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Birch Hill Rd. and Heritage Hill Subdivision ~ v 0 0 O~ 0 p 5. D 1 v 0 0 5. 3 p ~ o 0 ~ 0 0 8 to ~ . ~ 0 0 o0 . o Z NOTE: 115.00' ~1833f'55"E o~ p, o 1 1 to n ~ ~•ct ~5 W OFFSETS TO BOLDING 30.00 X05 00' ~o~ r ~ ENVELOPES SHOWN ON d ..a,._ _ _ _ ~ THIS PLAN ARE AT : N °p _ T I 1 e;O Igo RIGHT (90°) ANGLES 4= V ~ TO THE PROPERTY LINE. .~h p~ 1 ~ry ~~0 ~ 9 ~ j 6 / tT N8~ ~~7"ry ~ E t a ~ s _ it a S i T r i K~ ~ 1 i 'S'ri ~ 't ~ - - r l~ i boo ~ 1 a ~ ~.s ~ekt ~ ens~on> ~ I r ~ } l r i G J / ( 1 "s i F ~o ~610g. oo.s~ l t. 0 .-o / o ~ ~ 3 ~h~ 1~p ~o,~h ~ / t ' r 'f y 2~ o Y ~s~ ~ ~ ~ lr ~ - _ - ~t ~ s ~ ~ _ _ ~ ! + ~ . .G~ / i 0 . . - f 0 ~ • • V ~ ~ 4 v ~ u ~ ~ #a:.~ . ` . ~ O F. 0 '0 to 1 r ~ s 0 6 _ 1 ~ 1 ~ 30 3- ~ J. ~ ~ f} 4 . , •~r 9 6 . 7 ` -ty. ~c ~ ! . ~ ~ , 4 p ~ 9 •7 6 s . , ~ ' 0 2 o. ~ ~ _'j- Q. c ~ - v~ , s~ -~a r - # ~ , ' . ~a 0 0 0. ' .:s y~'.r ' .k r - x~ . 4 8 ~ _ ;F .yF 6p ~ ~ ~.f ~ .C-.-. . ~ -fit , ~ }xy~ NOTE. ~ r . TH IS PLAN SH 0 ~ 8 N QlJ SAN D D FF F OR BUI ING N A LL + r LO T Y T LA U Dry 5 . - w;~ _ i ~ c , Y 'l > ~E ~ t- y - y ~ a - f` ..1. ~e 't t ~1 a`S r• . qy, ~ t~ x ~ ~ . ~ - --yy , . 1 . _ '.f, t... ~y.,.,,: ; ..y. '~1, ~ ti ri~ , ....~c~Fr,.~... .ti 1, ~ ;ti.~•.2.r, ..tP?f.: S: e . c . Y•.;- t _ +1't ~ ~-ct - j r.~ i f 3 ~A 1~ 2 O/ q DMH ~4 ti DMH #3 0,~ RIM 277.18 4 INV. IN 272.68 RIM 282.26 INV. IN 177.37 INV. OUT 272.69 F INV. IN 277.46 DMH ~ ti p INV. IN 277.39 ~ RIM 282. INV. OUT 277.56 RIM 274.69 Ems- E INV. IN 270.02 I~ N F E- ti ~ 1 w- 5 W W~ E ,INV. OUT 270.06 ~ DETURCK A 2502 268 p N BOX N C' CTRIC TRANSFORMER 0 ELE 0 s- 0, i - ti '9 OMH #2 ~ ~ - - RIM 289.09 ~ S k y w - ~ j - ~ t DMH 1 (E) INV. IN 284.19 X S # RIM 297.44 INV. OUT 284.21 G 'f^- L 4' GAS LINE INV. IN 292.17 INDICATES ELECTRIC LINE INV. OUT 292.17 SMH U (TELEPHONE & CAN RIM 282.12 E E INV. IN 273.01 ~1 FOLLOW THIS LINE - TAKEN FROM MASS. ELEC. E INV. OUT 272.9 ~ t - _ CO. PLAN) ~ G pp o O O E 2k - _ z= G ~ W CB 2 i - G INDICATES GAS MAIN ~ 0+00 m o + RIM 282.51 L r ~ w ~ cG w O + 2 ; ~ a 2 1 E i -w INDICATES WATER MAIN E~ ~ #3 U SMH #1 (E) RIM 289.07 ~ f ~ ~ . RIM 297.48 INV. IN 274.85 ~ ® INDICATES DRAIN MANHOLE INV. OUT 288.96 • INV. OUT 274.79 W a i SMH #2 ❑ INDICATES CATCH BASIN RIM 296.27 yr rs INV. IN 285.71 9 INV. OUT 285.45 - i - Ls s V INDICATES HYDRANT co ~ N t _ _ ~ r '~T~ Q6 INDICATES WATER GATE ~ + o ROAD STATIONS ARE LABELED PAR LELL TO CENTERLINE AT 100' INCREME ov o I~ I ~ ~ ~ { Q f t 1 L.. ~ pQ INDICATES GAS GATE ~cD Q~ T P RP N I R T PIPE LINE AT • rn ~ DRAIN & SEWER S ATIONS ARE LA ELED E E D CULA 0 F- 0) ~ (n N • ~ ~ r U1 N 00 N N c0 N 1 1 _ 1!- ~ ~ N ~ + (0 ~ II cv II W II Orn~~ w II N~oO > II E... Q N Y ~ ~ 'i 3 z > W ~ F- ~ ~W JZ (I N ~ 9~_ • ~ s~ a J~ W-O U1 II WO _ > II ~ F 3 ~i R ~-ZZ ~ 0~.-- W?O • • ~ r i E FILED ON INDEX CARDS AT d: ? fON WATER DEPARTMENT ~-ZZ . (n~_- 0~ 0) . • 0~ O Q . .OO ~ O~• ~ s Y-..-. . ~f~ N ♦ Gf rn . .N GODO~ NGO~~ . Q ~ N Q a0 N . s ~ e i sZ •HIIN H-II~ M .tn ~ N N~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ l _ • . .N,~ ~ NW• ~pN ~ • 4 - • J?O J?O+NrcOrn~ • W. M • _ = 00 f ,HISFLFD U" CUT ON ~ » ~ » N f~ f~ l~ r Q N i. .~~ZZ p ZZ~ I~f~l~. II NNN ~ N al - .r- . > II II III NjN S IA- . r~ W ~ r- r- 00 • . JZZZp+N ~ W- _ L • MGOON 8 l2+ ~ ~ Q N coq R o~zzzz ~ ~ • Y CP II N k~ • N II ~ . >II~ N. ~ W ~ t0 ~ • JZO c0 01 285 W......... co . + ~ ~ . _ . O ~ ~ ~ c~ nj. • ~ > > c0 n• i ~-ZZ +I~fJ N.Nr ~D:-- tt'f~cQ~ Q rN N apc° ~ II' N ii . Q ~ N to II II N j• II ~ s L c~ II W' ~ > > II Z ~ _ O ~ 2 ~ W l~! ~ , ` ~ _ ~ Q t} R J ZO ~ ('p _ p = i ~ W > > 280 z o ,z z..... . ~ ~_zZ 1 ~ • 1. • i ~ ~ ~ > > ~ ~ > > ~ ~ ? ? ? NOTE: RIMS & INVERTS AS SHOWN ARE ~~zz ~~zz ~ » AS AS BUILT" ELEVATIONS 1 ~2~ 275 R spy c i i2" ~Cp _ ~r - 270 _ - ~ - M1 - - f 1 8 p 1 - _ ~ - ~ J p:. .,s .'fit '-~p+ v J. 1~ r ~ r R ~ ~ ~ _ ~ r - ~ ~ ~ _ a ~ - _ - x' 265 ~ _ _ 4y y~► i : •v A ~1 i 4444,//ra4 1 L~ ti~ - 40 80 120 160 z ~ _ - ~ J ~i Q W J ~ ~ ~ i o a 260 Q ~ w ~ 1~ ~ _~1T {L c~ ° i OF BIRCH HILL ROAD Q ~ _J ~ ~ _ FOR m N )NSTRU TION CORP. ~ Z Q li T _ l DATUM! EI,EV 1. 255. DO ,f .Z 00 ~ ~ O ~ o ~ ~ QO O n N ~ r n ~ ~ tD ~ i.~J f. - ~ ~ N ~ r- O N ~ to ~ ~ ~ N r ~ n ~ + ~ m f~ r t0 aD ~ j d N N ~ ~ tD ~ fV O ~ ~ (D ~ a i`~' w A rn ~ a0 aD m ~ r n r ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N N ~ N N N N N N N N N N N - _ ~ - * i T - - ■ _ 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 r ROAD STATIONS _ VERTICA CA 1" = 4' L S LE ' A i~ ~ _ - - ~ = - ~ ti ,L~ Imo- ~ . F i ,x ~ ~ ~ f i , . - . . . ~x , ~ . '=r.. ;A~ ~ ~ r ~=:=sue . i Fv ro -t '~o 9~ . o~y O ,7,j~ G ~~~o ~ ao. ti`' ?F~~ /~j `fO2~,p D = 39'23'52' p~ ~2 ~f' - R 170.00'. ~ 6~' `S' ~ eB L = 116.90' C = 114.61' ~ ~ \ B0. X12 s~~s, C8 = S63 01'31 "E L a mi a a a .arlar• r v%#- r%rn F i ti~ s~ o "~T `Yh ~~~°oo yv. Aso y~ *Q '`ti O ,lam F , r- s ~ y9 ~ k la~o 5 y~ ~6 ate- r 6 0.~, 6 2 BD. ~f11 ~ L = 16.90' 1 i 6 ~ rum- Rh~ O, po• 5 y8 Opgg 6 MILL ~ T BD.~10 TO BD.~it ~S6~s, L ~3 '1'~~ D = 39'23'52' 8p ,/'10 ~ ~ ~y R = 230.00' _ ~ ~i~ `9~ L = 758.15' ~ Oo o s' C = 155.06' •o z t~ - ~ ~ CB = N63'01'31 "W u i ~ ~ ~a 1 S e2 . . ` v O `ass o BD.~9 To 80.x'10 _ a i a O = 12973'52' Q R 137.04' r ~ L 309.49' N tides 4 ~ C 247.79' p Z CB = N631D1'31'W°a ~ N $ ~~54 E ~ o ~ ` - va J o _ 87.62 ~ i~ i z ~ r~ :.1H~S ~~Y A o ~ ~ PT. X13 TO BD.~10 Ud - _ !~N ~fTN T A+f ~ g PT. X13 1 ~~I~L~IL S AND F - ~ w ~`L ~ D = 100 37'34' ~ ~ NAND ~CJR 72 - ~ y ~~o L = 240.68. S ~?bss;~ _ / PT. ~t14 . ~~f~~~ QF CIA, a Qo• t C8 N32'24'40"W v 114E 10 o~ A ✓.p3 2 BD. ~9 ~ v 5 ~ 628.6 ~w s.' ~ HiN~: BQ~RD NOT R PLAN 20 RD NOT REQUIRED b3 ~ 5 a ~ ~ ~ll~lViSi(MI ~ ~ ~ 64 1VISiON CONTROL ~O,y t 28• - ~ -LAW, 6 -APPROVAL s i 91441 ~ NOT z r R6Q~IIR!<D - = = r C ~J~~. v . y ~ SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR y4° CONTINUATION OF ROAD ~ 6 6 . ACCEPTANCE PLAN ~ Bo. FOR PIONEER KNOLLS l . ~tiO 3 - SCA t a_. t - 'a- a~Y . H AMPSHlF~ ~~lY , T ~ S - " ~l~I~ rte/ L~ j~ _ _ . . • . a i zmss. No. Descx tiot~ Date t~edced 8 ~ - . Y. Vl f N . RE - , ; P y h r . a. - } ~ _ i j 4.~<~i a ~ .s.>.r. z 1. ~s3 ~.-.~i ~k: A..... - _ •--r - - - - _,.~A a._-_ ~ __I l ? ~ ~ ! J.. t, fi` k DEFINITIVE SU IVISION LAN er a e i ~ t L ~ ~ HEAITA E H LL NQRTHAM~TON MA Digitizetl CheckeA l I I t Prepared for : Pr pared by Hathaway Construction Corp. The Ber North Road ~ 4 Allen r _ ■ S t _ t. Westhampton ~ Northa R.F.D. Northampton, MA Pharme y ~ 39 Mt. _ ~w - - - = ~ - ~ - - -j = i Holyoke r L~f { li ~ Z t 1 1 _ - t -t ~ 7 I a ~ 0~~9 L r ~ n 1 r ■ ~ f 1 i ■ i - - t ~ _ i s Y~ t ~ i, t 11a~ - .1 _ - Tr t i 9 i \ ' /i / s~= F A i 1 1 } 4 5 ~ ~~5. ! g a ?s 2 ~o ~ ` ~ . 1/ t, ~ / . i ~ , 1 i ~ / 10 ~ ~ I~ 6 3 .;r; ~7' . T - ~ 4 • N a 8 ~ i • 5 T~~ T J 6 Area Detention y. G ~ i ;$i a .1 - e - . i 3 _ Z 4 Y-' _ "r~ i F. T, a = . 5'~~4 60 ' I 5-~ ~0 i ~ t R~ADWgY ~OrH / p•C. +p4.6p ~ i ~2, / \U~, Pt Hp~SE. i / - \ ~ 4,cS0 ,~c,~' GONN~G~~N o ~ ~ , ~ SE.`t~R 29~ ~49 ~ 2.0% Z SEWER CON"JECTION AT HOUSE ~ l ~ - INS. 291.~~ i ~ , < ~ • c ~Q. PSS ~ ~ ASSUME 80 ®209 I \ ~ ~0 ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~~~o R"oo ~ ~ p r Q a~ ~ ~ `99 r e r~ ~ m / ~ ~ ~ 4X2X2 TEE S'{~~y ~ 144.39 a ~ ' ~ . ~ N ~ ~ ~ HOUSE # SIGN m. ~ ~ k p v~ cD \ \\T Xg S `~xs 6" SEWER LINE ~ - NO cD / ~tP '~oT~ ~ Hr R!TA.GE LANE RIGHT TEE k ~ ~ R ^ ~ ~ SEWER CONNECTION A,T HOUCE ~ ~ ~E = ' ~s ~ O ~ ~ i , _ ~ -1 ~ / ~ ~ \~X~Q % ~ Q ~ ~~j SEWER CONNECTION AT HOUSE II`J J. - 290.34 ~ k ~ i ~ p \ ~ o ,a ~ ~ INV. = 292.09 ASSUME 220' ~ 2.09: - c3~ ~ ~ ASSUME 70 ~ 2.~% ~ ~ ~ i'/ x ~ i X o ~ ~ 4^ pVC SEvJER SERVICE \ ~1 % ~ 2, o ~ ~ PVC WATER 6 PVC SEWER .-I~~~F - - ~ ~ ii' ' ~ ~ ; / t ~ / / X,oc /y,~T~ ~ ~ _ T SERVICE ~ ~ % ~ ~ _ ~ ; ~ , 6` ~ ~ ~ . u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k~ ~ F~ i ~ ' -0 ~ ~ / / s ~ 1 ti ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ it , ~ 1 ~j ~ _ r ~Y 1 X ~ rF ~---1 ~ U^ ~ / ~ ~ ~ t~ ~i r ~ i ~ - ' S ~ ` - cn x- - ~ c~ SEWER CONNECTION AT HOUSE 0: , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 WATER MAIN ~ ~ L 1 Q. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INV. = 290.64 ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ASSUME 60 ®2.0~ ~ i , ~ c~ ~ f ` ~ N, ~ _ - a 'i~ ~'i ~ ~ ~ 'S' / ~A~~E ' ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ; i~ , _ _ HERITAGE ~ j / ~ ~ gRAN~t~ ~ 1' R1 T ~ I m STA 0+76.99 RIGHT TEE _ ANNE i i n- _ ~ 0 . ~ ti ~ STA. 1+68 RIGHT BRANCH i P. T ~ ~ m 5 SEWER CONNEC110tJ A' HOUSE _ 5± ~ - o . 04. I, ~ w rJ~~~~ ~ N I 6p SE ER t,0 . ~0 ~ AT H~JUSE~ ARE G VEN z ~ ~ ;MJ. = 290.49 300 • ----1_' ,NVERT tLtvAilO~J~ BASED UPON TH~ ASSUMPTIO rn ASSUME 140' ~ 2.0~ EXISTING GRADE OF LENGTH OF PIPE FROM THE MAIN SEWER LINE T ~ ~ A , THE COMMON DK~VEWAY. THE INVERT SHOULD I rF- ' F I N ~ ~ i 8E ADJ )S , ~D , A D FFERE T LENGTH .S JSED. ~?I ~ -0.49% _ f IN' IC PP XI F ~ I D ATES A RO .MATE LOCATION 0 AS ~ NE - a - ~ ~ F I H GRADE ~ INDICATE APPROXIMATE ! OCAl10N OF ATV CTRIC - _ ~ S ~ ,ELE rn N ~a`OOm~ r~^ ~~~:v.l~ i N ~ N ~ . A. U TE..EPHO E L1N~S. 300 o N II II ~ ~ F- ~ op _ ZZ ~ +ONN . ~ ~ u~ v ° ~I - - ~ EXISTING GRADE z p u SER~/ICE J; ~ Q ~ ~ » > ¢ W ~ > A7ER ERVICE R r a~ Z ~ ,p ~ L ~ \ :\i ~ ~ ~.V . ! 290 ~ . 1 ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ I~ i 0.50% a . ~ . ~ 4 PVC S WER SE VICE 4" VC SE R SERVICE I1 c- ' ~V ~ ' 1 _7 s cD _ + INISH RADE W + +2.0 Q ~ 1 ~ ~ Z o Q ~ o I I F- ~ ~ w cn i ~ ~ ~ Q . 1 r - ) - II J - ~ ~ 290 ~ 2° WA R .LINE _ - ~ c~ ~ z Z I _ - - ~o A.D. - 2.50 ~ N~ to ~ o; K - 40.05 I ~ I 6' PV SEWER o Z i ~~q _ ~ 1~ry ry P JI EL._ ~ - .99.80 ~ o w~ L' l I f II PVI STA - h+ 2J i II z ; Ilj QI 154 L.. AT + .50% ~ DATUM EI.E'V ~ i QiW W r- ~ Q W ~ ~ J . ~ (0 ~ ~IW U ~W ~ ~ w I li 28~.0~ rn tD ~ O = o r~ ~ ao 00 a, f~ o cD n a ~ i V~V -EXISTING GRAuE 00 ~ 1 ~ WSW ~ ~ J'. N N i Opm ~ i~ + U' ~ Q Z N ~ N O~ (~Y O~ ~ AI ~ U~ 4V f ~ ~ ~~t C7 C7 ~ , 300 ~ i Q ~ Z m Q ~ -z _ . 1.02 ~ . ~ ~ v~ 0+00 0+50 1+00 ~ I I ~ ' I i XZ = W ti ~ FINI H GRAD . ~ V DAT M LE - 1 i i i ~ i { ~ Vi i, ~ i I ~ ~ ~ iif I I ~ 1 2 .0 BO 0 rn ~ co rn ~ ~ + of~ cow d0 or- ~nN r7~ stn CO .w I I i i . i i I ~ ~ ^ ~i c~ ~ ~ ri ~ co l(') rn~ rn rn~ rn~ rn~ rn ~ Q I 2 PV ~ l i+- - - ' G wA I ~ R a i i N~ N~ NQ) NO1 N~ N~ N~ ~ f-- N N N N N N N N ~ N ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I C I ! i ~ I ~ I I i ~ i~ i I ' ~ ~ I ~ i I » z 0+00 0+50 1 ♦00 w a r s• O i I ~ ~ i ~ i , ~ ~ LEVEL SPREADER I i / , =00 MC o n ~ AI 1 i ~ w " • O I ~ / ~ SEE GRADING PLAN I ~ .4 % 290 ~ ♦ ~ ~ w i I ~ ~ ~ ~ PV +0 OF DEFINITIVE t r ~ 0~' 6 _ 20 ~ i ; ~ ! _ - SUBDIVISION w o w f, 0 ~i~ r i > i~~l~1 L s . w i ~lM~ _ # 00 o 00 J t - - - ~ PLANS. ~ i ~ < ~ © II RII ~ a _ ~ ~ I _ -~---r ~ i ~ i ~ H; ~ , i i i hwnlint a ~1 ~ • N' ilTt ~ O w ; M U" _ • „ _ ~ r R i I Iop d ppi s= w s = i y~ s~ ~ = r w i o~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ AO a > Q ~ I W , ~ ~ ; . ~ ~ , I i i I ~ I I i ~ I ~ 1 ~ 7 ~ L A t A ~ • Z~ `11111` PiPif w ~ a P O o I ~ ~ ~ i i ~ Or ~f bi(Yglfl O r p ~ O • ~ O ~ t ' ~ i i ~ I F _ ~ i I I z ~iIGH P INT _L JATIOi'~ 29 .50 1114 tl~11~ONCi4 CO11Cfiti • ~ > w ' i 0 w J I T, ~ I _ I ~ INIGH P INT ST , ~or~ ~+3 .05 • 1 t• x ww ~ cn _ , i X Z ~ i I ~ , ! w A ~ !LIlT, !AA!! W li ! I I' I ! 1 ~ i ~ ; 7 Y U C O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~«eATlo« iTA«s . , i ~ V ~ 280 a o I ~ i ~ ! I 0o a 'All I N ~ r- cD rn ~co ~ I~ ~ ~rn oo O o ~ CO o 0 ~ ~ ~t N ~t I N i 0 rn~ co to N N rn ca N~ ~ C ~ o o ; o o o 0 of of ~ ao pp ao oo r; 00 0~ 0 Cn o~ o~ o~ o Cn w~ rn rn~ rn rn~ rn ~ O p ti• tiltto ,'i ~ Z r (YIMIMYM! ' Nj lmhpx N ~ t~~~ ~ r'l ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ Nib N ~ N ~ N ~ N Cn N N N IN N ~N N N N N N N N N Ef1d Oi Si+rtf milin ~.•t: Z 2 ~ ii' MY! : m a Q O r { Lf I • rv! rli1N NN~11 ~ n COOCtKi pith ~ ~A ~ ►vQ tiY1lHM! i _ 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 $+00 8+50 9+QO O !N!A ' ~0 1 m ~ r Noii: . aiinouc ~ ~ d ~ ~ ea~lea~ ~ C QN ~ ind miRili~1 n Biwa mien r s FIG RE 4. Tavaiwat dalwllt~. Fe x 0.3 s 1r b• Xl~atol. U ~ t : 1 i µ J 3 i 1 1 4 1 N _ ~ GUKV ~7fr ' ~ W t s IS r I~Of G ~ PIeO~C~l7 (iA~~ ~ ~I.C~.T. ~ e~` G/~ L - I'~7 5 SLY. ~IoW~I ~.1 NJ k~l°I~OXINhT~ Wk`f K' o-~•a 'SZ• t . Water mains anoes and eenc~e ax~t>~ons shah b8 irti shad be installed in A. of of the Standard J o ` L' I~4.S ' ' with ~ relev t ovtsir~ns ~ SeC1~+ ~0 0~ the Stan conform~t an Y cat~ans and ~e of the Northam ton Water C - ~u~rir~G s~ ~ P ~ . ML- 2 ~aSEMEr+T . 2. Water mans shad have a m~imum cover of ~vve feet ~ ~ five and cx~-half 51 2 feet. NEW N P lk + oo ~ I b 00 3. Water mains shah have a~n~umum c~ameter of .e. _ ■ 4,24~.Gp~'i i~ W(~ 1 N 14;'~'i'~.71I ~9°~7 ~ 3 VClater mains shad be duc~le uon, Mass 52, sh-on or mechanic ~ ~ : . for amduction. ~ with wed at axu~dion8 dl'1N 3 9~ ~N .ft as - rc ~ OS . T sleev 1 ~ 5. I ~mn s shag be duc~le eofl mecharica~ d s ail have iron bodies ail mec;hanica~l 'oints. 4 1 SMH {E ~ ~vPV~ Pu°aUW~ pMN # z ' ~ ~ 0 6. H rdr is shall be '~ardian , eve and a uarter 51 4 i 't° LoW Plttf'~"~U1e~, e~ ~ / Y q A m ~ - - w p nrr~► ~ i l~f ~ 4 1 _ ~j f_ ~3 exi~iNd 4 I~IP ~iNe. v o y n T'1 ~h" I.ONI PKt1~ov1~, ~ ~j w _ N IAYY00.474 N 14L17.071 r~ E 15,145.(A~D E, Ir~,N~.t.~v9~ fJ W; I 6 ~tl~, U I+oO Z+ o s _ 3- 8~~. N Hill Road W w r~ CL T 6 ~ I~ ioz.~o ~ Ig yon. 21 I ~+oo I I'ter. SMH *2 (E Sr~N"i (e) hMH#4 ~ ' 9 0: s _ ~ - ~1C - - ° - - 1 1..