32C-174 (17) MORTGAGE LOAN INSPECTION ti EASEMENT f Wit m " of WAS/ •• ap Sc ' 't3k �saz P� 75 Sua&eu Tn Y14C -Z.+ns L 1EFUlYwA r As-bcscRroe 6[} D I ISwwiaL 0 rJaLS 1 IN 1!K 650 R 'yY7 Io69THct Wml l'NE lkMEFIT OF Ary Sf�Rt� 1A 'EFlSLMiN1 F R16NT Di LJR9 AS flQKt - • h DEsc-lumb IN Bk tSgz Fe. 7.5 DoLDINca lleAcr „L J1-=,nSANT STREET ---__ - i SPECIAL PERMIT CRITERIA A. A non-illuminating ground sign approximately 4' x 4' and 8 ft . high framework. It will straddle the existing fence in the planting area. B. Positive relationship to the -public. This sign will allow the public to identify the .busi- nesses listed at said addresst 274 Pleasant Street and will be readily visible and readable to people approaching Northampton from either direction - north or south - on busy Pleasant Street . . C . The sign will be set back from the sidewalk and far, enough not to cause' a blind spot at the intersection of Holyoke St . and -Pleasant St . D. Does not apply to this. sign as permit. E. The list of abutters has been fulfilled. F. This,'sign will be attractive and in no way will detract from 'other businesses in the area. The sign will also complement the new -building that has been erected at 274 -Pleasant St. Section 7. 5 signs permitted. 3C 1. My business is in a (GB) General Business District - zoning map sheet #32C. Parcel # 174. Unique feature —visible from the north and south on Pleasant St . The sign will benefit my tenants and will help identify the new businesses in the building. The sign will not obstruct any other business, traffic or zoning restrictions in this area. • 3C 2. The ground sign will be situated on our property and will advertise only said tenants. 3C 3. As stated before, said ground sign - non-illuminating, will be approximately 4' x 4' and stand 8 ft . hi h, well within the boundaries stated in section 3C 3) . QV 2 - .VY � ♦ , ` kA N t - 1 A.7, W IV l 1. tr • s !J' A IN SA L k C.,E 5 P,q �": � + f ; o } E Date Filed 0 9 219 6 File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (Si002) 1 . Name of Appl can ZavLt� Address: �Telephone: I IL r' 2 . owner of Property: Address : , Telephone:_ 3 . Status of Applicant:_L_Owner _ccntract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain � ) 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map' Sheet# �j2C Parcel# 17 , Zoning Districts) (include ove �ays) G Street Address oL-Ltt Required 5 . Existin . _ - Proposed by Zoning Use of Structure/Property (if project is only interior work, s;,,.p to #6) Building height � a *B1dg.Coverage (Footprint) Setbacks - front - side L: R: L: R: j - rear Lot size ' Frontage. Floor Area Ratio %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) Parking Spaces Loading Signs Fill (volume & location) - (6,i Narrative Description of Proposed 4rori*/Project: (Use additional sheets v if. necessary) 7 . Attached Plans: __Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 . Certification: I hereby certify thr,'.:. .he information contained herein is true and accurate to the best cf my knowledge.. Date: L 3I Applicant r s S 1.gnaturl � u',_1YE,� a�,r,t; ; E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THIS SECTION FOR OF`ICIAL USE ONLY: proved as presented/based on info'.�-rlatior. presented Denied as presented--Reason: Speaial' Permit and/or Site Plan Requ ]Ce4S : F' 'ng u'red: Variancee Required: gnatu of Build ' ector Dat NOTE: twuonee of a zoning permit does not reitova an applicant's burdon to comply with 0 zoning requirements and obtain an raquirod permits ftom the Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Depa►tment of Public Works and olhoa applicable permit granting authorities. 1 CITY OF NORT. .AW ON • o��°�uu1LR'riu °soNS PERMIT AND SITE PLAI APPLICATION 110RTNA�pTON `� 1. PERMIT AUTHORr7Y(IES): ZBA_L Planning Board . Council 2 Applicant's Name: G, n r-/e s Address: Q" (r Fg � ,�_ �, «� �r4,&-e- ­Telephone: 3. Property Owner: 7 e Address: Telephone: ��(177C 4. Status of Applicant:Owner Ccrtrr.A Purchaser Lessee Other (explain) 5. Parcel Identification: Zoning Map # ' . . Farcel Zoning District: G Street Address: 'r y f le n SA u7 .S-7` 6. Special Permit requested under Zoning Ordinance Section . Pg - 7. Site Plan Is for:lntermediate Project or Majc:. ?roject None (only for a Sign) 8. Narrative Description of the Proposed Project (Use additional sheets if necessary): ac_T V x y 9. How does project comply with Special PUrrr.it criteria: (See Applicant's Guide for criteria-use additional sheets is ncrassar�, 10. Site Plan, with any requests for waivers Rust be attached. 11. Certified Abutters List from Assessors` Office must be attached. 12 1 certify that 1 have read the permit criteria an that the information contained herein Is true and accurate to the best �)f my knowledge. 1 (or the landowner if I am not the landowner) grant the Zonir_g Board and Planning Board permission to enter the property to review this application. Date- Applicant's Signature: (memorex\wpVorms\siteplan.pb 4/2/93)