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32C-131 (3)
PERMIT APPLICATION CHECK LIST ' =Z Ce .L- q':Z �� 7�z ' Yes No Date 1 . Zoning Form Application y 2. Permit Application r,' 3. Homeowner statement if a licable Lic . f{ if not 4. 2 sets of plans., 5. Curb cut--- 6 Water 7 Permit fee - check only "� ,J„1`'` _ °-1-C 8. Special Permit required with deed if applicable 9 Under section 127 Fr :jE',PAIRT MEN' O- 71PRUC SA.FEjlj OF 1010 COMMONWEALTH AVE. MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON,MASS.02215 EXPIRATION DATE T f'; 11 0 RESTRICTIONS EFFECTIVE DATE LIC-NO. J !"!I,i PHOTO(BLASTING OPR ONLY) FEE: HEIGHT: NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED By LICENSEE AND OFFICIALLY STAMPED-ON SIGNATURE OF THE COMMISSIONER DOB: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE CARRIED ON THE PERSON OF SIGNATURE OF LICENSEE THE E HOLD R WHEN ENGAG OTHERS RIGHT THUMB PRINT ED IN THIS' COMMISSIONER 20OM-;-87-81429 lop C-XCAA_L�_CV14� r' 04it© Piled v r rile. No ZONING PEMIT nPPLICAu'ION (,,g 10 , 2 ) �� 1 Service Properties Inc. 1 Name ;oi' Applicant ; John F Fort'ier, Jr. , President Addr.oss ie--(). Ro.X 5L F'lurenrP MA QIQ60 �'elgphono ► 1 ��4:_ 2062____. 2 , owner of Property i Same As # 1 Above Address ,, Telephone ; 3 , , • Btatus 'off Applicant : x Owner Contract Pu•rchagex Lessee Other, (explani' A Parcel Identification l zoning MAp sheet// . 32C PtArcto l,/ 131 2oningf District (s) ' ( in;clude oyerlaye) , I .—. _.---•--_ St,1;eet Address 82 Conz Street, Northampton, MA 01060 11oq tii1 0 5 , b;x•'L a i,z rl c�' r L o p o a e d i�.:y_...�i,_,u�a i rl.g Use of' structure/Propert•y (i - project 'is only intaz.•ior_wol:kj slop to G ) INTERIOR WORK NLY Bui-1c1ing height �...._.__—_- tpldg , coverage (Footpr.irit) _ SatY.►acks - Dront _ - rear Fr.ontaya r our, Area Ratio k0pen Space (Lot Area Pilnus - — ' Y�a7;l:inc� -Spaae.s Signs • , I�`il;l (volumca h locAt.ion) 6'1 Narrative Desoription' of Proposed Work/Pr,oj'ect ; (Use additior) ;:l :.l�aQts X� Y1F4a5Saxy)Property has beeri leased -to*JPS El.astomerics Corporation. The' principal 'for "Research & Development" which is allowed-by right in the •SI zone (p. 5-7) . ntly located in adjacent building (SI zone) conductih& same activity ding_footprir b 're uires interior renovations to accomodate new us SE=e'AI(cpc-hcci 7 A as ed Plans : X sketch Plan pis Pl'an 8 ,' : Certifieationi �,J ' hereby oartify . that the information oontuinc:cl ain 1'4 true And accurate to the best of my knowledge , Date I. . f Applicant 1•s Signature : ' ' , a ---- ACTION T'OR OF'I'xOxn), l�f3I] �ONI,Y 1 g� v Approved as 'k�roserited/hASad on i11format'i oil' P�Gsonted D n i ed as pr esente,d , a 1:for ej'r a gnat,, a. a� Bu lclI nspe.ctor pA a T�'•-_.M __. _ _ NOTE; laouanau 0 a zonlnp,parmli doaa not rollwo an appllounN btuUun IQ comply wlui all zonlnp roqulromonN and oulaln all 110tn M Board,of}'1on11h, Conoolvallon Cornmlaalon, popnrinioni of publlo 1Vorko and otlior opplloab # .�. .� d i MAR 1092 � l�� v v M � � � � � c � o .c sra h E■ �s s p �' w L o ea O p a fY fTm Gz. E E :a o. .r •p w ao � rr _ _ •L •L � � � � r.+ C rA w C ►c. 0.4 0-0 M" 0." W" q Chi c� Ci ♦, r"i m L Q an c as c ao �� ai L O C y •C t co LU •� C C C4 O Z o A tw- o L JI °; O 3 �w ffi ro OC O `+ y o 3 � '= � •v ° cam .jam C 2 +� .°_ ea ..' °' G .°_ � a ^ •~` O r.+ \ E U ro w N C E r L H V U � W o0 v°i a O Cl N � C MWow*A �yy •m C y p ¢ H O O L y ar CCJI ci CJ • C/� ¢ +cc ++