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'-' ,,., ''''i ., •, ...Th- •,;, Aii - ' , .,, •,. •-, LILL . ,, ., -,•-•..; ' ."""', ''"•--4•4 ..,-.1„,...:•L'••,-- ,, ..,....),S;". „___ .... , ,,,..' __ ., -.. ,,, - , - _ _ -,. • _ )--,„_,----IL - •-••- •• .. '- - --. •--- -- ••• ,,. ,,--'• • • •• , - --:...' —.1. --- ,..: ' • ,- .,..-'"..-<•'-::-`•,,-,... ..,.1, •••, . , - -,>.1.-1 N70 f-,1 •''' d i , f• ,...., -------.7:=_--_,_____„r.__ ...41.—• _____-_-1----------> 1-- :IN ts,S -2. \..) ¢ City of Northampton, Massachusetts 0 � pT Office of Planning and Development *� City Hall • 210 Main Street # • A .V• y Northampton, MA 01060 • (413)586-6950 $ �� � l .,/►r;y FAX(413)586-3726 * , .�` _�.i •Community and Economic Development v T ..► ���� •Conservation•Historic Preservation `� q, �%. ''• •Planning Board•Zoning Board of Appeals /1 •Northampton Parking Commission TO Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector ��, Jr nr 6�"'r ■ RE: Permit application SEP 21997 FROM Laura Krutzler, Board Secretary/OPD DATE: Would you please review and return the t?ci,/r. etc M R- enclosed application before theciltanning1Wkcigoning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for ,-fie. ,/, ,79-7 so that we can advise the Boards of any concerns you may have. Thank you. - —I N V IL.— . THIS PLAT IS .OMPILED FROM DEEDS, PLANS AN►. OTHER SOURCES AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS AN ACCURATE SURVEY AND IS NOT TO BE RECORDED. 1 115.5' j I ` T I - TO: EASTHAMPTON SAVINGS SANK & FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE" UOMPA'' Y I HEREBY REPORT THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THE PREMISES AND BASED ON EXISTING MONUMENTATION ALL EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS AND BUILDINGS ARE LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SHOWN AND THAT THE BUILDINGS ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE LOT LINES, EXCEPT AS NOTED. I FURTHER REPORT THAT THE PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A FLOOD PRONE AREA AS SHOWN ON FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE MAPS FOR COMMUNITY # -NOTE- SURVEYOR: ' THIS PLAT FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROPERTY SURVEY j4`;�of '' -MORTGAGE LOAN INSPECTION PLAT- ii R/NDALL % NORTHAMPTON , MASSACHUSETTS t7 ;35032 ND 8uRr` ' HAROLD L. EATON AND ASSOCIATES, INC, r1 r- PEGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS xh -�-f � 7: RUSSELL STREET HADLE ' SAS S`' l� D i l i FILE # 962 4 4 6 ti 251997 „ , ' APPLICANT/CON ACT PERSON: ,/_/'46.1._ ./..iJL/ai .vI RESS RO rE e t:A�' ''.' 1., _.../' ./ Aril ._ „- d . PROPERTY LOCATION: 36—L�, MAP V a PARCEL: //4- ZONE___ze,A "HIS SECTION FORAF'PiCIAL USE ONLY: . PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED,REQUmED DATE • ►111, • ! u al: I • .--- J/ . '/-// 1 'f� Fee Paid 661 — ,' 5-i" 1.----/ Building Permit Filled nut Fee Paid Type of Construiction- New Construction Remodeling Interior . Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plane Tncluded- f caner/f eetipnnt Statement or T.icence ii 3 Sete of Plans /Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented xDenied as presented: St�ec'al Permit and/or Site Plan Required under:§ 5•o, 10,10/ /0, / 1 �X co �a f' (�Pin �{ PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD J Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: — Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit from Conservatio. ' ommission .i_ -. 1/�. Z Signature of Building %• or Pate NOTE:Issuenoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an applloent's burden to oomply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applioabie permit granting authorities. o 10. Do any signs east on the property? YES NO X IF YES,describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES X. NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: .S16V o • MIC 5A44// f, C9 07/9 L T 4,1TEA _5-'1? a/d7" To 6 3'y 5 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This column to be 2a/lad in b the Building Drpa.zbeant Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size I �o l9`� �. - 1(0199 ,- /, " ,, Frontage , ' 115.5 fit �T . 