18D-058 (24) t Assessor's Map 11. List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel„„ 1, Robert Munson Estate (Heritage NIS) #5 109 Main St. , Northampton, MA. 2JRobert S- Thomas SS ngmon Road #26 Bob Thomas Ford Northampton, MA. 01060 3. Richard R Boyle 179 A Northampton St #55 Easthampton, MA. 01027 4 (last l ne Realty 1235 Chestnut St. #60 Athol , MA. 01331 5. Peletier 6 Hester C/O Karen Leblanc 200 Middlesses Tnpk #61_ l. Burlington, MA. 01803 6. Kollmorgen Corp 347 King St Northampton, MA 01060 #63 7. Temp-pro , Inc. 200 Industrial. Drive #64 Northampton, MA. 01060 f 8. State Department of 125 Locust St. Route 91 # ! Public Works Northampton, MA. 01060 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. � kr, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. �r 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) P.11 P k; S aces Application Number: R?; ec d: 'cked Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Map(s) Parcel(s) By Date jByjjjj Date j ADate By Date Iv. g APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON=Z0f41r4W.90A t)F= Ai- .r PLANNING BOARD 1. Name of Applicant PETFR -1- SUL 1 T VAN Address 41 BROWN AVENUE, HOLYOKE, MA. 01040 ! ': a' 2. Owner of Property OLOON REALTY TRUST Address _ 44 LIBERTY STREET, HOLYOKE, MA. 01040 3. Applicant is: CAOwner; []Contract Purchaser; 0Lessee; ❑Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: —]VARIANCE from the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. J. ❑SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. ('OTHER: _SITF PI AN REVIEW 5. Location of Property ru a � • Ld being situated on the Fa---.Fr 1 _side of T nrit tstr; a 1 Or; vP Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, ` Sheet No. 1 n , Parcel(s) k 6. Zone- - Industrial Drive C? r 7. Description of proposed work and/or use; To constrttnt nridi ti nns t.n nnvt=r approximately 28% of the land. The addition at the rear will. be For manufacturing It would be constructed immediately upon approval Front manufacturing and office addition would be constructed when 4 of=fice and manufacturing layouts have been defined 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; ®Yes El No (b) Site plan: ®Attched El Not Required 9. Set forth reasons upon which application is based: 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is true't0 est of Lnowle dg e. Date-April 18, 1989 Applicant's Signature Peter J� Sul.l.ivan ''� ITY OF NORTHAMPTON p /� NG PERMIT APPLICATION` ► Map No. (1 LJ Lot t-: oning Ordinance Section 10.2 i ul, d• I IN o. � Plan File QLDON REALTY CO. OFPT ° N RiHA f f0 } 44 Liberty St. , Holyoke, MA 01'0 A. owri Ave. , Hol. oke MA 01040 f 4131 533-0676 Telephone ( 143) 532-6974 t t on is to be filled out in accordance with the "Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations: r (Z.O. ARTICLE VI) Use Lot Front Depth Setbacks Max. Bid. Min. Op. ` Area Width Front Side Rear Cover Space P. Existing �n U! 3.89 362 420 50 50 50 14.3 % 85.7 I .P. Proposed r„A-fi- 3.89 362 420 50 50 50 28.3 % 71 .7 appropriate box to indicate the use of the parcel: r -1 Non-Conforming Lot and/or Structure. Specify _ Residential ❑Single Family Unit ❑Multi-Family ❑ Duplex ❑ Other 2� Business r Individual Institutional f ❑ Regular ❑ P.U.D. Subdivision ❑ Cluster ❑ Other J Subdivision with "Approval-Not-Required"-Stamp: Planning Board Approval: { Zoning Board Approval (Special Permit 10.9: Variance) D City Council (Special Exception S. 10.10) r d Protection District Overlay: (Z.O. Sect. XIV) ❑ Yes 0 No r pace Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.1) Required _12_ Proposed aZ _ pace Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.2) Required 2 Proposed 4 , 0. Art. VII) ❑ Yes 6� No ental Performance Standards: (Z.O. Art. XI 1) ❑ Yes ® No 0Yes ❑ No Site Plan Yes ❑ No (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Waiver Granted: Date ❑ i ection for OFFICIAL use only: s; 7 Approval as presented: ' 7 Modifications necessary for approval: r Return: (More information needed) - I Denial. Reasons. 1 LQ A r i l 18 198 �7 v- s of plicant Date Signature of Admin. Officer Date Peter J. Sullivan g , P iM} P r