~ L> ~ i E- ~ ' . ~ ~j s ~ i 'L itary t c~ 1. The oonatrucHon of the san system, indudin~ methods o1 oonstniction 6. LRdca~ Test qu of materials used, shallbe in cor►formiry wdh Section 230 of the S I Spe~^i cations and the spedllcatlona of the Department of Public Works. a. The sewer shall be made as nearly watertight as and leakage 2. Sanitary sewer mains shaA have a miMmum diameter of eight (8) inches and ~►ements shall be made as directed and under s pervasion of shall be P'VC, bedded in 3/4' stone to spring line o1 pipe, a otfter approved eq~• b. Whenever able, the e casts shah ba made at a when tl~e I~ i= L 3. Sar►itary sewer services shall be six 6'~ kx:h PVC, bedded in 3/~' stone to spring ~secti~pn of work being to ~0ve the Wp of the pipe the highest Nne of pipe, or other approved equ~ and shall be extended to the edge of me ~ 1 .-1-,1. b.~~ ~ ' ~ s a ~•of `~Y• ~ e, ~intoQ the sewe► shall not exceed five hurxired Mons _ _ If ~ 7 ~ 4. MaM~ole cover shah have ttuee(3)inch letter to read 'SEWER'. In addition, ~ '"'°"'°"r in twenty-tt ur (24) hours per m~7e o(sew~►. 9 ~ 4x3 mBriF~ole covers shah be 26' in teeter. adz Vie the ground wete~ level is less man one (1) foot tl~e top of ~ IAb' ,the seer shall be s~jected to an iMemal re plugging lY 5. The loNo~~r~emen~ rtiet for the design and oonatnx;tlon d ~~at the bwer end and then filling the semis and h G"°``~ e i . 1 with Dean water to a height oftwo teat above or me ~ -i pipe. The leakage out of the sewer witl be measured th volume ~~I , _ ~ ' ' sewers nwst doss urldet ~ . ~ : i ~ ~ necessary ~v mauitain the water level in the h~'gher m e out PII°C < < . _ elevation that the Of y""'~ of the sewer shall not exceed five hundred (500) s ~ fndi L41^l eigFl~b~S ~i ~Ottom of 1f1e RiaNt. disMilCter I~er lwentY'four hct~us Per mNe of ~ildl+aUor1 W the sawyer c~M'inQt vatted to meet the above requkeftlent~ . ~ ~ a. ~ sa1►I~h 111~water main shall be roWcated to provide tMs separation a - a: ~'lwaecvone i*t io n~Ne1 ~1I i s a. reconstn~cted with n~e~cha~M~a~ioint pipe for a distance o! ten (tOj teat on - ~ QonVacxor ~haM do ~tllswdrlC ipcatlr~ and rep~trin each side of the sewer. One tut lenuth o1 water main shoWd ba oi~red ' ratestlrg as the Cily Engineer may require. - overthe sewer ao that badh joints wiA be as tar from the sewer as . poasible. f. The conVactor shall famish suitable test plugs, water, pum and Z Y appurtenances, and ell labor required to conduct the tests openly on ~ r.. ~ st _ b. VN~en it is impoas~le to obtain p►oper horizontal and vertical separation the sewer. : i l as stipulated abov9, ba0~ the water main and sewer shall be consfi~ted N oI mechr~-jdnt mast-Mon pipe and shah be pressure tested to assure Mabmum depth of any portion of the sanitary system sF►all bs ten t L~ . _ ~ ~KMer-tightr~ess. - - ~ _ . _ v feet. ~ i } t ~ L i Scanned Z I- a e~ - ~ s Digitized CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Checked I 1. This Subdivision shall conform to the rules and regulations govenung 1f19 SMN tE) ~ ~ • Subdivision of land in the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, latest edition. w - 2. AN materials and methods of conshuction shall conform to the construction Materlak and c~nstrucHon methods shall be in accordance w(th the Ms of the s LJ standards of the City of NorthamP~• inwlved WAIi~r q~npery attar said ~equiremeMs have been app►oved the City t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 3. uciion and as final soil stabilization, anti-siltation erosion sneer arM approFxiate City departmerrts. Hm~e rlr ce) shall be uUGzed on aN disturbed area& in accordance.wilh _ _ s i _ L specn+caaons +n: ~w+ae+u+es ivr ~o++ ~a n►ater t,;onservauon +n uroaunz+ng Areas of Massachusetts, U.S.D.A. Sil Conservation Service, Amherst Massachusetts, latest issue. S ' c methods to be utilized shah include . to tettlin basins and mukthin and or k~amin and seedin to a~ 9 9 9 9 d~stu arse and n -r in the storm drama e s stem. p aP 9 Y • N M 84" F'IJ'I= ' 4. The Stddivider shah no ' the ineer at least three da s rior ~Y ~ YP. construction and receive final,a royal on the oonslruc~on fans. NaTt: ~ ~ • ' ~ 1. fOR DESCRIPTION 11ATERIRLS ANO ~ONSTRIJCTION pp P n►t~ ~IorES GorlTirluEn rETN00S SE ~ I A'i ON / . , . E SPEC FlC t S. , roved ~ AP'P 5. The Contractor is to coordinate with ro Hate ubli coin an to ensure that all aPP P tY p y 4. Iron for manhole frames and covers and catch basin fr and rates roved the C~ of North ton Plann Board. ~ ~9 2. AI L COIdCRE?E OINENSIOKS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM. I ~ S electric, cable and tale hone cr+ossi occur before avment is constructed. 9 p ~ P sh~l in ance with Massachusetts De artment of Public orks • p Date. ~ !-Ii AND 2:! SLOPES ' -SI SLOP ~i S . 3. pM►YMENTS Mlti 8,. BASS • ON TF~ E pUANTiTI E S SHOWN 2 ~ 2 iN THE ACCOMP.".:-LYING TABLE. stanndards. 6. The Cc~ntrector shall veMy aN upl kacat+ons, elevations and cxossi P~~~~ sY ~ • CU. C in the Meld for to construction. ~ . Pr a. Marble covers shall have three 3 inch letters to read RAIN . In . ~ p -r-- w 1 • • / • • 'w • • 7, adddion, manhole covers shall be " in diarrwabr. The Contraactor shall remove aN ewstt structures and vel roads ex t ng gra cep ~0 4-fl -0 3 t-6 2 ~E 3. 2 43 S 3. ~ _ BACK faCE ~ those ~ ' Hated to remain. ~g • ~ 35 4-6'' •3 •CP 4 t♦ $ Sal 3 'a.3.S S4 5-d .f r' ~ . b. Catch basin rates shall be s ua~e, a as manufactur b LeBaron 9 tYP Y • Fou Com ,Box 746, kton, MA 02403 or oth roved ~I ~ M 1 1 • • w . • / I ~ t 1 42 S-{3~ 4 6•i" ~4 2 i i a rxk'~► Pant aP B. Contractor shall save all trees ble dur+n constr ct+ h I r v p posy g u on ands al emo e . l • f ~ ~ li 48 5~•6 4~8 T 2 ©2-9 Z 4 S~f9 is 1 thole necessa for actual construction. Noti the Lands Architect ~ ~ ~ e removin an trees. ~ - ~ . g Y . - - - ,~r~ w - ~ L...L ~ _ y•~ M w• I i 1 1 1 • ~ ; S4 6-0 s T Si 2- 8 7-i '~-d 6~G T3 7- 7a I 5. A~ t~tch basins s ~ha~ and one-half 21 2 foot sum s. t p _ ~ _ . •4S~ FRONT FACE 9. The Gorriractor shall coor~ with tale hone electric till t I ' ' na#e u and a ewsan P tY f ~ io 6-t; s-~' a 6'~ 2 3-~ a s ~.4z s 3 -0 s: • M 1 t / w • • • • 1 i loo_ coin to rovide stubs for each tit. p = J 72 TI.6 8•' 9•d T•0 -d 3r9 9~9 6.5 !8 ~ F Q PL N !T -°i L 1 0. Au water pipe within street limits to be ductle iron + e, C 1.52 thickness. c+tY p P e e ri = 10• •-0 w 4=3w 111-0 7• w 1. ~ 2 0 I I~ 17: ~ a4 8-s s a s a-0 •a . © • e ~ ~ Q _ ~I• 9 ~ ~ 11. Provide. ration cods and curb st ~ with box for each water servde ~ op axsrsaction Curb st to be located as directed b the Ci En ineer. Water • ~ V - I- ELD STONE MA!St?NR'Y £h~t?S ~ I , oP Y h+ 9 service between anon cock and curb shag be 1', T 'K' , pe corPa' YPe ' CONCRET ND E E S T TC~. ~ A ~ t roRT Ana ~ . p~FErt C . ~I~ MORTAR -LL~(if CAP -fr 12. Und round ele t and able telev~ion service lines shah be inst~led the a r ' to util' or service coin an . Location to be in rass i' ss f . 1 L CLA A i MM by P ~ P Y 9 s ' beM~en r wa and street one. Y PTV c~E~. - , ~I ~ ~ ~ - • w A 13. AN c~ boxes, manholes, valve boxes and other util' surface structures shad be fish with finish rade. ■ - P~eo~a-.~ ~hr~rt~c~~N ~ • t • • . ! ~ , 9 _ F P ~ ~ VVAT TG 1 Ie0 G~ G~P~ . r 14. shall be 15 Ib. stores minimum - 30' Ion x 1 ' wid . AU ~ - rap g 0 e outfags shall be r • ' P-r ti<::~ t~.~:...::: ri :.u~,~;;:::. _ 1.. ~@~ + ~ _ _ ~ _ - I . k 15. A r w d+~ifional a osion control measures shall be +nco rated as directed b the . ~ ~ Y e Weer when, in his hero inbn, the existin measures are made . P 9 1 J 16. Erosbn control measures shah be maintained until the embankment or fin~hed ade is stab~ized. Erosion cxan~d measures shall then be removed and the 20 ~ 80 160 i•ti - - - t i _ - i 0 40 areas to be finished, raded & tad as shown on the folbwi drawin . 9 n9 9 M ~'t~ s .r _ ~ t M n • ~ g g z e r .r. 1 Y ~S ___.~~wa.«a 9'_ . _ _ ,as/. r. I Z D D n J ~ ~a ~ 1 m o~ o ~ o ~agwnN }aays ~ ~I °m° ~ oh ~ o v cn C~j N N ~ N N N tp O ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ° 271.5 C EXI T1NG RADE TYP. ° ° W ° ~ O O ~ h ~ ~ 8 274.30 FINISH GRADE (TYP.) ~ eta srn a Z ~ . ~ ~ti`ti ~ BV~ v 27,E s2 ~ c ~ 268.5 Q J L ~ ~ ~ ~ = 273. O N c~D ~ ~ m 6 ~ xp ~ p Fw ~ ~ ~ 5. 0 I _-f ETA 0-i~ 2.02 SMH #9 0 N ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 .4 ~ NEW RIM = 273.43 5 5 -o ozroz +a 0 . r S ~oz~o O ~ ~ ~ EXISTING RIM = 264.58 S D - .r~~• . ~nNnn _ ~ U~ 261.3- ~ - r Q INV. IN 264.43 OUTSIDE ~ m (nr O DD• DD m . cn ~ 5+5 ono ~ o ~ ~ D 273.82 i o ~ \ ~ / PIPE FR M SMH X14 a n < D< 11 0 O II r cn cn i - ~ A ~ ~ ~ •,n G. ~ ~ INV.IN = 254.63 FROM SMH #8 II. II II , II ~ z r~ Off, mD rD - cep ~ O ~ + 260.6 <n ~ p ~ INV. IN 254.10 TRUNK < p n~ + ~ ~ 0 274.82 v ~ ~ ~ INV.' OU 254:08'TRUNK n + -v. W ~ ~ N RTH as O ~n o o , Oo X n ~ ti ~ . ~ D D ~ O O ~ ~ 2?6.40 ~ ~ ~ . ~ F F ~ ~ / s m i ~ a a ~ SST ~ z ~ ' ~ ~ ~ m o a ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ C + 278.0 r r x n ~ ~ ~ ~ /S~ \ F \ = y n1 ~ ~ -his t` . D ~ '~s ~ ~ 278.58 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - z- O ii i, N ~F\ s ~ STA= O O i ~ k k ti~ m \ z z ti S \ ~F £l~ EGE 279.83 O 4 ~ 1 Fy ~Y 0 \ F o R \ ~ 287.1 ~ rr ~ ~ Ji ~ x J I ~ o o ~ ~ 281.26 ~ \ •po9 n to m A o ~~C ~ ~ m _ v GO \ + 293.7 _ ~ D BIiC STA = 4 = 2+00 SMFi 14 ~V = 284.01 - - ~ ~ ~ o ~ 0 284.0', ~ o ~ euc £~£v = ~es.o RIM = 4.01 +50 - ~ z o \ ~ INV, iN = .94 ~ , • gay. r~+ Irt ~ zsa.2 i~ z \ INV. OUT 2 .84 I a v i l I - ; d ? 286.61 f + ~ ~ 1 N ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ p O ~y ~ + 297.3 I N ~''c` \ ~ x~ ~ ~ cn , D II E by. a o 288.9 - 00 ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ 7 / 1 ~ ~ 295.4 ~ AL ~ t, frl UJ f'1 ~ 1 l % ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 290.92 ~ x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,y b 4 ~ ~ rn~ D N k ~ 1 ~ ii N r O ~ i O , X ~ II ~ ~ ~ ~ . A < ~ !0 x ~ II o\ .p N V~, A ~ , N D rt o 292.63 ~ ~ ~ G .I I I I I ~ ~ 0 O co X ! 0 n n ~ ~ ~ W N tp (n \ 0 - Ly cD / ~ 0 % X fTl ~i ~ zsz.2 ! ~ ~ ~ C O. I ~ ~ 0 \ . I ~ ~ 0~ rt 1~1 294.04 T ~ ~ _ F . S i ATI ON 3+ ~ O O ~ \ y ~ t^ ~ ~ ~ 0 O ~ o y~ 0 ~ ~ or ~ v .a o ti 0 \ . \ ~ W zss_, ~v ~ ~ \ ~ \ X ~ X ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ 295.15 ~ ~ 0 I ~ ~ RIGHT BRANCH \ ~ 0 ~ ~ / ~y ~ O 1 296.6 o \ ~ \ STA 3+74 SMH 15 - - - ~ ~ 295.97---- _ ~ ~ ~T x ~ ~ ~ R1M - 295.94 \ O v, ~0 ~ 1 II ~ o ~ o + N = S~ X i . I INV. IN 286.94 b ~ ~ I ~ ~ 1 ~ rv . i~ O \ ~ _ INV. IN = 2$6.94 ~ rn I X 2s~.~ - - ~vcsra-4+oo 1 - ~ rn v v = INV. OUT - 286.84 O n E C ELE 296.48 ~ ~s , O °0 296.48 ~ I 01 1 v' N ~ r N q , ~ ti Lb o T Zs_s~ ~ N ~ ~ \ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ; ~ , \ ~ ~ ~ C7 296.85 i ~ i ~ -o a / ~ x ~ ~ \ ~+b y I ~ ~ 0 '~i c ~ . i ~ p \ \ pvi \ ~ zsa.a ' ° 0 297.22 ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ , , i , ~ ~ .mil i ~ / , i ~ ~ 1 ~ , , I d 0~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ .a . dM ~ ~ I \ . 298.4 < 1 r i (n ~ ~`,Oh ~ - ~ , i 29?.59 - - + - 0 # / NOIS , , z ~ X 7 o, ~ ~ + i x ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 ~ ~ , , ~ r- C^' •'h ~n -P~ ~ 1 ' i ' ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ fn ..w 298.8 ~ . ~ ~ / r + o ~ 0 297.96 ~ ~ , ~ ; ~ rr ~ ~ - din ~ ~ - + S X31 . ~ 299.2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~1A~3 _ ~ 3 _~~r--- ~ ~ o~ rp,a I D ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - u o> C7 - I i o 298.33 . . i c~ ~ - ~ i o a . ~ ~Ad + 3S 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1 D ~~IA \ ~ "I ~ A N 2ss.s !d K t~ + ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; o ~ ~ ~ W t~ ~ 0 298.69 • ! ~ , ~ q i ' ~ ~ ~ ~ R s oOk ^ i - ~ F ~ R ~ V i _ 1 ~ 4 y /C 300.0 . BVC STA - i k'~ F ~ ~ ~ p 299.06 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - c~ c~ BVC ELEV = 299.06 O O ~ ~ i D ~ C ;k c ` s Z~ ~k9 ~ i ' l / `O / ~ O , ~ ii ~ ~ Q1 300.1 ~ ~ + S ~ I x F , ~ ~ R ~ _ ~I N ~ - z o 0 299.35 z z a ~ %6 ~ _ ~ ~ . m D ~ ro 1 ~ ~ ; - 1 cn m - 300.3 r - - - < II ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - II RIM = 299.47 r~ ~ II II ~ ~ ~ 1 299.49 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < -D O o N < INV. IN = 288.65 ~ -1- i Z - N rn O p o n INV. UT = 288.55 _ co 0 ~ ~ N + 0~ 0 I ~ ~ p I N~ I ~ v 300.2 I _ N ~ - 0100 I ; ~ 1 o ~ i ~ old M \ z o 299.47 ~ o ~ 0) II ~ 1 r N ~ ~ -t3s ~ I + (,d N i t 1 I ~ ~ 'i 300.1 ~ co O O < EVC STA = ~ ` ' A------- - 1 DSO \ O' 299.29 ~ ~ I~ EVC ELEV = 299.29 ' ~ - ~ D fT'~ ~ s ~a 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ o 300.1 < < < < 1 ~ - - - o 299.03 I ' Tt -7 ~ ~ ~ v ~ o o c o O ~ ~ (Tl ~ i ~ ~ ~ i I~ e 'i I 1 o N N (0 4 0 O 4 a 1 I Notes S O d~ SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL RECORDED OR ~ f O ~ p O~ t`v- i UNRECORDED RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND/OR ENCUMBRANCES IN FORCE _ V Vol 4 ~o AND APPLICABLE, IF ANY. u ap~pp 0 1,~J1~nl A ~ O ~ a o+ THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 1~/~ G!`,f ~ c o ~o u.T,/ ......w I . ~.a . x o T GI ~!v 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ GG?7~ I~ ~ ~ ~ G~ I~ I REGISTERS OF DEEDS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF ~ v ~ vti . L3 0. ~ Z !s I I ~ I I o ~ p '~I s ~ ~ ~ IG 16. abo MASSACHUSETTS. ~I~ Irv, Frs ~ °i 7'I ~G ~ I.~ ~ - ~a ~r law -a it r± 1 ~ THIS SURVEY AND PLAN WERE PREPARED IN ~ ~'ti~' 1~- IG✓o~~ ~ls ~✓o~ _I `6F / . ! ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROCEDURAL AND p v br L ~ TECHNIeAL STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF LAND °a t i i mmmmmrw SURVEYING IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF ~ ~ N~~ ~~~N n MASSACHUSETTS. ~ v ~TUIel,I~- ~ v 1 J i L ~~o~~ Ml~l~1~1•~I~O gyp' Cam- 7y~OL~ Zlib l f ~ 210, ~~FZ t~ 1~ 'L t j l /3 ~3. r i i t FOR REFERENCE, SEE BOOK OF PLANS, BOOK 77, PG pdj ~ 9 ~ ~ 99, BOOK OF PLANS 800K 45, PAGE 1, BOOK OF ~D~i D 0~ ~ l~ F t ~ PLANS BOOK 57, PAGE 76,77, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY \ 9" k0 I AM i REa1STRY OF DEEDS. ~ y~q~ \ 'i r ~ i ~.I ~d. • ~i'~' q~2' IZ' ■ FOR TITLE OF ENCLOSED PERIMETER, SEE BOOK ~ ae L ~ °~t~. 5~' F ■ it ~I~?~, PA(3Elrb HAMPSHIRE COUNTY REGISTRY OF w~ ~ K • I1D~// p, L,~ DEEDS. `(oVtJV ~~o °I~ a ~t r 1 -011111111111111111- i 'J. /1 C' 1 ~ . I ~f L ' lyb. I~ ~ D' Oh°~' ~O" ~i D' ~1' Zyi" ~Z' G' IG.'10" ti APPROVED BY THE NORTHAMPTON PLANNING ~ ~ ~ g ' 110.00' , sonRU: ? wr • a~ oo~ 3 ~ r t i' _ yf S ~.i DATE: _ O~~r► t Z`~ r 2r~ ~ ~ ~.P ~Nn f I / L' Ili G~ I i Z • I i i s= , _ t f MAUI~r,~- rr~` ~ - _ 5r r 1 i i i 1 r ~ T 81(oZ ~ I~ K' E V u G- 1 I/(j ~ L- 1Z. 19' yc(j ~ sue, ~ Q''J'I°1o~G✓'J~~ 1.~21'~lalrv~ °3, G.•+. ~~-0 12' IOG.'!7~ F.~k'J 11~'~W "p L>'~O.Z APPROVED ,SUBJECT TO T~~ ~I'p ~ ~ i L~i~ ~ ~ ~~s a` ■ d -dmpl- -9w J • ~ A \ ~p~ y. ~l K' I~. COVENANT CONDITIONS $~T FGIRTH IN A COVENANT y~,~ sds~ N¢~,19,~ W c, ~.,~K,. j r~ ~ f S Qom. EXECUTED BY Nr► ~a- N ~3' ~ ~ x°i~~ov' 7/ a ~'r' ^t ~ NkVC. G~~ /C/ L 12.'Xi~ / DATED ~j ~u K-~~~or ~ I =i G i i. s _ j a AND RECORDED IN HAMPSHIRE COUMY REGISTRY , ~ ~.o~,;~ ~ A I ~ i OF DEEDS BK ` PG ~ o ~ ti o ~ ~~j~':~ 'doe d•5~'9 Olo" ~ a • i `y b ~ ~ - ~ I, , CLERK OF THE p0~ ~ ~ ~=~i.Z°I K°M7.04' _ _ - r~ ~ ~ ° - OF HEREBY p•~'q~ t~-log. 7' ~ ~~~b~~~~ - r. CERTIFY THAT THE NOTICE OF APPRf..~i/AL OF THIS I ~v8 . Zo' -L i ~ / ~ f c\ L ;85.G~1' PLAN BY THE PLANNING BOARD HAS BEEN RECEIVED ~ N ~ ,K-Z1'I~'~it" WTY o~ ~cft~r~fo►-1 , ~ ~ ~ o~ AND RECORDED AT THIS OFFlCE AND NO NOTICE OF ~ S ~ ~ e APPEAL WA3 RECENED DURING THE TWENTY DAYS 53.9 I.~r7 P~c.. NEXT AFTER SUCH RECEIPT AND RECORDING OF SAID ~9-'z- ~'~°I~' ~F ~ ~ ~ r r . peg~,~~ ~Y r/~j~/~\~ s __J' ~ . `~`n'~ T fin. I CLERK F • l !1 i i r 1 r1~~trlnMtatoN utY ~~►~hr 1`~ _ i t, ~1 ~~a- ~ir t ~~,~~~.~~v ~sl~ 4 =j~_ - - t e i -t 0 mom- . - ~,or ~o/ r~.r~NroN i~ r.~or i ~ ~u~~a~N~ ~o~ NN~~ pu~oGvrh o~J~Y r r r~ ~14~~: CP~GH I.O( TO (,Thl'~1°~I~ h ILt~ll~/a i ~a,,~r~orJ i ,C _ 1 1 s i i i S t c~ tra r PRECAST CONCRETE A CTCHBA S1N II 11 Q '1 J t L I• CHAMFER I2• FOR GRATE SEE 201, T.0 - 20!.11.0 ' ( r J1 v o N 1 / ~ .~~i:. l-~3 iARi 4 ? Ri o 2 c~ FOR /BANE SEE 101.0.0 o ✓F '~t~i.•~.1 oc .1¢; ~ 1 iARi ®I2 , ~ y ~ . •J ~ Z ZA" ~I" = O *M ORICKi NAY IE US[0 fOR ~j ~ ~ ~ ~Ilouno uNC '~~11►~r, . ~ . ~ ~ r. iOUARE OPENING 4 S - ~ 1- ORAOE ADJUSTNENTi. . N VJj !'NIN. fRANE TO 8E SET IN I to FUII 8ED OF MORTAR 1 2-~ s iARs C JA R- a s W m ( MAN, ~ , , k~ ~ ° ~ , ~ ~ ~ , c L SEE 202,1,0 FOR JOINT DETAILS ~ ~TNP N N ~4i• •;T • • Z t p c~Ais A ~ t3 V i 1 L! Y. - 1` 1 I[ Y NI ~ ~~~±i•DIANETER ~ .p Z MORTAR All JOINTS ~ ]t ~ p ~ LA~I _ ~ 1 z. ~ ~ PROVID V OPEN N~ ' ~ U E I S ~ i D 0. W ~ W ~ p I i 'r 1 1R ' o ~ wtcPNOIE , ~ _ I ~i ~ p 1 I l i ~ W (0►ENINO TO /E PRECAST ~ ul o ~ - v N ~ _ p IN RISER SECTION) OUTSIDE Of PIPE aR -T Q 0: ~ o SEE NOTE +2"CLEARANCE Z I v 9 IV ff~~% MR INIMW)p Q p ~ ~Q 1 • . l? I" CLEAR e. i W = MIN. 0.12 SQ.IN. STEEL ~ , OEM PER VERTICAL FOOT PIACEU O I ~ ACCORDING TO AASHTO i ip X DESIGNATION W19S L~.~j Q i I r~~ i ~ ~ V~><I ' ~h~~ I I l~ 0 14 I G: S" AIIN. ~ ~ 1~1 1 i.-A~ u ~ ~ OM r~1 t d 0 °i ~ r ~ E v - LE END SEE 201.1.0 ►OR iASE DETAILS ~ ~ 1 1 T I-1 Bitum. YP8 ete Surface Course r- 1 1 T I-1 Brtum YPe ji U i Co refs Binder Course 1 ~ r 3 12" m c;ed Gravel Base Pa ' ~ - , ~ NOTEg. ~ ► .x.~- 3S8 L R I. DETAILS NOT INDICATED ABOVE ARE TO 8E SIMILAR TO CHOSE SHOWN ON 201.2.0,201.3.0 2. FACE OF PIPE FLUSH OR NOT TO PROJECT MORE TNAN 4~~ FROM FACE OF WALL ! mo t • ALONG CENTERLINE OF PIPE. i ` 3. FOR DESCRIPTION MATERIALS AND CONS?RUCTION METHOD, SEE SPECIFICATIONS. * MINIMUM OEPTN OF SUMP TO 8E 2~ it 1l.WNEN A CURB INLET IS INSTAILED,TNE OPENING IS TO BE 24° . I" X 27~~ t I" NAS8. D.A,W. - NARCN 1977 201.4, 0 r ~j - ~ 'LL I+ 1 . 4 L i- ■ r f ! ( ! UT f`- i • t l~ tip iTAN0AR0 MANNOL[ s r. fRANIANO COVER SEE 202, f_: Y L = ~ i l s :~•t I• /RIcKi NAY ac usco row ~ _0 OIAN[T[R ~AAOI AOJUSTNENtS. ti fRANE TO IE iET IN ~ • full LEO OF MORTAR + ( ~ ~ NIN. i ~ J • u s ![E JOINT DITAIIt e u ~ r H~tii f: _ ` ~ ' ~ f ~ u i y MORTAR All JOINt1 ~ d~ o r>C . NIN.0.12 S0. IN. STEEL o ~ ~r ~L PER VERTICAL ►OOT~►LACEO F = ~i _ I OIANETCR ACCORDING 10 AA N ~ o Y Q f TO t • ~ D[fIONATION MISS ~t . ar. ~ -ut ~ H n Sewer brick mortared i ' • ~ u ~ 1 INlmmYm V. [ ~q.le. v~ in~~ p~~ C N Cr IA fowl pwr ~ ~ Saol pipe connections to I/2 plpe diameter o - vertical fool, placed occord 9 n to ASTtM S ecificatlon C 478. 3ccordinq C 478. u~ wIN ~ }~~a , AR ► IN ~ I 3 BAR ouwo o [N cl wtth approved rubber boot ' v > u o ~ P ~ • ~t C"~inl.,wuen Irn,w n ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ • ~ r ~ AND OVfR~ l`COY[R system ~ calf•in-placB • t~l .sr ti. fr ~ - ' ~ J oS CL[AR _ u'2 concrete collar (typ.) au f ~ F100R O/ STRUCTURC TO 1E ~ 70 MAX. NEADERI LA10 /I.AT -hoadors OIAN[TER 11►[ • ~ N I • 0 ♦ w - r ~ i ~i-' h hard ~ v BRICM CNIPI Ak0 MORTAR OR ~ " • ~ ~ ~ CEMENT CONCRET CAS ~A~ 3'O MOIL. t0 - n • dOa. p • ~.'P;;~; (I/ NANO MIRED iEE LATEST flr=t j01At ~ . ~._-L ■ su • a.• On. ►~OYIDt~Y~ 0►tNlNii INY[RT[0 ARCM MITN } r /IP[ 0►[NIN11 TO It .BRICKS 1A10 ON [OGE "r ~ ►R[CAIT IN RIItR 1[CTION. , 6 c . •/0R O[ICRIITtON1. NATERIALf, ANO CONITRUCTION MtTN0031 IATtIT 1►CCI/ICATIONI Flow ~ ' I f ~ I ~ i i I ~ I~ CL[AR f ~ S~ MIN, ~ ~ ~ ~ r r r • ~ 1 NIN. N }lip' PRECAST uNiT _ ~ w O 66 " s AR a= 31 y MIOL I MIN, MOM B-B ~ C I~MIN, H " ~ with v j MIN. trston+ S E Q Is collar. PRECAST BASE Z "s U ° 3 roved the Ci of Northa~ APP 6 CA. A o Date: ~ c: Q ¢ I' cuAR • 1~ MIN. H Sheet Number w CAST IN PLACE i I BASE 6 JOINT DETAILS BASE DETAILS MAST. D.~.IN, - YARCM 19TT 202.4.0 i onaa~Y 1'84 N O _ + z s Z 6 Ian- t l r r ~ ' - E-0oN-00% PETITION FOR STREET ACCEPTANCE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS The undersigned residents of the City of Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, hereby petition the Northampton City Council to accept the following way entitled Birch Hill Road as shown on an approved and endorsed Definitive Subdivision Plan entitled ."Subdivision of land in Northampton, Mass. for Alexander W. Borawski" prepared by. Gordon E. Ainsworth, Deerfield, Mass. dated October, 1958 and recorded at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 57 , Page 76-77 . Name: Place of Residence: zv r l In City Council, May 1, 1997 Referred to Planning Board and Board of lic Works Attest: City Clerk aAPetitionSA RELEASE OF COVENANT Hathaway Construction Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation with a usual place of business at North Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, hereinafter called the "Covenantor", granted to the Northampton Planning Board a Covenant to secure certain obligations of Covenantor relating to Heritage Hill Subdivision, which Covenant is dated February 6, 1991, and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 3682, Page 6, as amended, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, Covenantor has completed the work required by said Covenant and has requested of the Northampton Planning Board that Lots 4 and 2 be released from said Covenant to allow said lots to be sold and built on. NOW, THEREFORE, the Northampton.=Planning Board hereby releases Lots 4 and 2 from the provisions of said Covenant, and agrees that said lots may be sold and built on, and that said Covenant shall be discharged in its entirety. NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS /Vay 1992 Then personally appeared the above named pGnie~ Yi9CfiZzU and acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of the Northampton Planning Board,. before me Notary Public My Commission-Expires: :WAYNR M. REmEN NOTARY PUBLIC *'Y COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 18. 1996 I~ ATHAWAY gf9~0//CONSTRUCTION '~/LCORPORATION NORTH ROAD, WESTHAMPTON, R.F.D. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 01060 v (413) 527-2324 0527-6097 City of Northampton Planning Board Re: Heritage Hill Subdivision 10-7-92 Dear Members, Please be advised that all items have been completed in the Notice of Subdivision Approval or Disapproval dated 2-29-88; book #3149; page 0132 ; subheading H; items 1,2 & 3. al'e'--risec'tfttl l y request you to 'I 1 ise the :11''1''1 epartment -tTFa-t these items have been addressed and that occupancy permits may be issued. Thankyou for your cooperation in this matter. SincerAAy, f; 720 Thomas R. Hathaway President ee, Complete Site Development • Commercial 0 Industrial 9 Municipal • Residential '80M i49 4 0161 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF HERITAGE HILL SUBDIVISION, NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS This Declaration made this _ day of , 1988 by Hathaway Construction Corporation, a Massachusetts b~isiness corporation having its usual place of business at Westhampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts (hereinafter referred to . as "Developer"), which expression shall include its successors and the assignees of the rights hereunder, where the context so admits, as the owner of certain real estate in the City of Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, being more particularly described in Article 2 hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the Developer desires to provide for the. preservation of the values and amenities within said Property and for the maintenance of open spaces and other common facilities and to this end desires to subject the real Property described in Article 2, together with such additions as may hereafter be made thereto (as provided in Article 2) to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for, the benefit of said Property and.each owner thereof, and; WHEREAS, the Developer has deemed it desireable for the efficient preservation of the values and. amenities within said Property to create an agency to which should be `delegated and assigned the powers of maintaining and administering the community properties and facilities and administering and enforcing the covenants and restrictions in collecting and disbursing the assessments and charges hereinafter created; and WHEREAS, the Developer desires to create an unincorporated association of owners for the purpose of. exercising the functions aforesaid, NOW, THEREFORE, the Developer declares that the real property described in Article 2 and such additions thereto as may be hereafter be made pursuant to Article 2 hereof is.and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens (sometimes referred to as "Covenants and Restrictions") hereinafter. set forth: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Unless.the context otherwise specifies or requires, the terms defined in this Article 1 shall for all purposes of this Declaration have the meanings hereinafter specified. 1 Ot62 ~Association: Heritage Hill Homeowners Association. Common Property: That parcel of land marked "Lot 10/Detention Area" on the Plan, and the facilities appurtenant thereto. Developer: Hathaway Construction Corp., its successors and assigns. Improvement: Includes buildings, outbuildings, garages, carports, driveways, walls, stairs, decks, poles, signs, tennis courts, swimming pools, and any and all other structures of every kind and nature. Lot: Each parcel of real property which is shown on the Plan as a numbered lot. Member Member shall mean and refer to all those owners who are members of the Association. Owner: The record owner, whether one or more persons or entities of the fee simple title to any lot situated within the Property, but not withstanding any applicable holder of the mortgage shall not mean or refer to the mortgagee and until such mortgagee has acquired title pursuant to foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. Person: An individual, corporation, partnership or other entity which has the right to hold.title to real property. .Plan: The Plan entitled "Definitive Subdivision Plan of Heritage Hill Subdivision, Northampton, Massachusetts Prepared for Hathaway Construction Corp. " recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book- Page _ and as such Plan may be further revised from time to time. Single-Family Dwelling: A detached house designed and used as a residence for a single family, including any pertinent.attached or detached garage or carport or similar outbuilding. Single-Family Residential Use: The occupation or use of a single family dwelling in conformity with the restrictions and the requirements of the Zoning By-laws of the City of Northampton and applicable state, county and municipal rules and regulations. ARTICLE II Section 1. Property. The real property which is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to this Declaration is located in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts and is particularly described on attachment A hereto and is shown on the Plan. The description on attachment A includes but is not limited to Lots 1 - 10, all of which real property shall hereinafter referred to as "Property". 