11 .5 , / ). Setbacks - frnnt a0 t -side L:(d5C'(, R: I Of't. L: G5 , R: 10 41. . .-- - rear 50 3 0 1' ? . , ; Building height 35 35 \ // Bldg Square footage a535 5%,.C�, X535 . . % %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg LI 7 7 LI / 7 Spayed parking) r 'ii # of Parking Spaces # of Loading Docks 0 O Fill: (volume & location) C fi4.3 ()4t __ 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: / / / APPLICANT's SIGNATURE NOTE: lssuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an 8 applicant's burden to oompty with all zoning requirements end obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservatio, Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. FILE JUN L 5 199-1 File o� 'ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION A-77-CD6-6trleete3 1. Name of Applicant: /"/�/47\-.)1 $ ^/$0N( Address: /G `vx21" , - - eb �A y j�n�✓�/(i MA Telephone: 2 S ' 30 / Qj 2. Owner of Property: /AN/C 54n/50,-1 • Address: /D f�tT �//2�1 �4Y..4q-1✓Vij/F, /VA Telephone: e - 30/ S 3. Status of Applicant: X Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Street Address: 33— -3-5 (76)N 41/4277//9Mj,07/0� Parcel Id: Zoning Map# t a6 Parcel# //6-- District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property r /%9/4-'//'L y - RES.)))64/71/ (_ 6. Descripopo_n of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): /ZCi1/D 1747-4- Ex)ST,'.I G f9Py2 /VENT ) i<Ebuc, .>)u)/)(Srt9/4 S /V.*• / S, aJ A/✓E2/,`„/6 ,Do%li✓.57,--1/7/5" �On 0� t i c, J/ o oge.,2_ 50/9c /9ceo LkAWI'n/c 6 `', CQ--„ 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan M.- t 121,rn Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO� DONT KNOW YES_ . IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? • Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) 8-6. Location of: parking&loading areas - public&private ways driveways,walkways access&egress points - proposed surfacing: B-7. Location a n d description of rr et e t;' ,,/e jar 9 e eA, v5 F, fim re v vt r e 1-1,4 all stormwater drainage/detention facilities '&N.' 41 I dl t 5 water quality structures public&private utilities/easements sewage disposal facilities water supply facilities B-8. Existing&proposed: - landscaping,trees and plantings(size&type of plantings) - stone walls, • td buffers and/or fencing: B-9. Signs-existing and proposed: Location - dimensions/height color and illumination B-10. Provisions for refuse removal,with facilities for screening of refuse when appropriate: FOR MAJOR PROJECTS ONLY: B-11. An erosion control plan and other measures taken to protect natural resources&water supplies: C. Estimated daily and peak hour vehicles trips generated by the proposed use,traffic patterns for vehicles and pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site,and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site. Site Plans submitted for major projects shall be prepared and stamped by a: Registered Architect, Landscape Architect., or Professional Engineer S SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS REQUEST FOR WAIVERS APPLICATION The application MUST include a site plan containing the information listed below.The Planning Board may waive the submission of any of the required information,if the Applicant submits this form with a written explanation on why a waiver would be appropriate. To request a waiver on any required information,circle the item number and fill in the reason for the request.Use additional sheets if necessary. A. Locus plan B. Site plan(s)at a scale of 1"=40'or greater. B-1. Name and address of the owner