32C-030 (7) $!W!WWI Ciii fir xaf Norfila peon _** !F4A0 ssondjusette _.=�I ' � • DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 4 =°t-` =c =!__! INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building ,' Northampton, Mass. 01060 ��" ow Francis X. Sienkiewicz REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO VIEW RECORDS OR HAVE COPIES OF DOCUMENTS MADE ***PLEASE KEEP THESE DOCUMENTS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER*** DATE: 7 � ''/ ! '�'`I`" :� (),j(-' PAGE: PLOT: • FILE ADDRESS: 1 7 ,_`,,-d NAME: fL; /"?,/T ADDRESS: •2G ✓t 1 /-6-"'-'6'7\-) PHONE # : C �3 1,,,x'` UNDER MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO MEET THE ABOVE REQUEST WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE ABOVE LISTED DATE. z y Q N ° 1 . , itu '''"A. :Z W s� V 0 bo 0 -4 o o A an ` ;� c 0) o a � o •� u ■ a . cl. . 'P) e .8 rx 4. I, c4 4. k LI. i ... d oo '� ° &a 0 C7 •u � 01 i0 0 .• w c S o an a a ,c _.E 0 at 4 . ct) .1 -� g gi. 1 H os 8 g §r' S a oi‘W E 0 ... u ' ct., E t . N* . cl.. *114 2 o o 114 E . 4 z CZ A CIII ,o 0 En 11E4 ;14 oA = (ti x ti A A Z '?Q C ., U z : .r w °' � Soho v o4 Com w o v �� •r r a o•� c,...) d g:1 o & = g . 1 w'- ~c go O O at H •0 • > N I M Ifilli a hI1 0 O ro us V a.s o fa 1 U g Q b•2 •4., ° •3 u a ° + o'-' 3 OA .g 6a g° '°8 V° r" ri N .S cat O (� V Er a ocr g E ) .O � 8 s .-i ' ,Wo g c •, 0 a • g 8 ' ow.. a U [ 1 0 1 § .2 8. < 0 (4 In 0 ,I rd.. pd .11?f3 ° .{N IL, ] 20. O � w w i '.......- O 1 tat) z A a • • FILE # 4100 j APPLICANT/CONTACT PERS I N: ADDRESS/PHONE: 3 , . 1' , i r - PROPERTY LOCATION: 12 &J-tiZ-/C MAP PARCEL: L3 () ZONE CR THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE 7ONTNC FORM FYI.T ND OUT ✓ FPP Paid Building Permit Filled nn /� `f Fee Paid 2 d. 7 /of Cnnctrnrtinn• ► • . as •i i se •tinn to T�'x�ctir • rreccnry Structure Building Plans Included• Owner/Orrnpant Statement or'licence # 3//Sete of Plane /Plot Plan TH OLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: '4 // Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under:§ PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under:§ w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit o Co• ••clvation Commission Alfair ' ignature o C.ilding Inspector Date NOTE:Issuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant', burden to oomply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applioable permit granting authorities. if '7 %il ) • if) li @ R 1117 ii 1 - • I 11995 It. -71') • ' R333 Date Filed _ File No. r !' dC� i .1n5Pi fiifi$1I APPLICATION (§1.0 . 2) XWIT., N. a r i 1 . Name of Applicant: Ott vF�- c[s�ci� Address: 2 b f0(f---,0 C i e—,,- ,i Telephone:. J ey - I Z 2 y . 2 . Owner of Pro erty: M472T0')e C 7i7 v/r-✓ /4L/ci2 tV /C'/ft04i C Address : - C "Irtk 41#45 i6 e. w(, a elephone: C/l -367 - 2j3� go /s7 :---0-S!'. o e./ vo 3 . Status of Applicant: Owner contract Purchaser - Lessee Other (explain - ) 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# '?-G Parcel# 3( r Zoning District(s) (include o erlays) /.4 L Street Address /7 U- - Required 5. Existing Proposed by Zoning Use of Structure/Property Z ff'"' • Qie-f-> -. /1-=-ft (if project is only interior work, skip to #6) Building height ?1 F7 - S'. K %Bldg. Coverage (Footprint) yo 04, y /,, Setbacks - front /4 ' /o / U - side L: s''' R: V--1-' L: y,S R: 9, S' 0 - rear 30 /6 - 15 Lot size It-N.7 lZ--s° Frontagie. -, Floor Area Ratio ]2)c{0 1-13c/ %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) 60 '.9d 3 Vo Parking Spaces tf - Loading _ _ Signs _ T Fill (volume & location) — 6 . Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) f��0 a'� r - !,- .��..i ,tv 11r. '� /b4p J - /rLJye)c.4-L - ;,,,717400.c 41--,'0 ,ty 7-e,r,a-.c. ,...)if1/-tFj Plwv, to/1..- or c.4-0fitt (h-e e 1 I )t, 4V`' Z Zo�. , /7//h-'01C"'W,f,> /ice a J £14-Dt't-i-• -I 7 . Attached- Plans: —" Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 . Certification: i hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowle Date: /4 ]� Applicant' s Si nature: - _ _diet _ �/4 , ; THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Ap�prove as .resented/based on information presented v0,enied as presented--Reason: /`%,tiayb 9;a l c ,0„..Ge o,, c-se Special' Per ' t and/or Site Plan Required: rrnd' 'g Re• c�, e• , Variance Required: • .400 1T� � S"s gnatur - BuIlda . t MOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not rcliove an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required )m the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Dopartmont of Public Works and other applicable permit granting nuthorifios. � its rm iii.)-- City of Northampton, Massachusetts I.° IN 4 I J O�� - 0 Office of Planning and Development ��'� 1995 ��, :,. City Hall • 210 Main Street _ _ w fJ r.- Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586-6950 KK - ; +:� r ;�__", FAX (413) 586-3726 .' �_ _" W-1," �_ :.Ji`.��„i► �► • Community and Economic Development + art" r� - Y p sbt!