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New StreetCITY OF NORTHAMPTON Teri Anderson Economic Development Coordinator City Fall 210 Main Street Room 12 Northampton MA 01060-3199 (413) 587-1249 FAX: (413) 587-1275 May 14, 2001 Robert Petroff, Administrator SunBridge Care & Rehabilitation for Northampton 548 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Petroff''. The DPW has determined that the road bisecting your property is a private way called. New Street. New Street is not a public way and the City has no claim for public access over. it. The City would not object to closing off public access to the street. The DPW has very little . documentation in their files regarding New Street. It appears that the street was created prior to subdivision regulation in Northampton. Enclosed are copies of deeds and plans obtained by the DPW, mostly from the Registry of Deeds. The deeds clearly give you rights of access across and along New Street, but ownership of the way and rights of access by other abutting lots is unclear. You may want to give the enclosed documentation to your attorney for further investigation. It may be possible to obtain agreements from the other abutting owners to relinquish any rights of access or to limit public access and maintain access for abutting properties only. I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if there is anything else we can do to help. Sincerely, Teri Anderson, Economic Development Coordinator Encs. DX., 990022915OR 15760/D2 09109119991414 J (Northampton, MA) All those certain parcels ar tracts of land with the buildings thereon situated off Elm; Street on Federal Street and New Street in the Town of Northampton', Hampshire County, Massachusetts, more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1. Beginning at an iron pin on said Easterly side of Federal Street, it being at the . Southwesterly corner of land formerly ofj. S. Poquette, now of Pioneer Valley Broadcasting Co., inc., thence running Northeasterly along land of said Pioneer Valley Broadcasting Co., Inc. five hundred fifty-seven (557) feet, more or less, to land of Carl Collis et ux, formerly of one MacGregor, thence running Northwesterly along said Collis land and land of Ann Coughlin, formerly of one Howard D. Harper et ux, one hundred twenty (120) feet to a way known as New Street, thence running Southwesterly along said New Street, four hundred fifty- four and forty-five one-hundredths (454.45) feet more or less to a highway bound on said federal Street, thence running Southeasterly one hundred fifty-two and four tenths (152.4) feet, more or less, along said Federal Street to the iron pin at the place of -beginning. TRACT 2. That tract of land situated on the Westerly side of said New Street, referred to in Tract 1 above, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at an iron pin on said Westerly side of said New Street, which iron pin is situated at the Northeasterly corner of land of one Kenneth Snape, formerly of Tom McCool and Stanley Niedal, and which point is one hundred three and one-tenth (103.1) feet Northeasterly of a highway bound at the inters€ ction.of said New Street with the Easterly side of Federal Street, thence running Northeasterly along said New Street; three hundred. (300) feet, more or less, to land -of Robert Korytaski, formerly of Charles C. Morse et uk, thence running Northwesterly along said Korytaski land and land of said Morse, one hundred forty (140) feet to land of Armand Bouchard, formerly of Lester G. Damon et ax, thence running Southwesterly along said Bouchard land and land of Robert Scarles et ux, two hundred seventy-five (275) feet, more or less, to said Federal Street, ilience running Southeasterly along said Federal Street, thirty-seven and five-tenths (37.5) feet to said Snape land, formerly of said McCool and Niedai, thence running Southeasterly along said Snape land, one hundred twelve (112) feet to said New Street and the point of beginning. Y745135vi -Quitclaim Dad - Northampton. MA.wpd AI'l"ESs BAMPS8I8E,cJG°ruu 1tEGISTE>t HARIAM ' L. DONOM \ ---~vsp' 1 s,N~ I l,{,. I0 z C6 P D ftP ti Ai, p5 MAS.ACHU.CTTS WARRANTY OECD INOIVIOUAL (LONG FOHM) .7Z KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That we, Secondino Zuccone and Mary A. Zuccone, also known as May A. Zuccone, husband and wife, both l of Northampton, 1. ! Hampshire County, Massachusetts for consideration paid, and in full consideration of FIFTEEN THOUSAND (15, 000) DOLLARS t grantr•to Charles I. Kramer of 17251 N. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan, - with nlttrrunit3 rIIUrnnnfs . :I - . Those two tracts of (Description and encumbrance,, if any) ' ].and situated on the Easterly side of Federal Street, Bay State, in Northampton, County of Hampshire, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and i- • described as..follows: TRACT I: Beginning at an iron pin on said Easterly side of Federal Street, it being ! at the Southwesterly corner of land .formerl.y of J. S. Paquette, now of Pioneer Valley Broadcasting Co. Inc.; thence running Northeasterly along land of said Pioneer Valley Broadcasting Co. Inc., five hundred fifty-seven (557) feet, more or less, to land of Carl Collis at ux, formerly of one MacGregor,- thence running Northwesterly along said i Collis land and land of Ann Coughlin, formerly, of one Howard D. Harper at ux, one hundred twenty (120) feet to a Way known as New Street,,; thence running Southwesterly along said New Street, four hundred fifty-four and forty-five one-hundredths (454.45) feet, more or less, to a highway bound on said Federal Street; thence running South- easterly one hundred fifty-two and four-tenths (152.4) feet, more or less, along said Federal Street to the iron pin at the place of beginning. TRACT 2: That tract of land-situated on the-Westerly side of said New Street, referred to in Tract N1 above, bounded and described as' follows: Beginning at an iron'p'in on said Westerly side of said New Street,, which' iron pin is ;I situated at the Northeasterly corner of land of one Kenneth.Snape, formerly of Tom McCool and Stanley Niedal, and which point is one hundred three and one-tenth (103.1) feet Northeasterly of a highway bound at the intersection of said New Street with the- -Easterly side of Federal Street; thence running Northeasterly along said New Street, ~I! three, hundred (300) feet, more or less, to land of Robert Korytoski, formerly of .l, U Chai:les C. Morse at ux; thence running Northwesterly along said Korytoski land and 3• ji .land of said Morse, one hundred forty (140) feet to land of Armand Bouchard, formerly 'of Lester G. Damon at ux; thence •running Southwesterly 'along said Bouchard land and land of* Robert Searles et-ux,'two' hundred seven ' ty-five (275) feet, more or less, to ir said Federal Street; thence running Southeasterly along said Federar.Street, thirty- seven and five-tenths (37,5) feet to said Snape land, formerly of said McCool and Niedal; e'~, (•Individual-Joint Temants--Tenant. in Common-Tenants by the Eatirety.) CHAPTER 183 SEC 6 AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 497 OF 1969 ' i area of deed apztsen off ~record W. the ~LU or love endorsed upon it the full comp xaida- and par oir. addx,a of. S.. cod • lI thereof in do!laa or the a== of dre od> mafldmrion tbm&r, if noc ddiveaed for a specific monetary Brim. The fuii consideration shall mean the torsi price for the conveyance .vitban deduction for nay lien or eacumbranom as this section, sumed by the grantee or remaining thereon, All mch eadorsemetur aed recSnk shall be recorded as parr of the deed. Failure to cnmpiy with nor zff= requixmeans of this section. tl~ Talydrq of nay deed. No xgtsxr of deed. dull ampc a deed for recording colas is is in compliao2 Frith the r ml: wKY /S9a - 385 thence running Southeasterly along said Snape land, one hundred twelve (112) feet to said New Street and the point of beginning,: Together with a right of way for all purposes along and from the two -tracts above .described, across and along said New Street from said Federal Street to Elm Street, with all rights of access, egress and.atgress. ' Being a portion of those.premises described in deed of Leo'P. Stramese et ux to Secondino Zuccone and Mary A. Zuccone, also known as May A. Zuccone-, dated March 30, 1 1965, recorded with Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 1459, Page 168. . w Cg31X+0N.1YF1.i.TT! OF NtSSI:CFiF-;:TTS~ ' Xci ST-1 CC 4 2 G_= ry ' -husband ef••ssid~raxter, tclease~•to-saicl-grantcesli_cigbks-oE'~~~~~1~xxncsc-andothu.interesLs.tberein. 31 itwila..»our.... hands and seal a this .......»first day oof........... Mareh 19 71. . ......c.,. » . UTIlr Ga msntwarz affil of Maa attclptscrtn Hampshire, ss, March 1, .1971 Then personally appeared the above named Secondino Zuccone and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed ore me NW ' ' COscar Grife) NotalyPubtio-- >he£swmc i January 4 74 ` My mmmitaim ecpita.~._..._. ,.....d} _ . March 1,1971 at 2 O'clock and 32 minutes Y:M.lteeld,Zat'd and. Exam'd. ~y> f:r.-: S 1 f~ ;A ~ Js , 6 ~i I y-<q - I LI 8 l89'y KNOW ALT, MM. BY THESE PRESENTS Mat trey Leo P. Stramese and May A. Zuccone of Northampton, Hampshire ,y gq. tyx, ssschuse for consideration paid, grant to Secondino Zuceoae and Mary A Zug husband and wife, and to the survivor of them as tenants by the entirety of Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts with ~quitrlsirn tanrnatrla the land in said Northampton more particularly bounded and described as follows: (Daaiptim -d waunb-ccc, if tny) Tract 1. All nor might, title and interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of lanat Tie cox>Ier of Elm Street and Federal Street in Northampton being the form- er homestead of M. a F. Leonard, late of Northampton, and described as containing five and three-tenths (5.3) acres, more or less, in the deed from Annie Howarth to Leo P. Stramese and Secondino Zuecone dated November 22, 1939, recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 596 Page 457, and specifically e~ccluding fran this conveyance any portion or porta~s Hof said tract of land previously conveyed by us or any former owner. Tract 2. All our right, title and interest in and to a certain tract or parcel. of land an Northamptoa, Massachusetts, consisting of the property known as the '?Sydney Strong Sub-Division", specifically excluding from this conveyance Lot 4-10 and any other parcel or parcels of land in said "Sydney Strong Sub-Divlsica" previously conveyed by us or by any other former owner, meaning and intending hereby to convey, and hereby conveying, the real estate devised to Leonard L. Belding by will of Harry R. Leonard, late of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, filed in the Hamps Lire County Registry of Probate and which real estate coatains, according to "Plan of Land in Bay State, Northampton, Massachusettsy belonging to-estate of Harry R. Leonard" dated October 18, 1939, approximately six and six-tenths (6.6) acres more or less including the lots and avenues as laid out on said plan. See Hampshire Registry of Deeds Book 946, Page 460. This conveyance is made subject to such rights, privileges, easements and encumbrances as affect the real estate shown on the plan mentioned, and to the taxes assessed upon the premises for 1964 and 1965. z} l~ Iy Nonie F. Stramese, wife of said grantor, Leo P. Stramese3 and I, Secondino Zuccone, h ~ of said grantor, May A. Zuccone' release to said grantee all rights of dow and the'M e d and other interests therein. ~fInras....GU;.. hands and seal this .......th7,zZL* of......... UarQh......... _19•fla- Mpt Iawitutmmmslt$ of n e - - - Hampshire ss. March 31, 1965 Then personally appeared the above named Leo P. Straaese ad acknowledged the foregoing instrument to. be his free act and deed, before me W Cost ONWULTHOfM;~S'-jtS£"!5 J H Finn YrY -Jwt;x ithePaco 2 Ml '~sioa apices' May 11, 19~ CL 1 Mar. 31, 965, at 2 O'clock & 52 +~i P,M. - 10 O _ Rec ' d, Ent? d & Examt d. Individu4-Joint 'ra=ts-Tmtnts in Common-Teasnts by the Eadmy.) ,i?e.;:11~1un1li~~.u 11s~xi~...uL1u1 ~ ua....:u...,7?..V.