the premises as their primary residence.
This statement shall be listed as condition on arty Permits which are issued under
this Section.
L. Prior to issuance of a pemnit, the owners) must send a notarized letter statin'-, that the
owner will occupy one of the dwelling units on the premises as the owner's
permanent/primar� residence, except for bona fide temporary absences.
M. Prior to issuance of a permit, a floor plan of one-quarter (1/4) inch to the foot must
be submitted showing the building, including proposed interior and exterior changes
to the building.
(Amended 2!18/93 and 10/6/94)
Section 11.10 Residential Incentive Development Overlay District The purpose of Residential
Incentive Development Overlay District is to provide housing opportunities that are affordable for
low and moderate income persons. Within the overlay district, the Planning Board may issue a
Special Permit to allow housing development at somewhat greater densities than are normally
permitted by the zoning ordinance, provided:
] . A minimum of thirty-three (33) percent of the total units in the development are affordable
2. The development conforms to the Table of Use and Table of Dimensional and Density
Regulations and, in all other respects, conforms to all regulations and requirements for a
Open Space (Cluster) Residential Development (§11.4) in URB districts.
(Amended 7/7/88 and 10/6/94)
June 30, 1998 11-21
-a 75
r �'CNAMP�,
Gl its of Wart4aiuptan z
$ � Massachusetts
INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building '�%
Northampton, MA 01060 s
February 22, 2002
R. Chinsky & R. Matusm
88 Maple Ridge Road.
Northampton, MA 01062
Subject : Complaint on accessory apartment
Dear R. Chinsky &R. Matusm,
Our office received a written complaint (copy attached), stating that you are new owners
of the property and have not filed for accessory apartment (copy of zoning attached).
Please contact this office so this matter may be addressed.
Dsince y,
Anthony Patillo
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton
CC: M. LaBarge.