2012 CPA Report #44 2/21/13 City of Northampton Mail -Fwd: 2012 CPA Annual Report (CPA #44 -Nton Rec Comm -Florence Fields) https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=765d89d169&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=13cc0b6242290f70 1/1 John Frey <jfrey@northamptonma.gov> Fwd: 2012 CPA Annual Report (CPA #44 -Nton Rec Comm -Florence Fields) Wayne Feiden <wfeiden@northamptonma.gov> Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 3:47 PM To: John Frey <jfrey@northamptonma.gov> Cc: Ann-Marie Moggio <amoggio@northamptonma.gov> Please consider this our 2012 CPA report for the multiple CPA grants that are supporting Florence Recreation Fields. The fields are currently under construction, and we are closing out some of the CPA grants as construction progresses. Last fall we completed the rough grading and preparing the soil for the project, one of the largest phases of the project. This winter, the well providing irrigation for the fields was completed. This spring we will complete the final grading and preparation of the fields, related parking lot and access multiuse trail/trail/sidewalk, and an irrigation and control system. This coming summer we will complete the final vegetation and punch list items for the fields themselves. Over the next year, we will arrange for the bathroom/concession building to be installed, which will be the final phase of the project. That work could be in late 2013, but it might be delayed to the first half of 2014. Please let me know if you need any additional information Date Description Deposit Expenditure Initial Balance $127,576.00 12/13/12 Transfer to 3100931-393102-11, Bean/Allard Borrowing $130.00 12/14/12 Berkshire Design, December 3 $9,840.90 1/2/13 Tighe and Bond (Irrigation Well Design) $2,390.10 1/4/13 Fall River Electrical Assoc. (Well) $20,354.70 Balance $94,860.30 Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Hon. WMAIA Director of Planning and Development City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 www.NorthamptonMA.gov/OPD [Quoted text hidden]