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INSPECTOR 912 Main Street 0 Municipal Building
Northampton, Mace. 01060
Edward J. Tewhill
December 30, 1985
Richard 0. Johnson
Jerald H. Gates •
P.O. Box 46
Amherst, Mass. 01004
Re: Randolph Place Apartments
Dear Mr. Johnson & Gates:
This office is in receipt of your construction plans and has reviewed them for the
purposes of zoning and building code compliance.
One question must be answered with regard to- the intended use. Are you constructing
apartments for lease, rent, etc. , or are they constructed as condominums?
Please inform us of your intent, in writing, no later that ten (10) days of receipt
of this letter. You should be aware that if apartments are constructed the Architectural
Barriers Board (Part B8 - 8.1) requires that five percent (5%) be available for the handi-
You are herewith authorized to proceed with construction in accordance with the sub-
mitted plans; subject to your response to the above and review of the fire alarm system
by the Fire Department.
Edward J. ill
Building Inspector &
Zoning Enforcement Officer
pc: file
Kitchell & Austin, Inc.
Fire Department/Cheif