2 3149n6l 0163 ARTICLE III PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE COMMON PROPERTIES Section 1. Title to Common Property. The Developer may retain the legal title to the Common Property until such time as it has completed improvements thereon and until such time as in the opinion of the Developer the Association is able to maintain the same, but not. withstanding any provision herein the Developer hereby covenants for itself, its successors and assigns that it shall convey the common property to the Association not later than January 1, 1990 or when the Class A votes exceed the Class B votes, whichever is earlier, and in the meantime, the Developer shall lease said common property to the Association giving it full control of the premises, the rent thereof to equal the local real estate tax for each year thereof. Section 2. Extent of Members' Easement. The rights and easements of enjoyment created hereby shall be subject to the following: a. the right of the. Developer and the Association in accordance with its By-laws to borrow money for the purpose of maintaining and improving the Common Property and in aid thereof -to mortgage .said property; b. the right of the Association to take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect the above-described property; c.. the right of the Association to charge or assess its members reasonable fees for the maintenance and improvement use of the Common Property; and d. the right of the Association to dedicate and transfer all or any part of the Common Property to any public agency, authority or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the members, provided that no such dedication or transfer thereof shall be effective unless an instrument signed by members entitled to cast two-thirds of the votes of each class of membership has been recorded, agreeing to such dedication, transfer, purpose or condition and unless written notice of the proposed agreement and action thereunder is sent to every member at least ninety days in advance of any action taken. Notwithstanding any provisions herein, no land or improvement devoted to dwelling use shall be exempt from said assessments, charges or liens. ARTICLE IV COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS A. The Common Property Being Lot #10, consisting of 21,677 square feet of land (Detention Area), to be conveyed by Developer to Association. 3 BOOK34.49fact 0164 Section 1. Detention Area Maintenance Committee. The Association shall select three (3) Lot Owners to serve on a three member Detention Area Maintenance Committee. The Committee shall then represent the collective interests of the Owners in managing the detention area, and shall exercise those duties and functions asset forth herein. Section 2. Detention Area Maintenance Committee Terms. Each member of the Committee shall serve a two (2) year term, except for the original three members. Of these three, one shall serve a one (1) year term, one shall serve a two (2) year term, and one shall srve a three (3) year term. The original three members shall determine which. member shall serve which initial term. Section 3. Elections. Upon the completion of any said term, the Owners shall elect a new member to the Detention Area Maintenance Committee or re-elect the member.whose term has expired, for a new two (2) year term. There shall be no limit to the number of terms which may be served by any one Owner. Election procedures determined by the original three member Committee. In the event of a resignation at mid- term, the Owners shall elect a replacement member to serve for the remainder of that term. Section 4. Management by the Committee. The Committee shall have the right to make such reasonable rules and regulations and to undertake such endeavors as to properly carry out the following activities: a. The regulation of activities within the Detention Area, in accordance with the provisions of these Covenants and the needs of the Owners, in conformance thereto; b. The maintenance of the Detention Area for the activities selected by the Owners in conformance with these Covenants; C. The enforcement of any of the Covenants contained herein; d. The collection of maintenance charges or other costs incurred in the performance of authorized activities of the Committee. Section 5. Maintenance of the Detention Area. The Association shall be responsible for and maintain the Detention Area. Maintenance shall be pursuant on a regular basis to insure the continual operation of the Detention Area pipes. Said maintenance shall include semi-yearly inspections of the Detention systems to be done in May and November of each year by a competent inspector appointed by the Committee. Upon said inspector's report the Committee shall implement any recommendations of the inspector within sixty (60) days. Section 6. Shared Costs. Each Owner shall be responsible for .an equal share of the costs arising from the ownership of said Detention Area. The Committee shall prepare an annual budget and shall assess a 4 3M IAQ 0165 regular fee to each Owner for any such costs. Such costs shall include, but not be limited to, the following: operation, maintenance, reconstruction of the Detention Pond, maintenance of Detention Area, taxes, and insurance. Any such charge shall constitute and create liens or encumbrances upon the Owners' Lots and acceptance of each deed shall be construed as an agreement to pay said charges. The Committee shall have the right to prosecute all actions or suits or take any such proper actions which may in its opinion be necessary for the collection of such charges. Non-payment of any assessment shall further be governed by Section 1 of Article V. The liens hereby reserved shall be at all times subordinate to the liens of any mortgagees or lenders secured by properly recorded encumbrances. Section 7. Bank Accounts. The Developer and subsequent Owners shall maintain a bank account in the name of the Association with a minimum balance of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars to cover the expenses of "Share Costs." Developer shall, prior to the first sale, establish said account. For each sale of any Lot, either the original sale from the Developer to an Owner, or by an Owner to a subsequent Owner, the buyer in such transaction shall pay to seller at closing an amount equal to one-ninth (1/9) of the balance then existing in said bank account. Section 8. Insurance. The Developer and Association shall maintain liability insurance to protect the Owners against any incidents which may arise through use, authorized, or otherwise, of the Detention Area. The Association -agrees to hold the City harmless for the maintenance of the Detention Area. The Association also agrees that the City shall have the right to discharge storm water into said detention water and pipes and further agrees to save the City harmless from any liability arising out of said discharge. Section 9. Disposal of Detention Common Areas. The Detention Area may not be sold or otherwise disposed of, except to an organization of Owners (see Article I definition) conceived and organized to serve the purposes set forth in this Declaration. The Detention Area may be conveyed at no cost to the City of Northampton, providing that the Owners have obtained the consent of the City Council and the Planning Board as may be permissible by the Zoning Ordinance of the City. Section 10. Notice to City. Within thirty (30) days of the formation of the three member Detention Area Committee, and within fifteen (15) days of any change in the membership of said Committee, by election or otherwise, the Committee shall give written notice to the City of Northampton as to the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the members of the Committee. Such notice shall be sent, return receipt requested, to the following agencies: a. City of Northampton Office of Planning and Development City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton,.MA 01060 5 i x BNK3149 Fur 0166 y b. City of Northampton Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Section 11. Other Obligations. In the event that said Detention Area is not owned by the Association, the Committee shall act as if said Detention Area was owned entirely by the Association and shall have all the rights and obligations with respect to such areas as is detailed herein. B. All Other Maintenance Assessments. Section 1. Creation of the Liens and Personal Obligation of Assessments. Each Owner of any Lot within the properties by acceptance of a deed therefore, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, shall be deemed to covenant and to agree to pay to. the Association: (1) annual assessments or charges; (2) special assessments for capital improvements such as assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time to time hereinafter provided. The annual and special assessments, together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon property against which each. such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with such interest thereon and cost of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shall also be.the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. Notwithstanding the. foregoing, the Developer shall not be required to pay any such annual or special assessments for any calendar year during which no partially or fully completed dwelling exists on such Lot. Section 2. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the residents in The Properties, and in particular for the improvement and maintenance of properties, services and facilities devoted to this purpose and related to the use and enjoyment of the Common Properties and of the homes situated upon The Properties, including but not limited to the payment of taxes and insurance thereon, and repair, replacement and additions thereto, and the cost of labor, equipment, material, management, and supervision thereof. Section 3. Basis and Maximum of Annual Assessments. Until the year beginning January, 1990, the annual asessment shall not be more than $50.00 per Lot. From and after January 1, 1990, the maximum annual assessment may be increased by vote of the Members, as hereinafter provided, for the next succeeding three years and at the end of each such period of three years. 6 h . ,3149 Pict 0167 The Board of Directors of the Association may, after consideration of current maintenance costs and future needs of the Association, fix the actual assessment for any years at a lesser amount. Section 4. Special Assessment for Capital Improvement. In addition to the annual assessments authorized by Section 3 hereof, the Association may levy in any assessment year a special assessment, not to exceed three (3) times the.annual assessment, applicable to that year only for the purposes of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of a described capital improvement upon the Common Properties, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, providing that any such assessment shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of each class of Members who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be sent to all the Members at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall set forth the purpose of the meeting, providing further that the limitations of Section. 3 hereof shall not apply to any change in.the maximum and basis of the assessments undertaken as an incident to a merger or consolidation in which the Association may participate. Section-5. Change in Basis and Maximum of Annual Assessments. Subject to the limitations of Section 3 hereof, and for the periods therein specified, the Association may change the maximum and basis of the assessments fixed by Section 3 hereof prospectively for any such. period provided that any such change shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of each class.of Members who are voting in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be sent to all Members at least thirty. (30) days in advance and shall set forth the purpose of this meeting, providing further that the limitations of Section 3 hereof shall not apply to any change in the maximum and basis of the assessments undertaken as an incident to a.merger or consolidation in which the Association may participate. Section 6. Quorum for any Action Authorized Under Sections 4 and 5. The quorum required for any action authorized by Sections 4 and 5 hereof shall be as follows: At the first meeting called, as provided in Sections 4 and 5 hereof, the presence at the meeting of Members or of proxies, entitled to cast sixty (60%). percent of all of the votes of each class of membership, shall constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not forthcoming at any meeting, another meeting may be called, subject to the notice requirement set forth in Sections 4 and 5, and the required quorum at any such subsequent meeting shall be one-half of the required quorum at.the preceding meeting, provided that no such subsequent meeting shall be held more than sixty (60) days following the preceding meeting. Section 7. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments: Due Dates. The annual assessments provided for herein shall commence on the date (which shall be the first of the month) fixed by the Board of Directors of the Association to be the date of commencement. The first annual assessment shall be made for the balance of the 7 ODDK3149 Pact 0168 calendar year and shall become due and payable on the day fixed for commencement. The assessments for any year shall become due and payable on the first day of March of said year. The amount of the annual assessments which may be levied for the balance remaining in the first year of assessment shall be an amount which bears the same relationship to the annual assessment provided for in Section 3 hereof as. the remaining number of months in that year bear to twelve. The same reduction in the amount of the assessment shall apply to the first assessment levied against any property which is hereafter added to the properties now subject to assessment at a time other than the beginning of any assessment period. The due date of any special assessment under Section 4 hereof shall be fixed in the resolution authorizing such assessment. Section 8. Duties of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the Association shall fix the date of commencement and the amount of the assessment against each Lot for each assessment period of at least thirty (30) days in advance of'such date or period. and shall, at that time, prepare a roster of the properties. and assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any Owner or,the Developer. Written notice of the assessment shall thereupon be sent to every Owner subject thereto. The Association shall, upon demand at any time, furnish to any Owner liable.for said assessment.a certificate in. writing signed by an officer of the Association, setting forth whether said assessment has been paid. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any assessment therein.stated to have been paid. Section 9. Effect of Non-Payment of Assessment. The Personal Obligation of Any Owner; the Lien; Remedies of the Association. If the assessments are not paid on the date when due (being the dates specified in Section 7 hereof) then such assessments shall become delinquent and shall, together with such interest thereon and cost of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, thereupon become a continuing lien on the property which shall bind such property in the representatives and assigns. The personal obligation of the then Owner to pay such assessment, however, shall remain his personal obligation for the statutory period and shall not pass to his. successors in title unless expressly assumed by them. If the assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days after the delinquency date, the assessment shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum, and the Association may bring an action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same or to foreclose the lien against the property or both, and there shall be added to the amount of such assessment costs of such proceedings; and in the event a judgment is obtained, such judgment shall include interest on the assessment as above provided and a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court, together with the costs of the action. 8 C U49 Puf U69 Section 10. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgagees. The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage now or hereafter placed upon the properties subject to assessment; provided, however, that such subordination shall apply only to the assessments which have become due and payable prior to a sale or transfer of such property pursuant to a decree of foreclosure, a foreclosure sale under a power of sale contained in such mortgage, or any other proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. Such sale or transfer shall relieve such property from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien of any such subsequent assessment, such liability and lien always being subordinate to any subsequent first mortgage. Section 11. Exempt Property. The following property subject to this Declaration shall be exempted from the assessments, charges and liens created herein except for those enumerated in Article IV, above: (a) all properties to the extent of any easement or other interest therein dedicated and accepted by the local public authority and devoted to public use; (b) all Common Properties as defined in Article I, Section 1 hereof; and (c) all land owned by the Developer. ARTTrT,R V EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY Developer shall convey Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 as shown on the Plan subject to the following easement and right-of-way: "Together with an easement and right-of-way in common with. the owners of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 as shown on said Plan to pass and repass by foot or by vehicle for all purposes for which public ways are commonly. used over that portion of land designated 'common driveway' as shown on said Plan. "By the acceptance of this deed, together with the above easement and right-of-way, Grantee does hereby agree to pay one-sixth of the cost of maintaining and repairing said common driveway, and the utilities constructed underneath said common driveway for the benefit of himself, herself or itself and for the benefit of the holders of the right-of-way and easement in common. "Any such costs for maintenance and repair shall constitute a lien against each such Lot and the personal obligation of the owner thereof. Any two or more Lot owners may enforce the collection of such costs from any one or more Lot owners. A certificate signed by a majority of the owners of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be sufficient to acknowledge payments of such costs and discharge any lien hereby created. "By acceptance of this deed, the Grantee hereby acknowledges that said common driveway is not nor is it intended to be a public street or way accepted as such by the City of Northampton." The owners of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 by the acceptance of the 9 BOKs A9 Pla OVO deeds to such Lots hereby agree and acknowledge that if any such owners petition the City of Northampton to accept said common driveway as an official and accepted City street, then such owners at their own cost and expense agree to reconstruct said common driveway to meet the then existing subdivision regulations for construction of public ways. ARTICLE VI OBLIGATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 1. The Association is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Common Properties. All must be kept free and debris and functional for their respective areas. Section 2. The Association is responsible for enforcing the Use Restrictions contained in this document. ARTICLE VII USE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS The Developer does hereby make and declare the said Lots within the existing Property to be subject to the following Restrictive Covenants to bind each and every Lot within the Property and to run in favor of each and every other Lot within said existing Property.. Section 1. The area of Heritage Hill Subdivision shall not. contain more separate building parcels than as accepted by the City of Northampton in definitive plan. Section 2. Improvements. No improvement other than one single-family dwelling house, together with a garage with a storage of not more than three private automobiles and such outbuildings as are customarily appurtenant to single-family dwellings in the City of Northampton convenient to the use of the premises in a manner consistent with a development of this size and character shall be constructed, placed or allowed to remain on each Lot. The framed living area of any dwelling on said Lot, exclusive of porches, breezeways and garage shall not be less than 2,200 square feet. Section 3. Developer's Approval. No structure shall be commenced, erected, maintained, placed or altered on said Lot until building plans and specifications and a Lot plan showing the nature, kind, shape, height, color, materials, floor plan and location of such structure having been submitted to and approved by the Developer as being in compliance with these restrictions. It is the Developer's intent that the dwellings on each Lot shall be as follows: a. traditional New England colonial style homes, excluding duplex, ranch or split-level ranch dwellings. b.. roof slopes not less than 8 in 12. C. horizontal wood clapboard siding with exposure not greater 10 003149 Pxw OM than 4.5" to weather (no aluminum or vinyl.siding); d. textured roof.materials, either architectural shingles, wooden shakes or slate; e. divided light windows (either true or with grills); f. stone or brick masonry chimneys (no stainless steel flues) to be constructed within the exterior walls of the buildings; g. traditional color schemes (approved by Developer) ; and h. planted landscaping will be of plant species that are indigenous to the surrounding area. Built landscapes such as fences, walks and walls will be in keeping with the New England character of the development.. Section 4. Building Envelope. No dwelling, building or improvement appurtenant. thereto, excluding driveways, shall be constructed on any lot beyond that area shown and designated as the "Building Envelope" upon each Lot as shown on the Plan entitled "Plan of Heritage Hill Subdivision Building Envelopes" prepared by the Berkshire Design Group and incorporated' herein by reference, which plan is recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in. Plan Book , Page Section 5. Repair of Improvements. No improvement upon any Lot shall be permitted to fall into disrepair.. Each such improvement shall at all times be kept in good condition and repair and adequately painted or otherwise finished. a The ex-terior of any building constructed on any Lot and the landscaping of any grounds disturbed in connection with such construction shall be completed within 18 months of the commencement date of such construction. Section 6. Temporary Occupation. No trailer mobile home, basement of any incomplete building, tent, truck, camper, shack, garage or barn and no temporary building or structure of any kind shall be used at any time for a residence, either temporary or permanent, unless in any specific instance such use shall have been authorized by the Developer. Temporary buildings or structures used during the construction of a dwelling shall be removed immediately after the completion of construction. Section 7. No vehicle other than those designed or used primarily for the transportation of nine or less human beings shall be stored or parked on any site. For the purposes of this paragraph, panel trucks and pick-up trucks of not more than three-quarter ton capacity shall be deemed to. be designed,and used for the transportation of human beings, provided that not more than one such truck shall be parked or stored on any site at any given time. Any vehicle larger than the aforementioned or a house or travel trailer or a motor home must be garaged. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as prohibiting ll eONA49 wr 0172 the temporary presence of delivery trucks, moving vans and the like upon any site or actually making a pick-up or delivery thereon. Section 8. Noncommercial, personal projects such as the repairing of a motor vehicle in a driveway are permitted. However, the suspension of such work for more than three days will render the project not permitted. A project that is continuous, that is, lasts for sixty days or more or which is succeeded by other similar projects such that unsightly projects are the normal state of affairs at said premises is forbidden if visible from the roadway or another house. Section 9. No storage of unlicensed motor vehicles or parts is permitted to be visible from the roadway or.any adjoining site. Section 10. Each Lot Owner shall prevent the development of any unclean, unsightly, unkept or unsafe condition of buildings or grounds on its, his or, her Lot which would tend to destroy the beauty of the neighborhood as a whole or the specific site. Section 11. No television disks, towers, solar collectors or antennae structure exceeding nine feet in any dimension shall be permitted except as approved in writing by the Developer or the Association. Section 12. No noxious or offensive activities shall be carried on on any Lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Noise may constitute a noxious or. offensive activity. Section 13. The outside storage of items in a location which is visible from the roadway or from another house is not permitted. Owners are encouraged to consider outbuildings or hedges to enclose their property. Operation of this provision is suspended during construction work.on the premises, provided such work is diligently pursued. Section 14. No site shall be used for the public display or sale of goods, wares, or merchandise of any kind, including those made upon the premises. Nothing in this paragraph or in these restrictions generally shall be interpreted as precluding the rendering of professional services or tag sales to the number of two (2) per year. Section 15. No signs shall be displayed upon any site except a sign not more than two square feet in area designating the owner of the Lot or a temporary sign not in excess of four square feet in area indicating that the premises are for sale or rent or professional sign permitted by the Northampton Zoning By-Laws. Section 16. No exterior lighting shall interfere with any neighbors. No laundry line shall be placed so that it is visible to any neighbor. Section 17. Only mail and newspaper boxes that are approved by the Developer or,_their assigns are permitted. 12 1"_43149 P,, Qm Section 18. The wholesale cutting of trees on a Lot, whether for commercial lumbering purposes or otherwise, is prohibited. Cutting and clearing of trees shall be allowed only to the extent that it is reasonably necessary to provide for access, safety, sun, home construction, outdoor living, landscaping, view and/or to cut, clear, prune or otherwise remove or replace dead or diseased trees. Section 19. No livestock or poultry or non-domestic animals of any kind shall be bred, kept or raised on any Lot, excepting Lot #2, where a maximum.of two horses may be bred, kept or raised. Dogs, cats and other domestic animals may be kept, provided that they are not bred, kept or maintained for any commercial purposes. No animals which are an annoyance or nuisance to any of the owners of Lots shall be allowed. Animals kept or maintained on a Lot shall not be allowed to run or. roam on any other Lots, and it is the responsibility of each.Lot owner to confine that owner's animals to such owner's Lot. Section 20. Nuisances. No refuse, rubbage, vehicle parts or bodies of junk waste or debris of any kind shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon or adjacent to any Lot which will or may render any such Lot or any portion thereof unsanitary, unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any other. Section 21. Trash Containers and Collection. No.garbage or trash shall be. placed or, kept on any Lot except in a covered container. Section 22. Developer's Reservation. The Developer reserves the right to assign any and all of the Developer' s rights hereunder to the Association. ARTICLE VIII Section 1. These convenants may be amended or repealed at any time by the written consent to such proposed amendment or repeal by the Owners of six of the ten Lots, such amendment or repeal shall not be effective until it has been recorded with the Hamphire County Registry of Deeds. The right to sue to enforce these restrictions is held by the Developer, the Owner of any Lot which is subject to the above restrictions and the Heritage Hill Association. In the event of suit following thirty (30) days written notice to the offending party, the prevailing party may recover reasonable attorney's fees. Section 2. Enforcement. Enforcement of these covenants and restrictions shall be by any proceeding at law or inequity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant or restriction either to restrain violation or to recover damages or against the land to enforce any lien created by these covenants and failure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 13 903149 rapt 0174 Section 3. Notices. Any notice required to be sent to any member or Owner under the provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to be properly sent when mailed, postage paid, to the last known address of the person who. appears as member or Owner on the. records of the Association at the time of such mailing. Section 4. Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or Court Order shall in no wise affect any other provision of which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the undersigned have hereunto set its hands and seals respectively on the date and year first above written. HATHAWAY'/CONSTRUCTION CORP. G ~l . By: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS. , 1988 Then personally appeared the above-named /s~Yo,S .e,!i,0-/ _74/ja«-" q u tlrr rrr~) C?wA and declared the fore oing to' be free'act Aa and'.deed before me. Notary Public My commission expires: 14 / L ATTACHMENT -A 10093149 Pn6E 0175 The land situated off of the southwest side of Sandy Hill Road in Florence, Northampton, County of Hampshire, Massachusetts, being shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Land for: Hathaway Construction Corp." dated December 4, 1987, Pharmer Engineering Corporation to be recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, more particularly bounded and. described as follows: Commencing at a bound at the northeast corner of the granted premises, at the southeast corner of land now or formerly of Spencer; and on. the boundary of land now or formerly of Waller; thence turning and running South 380 17' 23" East, a distance of 172.25 feet, along said land now or formerly of Waller and the southwest side of said Sandy Hill Road to a point; thence turning and running South 230 50' 55" East, along the southwest side of said Sandy Hill Road and land now or formely of Millette a distance of 68.16 feet, to a point; thence turning and running South 080 14,' 10" East, along land' now or formerly of Millette, Bellesfield, Caccamo,.Brick and Lussier a distance of 364.33 feet, to a point; thence turning and running South 070 28' 29" West, along said land now or formerly of Lussier and Burke a distance of'111.78.feet, to a point; thence turning and running South 220 58' 53" West, along land now or formerly of Burke, Moszynski, and Leduc, a distance of 199.57 feet, to a bound; thence turning and running. South 830 42' 22" West, along land now or formerly. of the City of Northampton a distance of 1,099.09 feet, to a bound; thence turning and running North 430 19' 35" West, along said land now or formerly of the City of Northampton a distance of 149.42 feet, to a point; thence turning. and running North 460 40' 25" East, a distance,of 160.00 feet, along land 'now or formerly of Tobin and.Pioneer .Knolls to a point thence turning and running North 460 40' 25" East, a distance of 120.00 feet, along land now or formerly of Maurer to a point; thence turning and running North 430 19' 35" West, a distance of 318.00 feet, through three iron pins and along land now or formerly of Maurer, Strames, Young and Ryan to a point; thence turning and running North 460 40' 25" East, along land now or formerly of Magranis a distance of 120:00 feet,. to a point; thence turning and running South 430 19' 35" East, a distance of 13.98 feet, along the southwest side of Birch Hill Road; thence turning and running North 46 40' 25" East, along the southeasterly side of Birch Hill Road a distance of 60.00 feet, to a point; thence turning and running South 430 19' 35" East, along land now or formerly of Deturck a distance of 150.39 feet, to a point; thence turning and running North 460 40' 25" East, along said land now or formerly of Deturck a distance of 97.12 feet, to a point; thence turning and running North 230 45' 13" East, along land now or formerly of Deturck, Grace, and Leibl, a distance of 225.00 feet, to an iron pin; thence turning and running North 830 51' 55" East, a distance of 790.47 feet, along land now or formerly of Spencer to the bound set at the place of beginning. Containing 22.7278 acres, and all as shown on the aforementioned plan which shall be controlling for all purposes. Subject to an easement for installation of a sanitary sewer granted by Alexander W. Borawski et ux to the City of Northampton by deed dated June 26, 1959, and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 1305, Page 78. i 8WX 4!9 ma 0176 Subject to a Taking by the City of Northampton for a permanent easement for installation of sanitary sewer and water lines dated February 12, 1963, recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 1401, Page 431. I Being the same premises conveyed by deed of Alexander S. Borawski and Mary E. Borawski to Hathaway Construction Corp., dated December 10, 1987, and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 3103, Page 278. pshire ss. 1988 at -/Lo c ,ock and-z~iminutePs M., Reed, ent'd and •f;7..1.~~ (MONTH (QAYi T F^ e a - exaad with Hampshu e Reg. of %°c~ us, Boob Atte ..=----T=--- n t .+P \y~ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Paul O. Hadsel 413.586.6950 ext. 270 Director of Public Works Peter J. McNulty, Sr. September 2, 1988 Assistant Director of Public Works Nancy Duseau, Chairperson Northampton Planning Board City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Ref: Heritage Hill Subdivision Dear Ms. Duseau: Our office has reviewed the August 2, 1988 letter from Almer Huntley, Jr. & Associates, Inc. dealing with fire flows at the above mentioned subdivision. The results show that the development meets the City's subdivision Rules and Regulations fire flow requirements. Yours truly, L Paul 0. Hadsel, Director of Public Works. POH/GA/k cc: Thomas Hathaway, North Road Westhampton, MA ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS P.O. Box 568 / 30 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE EAST / NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 01061 )413) 584.7444 August 2, 1988 ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., PE., RLS DOUGLAS W. THOMPSON, RLS WILLIAM R. GARRITY, LA JOHN G. RAYMOND, PE 260-110-20 1i 'h AUG 13 Planning Board City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 -OFFICE OF pL,qNNiNG ELOPME NT RE: Fire Flow Test Heritage Hills Subdivision Dear Board Members: At the request of Thomas Hathaway, the developer of the Heritage Hills Sub- division, this office conducted a fire flow test at the development on Wednesday, July 20, 1988. The test was run from 9:11 - 9:16 A.M. The flow from the Mountain Street Reservoir was approximately'5 MGD at that time, both munici- pal wells were operating and the Turkey Hill Road water tank was on-line. The subdivision connects two dead-end streets, Birch Hill Road and Pioneer Knolls. The water system in the subdivision consists of a single eight-inch main, approximately 1000 feet in length, looping the two dead-end mains on Birch Hill Road and Pioneer Knolls, with a single hydrant approximately at the mid- point of the water main. A picot gauge was installed on this hydrant to measure the flow rate and a pressure gauge was installed to measure the residual pressure. The flow rate was measured as 980 gpm at a residual pressure of 35 psi. This converts to an available flow rate of 1250 gpm at a residual pressure of 20 psi. The static pressure at the hydrant prior to the flow test was measured at 60 psi. A copy of the flow test log is attached. Pressure recorders were installed on the last hydrant on Birch Hill Road and Pioneer Knolls from 6:00 P.M. on July 19 until after the flow test was con- ducted. The pressure ranged from 45 psi to 60 psi on Birch Hill Road and 50 psi to 65 psi on Pioneer Knolls. During the flow test the pressure dropped to 30 psi on Birch Hill Road and 33 psi on Pioneer Knolls. Copies of the pressure charts are enclosed. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, MJM/JGR/mld Enclosure cc: Fire Chief Board of Public Works Water Department Thomas Hathaway ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. ohn G. ymond, P Chief Engineer 117 ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 9 10 Aloo/V s ="o ti 11 ~l QOM 1 Ntm 1 O W Hydrant flow Test No. i Job No. ;210-//D •Zc Date: 7 2.0 ~l~ By Client: 1 Nowrys R,9LT,Y,9wAY . 7,ocation; Test Hydrant: *C1zii19-6d f~~~ls M~J~L,E Q~ NSW ~C.O~9.D Location; Static Hydrant: ,c,✓D-o~ ~~i1 cy Ni~~ 1Zd.a.d Location; Residual Hydrant: ~tio o~ /°iv.~£tt kNDLr.S Test Ti=e: From to :11g Static Pressure; Static Hydrant: 1;61- PSI Static Pressure; Residual Hydrant: X PSI Residual Pressure; Static Hydrant: '3o PSI, Residual Pressure; Residual hydrant: 3,3 PSI Flow Pressure; Test Hydrant: 3S PSI (PITGT) 7Ior,..lszf 4 pis S7:iri G ~fflOm► ~~s~ y:13 Converted Test Hydrant Floa: _9 rb G.F.M. cyfd7,o,,,/3yP9s Ntoz'zle Dia.; Test Hydrant: Z..f•y inches g~p~~•-13Sra Entrance Coefficient: Jy' t - Corra=►ents : Cf p 0 FiE M 14AO 1 Ar..1 S'. 2~stc cols - S~ti~ i ~~TK GiTy W4Cvl.5 OA) Certified:• Witness: C#,49-r ►.t~};J_HJt~'L~Y._ t 1.5::~':1:.TE5._IMt' .PC ~s Li 0.-° KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, Hathaway Construction Corp., a Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at North Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, does -in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other valuable consideration grant to the City of Northampton a perpetual right and easement for the purposes of entering upon, constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining sewer equipment and facilities upon the following described parcel of land: That certain tract or parcel of land shown as "Sewer Easement" located on the southeasterly side of Birch Hill Road (Extension) within Lot 5 as shown on a plan of land entitled, "Heritage. Hill Hathaway Construction .Corp., North Road, Westhampton, RFD, Northampton, MA" prepared by the Berkshire Design Group dated March 23, .1988, approved by the Northampton Planning Board on March 24, 1988,_being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on said southeasterly side of Birch Hill Road (Extension) at the northwesterly corner of Lot 5, the same being the southwesterly corner. of Lot 4 as shown on said plan; thence turning and running N. 700 31' 56" E.. a distance of thirty-two and seventy-eight one- hundredths (32.78) feet to a point at an existing sewer easement; thence turning and running S. 290 49' 10" W. a distance of fifty-one and sixty-four one-hundredths (51.64) feet to a point at an unnamed way; thence turning and running N. 720 05' 53" W. a distance of ten and sixty one-hundredths (10.60) feet to a point on said Birch Hill Road (Extension); thence turning and i , sG4K3Z49 ~A60 running in a northerly direction along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of one hundred ninety-seven.and four one-hundredths (197.04) feet a length of thirty-one and four one-hundredths (31.04) feet to the point of beginning. Signed this-_zMday of 1988. HATHAWAY CONSTRUCTION CORP. By: President and Treasurer COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, s. s. Z Then personally appeared the above-named President and Treasurer of Hathaway Construction Corp., and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of Hathaway Construction Corp., before me, Notary Public My Comm. Exp.: /*ao l9 mpshire ss. YI 1988 at o'~?oc?c anti m:w~. A,✓ .,.?~i„ Rec'd ent'd and;; (M)ON7 H „Y) a ex='d wieh Haaipahire Reg. of Deeds, Boor a r.. 4 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Hathaway Construction Corp., a Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at North Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, does in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, grant to the City of Northampton a perpetual right and easement for the purposes of drainage and for the further purposes of entry upon and maintenance of the following parcels of land and any and all drainage equipment and facilities located thereon. Those two tracts of land individually marked "Drainage Easement" within Lot #10 as shown on a plan of land entitled, "Heritage Hill - Hathaway Construction Corp., North Road, Westhampton, RFD, Northampton, MA" prepared by the Berkshire. Design Group dated March 23, 1988, and approved by the Northampton Planning Board on March 24, 1988, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL 1: Being the most northerly parcel shown as "Drainage Easement" within Lot #10 as shown on said plan commencing at the most southerly point of said parcel; thence turning and running N. 680 03' 35" W. a distance of thirty-one and sixty-four one-hundredths (31.64) feet to a point; thence turning and running N. 210.56' 25" E. a distance of thirty and 00/100 (30.00) feet to a point; thence turning and running S. 680 03' 35" E. a distance of thirty-five and . thirty. one-h_undradths---(35.30) feet to a point;- thence following an arc with a curve to the right having a radius of one hundred thirty-seven and four byre-h-undredths•.,(,137:04) feet a length of thirty. and twenty-eight one-hundredths (30.28) feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2: Being the most southerly parcel shown as "Drainage Easement within Lot #10 as shown on said plan and commencing at the most southerly point of said parcel; thence turning and running N. 430 19' 35" W. a distance of thirty and 00/100 (30.00) feet to a point; thence turning and running N. 460 40' 25" E. a distance of thirty and 00/100 (30.00) feet to a point; thence turning and running S. 430 19' 35" E. a distance of twenty-nine and eighteen one-hundredths (29.18) feet to a point; thence running along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of one hundred thirty-seven and four one-hundredths- (137.04) feet a distance of fifteen and three one hundredths (15.03) feet. to a concrete bound; thence running S. 460 40' 25" E. a distance of fifteen and 00/100 (15.00) feet to the point of beginning. Signed this day of 1988. HATHAWAY CONSTRUCTION CORP. By: G!r~ Pfesident and Treasurer o COVENANT The undersigned, HathREw fty rstr, c on Corporation, of North Road, Westhampton, Mass bt~tase~t,s',' 1 ~reinafter called the "Covenantor", having submit, -d-to the,;Northampton Planning Board Ii U i r i it the Definitive Plan of a Subdivision, Heritage Hill Name of Subdivision March 23, 1988 Dated Northampton Planning Board Name of Designee U. S. Cert. No. does hereby covenant and agree with said Planning Board and the successors in office of said Board, pursuant to General Laws (Tercentenary Edition), Chapter 41, Section 81U,. as amended, that: 1. The Covenantor is the owner of record of the premises shown on said Plan. 2. This Covenant shall run with the land on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and be binding upon the executors, administrators, heirs, assigns of the Covenantor, and their successors in title to the premises shown on said plan. 3. The Covenantor further agrees that the construction of the common driveway and the installation of municipal services along said common driveway shall be provided to serve said lots in accordance with the approval of the Heritage Hill Subdivision before any dwelling houses to be served by said common driveway are occupied. 4. Lots 4 and 6 only shall not be built upon or conveyed until such time as the common driveway is completed and municipal services installed, other than by mortgage deed; provided that a mortgagee who acquired title to the mortgaged premises by foreclosure or otherwise and any succeeding owner of the mortgaged premises or part thereof may sell any such lot, subject only to that portion of this Covenant 1 CX53 PS l a. 'A 0 k 9 which provides that no lot so sold shall be built upon until such ways and serves have been provided to serve such lot. 5. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit a conveyance subject to this Covenant by a single deed of the entire parcel of land shown on the Subdivision Plan or of all lots not previously released by the Planning Board without first providing such ways and services. 6. The Covenantor agrees to provide to the Northampton Board of Public Works a Plan showing the location of the utilities along the common driveway together with the hook-up locations for each lot. 7. This Covenant shall take effect upon its being signed and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, and reference to this Covenant shall be entered upon said S ubd iv is ion Plan. EXECUTED as a sealed instrument this 6th day of February, 1991. HATHAWAY CO STRUCTION CORPORATION, By: omas R. Hat away, Its d/ly authorized President By: Thomas 12. Hathaway, Its duly authorized Treasurer COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, ss. February 6 1 1991 Then personally appeared the above-named J{ A , President, and Treasurer, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of Hathaway Cons ruction Corporation, before me, Timothy Y. Was burl Rotary Public My Comm. Exp.: NF:hath.cov 2 BROWNELL, WASHBURN, KAPLAN NICASTRO & TRUSWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 8 CRAFTS AVENUE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 413-584-7271 TELEFAX 413-586-2156 TIMOTHY F. WASHBURN DAVID R. KAPLAN' - ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW YORK ERIC B. GERVAIS, OF COUNSEL February 13, 1991 Mr. Wavne Feiden Northampton Planning Department City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Heritage Hill Dear Wayne: JOSEPH A. NICASTROt LYNN M. TRUSWELL t ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW HAMPSHIRE I enclose a copy of the Covenant for Heritage Hill Subdivision which I recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds on February 12, 1991, as Document No. 2314. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Verv truly yours, Timothy F. Washburn TFW/dn Enclosure :7069t hathawa2.let >n 1 AMENDMENT TO COVENANT The undersigned, Hathaway Construction Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation with a usual place of business at North Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, hereinafter called the "Covenantor", granted to the Northampton Planning Board a Covenant to secure certain obligations of Covenantor relating to Heritage Hill Subdivision, which Covenant is dated February 6, 1991, and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 3682, Page 6, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, Covenantor has requested of the Northampton Planning Board that Lot 6 be released from said Covenant to allow Lot 6 to be sold and built on, and that Lot 2 be substituted in place of Lot 6. NOW, THEREFORE, the Northampton Planning Board hereby releases Lot 6 from the provision of paragraph 4 of said Covenant and the parties hereto agree that paragraph 4 shall be amended to read that "Lots 4 and 2 only shall not be built upon or conveyed Further, the parties hereto affirm that all other provisions of said Covenant shall remain in full force and effect. Executed as a sealed instrument this day of May 1992. HATHAWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION By: Thomas R. Hathaway, President and Treasurer NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS May , 1992 Then personally appeared Thomas R. Hathaway, President and Treasurer of Hathaway Construction Corporation and acknowledged the foregoing instrument as the corporation's free act and deed before me. Timothy-_F_. _W a s hburn-,--Notary--P-ub 1-i c---------- My Commission Expires: 2/12/93 0OZ314 CoVENAPT The undersigned, Hathaway Construction Corporation, of North Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, hereinafter called the "Covenantor", having submitted to the Northampton Planning Board the Definitive Plan of a Subdivision, Heritage Hill Name of Subdivision Northampton Planning Board Name of Designee March 23, 1988 Dated U. S. Cert. No. does hereby covenant and agree with said Planning Board and the successors in office of said Board, pursuant to General Laws. (Tercentenary Edition), Chapter 41, Section 81U, as amended, that: 1. The Covenantor is the owner of record of the premises shown on said Plan. 2. This Covenant shall run with the land on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and be binding upon the executors, administrators, heirs, assigns of the Covenantor, and their successors in title to the premises shown on said plan. 3. The Covenantor further agrees that the construction of the common driveway and. the installation of municipal services along said common driveway shall be provided to serve said lots in accordance with the approval of the Heritage Hill Subdivision before any dwelling houses to be served by said common driveway are occupied. 4. Lots 4 and 6 only shall not be built upon or conveyed until such time as the common driveway is completed and "municipal services installed, other than by mortgage deed; provided that a mortgagee who acquired title to- -the mortgaged premises by foreclosure or otherwise and any succeeding owner of the mortgaged premises or part thereof may sell any such lot, subject only to that portion of this Covenant i i r~ . P k 10 N R c K J13 AG~ P 1' J `f' e~. .J 3fi2 ■ 07 which provides that no lot so sold shall be built upon until such ways and serves have been provided to serve such lot, 5. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit a conveyance subject. to this Covenant by a single deed of the entire parcel of land shown on the Subdivision Plan or of all lots not previously released by the Planning Board without first providing such ways and services. 6. The Covenantor agrees to provide to the Northampton Board of Public Works a Plan showing the location of the utilities along the common driveway together with the hook-up locations for each lot. 7. This Covenant shall take effect upon its being signed and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, and reference to this Covenant shall be entered upon said Subdivision Plan. EXECUTED as a sealed instrument this 6th day of February, 1991. HATHAWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, } By: Thomas K. Hat away, Its d ly authorized President By : Thomas . Hath way, G Its duly authorized Treasurer COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, ss. February 6, 1991 Then personally - appeared the above-named i J? ~ { A A• President, and u,i& Treasurer, and acknowledged...the/ foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of Hathaway Cons ruction Corporation, before me, Timothy Was burn ota•.f 'ub1 Carl i,' My Comm Exp.: NF : ha th c n shire ss: r 1991 ato'clcck and_y_~/_minutesA.M., Recd ent'd and (MONTH) (DAY) exam'd with Hampshire Reg. of Deeds, BookslSQLfA Page , l Attest _ REGISTER - - nn H• H• oo III fJ 0 ~5 H rt x R7 k waE n H ~ww(D rtNNrr~ rnH•a imam rr m H• w rF Hr ~5 rt n1d rt rtn N x~~ mmmw a ~ N °n Cr H•r0n. ~wcw a0mrt (D (r. NOmn n H• N. rh (D 0 N• ":1. 0 i~ n Hn H• H• 0 ~j rr rn rt ((DD wn~3' arm n a nl r" ~ rtxU~c worm f rt t~ ::3' rh P)z n 0n( 0 t ~:S' wo0rt 110 ~7. (y N ~ m Nro~ ~ m w co 00 1 N cc 1J o, ~ ~o m m rt Cd rt m~3' 0m ~ rth~ wrt NL mm aw rt N N H•ro ; PA rt ~ m m m H• d h HO~J w H N~•rt r rn M (D or 0Gb 0 (D rt rt n 'r•.-4 w n w p- -0 rn mm FH N 0 a aaN d O A ~ d o r-h' n r 1-HHH P) rt o x ( roro~~ ( o a w H H f✓H aw 1- (D H ~pww - rt ~j H•m rtrt tlH N rt 00 o ~ NE H, Hu n to,, N m0 H H0 m fr F rt l-j LQ rt rt (D N H• H• h C) W Pi d m rt ~J ° rode ~ PI - (D ro 0 h r"tp- nro~d t6rd a (D ( P- a tno o D n th rt m rt rt f-n n rt m ~J (D ° w O n rtn r nd N w rt N o > rd O ro r n N w (D En ~l o t N n u 0 rr N N NHF1H (D 0 rt h h rDj r~ m N• N N o ~rtrt rt rt N m a Hl V m F+ W F rt N Ce p ~ h ~ m e a N P- 0 ~ (D m d a ~ (D 0 w N ~ y J m m :11 . Y N N r rt p vo 0 0 a A o H• C ro N w n rt v o r+ x ~ ILI ~ . o 0 r N k p N rt z w G cn N 0 G C ~ . LQ Z H o ~ H z w ~ ~ c n. o a rf o o x a w ~ > z w :A.• I , O 13 a I rr (D N H ~ o N E N =1 P) m ~ rt 0 Id n >i n w H' N a rt N n z H• ~ ~ ~ H m N b rt ro. o w K n 0 W 0 0 0 C o CL (D a r P) rt ( d H• N H ~-i H (D 0 ((DD r N H 'D CD p w r r r ° .Z I' o _ co rt C. AR CD 7 0 j ~ N ~ ~ t7 ri m o "0 Ikk rt r rri gWm I ' ~ m 0 ~d 0 E ~-h d o a co ~(y ,p (D H N z L) Fs h r ' o a " r o0 ~ C N " H N ~ ! C' a H. ~ c N ~ y o H H N 0 rt F z o H• 0 (D a rt rt rt 800KU49 ►'--cE 0133 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: A. Prior to the Planning Board endorsing the approved Definitive Subdivision Plan, in addition to the.requirements of Section 6:05(3.) of the Northampton Subdivision Regulations, the applicant shall complete the following: 1. the Definitive Subdivision Plan shall be revised to include the following: a) proposed easements to the City should be shown on a separate plan at a scale of 111=401, b) SMH *8 should have an outside drop, c) DMH 46 should be re-examined. Catch basin inlets cannot be lower than the main inlet. The Vertical plot should also be examined. d) rip-rap should be shown at the inlet and outlet of the 48" culvert, e) berm used.should be bituminous concrete upright with 6" reveal instead of Cape Cod, f) the developer shall install a 611 PVC water main with 1" PVC services in Heritage Lane to service lots 2 through 7, and a hydrant should be -installed at the end of. the 6" water main for flushing purposes. g) the name of "Heritage Lane" on the common driveway servicing lots 2 through 7 shall'be removed from all plans. 2. submit easement documents, suitable for recording at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, for all proposed easements shown on the Definitive Subdivision ,Plan for approval by the Planning Board and City Solicitor, 3. submit documents, suitable for recording at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds and subject to the approval of the Planning Board and City Solicitor, relative to the detention area and all storm drain pipes outside the proposed easements containing, among other things, explicate wording: a) that said detention area and pipes shall not become the responsibility or.liability of the City, and all construction, reconstruction, maintenance and all liabilities relative to said area and pipes shall become the full responsibility of the developers, property owners, homeowners' association or approved (by the Planning Board) equal, - T.. , . b) that the city ..has the right to discharge storm r4;;_........ . .water into said detention area, w_..T_ C) that a maintenance schedule with regular inspection by a qualified person to insure proper function of the .detention area and pipes shall be established.(said - specific schedule shall be included in the document), d) .that a bank account shall be established to cover the expenses incurred during the maintenance of the detention area and pipes. Said bank account shall have a minimum balance of $3,000 at all times, e), addressing the liabilities that might be incurred through the existence of said detention area. An additional bank account shall be opened with sufficient funds to'purchase adequate insurance coverage, f) that the City is not responsible for the utilities leading to any lots, including lots 2 through 7, after they leave the main lines on the street. 4. the applicant shall provide the City with a Performance Guarantee, subject to approval by the Planning Board and City Solicitor. Said-Performance Guarantee may take the form of either: 1) a Covenant (Form I of the Northampton Subdivision Regulations); or 2) a bond, I deposit of money or negotiable security in conformance with the provisions of Section 81-U of Chapter 41, M.G. L. Should the applicant choose a bond, deposit of. money or negotiable security, then the applicant shall complete all of the required improvements in the approved Definitive Subdivision. Plan at least nine months prior to the expiration date of the bond (etc.) so that the City will have time to draw upon said funds and complete the unfinished work. The monetary value of the bond shall be agree upon by the DPW and shall be 100 percent of the cost of completion as of the date the bond (etc.) expires, 5 All of the above shall be presented to the Board within 60 days of the expiration of the appeal period of the approval of the subdivision. II, B. The following waiver requests have been granted; a layout.plan with a scale of 1"=60'instead of 1"=40', one typical Right-Of-Way cross-section instead of a cross-section at 501.intervals, a typical pavement section with: 12" base course, 1.5" binder course, 1/5" surface course, C: AU 49 PAGE 0135 a reduction in pavement width from 30' to 24' to conform with width of the existing city street (Pioneer Knolls), The following waiver requests have been denied: the larger trees (trees greater than 4" caliper) be retained within the R.O.W. of the street. 7.01.4b, D. The Building Inspector shall issue no permits for any of the lots of the development unless he is notified in writing by the Chairman of the Planning Board that all necessary plans and documents have been recorded at the Registry of Deeds and, if applicable, any release of covenants. E. Prior to the beginning of any construction, the developers, the project's engineer and the contractor shall attend a pre-construction conference to be arranged by the City Engineer. F. During the. physical construction of the public ways and utilities, the developers shall comply with the following: 1. The developers shall notify in writing, the DPW and Planning Board five days in advance of commencement of construction and subsequent phases so that proper inspection can take place. 2. After the installation of. the complete water system and prior to the placement of any. gravel on the proposed roadway, the developers shall present ties to fixed and easily identifiable objects and elevations (whenever applicable) on 4" x 6" cards, of' all appropriate components (such as bends, tees, gates, corporations, service boxes etc.) of said system so that the DPW will be able to physically locate said components in the future. Said cards are to be prepared by the project's engineer. Upon approval of the above by the DPW, the Planning Board shall instruct the developers in writing to proceed with the construction. 3. The developers shall present proof, at their own expense, by a qualified person/firm, to be approved by the City Engineer, that the gravel to be used on the project meets State specifications. 4. The water main shall be tested by the developers or their designees for leaks and adequate fire flow (750gpm @ 20 psi residual pressure) under the supervision of the DPW prior to the issuance of any building permits. Building Permits shall be issued only after the Chairman of the Planning Board informs the Building Inspector that the above tests meet City i ROOKU 39 PAGE o. J 3s requirements, and if applicable, after the issuance of a release of covenant. The fire flow test shall be conducted by a Mass. Registered Professional Engineer. G.. Upon completion of construction, the developers shall present the Board with: 1. Record plans, the standards for which have been set by the DPW. 2. A formal petition, signed by six Northampton residents, accompanied by appropriate plans so that the Planning Board can proceed with the acceptance of,the ways as City streets. The standards for the plans have been set by the DPW. 3. A document, suitable for recording, deeding the proposedpublic roadways to the City. H. There will no occupancy permits issued by the Building Inspector for any lot until the'Planning Board notifies the latter that the following have been constructed by the developers and approved by the City Engineer: 1. All utilities to.said lot. 2. A driveway, and 3. At least the binder course has been installed. I. The total responsibility for the maintenance (including snow and ice removal), repair, reconstruction of the roadway and utilities shall remain with the developers, theirsuccessors and assigns until the Planning Board fully accepts the subdivision and the developers have petitioned the City to accept the roads as City Streets. J. All conditions of the Conservation Commission and Board of Health shall become a part of these order of Conditions. K. The developer will leave at least two (2) mature deciduous trees in front of every lot, or plant two (2) 3" caliper trees to take their place. Ham. pshir. ss. 1988 at o'clock and minutes A M., Rec'd, ent'd andl; (MO;v1 H (DAY) 1 exa&d with Hampshire Reg. of Deeds, Book `3 Pa°'--L i Attest _7 5 1 T. 04Zt1AMp~, r ; ~ e Paul 0. Hadsel Director of Public Works Peter J. McNulty, Sr. Assistant Director of Public Works Kathleen Fallon, Esq. Assistant City Solicitor City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Ref: "Heritage Hill" Subdivision• July 25, 1988 Dear Kathleen: The Department of Public Works has no objections to the elimination of the easements mentioned in the attached deed and plan. since Heritage Hill subdivision has superceeded the 1958 subdivision. The original documents necessary to accomplish the above should be forwarded to our office. Yours truly, c%E'c~C Paul 0. Hadsel Director of Public Works POH/GA/b CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413.586.6950 ext. 270 cc: Thomas Hathaway I \ J BROWNELL, GLISERMAN, WASHBURN, GERVAIS & KAPLAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 8 CRAFTS AVENUE NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 01060 413-584-7271 WILLIAM H. BROWNELL (1917-1984) SAUL GLISERMAN TIMOTHY F. WASHBURN ERIC B. GERVAIS DAVID R. KAPLAN* JOSEPH A. NICASTROt LYNN M. TRUSWELL *also admitted In New York talso admitted in New Hampshire Mr. Larry Smith Planning Department City Hall City of Northampton Northampton, MA 01060 July 14, 1988 Re: Hathaway Construction Corp. Heritage Hill Subdivision Dear Larry: L6J JUL I ~ 1988 OFFICE OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT This office represents Hathaway Construction Corp. Please be advised that all plans and documents required by the Northampton Planning Board relative to the Heritage Hill Subdivision have been recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds, including the following: 1. Layout Plan/Envelopes - recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 153, Page 92; 2. Subdivision Approval - recorded in said Registry Book 149, Page 132; 3. Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions - recorded in said Registry Book 3149, Page 161; 4. Drainage Easement Plan - recorded in said Registry in Plan Book 153, Pages 1 and 2. 5. Easement for installation of a sanitary sewer granted by A. W. Borawski et ux to the City of Northampton dated June 26, 1959, recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Book 1305, Page 78. Mr. Larry Smith July 14, 1988 Page 2 6. Taking by the City of Northampton for a permanent easement for installation of a sanitary sewer and water lines, dated February 12, 1963, recorded in said Registry Book 1401, Page 431. 7. Right of way to pass and repass on foot and with motor vehicles over Pioneer Knolls (Extension) and Birch Hill Road (Extension) as more particularly shown on the Subdivision Plan. 8. Subdivision Approval Conditions imposed by the Northampton Planning Board dated March 28, 1988, recorded in said Registry in Book 3149, Page 132. 9. Easement granted to Massachusetts Electric Company for installation of an underground electric distribution system dated April 26, 1988, recorded in said Registry Book 3172, Page 112. According to the Notice of Subdivision Approval, the Building Inspector will need a written letter from the Chairman of the Planning Board stating that all documents relative to the subdivision have been recorded at the Registry of Deeds, as well as any release of covenants, if applicable, in order to issue a building permit. Very truly yours, C< Jca~~~-&jo Timothy F. Washburn 6270:hathplan.let cc: Mr. Paul Duclos, Building Inspector 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 . (413) 586.6950 • Community and Economic Development • Conservation • Historic Preservation . • Planning Board• Zoning Board of Appeals July 19, 1988 Mr. Paul Duclos, Building Inspector, City of Northampton Wallace J. Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: "HERITAGE HILL" Subdivision Dear Mr. Duclos: The Planning Board of the City of Northampton is satisfied that all documents relative to the captioned subdivision have been recorded at the Registry of Deeds as required by our order of conditions.. It is in order for your office to issue'Building Permits for lots in this subdivision. Very truly yours, 4~4~ P. LU~~ xe Nancy P. Duseau, Chair Northampton Planning Board c: Atty. Timothy F. Washburn 8 Crafts Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 BROWNELL,WASHBURN & TRUSWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 8 CRAFTS AVEKUE NORTHAMPTON, MkO 1060 41 3-584-7271 TELEFAX 41 3-586-21 56 TIMOTHY F. WASHBURN LYNN M. TRUSWELL November 2, 1992 Mr. Wayne Feiden Northampton Planning Office City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Heritage Hill Subdivision Dear Mr. Feiden: This is to confirm that the deeds for the sale of the lots on the common driveway at Heritage Hill Subdivision by Hathaway Construction Corp. all contain the following language: Subject to the condition that there shall be no vehicle access to said lots from other than the common driveway as approved by said Special Permit. Subject to the condition that said common driveway shall not become a City way, and the maintenance, operation, repair, reconstruction (including snow plowing and snow/ice removal) shall be the responsibility and liability of the lot owners who use said common driveway. Very truly yours, f Timothy F. Washburn TFW/cp 7793:feiden.let