32C-001 (15) THORNES M A R K E T P L A C E CONTENTS Sign Permit Application 1 Description of Proposed Work 4 Existing Conditions 6 Recent Photo 7 1970's Marquee 8 Proposed Signage 9 Lighting Spec 11 McCallum's Store Front 12 Vitrine Options 13 2. The(7) letters will be back lit with color LED halo illumination.The color LEDs will include red,green, blue, yellow,purple,cyan and white.The backlit illumination of the letters will be controlled by an RGB controller which will allow Thornes to operate and change settings with the lettering via a hand held remote controller. The range of the remote control is 80'-100'. The control/remote has preset settings ranging from static/solid colors to gradual color changes and color fade in/fade out.Thornes intends to illuminate the letters in white for the of the calendar year but would like the ability to modulate colors during holiday seasons. For example,we would hope to: • Utilize gradual change in the illuminations color of the letters from red to white to blue during July 4th weekend, Memorial Day weekend, Patriots Day and Veteran's Day • Red to white illumination for Valentine's Day weekend • Rainbow colors for Pride weekend • Orange, black and white for Halloween • Blue and white for Hanukkah • Red,green and white during the Christmas season • Other combinations yet to be determined Please note that Thornes bullnose and facade are currently illuminated at night. It has been our policy to shut off these lights at 11 PM each evening.This policy would remain in place for the new signage. 3. Thornes would like to install a 3'wide fabric awning on the building below the new sign. The entrance to Thornes is frequently used as a meeting place and we would like to continue to provide a place for people to stand and be protected from the elements. Plus we believe the awning is a strong design compliment to the new lettering. There would be minimal, down lit lighting under the awning for safety purposes.This lighting will comply fully with the appropriate Northampton code requirements.This lighting would be utilized on the same schedule as the new signage.The specification for the awning material is: Firesist, Forest Green Tweed,82002- 0000. (A sample of this material is available upon request.) 4. To further enhance Thornes streetscape,we would like to install a vitrine on the sidewalk and pavers opposite our Main Street entrance. While a final design for the vitrine has not been decided,we are submitting the(4)designs currently under consideration. The average size of the vitrine is 3' deep,10' long and 6' high. It is anticipated that the vitrine would be installed in late 2013 or 2014 at the earliest. See the following attachments: a)Thornes Proposed New Signage&Awning (p. 9-10) b)Signage Lighting Spec (p.11) c) McCallum's Store Front(p.12) d)Vitrine Designs(p.13) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK 15 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK The owners of Thornes Marketplace would like to improve the exterior appearance of Thornes by removing the current green awning and underlying marquee from its façade and replacing both with simple,4' high fabricated aluminum letters.The new signage and awning will be installed in late 2013 or 2014. Thornes Marketplace contains approximately 55,000 square feet and is home to over 25 merchants and businesses.Thornes was purchased by Thornes Marketplace LLC in 2006. Existing Conditions: Thornes' current sign measures 7' 9" high by 55'wide for a total face area of 426 SF. This does not include the bullnose portion of the awning which has an 84 SF sidewalk footprint(11' long x 7' 8"wide). The current T-H-O-R-N-E-S letters on the awning are 5' high.The awning has been in place since the early 1980's and is in poor condition.Thornes has been advised by its awning vendor that making repairs to this 20+year old structure is no longer viable with both the underlying frame and fabric needing replacement. While Thornes' large,green awning has been a landmark on Main Street for years, many feel that it has outlived its aesthetic life and become a bit of an eyesore. Given its disrepair and the general belief that it is time for a visual update of the Main Street