Prepared by: JRF
Project No.: 03-006
Project Name: Hockanum Townhouses(Gruber)
Project Location: Northampton,MA
Date: June 17,2003
Reference: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 6'h Edition, Volume I of 3, 1997.
Land Use: Residential Condom inium/Townhouse
Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units
Number of Generation
Dwelling per Dwelling
Time Category Units Unit Total Trip Ends % Entering % Exiting
Weekday 14 5.86 82 50 50
Weekday, Peak 14 0.44 6 17 83
Hr. 7—9 A.M.
Weekday, Peak 14 0.54 8 67 33
Hr. 4—6 P.M.
Saturday 14 5.67 79 50 50
Saturday, Peak Hr. 14 0.47 7 54 46
of Generator
Sunday 14 4.84 68 50 50
sewage disposal facilities
water supply facilities
B-8. Existing&proposed:
landscaping,trees and plantings(size&type of plantings)
stone walls,
- buffers and/or fencing:
B-9. Signs-existing and proposed:
color and illumination
B-10. Provisions for refuse removal,with fac ilities for screening of refuse when appropriate:
B-11. Lighting:
- Details
Photometric Plan showing no more than.5 foot candle at property line
B-12. An erosion control plan and other measures taken to protect natural resources&water supplies:
C. Estimated daily and peak hour vehicles trips generate d by the proposed use,traffic patterns for vehicles and
pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site ,and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation
within the site.
Site Plans submitted for major projects shall be prepared and stamped by a:
Registered Architect, Landscape Architect,or Professional Engineer
(At least one plan must have an original stamp,remaini ng plans must either have an original stamp or copy of
original stamp.)
003.pdf 9
This form MUST be included in your application packet. The site plan MUST contain the information
listed below.The Planning Board may waive the submission of any of the required information,if the
Applicant submits this form with a written expl anation on why a waiver would be appropriate. To
request a waiver on any required information,circl a the item number and fill in the reason for the
request.Use additional sheets if necessary. If you are not requesting any waivers,please note that on
this form.
A. Locus plan NO WAIVERS Requested
B. Site plan(s)at a scale of 1"=40'or greater
B-1. Name and address of the owner and the deve loper,name of project,date and scale plans:
B-2. Plan showing Location and boundaries of-
- the lot
- adjacent streets or ways
- all properties and owners within 300 feet
- all zoning districts within 300 feet
B-3. Existing and proposed:
— buildings
— setbacks from property lines
— -building elevations
— all exterior entrances and exits
— (elevation plans for all exterior facades structures are encouraged)
B-4. Present&proposed use of:
the land
B-5. Existing and proposed topography(for intermediate projects the permit granting authority may accept
generalized topography instead of requiring contour lines):
- at two foot contour intervals
- showing wetlands,streams,surface water bodies
- showing drainage swales and floodplains:
- showing unique natural land features
13-6. Location of-
- parking&loading areas
— public&private ways
— driveways,walkways
— access&egress points
— proposed surfacing:
B-7. Location and description of:
all stormwater drainage/detention facilities
- water quality structures
public&private utilities/easements
003.pdf 8
G. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not
adversely effect those objectives,defined in City master study plans(Open Space and Recreation Plan;
Northampton State Hospital Rezoning Plan;and Downtown Northampton:Today,Tomorrow and the
This project promotes in-city living,encourages walking to downtown businesses_
Also,project will not increase urban sprawl.
9. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.The
undersigned owner(s)grant the Planning Board p ermission to enter the property to review this
Date:_ Applicant's Signature:
Date: / O Owner's Signature:
(Owners sign or lette from ow authorizing applicant to sign.)
(Applicant must include waiver form on p.8 indicating that either all information is included or that waivers are
being requested.)
Does the project incorporate 3 foot sumps into the storm water control system? Yes No_X
(IF NO, explain why)_Run-off will sheet flow to forebay swale for sediment removal.
Will the project discharge stor mwater into the City's storm drainage system? Yes No X
(IF NO,answer the following:)
Do the drainage calculations submitted demonstrate that the project has been designed so that there is no
increase in peak flows from pre-to post-developmen t conditions during the: 1, 2,or 10 year Soil
Conservation Service design storm ? YesX No
(IF NO,explain why)
Will all the runoff from a 4110 inch rainstorm(first flush)be detained on-site for an average of 6
hours? Yes X No
(IF NO,explain why)
Is the applicant requesting a reducti on in the parking requirements?