� • Conservation •Historic Preservation �' '�- °• • Planning Board •Zoning Board of Appeals ' i 0 �:w`,� r• Northampton Parking Commission DE�I� 414111, NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD APPLICANT: OLIVER ISELIN ADDRESS: 36 SERVICE CENTER, NORTHAMPTON OWNER: MARJORIE "C" TRUST UNDER WILL OF ALFRED KOHLBERG ADDRESS: C/O MARK SHUB, 66 LONG WHARF, BOSTON, MA 02110 RE LAND OR BUILDINGS IN NORTHAMPTON AT: 17 BREWSTER COURT MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: MAP #32C PARCEL #30 At a meeting conducted on May 25, 1995, the Northampton Planning Board unanimously voted 6: 0 to GRANT the request of OLIVER ISELIN for a SPECIAL PERMIT and SITE PLAN APPROVAL under the provisions of Section 8. 11, page 8-10 in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, to pay a fee to the City instead of providing on-site parking, as required under the Ordinance at 17 Brewster Court. Planning Board Members present and voting were: Chairman Andrew Crystal, Vice Chairman Daniel Yacuzzo, Joseph Beauregard, Jody Blatt, Nancy Duseau, and Mark NeJame. In Granting the Special Permit, the Planning Board found: A. The request to pay a fee to the City instead of providing on-site parking protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses by not altering existing site, which is very small in area, and by providing a means to supply parking off-site. B. The request to pay a fee to the City instead of providing on-site parking will not have an impact on existing traffic since there is adequate municipal parking facilities nearby. C. The request will promote a harmonious use of the existing building with the surrounding buildings and landscape. —! — ORIGINAL PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER D. The requested use will not overload, or cause adverse impacts on the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools since it is an existing building whose use will change to professional offices, which will use less water than the existing residential use. E. The requested use meets the special regulations set forth in 58 . 11 in the Zoning Ordinance. F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience and welfare and will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones. The use will not be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare because professional offices are allowed by right in the Central Business district. The use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance because the site is zoned for business. G. The requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely affect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D. In reviewing the Site Plan, submitted with the Special Permit, the Planning Board: 1. Voted 6: 0 to Grant the waivers as listed below: B. Site Plan submitted is 1/8" = 1'-0" B-3 Existing and proposed elevations not shown B-5 Existing and proposed topography not shown B-7 Location and description of all storm water drainage B-10 Plan for refuse removal 1f JUN 4 1995 u! � ; i!' J Conditions imposed upon the project are as follows: 1. A revised plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Office of Planning and Development. This plan must show: A. Signage and landscaping details. B. One parking space to be constructed and located to the east side of the building. C. That a turn-around shall be constructed to the south of the building and shall not be large enough to be used as a parking space. 2 . Not more than one parking space is being approved on site. 3. If an on-site parking space cannot be designed to fit onto the site, then the applicant will have to contribute $8, 000 into the City's parking fund for two parking spaces. If the parking space is able to be constructed, then the applicant shall only have to contribute $4,000 into the parking fund. ply JUN 8 1995 I. i 1iii 2 2 Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) , Chapter 40A, Section 11, no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision .006. bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed, or if such an appeal has been filed that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Hampshire County registry of Deeds or Land Court, as applicable and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. It is the owner or applicant's responsibility to pick up the certified decision from the City Clerk and record it at the Registry of Deeds. The Northampton Planning Board hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been GRANTED and that copies of this decision and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Planning Board and the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereby given that this decision is filed with the Northampton City Clerk on the date below. If anyone wishes to appeal this action, an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17, with the Hampshire County Superior Court and notice of said appeal filed with the City Clerk within twenty days (20) of the date of that this decision was filed with the City Clerk. Applicant: OLIVER ISELIN - 17 BREWSTER COURT q ; v ' ii!. DECISION DATE: May 25, 1995 JUG! 8 1995 DECISION FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: June 8, 1995 0,.,, a $ :I i Cyr rc Y , .A.U.ZAZLL} St4 Andrew J. C stal • Daniel Yacuzzo , 'vi , Joseph Beauregard / Jod Blatt / :may ssau June 29 , 1995 I, Christine Skorupski, City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton Planning Board was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on June 8 , 199 , hat twenty days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeal =s b=en filed in t is matter. Atte t. 