exterior,the building owners are seeking permission to install new signage on the building's facade. In preparation for new signage,Thornes Main Street facade was repainted in 2012. The marquee which is also attached to the front façade and is covered by the large,green awning was installed in the late 1970's and will be removed as part of the overall project. (This marquee was not part of the original fixtures of the McCallum department store that at one time existed at 150 Main Street.) See the following attachments: a)Thornes Façade: Existing Conditions(p.6) b)Thornes Façade: Recent Photo(p.7) c) Photo of Thornes Marquee installed in the 1970's(p.8) Proposed Improvements: 1. Thornes is proposing to install a sign consisting of(7)4' high letters made of fabricated aluminum. This style of lettering has been chosen as a historical reference to the lettering found on the building's façade when it was home to McCallum's department store. The proposed sign has a total face area of 146 SF(versus the 426 SF of the current sign). While it appears that Northampton's code would allow for each of our 25 tenants to petition for their own unique sign on the building's façade, a single sign has been applied for in order to limit our overall visual impact. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK 14 . , A 01,lo.1 o • ■VO,04,k14i44.OP, ° , I et; , 71. '''' ,„,„„_,_„,±' '4 '... I *MOH■ ' , .... _ 0. , 4 ' ,. 1 S e, r■ e ^ I I I 0 s,..4 / ! • tea: -------'' -11 ' 1,1,■ '‘,i',,, ' I 1 4 C4.411-s,,.:.0.,{41.41,01),1.4.0,Itereet eel 1,5140,,k1 Welly HMIT.44 tilt,rrql,:•,,toit, 41. 1 Or ,,, 0 , 4 ?-4 P # ilii. Xi,... .\\ ri ( t t C . . , ! ( ) . .. --4,... _ ... .. ,... . ,...„,._, . :OW Vt.P(Aonm., ,,,m..11-1,,,A,,■e'lf ...I.!"*,4,4,4”“0'4040 l.,14.1.60t■,,,,V1,`..,,,,,.S ''44 . VITRINE OPTIONS I 13 • t- . t 1 t to� r I r } m ih, i k.4 . .«� . 4�. a `i I 4 414 \\ Adim i sa w. 1 % ) N1 �\ - \ ' � i li„ 4 YYY -,r,.. „ \ \ ^a �P ,l „„ ana" " 4�4 i 4+ ill a McCALLUM'S STORE FRONT 12 ,mme DECISION OP NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OP APPEALS At a Public Hearing held on November 6, 1991, the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously to GRANT G.R.A.P.E. Realty's (Themes) application for a SPECIAL PERMIT under the Provisions of Section 7.12(15) of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, to allow additional signs and larger signs than are otherwise permitted under the Zoning Ordinance, but only in areas were some signage is permitted. Present and voting were Chairman Robert Buscher, Dr. Peter LaBand, and Mr. Robert Reckman. The findings and conditions were 1. The applicant proposes to add more and larger signs than the Zoning Ordinance allows as of right. In addition to replacing the canopy signet Merrell's, the applicant wishes a permit to allow several existing signs which never received permits,and a new sign for Dynamite Records. 2. The applicant must provide details on the exact elevations, locations, and sizes of all signs on the building. 3. No additional signage on the building is permitted without a new Special Permit 4. Signs on the existing location can be changed if, and only if, the new signs are in exactly the same location, have the same architecture, and have lettering no larger than that which currently exists. 5. The Board expressed no concern about the Oasis sign due to its historical nature. The sign may be a pre-existing non- . conforming sign. The Board will not object to the continuance of this sign, with the condition that if it comes down it can not be replaced. 6. As permitted in this Permit, the signs are not substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than removing the signs. This decision dated Novemb r 20 1991: Robert C. Buscher, Cha rman . • Dr. Peter Laband Mr. RobIft Reckman 1 . , THORNES BUILDING FACADE LETTERING: LETTERS ARE 4 TALL x 4"DEEP WITH LED HALO ILLUMINATION INSTALLATION OF LETTERING: APPROX.QTY(4-6)HOLES IN BUILDING PER LETTER FOR MOUNTING i ATTACHMENT PLUS AN ADDITIONAL HOLE IN BACK OF EACH LETTER FOR ELECTRICAL PASS THROUGH. THESE LETTERS WILL REQUIRE QTY(2-3)6OWATT LOW VOLTAGE REMOTE POWER SUPPLIES TO BE HOUSED INSIDE THE BUILDING (TYPICALLY MOUNTED IN THE CEILING BEHIND THE LETTERS OR ON THE BACKSIDE OF THE WALL LETTERING IS BEING MOUNTED TO) 4' , r I, twisting wig 063 Aluminum returns P. , oimm. . 