Yes No_X
If yes,what steps have been taken to reduce the need for pa rking, and number of trips per day?
003.pdf 7
How does the project meet the special require ments?(Use additional sheets if necessary)
—'j Desired project promotes in-town residential living,prevents urban sprawl,minimizes impacts on
city resources,and provides much needed housing.It is pedestrian frinedly and enhances the village
F. State how the project meets the following technical performance standards:
1. Curb cuts are minimized: One drive e,%i/'grr_e.
Check off all that apply to the project:
use of a common driveway for access to more than one business
use of an existing side street use of a looped sc,1 ;e road
2. Does the project require more than one driveway cut?
_X_NO YES(if yes,explain why)
3. Are pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular traffic separated on-site ?
_X YES NO(if no,explain why)
Pedestrian sidewalk proposed
APPLICATION AND END HERE. (Applicant must include waiver form on P.8 indicating that either all
information is included or that waivers are being requested.)
9. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.The
undersigned owner(s)grant Planning Board perm ission to enter the property to review this
Date: Applicant's Signature:
Date: Owner's Signature:
(Owners signature or letter from owner authorizing applicant to sign.)
applicants MUST also complete the following:
F. Explain why the requested use will:
not unduly impair the integrity or charact er of the district or adjoining zones:
Project will improve overall character as site is currently an unauthorized refuse yard. _
not be detrimental to the health,morals or general welfar e:
Project will eliminate blight and refuse that already is detrimental to health.
be in harmony with the general pu rpose and intent of the Ordinance:
Townhouses are a permitted use in the zone and will be in character with neighboring dwellings.
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B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and
on adjacent streets?_Through use of standard dimension sidewalks with ADA curb-cut ramps
How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? Hockanum Road
is a light-moderate traveled road.Project entrance is essentually equidistant from intersections.
Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets?
220 feet and 360 feet from nearest intersections.
What features have been incorpo rated into the design to allow for:
access by emergency vehicle s:_20+/-foot wide drive,24 foot wide fir.:lanes/emergency _
the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces
_Parking in conformance with regulations
provisions for persons with disabilitie s:–ADA parking stalls close to ADA ramp and
sidewalk access.
C. How will the proposed use pro mote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to:
the natural landscape:_Project will provide greater open space.
to existing building s:_Exterior finish will be similar to surrounding dwellings and apartments
other community assets in the are a:–Townhouse architecture will be harmonious with
existing buildings.
D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources,including:
water supply and distribution syste m:—Shower heads and toilets–will be low gallon use/_
water conservation
sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems :_Storm run-off to match_
existing conditions utilizing detention pond
fire protection,streets and school s:–Fire hydrants will be on site.(2)
How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse i mpacts on the City's resources,as listed
above? Project will require use of city resources,but will utilize conservation devices to minimize
E. List the section(s)of the Zon ing Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the
proposed project (flag lot,co mmon drive,lot size averaging,etc.)
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JUL 14
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Please Note: An omission of information could lead to a delay in processing your application .
1. Check type of project:
INTERMEDIATE PROJECT: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan
MAJOR PROJECT: SitePlan AND/OR>' _X_Special Permit witW Site Plan'
2. Permit is requested under Zoning Ordinance: Section: Page:_
3. Applicant's Name: _William Gruber
Address:-2 Torrey Way, Easthampton, MA 01027 zz Telephone:_(413)527-2609
4. Parcel Identification: Zoning Map#_32C_ Parcel#21 Zoning District:_UR-C_
Street Address: none
Property Recorded in the Registry of Deeds: County:_Hampshire Book:_1443_Page:_369_
5. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser_X_; Lessee Other ;
6. Property Owner:_Boston&Maine Corporation
Address: Iron Horse Park,North Billerica,MA 01862 Telephone:
7. Describe Proposed Wor k/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary):
Proposed 14 Unit Townhouses
Has the following information been included in the application? Site/Plot Plan_X_
List of requested waivers_NA_ Fee Signed Zoning Permit Review Form &Application
8. Site Plan and Special Permit Approval Criteria.(If any permit criteria does not apply,explain why)
Use additional sheets if necessary. Assistance for completing this information is available through
the Office of Planning&Development.
A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses?
Current use is an unauthorized scrapyard or dumping area.
How will the project provide for:
surface water drainage:_Proposed storm sewer forebay and detention pond with outlet control
sound and sight buffers:_Planting and fencing where required.
the preservation of views,light and air:_Project will enhance views as it will eliminate
b light and on-site refuse
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