't�� %Clerk City of Northampton • 29-JUN-1995 09:45:47 Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Receipt No: 20301 Marianne L. Donohue, Register of Deeds 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060-3298 Name: OLIVER ISELIN Addr: Receipt Type: OR Payment Total Pages: 0005 Fees Taxes Fee: $ 11.00 Cash: $ 11.00 $ 0.00 lax: $ 0.00 Check: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Misc: $ 0.00 Charge: $ 0.00 Charge Code: Comment: Receipted By: PAT Status: PAID DOCUMENTS: 950010982 to 950010982 BOOK ASSIGNMENT: OR Book* 4690 Pages 011/ to 0121 ,pe Page Doc Mref Consider$ Record tee Excise lax Stat Misc Fee Record Date Uocument4 Book/No/Page Status MIS3 005 0001 0000 0.00 11.00 0.00 ' 0.00 29-JUN-1995 09:45 950010982 OR /4690/011/ 1NIT Page 0001 of 0001 Fl CV `d O r 7 a a. o P4 o b o cm H tri Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. ' y Z i�� Alterations a,„ `Pii -7-1/4-7 a Additions it o: oti NORTHAMPTON, MASS. � 19 cl� i ` ;-,APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair Garage 1. Location / t tzr't # - Court r Lot No. 2. Owner's name /'N TJry-aril. C. .. revs r Address `*/1'44k. r��Q &I ,3o -,6- &J,l r oZ/►O J 3. Builder's name Old t,j tr-- 'L-ff(-/4---) Address 36 S/ie ')4 OA. ivoetip!-.4.i'rors i Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. d)g ?--_1 Expiration Date '— /Jr 9S" 4. Addition 4001 r) ,---1 � Pitt Art4c- Pee, ILL-/}*) 5. Alteration A c- cri-A71 or-1 j /8-1' JO,t-C /t-f1 C M e---1 /1-4'j 6. New Porch n 7. Is existing building to be demolished? /' P 41--- 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating 6+1-1 c.,✓-a-+.» A-►v4-. 11. Distance to lot lines L0rT . ' /Z►CJ;r s' ' a•.r /a' /7 i - /6 ' / 12. Type of roof f / / .rr') ''-t' 13. Siding house C L-'9412 G1-/fe 14. Estimated cost:-446 a( $-, 0-0 J ri h V The under -• ,ertifies that the above s . ments are true to the best of his, her �' � knowl=4ge an.J ! i Signature of responsible applicant �' .,._e a Ti I;,ilS Remarks eir# 7,09, , la; PRIN, T�SHOP .y I i 4 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts- *-v '- � ARCHITECTURAL ACCESS BOA . =_�- 1 One Ashburton Place - Room 1310 ;: 2 6 e. 0�- ; Boston, Massachusetts 02108 - 5 um WILLIAM F. WELD 13,� , I,lh �`_ L yiyH (617) 727-0660 GOVERNOR d 1-800-828-7222 DEBORAH A. RYAN ` !Voice and TDD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR S R..E,01)i: (617) 727-0665 , 1,. i E U fl A1YPTO'�t:M...O1GcO NOTICE OF ACTION RE: Brewster Court , 17 Brewster Court, Northampton 1. An application for variance was filed with the Board by Oliver Iselin (Applicant)on April 10, 1995 . The applicant has requested a variance from the following sections of the 1982 Rules and Regulations of the Board: 35.13 Installtion of a wheelchair lift to the second floor. 2. The application was heard by the Board as an incoming case on Monday, April 24, 1995 . 3. After reviewing all materials submitted to the Board,the Board voted as follows: GRANT a variance to Section 35.13 to allow the installation of a wheelchair lift on the following conditions: 1. a buzzer/intercom system be installed at the lift and connected to a location within the building where the key is provided;2. all persons needing access to the lift be provided with a key to the lift; 3. If a ramp is attached to the lift, said ramp must be no steeper than 1:12,and; 4. said platform be a minimum of 36 inches wide by 54 inches deep. NOTE: If the work being performed is reconstruction,renovation, addition,or alteration, compliance with this decision must be achieved by completion of the project and prior to final approval by the building department.Otherwise,if the work being performed is new construction, compliance with this decision must be achieved prior to the issuance of an occupany permit. Any person aggrieved by the above decision may request an adjudicatory hearing before the Board within thirty(30)days of receipt of this decision by filing the attached request for an adjudicatory hearing.If after thirty(30)days, a request for an adjudicatory hearing is not received,the above decision becomes a final decision and the appeal process is through Superior Court. Date: April 26, 1995 ARCHITECTURAL ACCESS BOARD ( ' ' „ ii I i;tt_,i.t—, `- !L-�l-- 1` ` 1= Chairperson ice' cc: /Local Building Inspector Local Handicapped Commission Independent Living Center