0 .125 Aluminum omes44 4k ' 3/16 Trans polycarhanate Aluminum spacers „. Pvc sleeves Threaded rod I LED's I ... . . tir Mi?1 1- rt!\r;1 it K7)WW_§.44?Iy: I -- --- - -- ,4 wl$11c'1, A',,'4)i W.3,11-OA gi-ltPl-it‘t`91444R.- Mari POerytc.41[4tifit I -ifillf .-* I ._ . ..,. TYPICAL SECTION DETAIL OF HALO LIT LETTER MU:.. ar zr emlor,(,),,ve,Eiloomt1019,t et i'lt,tkV fftitt,t4,t-,),111 t1t,P-011in*1011 1'4,0 Min';,,40',,O*11. Af146!006,Parli 0( 1,1c14 40,00,.4,C4-00,040 41,itil,t,OM.00,1,,,W,,,r 40,04 4.,,c1,r*)”;I.b4iwr,...4,,,fr,ty W olt, I,„,,,,,,,t004,00.0,,,,,„,,,,,,0,•,,,,,,,. Pft>140 TYPIQA I__§EPTIDN DETAIL 1144,0 LIT :et?.LETTRING Scale. Date Drawn by: Checked by 54@t NTS 4,29.13 JW JW 1 LIGHTING SPEC I ii ,—, '1,.. . , . . . ... HALO LIGHTING EFFECT i t 4 4------1 co 4'deep Febricete0 Alt-0410M Lefler. Held Illurninatlph with enemy efficient White LED's I ........"....„.:..Z.0:,..,.. Th 44 5 N.011-illtfrelhated AWIling with scooped valence Qty.(3) 18'-4" Soclions Color: Sunbrelia, Forp$10rolan Tweed SIDE ELEVATION_ Scale 114" PROPOSED SIGNAGE I lo ..., , . i 1 , 1 i , • ,r ! 1 ! ! ! b i i , ,, , . N t. : T , L. , AWNING SECTIONS AWNING SECTIONS AWNING,SECTIONS 4 5 101itHIONI STOREFRONT ELEVATION Scale 1/8"= 1,-0" 48:' HALO LETTER5 with 51PROJECTING AWNING Project THORNS STOREFRONT SiQNAGE 150 Math Street Northampton,MA 01000 Seale" Date Drawn by. Checked by ' Sheet Rev. 1 A$Noted 5/17/13 PNH PROPOSED SIGNAGE I 9 .,. X44 n � 4, ■ r �r +a a.%+14 � A fi .rte fir' +r .M.W $ e Z 1 4 8G d` k ?a a evSw° w fi ` OVA" x: ..gi '• ,. ...ate 1 w ,r giro-. ■ b■ ■ 1970's MARQUEE I 8 iiiisa - till - ills- 1t fill,'l I� .a H ° " C. CI it.t.51 ////, k" I., ,,, „.„ 1 , 1,1 ,_;., I ,,, X1,1 ei s'AO! `�' " T .,5t, 4 ,t,,,, ..'',:11:11/ ' '''' i .....0.. g ,, ... :„.., , , .,, ,, .. .,„,,,..,„ ,, ff.A :.,, ..,, il m RECENT PHOTO 17 ""`"6 "'tl " NOLLVA3131332l1S ONLLSOG 1NC;: AI awrrasWOA masse HW r +., e�..wa�G,.d 0� auu a va N mourn.A n.x rodex.mte mu ve VIN uo d We42+ON I8 4S UMW OS,),,..°, «Oni.80 3"s r . o uoipnalsuoD NON 3OV1d.I3 8 WS3N220H1 ,"„.a At=.V11 0 3rse w o eJ Y J iw b ___. 1 _ i = . ■ ■ �� ■ ■ ■ ■ O ■ Ma= - - 1 J ■ ■ __ , __1,_ I. ___ _ C1PD -----.= - — 7 ■ ■ r____I imialliigli. _ II - N 2 NM II 1116■ ■ ■ ELM■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - J !U'IIIIII__liii Li jihumi__iii.am li II 0 -1-Fir 1 !l!Iiiii__iii. - - 1 LJ • •• ••• ••• L---I 0.71MMINIIMIESEIrd -1E 1. ■ . ■ ■..f'>L■ ■ ■ Fill."4 ■ ■ ■ I EXISTING CONDITIONS 16 11. I • = = •11 '_ " �" F `_1® .__•. ti 12. Tele P umn tp be MOO in e BuildiliPSIallsleet. Existing Proposed I Required byr Zoning Lot Size t t0 fc700 ice .ri o Frontage 55 tJ Front: Setbacks: Side: L: R: L: R: Rear: Building Height 4 ' 44.4t ' it Bldg Square 5J 1 000 .5 Footage (L Open A m Space:area y� 1,'\ i A (Lot area minus bldg and 1" °*► Paved parking) #of Parking Spaces #of Loading Docks 0 Fill:(volumes location) I A 1S /A 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: APPLICANTS SIGNATUR NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all ado ng Requirements and obtain elf required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission. Department of Public Works end other applicable permit granting autttoritlea. FILE#_ — SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 13 THIS FORM IS PART OF THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION PI-EASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL.INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: tV:4 Te:be,,,k„„, Ri dmicel Address: J 50 cs4 414 afetk-, /dotrilitityAten_Telephone: 4 13--5t3+ 7 552- 2. Owner of Property: MO roe 5 1/14(i4th1a acc. LA-6- Address: 1 SO 0/1 a.Ill Stet t4-6 310 Telephone: ;i?g..-figtric) )( lot 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4, Job Location: 1 5;0 Vtt(tfl 91-ec (4144 iv)vtc,yi Parcel ID: Zoning Map# Parcel# Distriet(e) (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUit.OiNO OEP-ARTIvIeNT) - — — 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: re,tad vott((,, 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation (Use addillon4 sheets if neeessary) (We 44f-, e4 1.? ,e-if p-h c4 JQf . 