CPA CT River Greenway Application COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET I: Project Information Project Title: Connecticut River Greenway Multiuse Trail Project Summary: CPA Funding is sought to advance the design and construction of the Connecticut River Greenway Trail, from the Mass Central/Norwottuck Rail Trail access on Damon Road to the historic New Haven/Northampton Canal and the new Connecticut River Greenway riverfront park. CPA funds will be used for the design and construction of the entire length of trail. Estimated start date: Summer, 2013 Estimated completion date: December, 2016 (for this phase) CPA Program Area (check all that apply):  Open Space � Historic Preservation  � Community Housing Recreation II: Applicant/Developer Information Contact Person and or/primary applicant: Wayne Feiden Property Owner (if applicable): Northampton Conservation Commission and Northampton Recreation Commission Organization (if applicable): Northampton Office of Planning and Development Mailing Address: 210 Main Street, City Hall, Northampton MA 01060 Daytime phone #: 413-587-1265 Fax #: 413-587-1264 E-mail address: wfeiden@northamptonma.gov III: Budget Summary Total budget for project: $600,000 CPA funding request: $300,000 CPA request as percentage of total budget: 50% Applicant’s Signature: __________ Date Submitted: February 5, 2013________________ Connecticut River Greenway CPA Application 1 CONNECTICUT RIVER GREENWAY CPA APPLICATION Narrative: CPA Funding is sought to advance the design and construction of the Connecticut River Greenway Trail from the Mass Central/Norwottuck Rail Trail to the new Connecticut River Greenway riverfront park. Damon Road is an especially treacherous route for bicyclists and those on foot, and the project will create a safe and scenic connection. CPA funds will be used to complete design and engineering of this complete section of the trail, including a bridge over the New Haven and Northampton Canal, to install wetland crossing boardwalks, install a soft surface If the City is successful in a planned PARC grant application, CPA funds will be used as the local match for construction of the bridge. Community Preservation Criteria The project meets several Community Preservation general criteria: Serves more than one CPA program area The project serves both Open Space and Recreation. Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character, boosts the vitality of the community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents Northampton is known for its network of multi-use trails, and this trail will be a valuable addition to this resource. The trail will connect the Mass Central/Norwottuck Rail Trail with River Run condominiums, the historic Canal, and, if PARC funds are received, the CT River Greenway riverfront park via a bridge. The trail will greatly expand the amount of trails and bicycle-friendly roads available to Northampton residents and visitors. Addresses recommendations contained in the Sustainable Northampton comprehensive plan and/or the Northampton Open Space, Recreation, and Mixed Use Trail Plan 2011- 2018 or is consistent with other city-wide planning efforts that have received broad- based scrutiny and input and can demonstrate wide community support Multi-use paths were identified as a primary objective in the Open Space, Recreation, and Mixed Use Trail Plan, so much so that the Plan’s name was changed to include them. The Plan noted that “opportunities for new or expanded connections to existing trail networks for alternative transportation, walking, hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, and other recreational opportunities” are priorities when considering sites for recreation. The Connecticut River Greenway Trail was called out as a specific goal as well: “Extending a trail 1.5 miles from Damon Road or 1.3 miles from River Run Access Road to Elm Court in Hatfield would dramatically open up multi-use trail opportunities. It would connect a new town to the growing rail trail network and provide easy access to Hatfield’s safe back roads for Northampton bicyclists. It would also be a spectacular trail with great Connecticut River vistas and it would be anchored by the south by the new greenway community boathouse park and on the north by the Connecticut Connecticut River Greenway CPA Application 2 River Greenway parcel with frontage on the river.” This trail is a first step toward connecting realizing this larger goal. Serves under-served populations The Trail will provide access to River Run condominiums, the largest low income condominium complex in the city. The condos are currently isolated from the trail network, as well as the rest of the City, by busy, unsafe roads. Safe alternative travel from this area to shopping, schools, and downtown is not possible, despite a short distance. This project will create a direct link for bike and pedestrian travel. Places high value on sustainable, ecologically responsible, energy-conserving structures, locations, and materials; demonstrates that the project minimizes the ecological footprint The project will create additional connections for alternative modes of travel, and provide new opportunities to bike and walk to shopping areas and the downtown, potentially reducing vehicle trips. Receives endorsement by community groups, municipal boards and/or departments and City residents. The project is supported by the Office of Planning and Development, Recreation Commission, Conservation Commission, Transportation and Parking Commission, and Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee. Support letters for the project will follow. Leverages additional public and/or private funds, or demonstrates that other funding sources are not readily available or sufficient While this segment of the trail construction will not have the same high level of matching funds for construction that past trail projects have included. However, since the land is owned by the Conservation Commission, these funding avenues are not available, and no other funding source is readily available. Demonstrates a high benefit/cost value Multi-use trail projects have typically received tremendous public support in Northampton, and this trail will be a very visible, highly traveled, scenic addition to the trail network. Can be implemented expeditiously and within budget Bids can be sought for project consultants as soon as a grant is awarded. Experience with other trails and oversight the multi-year process that led to our current $13 million of construction funding and all of our current construction projects, we know that this is achievable. The project also meets many of the specific criteria for Open Space and Recreation projects: Open Space Criteria: Provide opportunities for passive recreation and environmental education Connecticut River Greenway CPA Application 3 Provide connections with existing non-motorized multi-use trails or potential trail linkages Preserve valuable surface water resources, including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, buffer zones, vernal pools and riparian zones Recreation Criteria: Support multiple active and passive recreation uses; Serve a significant number of residents; Expand the range of recreational opportunities available to Northampton residents of all ages Enhance the appreciation of the natural world and its conservation Contribute to the positive health status of its citizens Benefit conservation and recreation initiatives Maximize the utility of land already owned by Northampton (e.g. school property) Promote the creative use of former railway, waterways and other corridors, including connecting corridors, to create safe and healthful non-motorized transportation and exercise opportunities Incorporate environmentally friendly design and long-term maintenance Project Timeline (Entire project): Task Timeline from spring CPA award Hire design and engineering consultants immediately PARC announcement 9 months Design complete 1 year Wetlands Permits Received 1 year Preliminary sitework 15 months Boardwalk installation and TRG creation 18 months Hire bridge engineer 20 months Canal bridge construction (IF PARC grant 2 years received) Project Budget: OPD plans to apply for a PARC grant in Summer, 2013, to pursue funds for design and construction of a bridge over the historic canal. This would connect the trail with the Connecticut River Greenway Park and river access point. At this point it is not yet known the funding level of the PARC program, or the likelihood of success. If PARC funds are received, CPA funds will be used as the required local match. A great deal of engineering and design for the bridge could be completed using CPA funds even if the PARC grant is not received. However, if the Committee were to award a portion of the Connecticut River Greenway CPA Application 4 requested amount, the engineering and construction portion would also create a stand- alone trail. CPA Portion Match Total PHASE 1: Damon Road to Historic Canal Design: Includes $70,000 $70,000 Surveying, Engineering and Other Consulting Right of Way $10,000 $10,000 Donation by Conservation Commission Project Oversight, $25,000 $25,000 Community Outreach, Wetlands Flagging and Permitting, Mapping Construction: to $90,000 $90,000 include soft surface path, and boardwalks over wetlands Phase 1 Totals: $160,000 $35,000 $195,000 PHASE 2: Canal Bridge to Greenway Park Canal Bridge (if $140,000 IF PARC grant $405,000 PARC grant received: received, unless $265,000 designer identifies a low budget version without PARC grant) Phase 2 Totals: $140,000 $265,000 $405,000 Project Total: $300,000 $300,000 $600,000 Attachments: Rough Trail Layout Map Support letters to follow Connecticut River Greenway CPA Application 5 Connecticut River Greenway Multiuse Trail Norwottuck Rail Trail to Historic Canal