~,~SZ,octti:ci~.,..._:1w1a.,u .:.a:`.a4a:.~~L ~~1us..1>~•tiui4.~rPa.:xle..vti,..i~_.~.: .n l..a,_...i., IL ~V~..t31`.1u1,L.:;~...,.P..w,eu_o ..vahil:.:.w 5 -..u:.:.eta..:.a1~w~a.;.~w:.lua~.kaa,..u~.~a..,~vu:~~: y.. i°•7 all tbit Charles Kromer, of 17251 N. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan in o3nsrde6ttiOn of $18, 000. 00 paid by Pioneer Valley Nursing Home 44argertson, its Sole General Part , Limited pa rt ner of 1550 Soldiers F eslhdl Road, ing heroin by Walter A the nxei ^ , v Brighton, Massachusetts. Ix whai'e°f is hereby zdmowtedge . do here ' the said Pioneer Valley Nursing b9 give, Honre ,Limited part ,,.h Sall snd caavq ~o esahip ~•a hos4two tnactY Coun of land situated On the TRACT 1 f Hampshire, and The commonweal Easterly side of Federal S westerly Beginning at an Fron of Massachuset}s b tnee}, Bay State, NorthonVt Y comer of land fo p1q on said Easterly side of F ounded and , thence runnin utterly of 1. S p ederal Street described as on folio" . Hhy-seven g Northeasterly along land of sa Ppon Har °f pioneer Val ley B~cng at the Sovtfr. (557) feet, more or less, to land o eer Vclle astin9 Co., Inc., running t u WeS'rerly along said C Carl Collis et XB~c~ing Co. inc. five hundred per et ux, one hundred twee ollis land f and land of Ann ' formerly of one MacGro westerly along said hundred ty q20) feet to a Coughlin, 'forinerlY °f one Howa owa thence feet more or New Street, four hund way known as N rd p~ B less to a highway bound red H~four and Fort), ew Street, thence n Y-two and four tenths (152 on said Federal St tTve one-hundred} re ning South- ::.:place of beginning. .4) fee}. more or less, Street, " ence.running.South (45445) along said Federal street to th; easterly one hundred TRACT 2, That tract of land ' iron Pin at the ^ ituatod on the above, bounded and describec/ Westerly side of sold New as follow . Beginnin Street, referred to In Tract 1. , the Ncrth g °n iron ',I on said vaster! Westerl Y comer of land of one Y side of said New S and which point is one, hundred }h Kenneth Sn tneet' wgick iJ n Alri is sJ 1 at the interne Me and one-tenth~~ formeflY of Tom. McCool and Stanley at o ' coon f sold New street with the 003.1) f le Northeasterly along said New St Easterly side e et Northeasterly of a highwa bound Niedal, Formerly of Charles fit, three hundred X00) feet Federal Street, thence rennin ound loud and land of said C ory} • Morse et ux., thence ' Moro or less, to land of R g Lester G. Damon at ux Morse, one hund y (►40 fe running Northwesterly loe ! Searles et ux two hundred seven runninty- five Southweste Iy al et to land of ArmarrtBouch Kory}os(ct on g vaster! al (2 ) feet 9 said Bouchard land formerly of Snnape land, formerly along saki Federal Streetthin` more or less' to said Federal nd land of Robert land, one h Y of said McCool and Y seven-and five`t Fe Street, thence- 40 c.: undyed twelve (i 12) feet to Niedal,thence rennin X7.5) feet to saFd o9ether wit a rF said New Street and the point of easterly said Sri" g tofw across and along said New Street for all Purposes aloe "A"- f k beginning. .egress and ingress. from sold Federal t 9 and from the t~vo-}ro *cu+ax ~,t.~ reet to Mm Street, with all rig described, J' snw wnarr~vy r• Being b portion of those` `s"'P~rae~r„rsearxvr i ; 9 is of access, t and Mary A. Zuccone, also knowr es described in deed Of Leo P Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in BMay A' Zuccone, dated Ma eh a et ux to Secoin i Book A1459, page 168. , 1945 recorded In For title, see d Zuccone, to Charles.!, Kran7~ dated SecondFno Zuccane and Mary = r jcc cou ntY Registry of Deeds in Book 1590.March 1, 1971corded one, also known as M Pa recorded ge 384 • and h I f Marc, 1971, i oY A. 1.. In Hampshire J f A*j 1C /j Z I Ici X90022915 OR !5160/0249 08/09/199914,,14 Exhibit A (Northampton, MA) All those certain parcels or tracts of land with the buildings thereon situated off Elm Street on Federal Street and New Street in the Town of Northampton, Hampshire County; Massachusetts, more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1. Beginning at an iron pin on said Easterly side of Federal Street,'it being at the Southwesterly corner of land formerly of J. S. Poquette,, now of Pioneer Valley Broadcasting Co., Inc., thence running Northeasterly along land of said Pioneer Valley Broadcasting Co., Inc. five hundred fifty-seven (557) feet, more or less, to land of Carl Collis et ux, formerly of one MacGregor, thence running Northwesterly along said Collis land and land of Ann Coughlin, formerly of one Howard D. -Harper et ux, one hundred twenty (120) feet to a way known as New Street, thence running Southwesterly along said New Street, four hundred fifty- four and forty-five one-hundredths (454.45) feet more or less to a highway bound on said Federal Street, thence running Southeasterly one hundred fifty-two and four tenths (152.4) feet, more or less, along said Federal Street to the iron pin at the place of beginning. TRACT 2. That tract of land situated on the Westerly side of said New Street, referred to in Tract 1 above, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin on said Westerly side of said New Street, which iron pin is situated at the Northeasterly corner of'land of one Kenneth Snape, formerly of Tom McCool and Stanley Medal, and which point is one hundred three and one-tenth (103.1) feet Northeasterly of a'highway bound at the intersection of said New Street with the Easterly side of Federal Street, thence running Northeasterly along said New. Street, three hundred (300) feet, more or less, to land of Robert Korytaski, formerly of Charles C. Morse et ux, thence running Northwesterly along said Korytaski land and land of said Morse, one hundred forty (140) feet to land of Armand Bouchard, formerly of Lester G. Damon et ux, thence running Southwesterly along said Bouchard land and land of Robert Searles et ux, two hundred seventy-five (275) feet, more or less, to said Federal Street, thence running Southeasterly along said Federal Street, thirty-seven and five-tenths (37.5) feet to said Snape land, formerly of said McCool and Niedal, thence running Southeasterly along said Snape land, one hundred twelve (112) feet to said New Street and the point of beginning. Y745135v1 Quitclaim Deed - Northampton. MA.wpd `dR7,'ESTs g~58I8E, dA~evx .c i~,itEGIS~Et X R7dU' L, DONOHtM 1J' . F, F&- MC r AJLGV r/uA.ILLA- vHL-L( 7, IAJ(,. SSE. Be Z Z P~ IZ9 { } THIS PLAN AND w.:..,_m,.... SURVEY CONFORMS TO- THE-TECHNICAL PLAN OF EA5EMEXTS AND PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING FOR SANITARY SE1fiIE IN THE COMMONWEALTH' OF PREPARED FOR THE iASSACHUSETTS . CITY OF NORTHA .1 THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE RULES AND RI=ULA7IONS OF THE RE '[S- T RS OF DEEDS OF THE . ri d Q`h la 1 1 ai s a .v dCW CC eb,07 e.' AJ. z o 7z5 > Oe c~9i~ y 7~ S~co~,9;rc ,w1. G J ~ uc'co/7e . 0a Lo 's Sq. fl .o d 8700 -LIN d 1iI . 4,ar;ct~r k ApPRt?Ygt NUT ~ R~QtJd~60 • •s:au,an, nu,a..~- m_,. _,a;~_a..v, ey_usss.a,.,~a_n,v,m ate„ a._:uv..a<} 4rwe„_,e,:,,:aa,.uua.,WV.a,_~~aa,>u,un.r,< - .,,m.u,,.cc.,.,..,.~,_4 ~u,,,_,_.,:,<,<,..,.~.,~,.,,,,.,.,:,_.~_u,._.,.~. w.,...,:,.,,.~:,_.,...,.w..u,,,..ti,..,.,.<,. ,.W.~..,...,.~,w.".wW.. W..,,.,_,.,...W...,_...,.,_....w....~W..w_-.,...,..-..-W..._....~.....__.. .,~•ye._,ua,all:.w~sLa<s.<uu~~.,.ti.,.v<r.i.m.e~:~:.~.:<v_W.~.t._.s_~+,_/~ ~ 0 D`a wn E,~7c A~.~i/mss Q ~ q v~ v a~ 1 ~ Phr '4 S d~ G' /f 1®)4 7 7+67 O z ii57, 70 a 9 ~r• t 103, 4:~ 5 k J. np;ct~r -C APPROVAL N 0 T ro,k REQUI&E-D 0 C" t' ' g I ~l ' u,,, , ~R. iecr, 7C--l