and the developer,name of project,date and scale plans: B-2. Plan showing Location and boundaries of: the lot • adjacent streets or ways " all properties and owners within 300 feet All a v r1 v s v III ope.. all zoning districts within 300 feet B-3. Existing and proposed: buildings setbacks from property lines building elevations - all exterior entrances and exits (elevation plans for all exterior facades structures are encouraged) B-4. Present&proposed use of: the land buildings: B-S. Existing and proposed topography(for intermediate projects the permit granting authority may accept generalized topography instead of requiring contour lines): at two foot contour intervals S I ft I!, ) k f'/7 2 ' c.17;t1 F ; ( y` I S showing wetlands,streams,surface water bodies No v L C ?`I S N S 1 !t !.i: showing drainage swales and floodplains: lvcwt. CXI S� , showing unique natural land features rJo tvC t 1.S }' MAJOR PROJECT APPROVAL CRITERIA: Does the project incorporate 3 foot sumps into the storm water control system'? YES NO(if no,explain why) Will the project discharge stormwater into the City's storm drainage system? YES NO IF NO,answer the following: Do the drainage calculations submitted demonstrate that the project has been designed so that there is no increase in peak flows from pre.-to post-development conditions during the: 1, 2,or 10 year Soil Conservation Service design storm? YES NO(if no,explain why) • Will all the runoff from a 4/10 inch rainstorm(first flush)be detained on-site for an average of 6 hours? YES NO(if no,explain why) Is the applicant requesting a reduction in the parking requirements? NO YES If yes,what steps have been taken to reduce the need for parking, and number of trips per day? F. Explain why the requested use will: not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones: (i^I frs I.°' i µltd on pr:1,e- '{Ae, :l�0.r CtC.r` r " it�J� G 71 VS ∎eit rCVE 7 -G atel 41.1 of 1.14 571 tit , not be detrimental to the health,morals or general welfare: 1 i�15 " I✓ !ti'i i� imprYl/e .i)'{, 4 VAL' '"-1 B "hG eVrtaf clr E 1 I "i!I r Ie. rka nR r/-r R+- Get,/ 2 � f lCr.( r the q?`-`rlraJ be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance: 77 Is I) 0. /C l n70t1/ 4- cJMrete-r a' <�.`j� 1'1 C7a.., r laN 06-r.is • /t A S r f>a,si ^.Pfl a r C r ! G. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives,defined in City master study plans(Open Space and Recreation Plan; Northampton State Hospital Rezoning Plan;and Downtown Northampton:T ,Tomorrow and the Future). 1 1,11 Mts ie„� ;�; I I` h illy✓ a rvr ik1s, ✓,;G rFf.a r d rtWv Wt✓ - ( wl l) rrUtl:G rn' ••^ ■‘1DWA ;IV NN L,t G^'( r c I 1 T!• %?• y, I, l L I�) .f"1'L V {7 ,- l rf. r r t I{t 1 i f VJ 1 1, 'r F( ( 1/ '} G i��^ t o .', i r' r- 1 l 1 i (aNt_Q e7. A ,N1 . VSe " .A i) lYvyarp✓t strv.a /; YC : { r.`Fv414 C t j d.SL , 4 N(iAN ei t •�� 1 I r I✓SC S at( vF-1� �1N Ott vrrri, 51, 9. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.The undersigned owner(s) grant the Planning Board permission to enter the property to review this application. Date: ' ! y' 2 Applicants Signature: ,- Date: Owner's Signature: (If not the same as applicant's) MAJOR PROJECTS must also complete the following page: Check off all that apply to the project: use of a common driveway for access to more than one business use of an existing side street use of a looped service road 2. Does the project require more than one driveway cut? X NO YES(if yes,explain why) 3. Are pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular traffic separated on-site? X YES NO(if no,explain why) For projects that require Intermediate Site Plan Approval, ONLY , sign application and end here_ V 9. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned owner(s) Planning Board permission to enter the property to review this application._ Date: ' 2 Applicants Signature Date: Owner's Signature: (If not same as applicant) For projects that require a Special Permit or which are a major project, applicants must also complete the following page. C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: the natural landscape: fv r:war ri c r, /N A to existing buildings: r-E'M v v R -/rep/ Jill he_ )v Y—L L fry,Lti',I - Frcvt- fr ipC ar Litt. other community assets in the area: trey! d I J �ic7l�r Alt't cwt S, d� rva1�C. 7r' G1- �r.7 D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources,including: water supply and distribution system: 77/E 7e n t tG;<r`c / //,/ P/• 57Z6.--l' o G gEf w.// Li4_. /ElqA-� wA7-C2 u5A(� ,�,;,i,;r4t y sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: Gf/AWG E a Ex 51/r✓ 5 `1'S%E A4 - fire protection,streets and schools: /Yo Ci-4-9/v'G E .v/ How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources,as listed above? ,V /./6 C( C T .4 c 1.5 7-,/1 6 60 A/ .c..12-- 2E4)1A i(L,Et tCn)%S E. List the section(s)of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project (flag lot,common drive,lot size averaging,etc.) j'1,rJN i N� }av m4 r dl f r it r C V n-1 N teLvci Ni C I c.f:j r, ) / L<r�r�trC it t1S CS tN UDC, {Jlsfri ter. ✓, 1 a," E ef vs . Alb Ire g How does the project meet the special requirements?(Use additional sheets if necessary)? d c/,N,n��oN e >` ►' c it 11 will �rG & (Gtti t� or,c { lob✓ �r�7ri , Cre6yre.Ictp1 e, h (�tN G,r0itN s Wtl� � : fr+^ r i ;,V�r; � I f ,nINB•r Gi.LU� l! � T e ,(,,,t 1 � � a i �, 11 aca o re5,8 ( � ar� 7fJ' 01-/•1 tv� r,�1 I }''J }1,,� ✓Y•T l A G 441 14 a r 1 0 7' s , �vLY+�vr. S,CniS W��1 rt se.(VC --k. rQS10+ ✓�tta ` eitw .. 4 .I > cccje G't .4,ts e Net" ring' dewN kevst F. State how the project meets the following technical performance standards: 1. Curb cuts are minimized: E �%d Fly/ST/N 6 C_WLE CLt! r,; 8. Site Plan and Special Permit Approval Criteria_(If any permit criteria does not apply,explain why) Use additional sheets if necessary. Assistance for completing this information is available through the Office of Planning&Development. A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? ABRv, E2 Oht sloi iE AFFFG 7 )• A/C6e) i 91.1,b SCAP ri 6 J•/Uck Lb JM proJE. r Flow will the project provide for: / surface water drainage: /✓ Jam/( C f 6Co/A r, o!J sound and sight buffers: ••n_ the preservation of views,light and air: 21C , Et o/4 T/ T/ /;J G G//// eN//AJCe- 61--(E ft/4 c /4`067//?s2tiC B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestriar}ptovement within the site and on adjacent streets? i/o (/./,q,/G,C - &%ST/% CITY OF NORTHAMPTON oi �r ' si' PLANNING BOARD APPLICATION FOR: Tvpe of Fro�ect, SITE.PLAN APPROVAL. 7ntermedlate 'rojed(SitePlan) Major Project(SttePlan'SpecialPcrm[t) OR' SPECIAL PER111_I I Intermediate Prolect(with Site Plan Approval) :':> ;>: Ma�orPtaject(Srte Plan S al Permit) ::: Permit is uestedunderZonm Ordinance..Section ' - I. Applicant'sNamc: F---/c/ / ' SAA/561'4 — 3/3X 17/ / t A4 Address: /D /1i Le_ ., b Telephone: 2Z O 0- 3 O/8 f/A ✓, LLE/ 772fl 0/o3) 2. Parcel Identification: Zoning Map#`J J`—`Parcel 4 //44.oning District Street Address: 33- 3 5- e o n/z? S T, ^/)T4,v F/zikii<1C aFi . 4€/i/ CPR 3. Status of Applicant: )( Owner, Contract Purchaser, X Lessee Other(explain) 4. Property Owner. rkPn1 K 5/q Address: /0 re QT .7//1/ /1 Telephone: 2 6 8 -3°/8 H4YD��IV�)IE, MA o�039 5. Describe Proposed Work/Project (Use additional sheets if necessary): / 6/10‘/-47—/ i`5 T/n/6 fo u/2 APT 5 a-7)LA 7--/O r./ ;/,./ S %rtl v &S T rzz o/L 14 D r5 6 /2C/97-/.'o,J o f p FF G C S�/�c E. �E�C 5c E�jc i 5 T i✓G f'�n,J r 12EAK �ECJCS Has the following information been included in the application? xSite./Plot Plan ( List of requested waivers fee 2 sets of labels(supplied by the Assessor's Of-ice) Signed dated and domed 2ionina i'crm:t Application t inc (31 ckyieS oldie Ce:'iii cd Abuitci Lis: i?om t:)I]lco