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Green St parkinga April 5' 2 007 ~a act ~r~eac~ Upon the recommendation of the Planning Board WHEREAS, The construction of Ford Hall, the new molecular science and engineering building at Smith College, will displace 11 on-street parking spaces on Belmont Avenue; and WHEREAS, Smith College offered to provide an easement for 11 public parking spaces in a Smith College parking lot on Green Street during the construction of Ford Hall and an easement for 11 public parking spaces in a Smith College parking lot on West Street after Ford Hall is completed; and WHEREAS, The Planning Board required this easement as a condition of the Site Plan approval they issued for Ford Hall; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED The City. Council hereby authorizes the City of Northampton, acting through its Mayor, to accept said temporary parking easement and permanent parking easements. In City Council, April 19, 2007 Rules suspended, passed two readings; and enrolled. Attest J, Clerk of Council Approved: Michael Bardsley, Acting Mayor/Council President A true copy. Attest:, , Cleric of Council. r HAMPSIRRE REG1STRYOFDEEDS Book Page Date 7 Time TEMPORARY EASEMENT Rnow 011r Perm% ~Bp TI)COC pre0ento THAT THE TRUSTEES OF THE SMITH COLLEGE, a not for profit corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and having its usual place of business at College Hall, Northampton, Massachusetts, 01063 (Grantor), for consideration paid and in full consideration of $1.00, Grants to the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing. under the laws of said Commonwealth, and having its usual place of business at 210 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 (Grantee), A right of way and easement to and upon the property of the Grantor known as the "Green Street Lot" shown on the sketch plan attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein, for the purpose of installing, maintaining, managing and using the eleven (11) parking meters and eleven (11) marked parking spaces as public parking spaces. The Grantor shall prepare and maintain the spaces, including snow plowing and snow removal consistent with the City's maintenance and snow removal standards for its own lots, and hold the City harmless from any cost, loss or expense from the Grantor's obligations under this Agreement. This easement shall be released by recording a new Easement Deed for eleven (11) parking spaces off West Street after construction of those spaces and approval by the Mayor of the plan for those spaces. That easement shall provide for future relocation of those spaces upon approval of the Northampton Planning Board in accord with the October 5, 2005 Site Plan Decision. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said THE TRUSTEES OF THE SMITH COLLEGE has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, acknowledged, and delivered in its name and behalf by Carol T. Christ, its President and Ruth H. Constantine, its Treasurer, hereto. duly authorized, this day of April in the year two thousand and seven. Signed and Sealed in THE TRUSTEES OF THE SMITH COLLEGE the presence of. By: Carol T. Christ, President ~UA i By: Ruth H. Constantine, Treasurer COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS. On this 9A day of April 2007, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Carol T. Christ, President of The Trustees of The Smith College, a corporation, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was my personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. „ru,rr,r. ,k0.LL11 y ••..M..... G✓R,,,f~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: ,''1'brq RY P He COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS. On this I* day of April 2007, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally. appeared Ruth H. Constantine, Treasurer and Vice President for Finance and Administration of The Trustees of The Smith College, a corporation, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was my personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. „umrrrpN 22 Notary Public avl N My Commission Expires: 1'~»{rlti 2c f2 2 COO~y ro4l L r ( ) _ Etheredge t Steuer, P.C. r•._ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 64 GOTHIC STREET r' i NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUS 1USA106'.. 4". PAX (413) 585-8406 EDWARD D. ETHE-REDGE (413) 584-1600 ,",(I SI-IELLEY STEUER' / 414? 'Also Admitted in New York and California ` St f o ' May 23 2007 Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner .City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Amended Site Plan Decision 100 Green Street Acceptance of Easement Dear Tony: YW SIA _t\he I enclose copies of the City Council Vote accepting the Ted{>>or ,Greexi Sst~ree M Amended to DIOT ~islonwh'chwera > ecorded this day in the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 5 a -e e, and fr 9 55 Pa ek respectively. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Very truly yours, dward D. Eth edge EDE/dmo Enc. cc: Wayne Feiden John Robinson Ruth Constantine