7. Attached Plans: I _Sketch Plan Site Plan *1 Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding over been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW 4. YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO .._ DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: Enter: Book Page and/or Doeurnent# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: Has a permit been,or need to be,obtained from the Conservation Convnission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,Date Issued 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES: Describe the size,type and location:. ?tea.66. *e 0A-66444 1)(6,4eortich Q4 Work. Are there any proposed changes to,or additions of,signs intended for the property? YES IF YES: Describe the size,type and location; Pt 044- ee &4-aaticui it43 r _ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION I 2 . 1:4-8-5E--71/1E-715--- `UN T 2013 DEPT.OF BUiLDiPi NORTHAMPTON, 01060 3 MPTON,MA y060 (Situ of Wnrt nmpton _____ A I } , ,�y DEPARTMENT of BUILDING INSPECTIONS d12 Main Street • Municipal awictini :: ' Northampton, MA 01060 INSPECTOR Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Or other Advertising device, or Marquee (Application to be tilted out in ink or typewritten) Number Plans must be filed with the Building tnsoectgr Erection ......,•..... before a cermit_wiil t}e granted. Alteration ( Repair •( Repaainting . .. ( ) Removal ( ) FEE. PAGE ..,PI-OT Northampton, Mass. ,20.,..., To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sigan,/or other advertising device,or marquee. BUSINESS NAME -rh i.(Y).": ....1;.ia('!' • - .l . A�t � 1. Location, Street and No. 150,•,t�` a,21.4• , -11/11)01‹,c 2. Owner's name ..,1Viiii(.1 , ., •('1 ,..,lkr4-. . ISO Met( Y Lit. -4-- .i.Q. r.i (414Avk° p4A A 0- 1040 3. Owner's address pp-�^ f 4. Maker's name .,..A.t1.1".�, . 5. Maker's address {t,�' Vj. ,4` .. .. AVl. 6. Erector's name .....`�,,^.("t„.P4.. ,4<k 7. Erector's address ..... ...... .... ,,, ... ., ., ., , , .. SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Reeipnate) 1. Sign will be(check one)illuminated ..Y,, Non-illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escap N1 e,window or door? . ?.• Marquee 'f 3. Lower edge will be ,Jt ft,.,�.,,ins above the public way. Projecting .. 4. Upper edge will be .I5.ft...4-..ins above the public way, Roof , 5. Height . .ft.. ..ins Width 34,ft,?,WAls Temporary 6. Face area ,i.! sq.ft, Wall 7. Inner edge will be .21.,ins from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be .. ..ins from the building or pole. Other ,,••.. 9. Face of building or pole is Xii t.iris back from the street line. 10. Sign will project ..Q..ins beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ,.Q,..ft ..0„ins above the building 9r,pole, 12. Of what material will sign be const ucted? Frame ff,•kt4►'I!,tn.trtfnt..,, Face..A 1•t: !-!°1+•4•I!'41 13. Estimated cost $,.2 '.Q(Z..,.•( t io, L.t' c o i .4 tet64-44,.if 614„,11 Oel The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true o the 4t of hirr�r�ge and belief. . A..- ( gnature of Owns Vint) SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION I 1 File#BP-2013-1176 _ v APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON THORNES MARKETPLACE LLC C/O HPMG 0 ADDRESS/PHONE P 0 BOX 686 NORTHAMPTON PROPERTY LOCATION 150 MAN ST MAP 32C PARCEL 001 001 ZONE CB(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out {� Fee Paid / �Q 7 0 Typeof Construction:_IILLUMINATED MARQUEE- HORNES MARKET PLACE New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO ATION PRESENTED: pp oved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay 671 V Signature of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. City of Northampton Map 32C Lot001 Zone CB(100)/ Massachusetts Date issued 6/20/2013 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2013-1176 Permit Fee$30.00 SIGN PERMIT Business THORNES MARKET PLACE Address 150 MAIN ST Applicant InstallerTHORNES MARKETPLACE LLC C/O HPMG Applicant Installer Address P 0 BOX 686 Work Description IILLUMINATED MARQUEE - THORNES MARKET PLACE Estimated Cost $25000.00 Building Department Approval by: