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Arnold Ave09010 S.LI2Sf1HDVSSVNI `NOJ4L lVH,L2I0AI 1Sd3 3AING Zb'I2i,LSf]QNI a£ S'IdNIOISS33ONd 3.LIS Q3SN3DI'I SZ133NIOM3 SHOA3ANf1S 'd `S E LVI3OSSV A EI' LNf1H XJTLLNf1H 0 CC m L� o 0 O in w)_ qq crD 1 O (n 0W< 31 X U 0 Q_ In W w~0 W W J ct _i N O m <O a ca a 0 2 0 V0 w0< i z U. m Q .l�� EL p H V) 1 Z c$: NF 6 w N X Z Z 0 Lai I F-� W Z 0 Z 0a ci: ci f <04. CI L CO 4 O Z Z x crO o 0q� ~0 Z Z 0 0 Z La Z X W< D CC La La 0 -Itlti (Ni cr J CC 0 ct 3 W z (ri z W 0 Z a- o J 0 (n m w w z w 0 X r LL_ W 0 0 0 0 0 N 11 W w W O m 0 V? JJ< LAJ O u Z w(�. L J0I a W V! 0 E-- oz� O c Z w W30 WZ Z w< O ce wm FW W 0 =.1w J C �1 x t� V W 1 <8< J F U4 OW O V) w w I M<).--p �w n0Ow0< E1t HLWIS 3 S 2 2103 Q321`e'dH2id A2I.LSIrJ32I 321IHSdLAIdH SJJ2SflH3VSSVV `uoiaIAIVxiZIou afl.NSAV ITIONNV NOI,LMOd d dO 30NH11NII,LNODSIQ 2SOd02id Vd'Id tai w Z O Vf Z 4J Li Om z O w 24 as V II O N 0 W a. 0 at S ci O 0 t 07 6 1 Z lambrj IAM LZ:6Z:Z1 900Z/8 /L iSIQ QZONIEV /AP'Q"IONDIV I £Z 6 1- m W t 0 m >f 0 Li 6 ce Lai 0 Z W J H W O 0 a w o Zo U Z CC w (n CO-- V) ZO 2 W m V) O J a cr o 0 0 2 <o nip \s2aaus a a N 4 0 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Receipt Acknowledged: TH.E. e )1TY OF NORTH TON WHEREAS The .Trustees of The Smith College (hereinafter "Smith and the City of Northampton (hereinafter "City wish to discontinue a portion of Arnold Avenue, a public way within the City; and WHEREAS the City wishes to have access to a section of the discontinued portion of Arnold Avenue for the turnout and turnaround of snowplows and access to adjacent parking lots for snow storage froth Arnold Avenue; and WHEREAS Smith has granted the City an easement over a portion of its property for snow storage and snow plow turnaround which is recorded in the Hampshire Registry of Deeds inBook 9138, Page 63; now THEREFORE, Smith agrees to hold. the City harmless from and for any claim, cost, loss or expense in the City's exercise of its easement, for snow storage and snow plow turnaround, to the extent such claim, cost or,expense is not covered by insurance or is a result of the City's failure to .exercise due care in greater than ordinary, negligence. IN. WITNESS. WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, this. e'day of "a%� ,.'2007. THE TRUSTEES OF THE SMITH COLLEGE r\ Ruth H. Constantine, duly. authorized z 0 1 IN- if,7 vii 1 I iTi t j i.'1.. ti.... m m z m H fl 90178-SI3S-EIt 0 C 1 RI tii z1, rl 1 Q- ...7"• 1 CI A: '...,7,-,, .y. I I •I''.• i :.1 IA-% i at Y. ii li 4: 1 i 4; I 4/ x.,....; 0 '2' h I `—'11:' A 8. 21 k w 2 •i ID. i• 4 ;...'..22A.T4A--,,,,4,7--,-,,,,,,...,,,.0.....r...____..G..—.—..-..— Q.— __A ,..7.„„A„.. •...."1: i A A' 4 ilV.i....--7. r 1 z..9,...... o ili..1 QIN 1 _!•47;1. z K. v I 1: 'ai 1, z i 7: 1 ..4 44.1 1 i 1 11 r; A 1 e 4. 1 47, .1 i.... .I t `2, f227 rt; '4.- 1 S., A A' Janaqs a2paJeLlq3 e'65:90 L o CZ Rew Edward S. Huntley, P.E Director 0 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO THE CITY COUNCIL On October 5, 2006, the Northampton City Council referred to the Northampton Board of Public Works and the Northampton Planning Board a petition for the discontinuance of a portion of Arnold Avenue. The Board of Public Works held a public hearing on April 28, 2007 and at it's meeting on May 9, 2007, after considering the petition, a majority voted to recommend the discontinuance. Respectfully submitted The Board of Public Works of the City of Northampton Aeowi Edward Huntley Director of Public Works c: Northampton Board of Public Works Northampton Planning Board V 1/1, U:\Arnold Avenue \Street Discontinuance 051007.doc CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 -2066 413- 587 -1570 Fax 413 587 -1576 F: \word \smlTl I -CO \arnold PETITION FOR DISCONTINUANCE OF A PORTION OF ARNOLD AVENUE TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF NORTHAMPTON WHEREAS The Trustees of The Smith College have purchased properties on the stub street known as Arnold Avenue and have an agreement to purchase the property of Housing and Economic Resources For Women, Inc. (Map 3 ID, Parcel 57); and WHEREAS Smith plans to make improvements to sidewalks on Arnold Avenue connecting the new Engineering and Molecular Sciences Building to the parking facility on West Street; and WHEREAS the public convenience and necessity no longer requires the public repair, maintenance and right of way over the 4,086 square foot stub end of Arnold Avenue; now THEREFORE, We the undersigned residents of the City of Northampton and The Trustees of The Smith College request that the following portion of the public way known as Arnold Avenue be discontinued in accord with M.G.L. c. 82, §21 and Sections 19 -42 and 19 -43 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Northampton: The proposed discontinuance begins at the present terminus of Arnold Avenue entirely within the land now owned by The Trustees of The Smith College as shown on Exhibit A, consisting of a Plan of Proposed Discontinuance of a Portion of Arnold Avenue in Northampton, Massachusetts, prepared for The Trustees of The Smith College by Huntley Associates, P.C., dated December 8, 2004, revised July 14, 2006, and attached to this Petition. This Petition for a Discontinuance of a Portion of Arnold Avenue is based upon the following: i 1 'pr► tap Wa4t 15 1 ►4, 1 The Portion of Arnold Avenue- proposed for discontinuance is entirely within the property owned by The Trustees of The Smith College or under contract to be owned before December 30, 2006. 2. The proposed discontinuance would relieve the City of Northampton of its obligation to plow, maintain and repair that portion of the roadway and the underlying utilities. 3. The proposed discontinuance would relieve the City of Northampton of its liability for claims as a result of the condition or layout of the roadway. WHEREFORE, We the undersigned residents of the City of Northampton respectfully request the City Council of the City of Northampton discontinue the attached and described portion of Arnold Avenue. July 20, 2006 P: \word \cdh \arnold By: THE TRUSTEES OF THE SMITH COLLEGE lo? gerebra4 J .�;F C l C S4c.. arol Christ, Its President CN-1AgNO Liza a r 74` adeje,- lei) Ebv AichArtfitofp 7 &crt, p cafe r`f(((Cir-sr